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Staying in losing PVP is pointless


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not always. that screenshot i posted a few posts back is on fatman. 25 imp... TWENTY FIVE! were in that match before i got tossed in right as they lost.


you may have miss read my post. i say when it goes good its fun. its no fun when it still keeps going bad.

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Bioware, wth? You broke it.

Im sure this topic has been said before but.... WHY THE HELL would i waste my time in a match where im getting steamrolled by a premade and cant get a single friggen medal after 5 minutes? Stuff that i have better things to do than get nothing because i couldnt get 3 medals.


Also, people who leave like myself, when we didnt leave we get dumped into ending matches from leavers and dont have the time to get 3 medals.


You made staying pointless and made it worse. The developers said that the #1 thing requested is PVP that works yet you broke it more.


Iff you can't get 1 medal you really suck @ PvP:D

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I disagree with the OP. Whereas pre 1.2 I'd quit a losing WZ as only wins benefited me, I now stay until the bitter end and maximise my badges. 8 badges and a lose is still 85-100 comms.


Well this is just pointing one of the problems bioware has.


A 3 minute win in voidstar gives you around 80~ commendations, while a 3 minute win in hutball gives you 140~ and a 3 minute loss in hutball gives you 80~ commendations, if u got 8 medals (ez-mode).


As it is now, it is more reward efficient in leaving a steamrolling voidstar win and join a hutball match where your team gets steamrolled.

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And you feel you should receive something for that? Really?


P.S. You are playing a game. Playing a game IS wasting your time... ;)


True, true, very true. You are correct sir! I just with the point about the loading screens would not happen.

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So you want to be rewarded for joining 30 seconds from warzone end ? (i can get 2-3 medals in 30 sec anyway)


What about if the replacement guy @ football is put on the field in the last minute of the second half, where his team leads with 2-0, then he goes and brags around that he is the sole reason they won the game. Would you endorse that?


You missed my point. I don't want to suffer two loading screens if I am not going to even have time to leave the lobby. By the way, can you get a medal by being in the lobby? ie. behind the screen?

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About a week ago I get pulled in to a lost Match with about 3 minutes on a pre-50. So hit a few people.. got a few medals and I kid you not, some tool leaves with like 10 seconds left. 10 SECONDS!! I just had to know.. I /w him and asked. He ranted about why should he stick around loss after loss...


My reply to him was "But you sat through the whole match, why didn't you just wait the last few seconds and collect the loss? You missed out on Comms, Creds AND XP!" I was not rude or sarcastic. I was just trying to help him in case he did not understand. He called me a noob and asked me if I needed a friend. :eek: I no longer replied.


Some people "just don't get it".


Ive seen that as well. I assumed they were getting disconnected. I did not realize they simply did not know better.


But you reminded me of something I had thought about previously. When you are lvl 50, what is the point with the XP earnings? I don't think it counts towards legacy and it most certainly does not make me lvl 51.

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Well this is just pointing one of the problems bioware has.


A 3 minute win in voidstar gives you around 80~ commendations, while a 3 minute win in hutball gives you 140~ and a 3 minute loss in hutball gives you 80~ commendations, if u got 8 medals (ez-mode).


As it is now, it is more reward efficient in leaving a steamrolling voidstar win and join a hutball match where your team gets steamrolled.


They have overcompensated for the 6-0 huttball wins where we used to get 20 comms.

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Bioware, wth? You broke it.

Im sure this topic has been said before but.... WHY THE HELL would i waste my time in a match where im getting steamrolled by a premade and cant get a single friggen medal after 5 minutes? Stuff that i have better things to do than get nothing because i couldnt get 3 medals.


Also, people who leave like myself, when we didnt leave we get dumped into ending matches from leavers and dont have the time to get 3 medals.


You made staying pointless and made it worse. The developers said that the #1 thing requested is PVP that works yet you broke it more.


Didnt they change the minimum to 1 medal?


Stop AFKing in warzones, as this is the only possible way you didn't get at least 1 medal.

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If you can not get 1 metal in even 2 minutes, you are doing something wrong.


I joined match with less than 2 minutes left to go in huttball, I just picked a target blew all my cooldowns to ensure I get atleast the 2.5k metal and thus I killed him so i got the killing blow, and I acutally got the 5k metal too. So 1 metal if you can not get it even in a small windows, there is an error between the chair and the keyboard

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Ive seen that as well. I assumed they were getting disconnected. I did not realize they simply did not know better.


But you reminded me of something I had thought about previously. When you are lvl 50, what is the point with the XP earnings? I don't think it counts towards legacy and it most certainly does not make me lvl 51.


Because if they put 0 people would freak out and complain they were missing out on something.. some how. YOU KNOW ITS TRUE!!! :p

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this is true in the new warzone i came into a que where people had left. we were down big 10% to 84%. the final score was 4% to 0% we won. it was epic to say the least.


I was in that WZ battle..it was truly a great fight and a wonderful victory. Kudos to all that never gave up!

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I disagree with the OP. Whereas pre 1.2 I'd quit a losing WZ as only wins benefited me, I now stay until the bitter end and maximise my badges. 8 badges and a lose is still 85-100 comms.


^^ I agree 100%!


The REAL waste of time is having waited in a queue - loading in - playing for a few minutes - QQQuitting - then waiting in ANOTHER queue just to get some commendations. If you'd just stuck with it you'd probably have your 50-100 commendations (from medals) in your losing game before you manage to get into another round after jumping ship.

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Couple things. What is the threshold that you determine you are losing? It seems that People give Civil War and Denova (so far the most come back oriented). People leave after 1st score huttball but I have been part of comebacks. Just the leaver can actually kill it especially if your team wisely managed to get control of middle.


Sometimes I sit through. Most of these times I get my butt kicked if I do. I can usually tell by the health of my team and comp if we are gonna win or lose before we start. I prefer to leave early so another can fill my slot in a timely enough manner if I am not up for giving it a go.


I also am starting to leave if certain people are on my team more and more. I haven't been doing more than lugging and honestly I need to premade more. So, it's all on me.


And I think that is the message. Find reliable and or fun people to play with so it matters. Of my guild of 60 disbanded effectively 6 weeks ago cause they all quit the game. I am trying to decide if it is worth it to invest in others. I am the only person from my old guild I ever see on for a month. On my server most people are in guilds of 1, or some guilds already have their premades, or, I simply just don't enjoy them from when I pug with them.


Since rateds aren't out does it matter at all?

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I read this and laugh, sometimes my guild premades win Huttball matches in under 5 minutes. I look at the other team and they have 1 or no medals. I have played in Alderaan where the losing team gets 1 or 2 medals becasue they get focused down one by one to insta death as they trickle in one at a time and run to the center.


Vent and focus fire does wonders to keep people from getting medals. WarHero geared folks go down just as fast as recruit gear folks if they get 5 players focusing on them.


Join A Guild or Go sit at a node with your whole team and defend you will get at least 5+ medals, you will lose but you'll get the medals. Nothing you can do in huttball if your team cant get it togather, just leave the match if you dont like losing.

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I read this and laugh, sometimes my guild premades win Huttball matches in under 5 minutes. I look at the other team and they have 1 or no medals. I have played in Alderaan where the losing team gets 1 or 2 medals becasue they get focused down one by one to insta death as they trickle in one at a time and run to the center.


Vent and focus fire does wonders to keep people from getting medals. WarHero geared folks go down just as fast as recruit gear folks if they get 5 players focusing on them.


Join A Guild or Go sit at a node with your whole team and defend you will get at least 5+ medals, you will lose but you'll get the medals. Nothing you can do in huttball if your team cant get it togather, just leave the match if you dont like losing.

This. At least when my guild existed we had a back up plan. We called it " going wolfpack". At that point it was about us ignoring objectives and holding one point and just getting medals. Now, I am a wolfpack of one.



The part when you are plAying with a bunch of ants following a pheromone trail right to a magnifying glass. It happens a lot. The only consolation is I can run the other way hopefully find a node and heal myself for a couple of medals knowing that this will all be over in 320 seconds and then I can wait in queu to do it again 10 minutes later.... Oh the irony that the wait is longer than the match.

Edited by Itukaaj
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