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jedi shadows/assassins..


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first off they ar ein light armor..

but with their ability the get AR rating while wearing just battlemaster set of 7k, lol


I wear heavy, and in my full suit i dont break 5k


and why do they have 20k hp? kidding me? no wonder they are easy to play. you can hide, bad *** specs, plus your given gifts of warrior armor with immortal hp

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  • 2 weeks later...
20k health? Um, that is dependent on gear pretty much, not the class.


so letting a class have the ability to be invunerble 5 ways from sunday, have 20k HP, cast spells, hit like a brick you know what, and invis at will does not bother you, must be your main character.

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The ONLY way a Shadow can get the higher armor rating is if they are in COMBAT technique. Not all Shadows/Assassins will use that. Also take into consideration that they wear light armor. it still doesn't have the damage reduction of heavy armor. Most Shadows/Sins who use combat technique are also tanks. unless they are wearing dps gear they don't do as much damage as people think. Yes, in CT we can take a beating but we are still very beatable if we can't cloak and escape. The 20k health is also only reachable through gear/trooper buff/collecting datacrons. Other classes are capable of reaching that much health also.


We are not invulnerable. My main is a Shadow tank. I use combat technique to help me survive, foregoing Force technique. This means I have to get right up on my target. I sacrifice range for survivability, as I should since I am tank specced. I deal decent damage but am not dps geared. We are beatable, we just make you work for it.

Edited by Kilikaa
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Wow, another thread complaining about shadow tanks, this is original.

To the OP: we aren't invulnerable, our primary method of defense is the defense stat, which absolutely sucks in PvP. There are plenty of ways around it, should you chose to learn to play.

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I never chose to spec into the Defence tree, and tank my shadow, I chose dps, which either spec you choose in Shadow, they are always only ever fill ins on a team I think. Shadow Tanks are pretty good, if specced out properly though, same as their counterparts.


I think to be honest, with consulars having light armour, we do need better defence, and survivability in pvp anyway, its not a matter if you choose to use them in your premade's, or not, its the fact some of us still play shadow/Assassin classes, and don't want to 're-roll' just to please every other person in the game. I put a hell of a lot of hard work into levelling my character to level 50, and even more to get to War hero.

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so letting a class have the ability to be invunerble 5 ways from sunday, have 20k HP, cast spells, hit like a brick you know what, and invis at will does not bother you, must be your main character.


Then roll one.

But promise us all you'll let us know when you post a ***** about the class huh?

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first off they ar ein light armor..

but with their tank stance they get AR rating while wearing just battlemaster set of 7k, lol


I wear heavy, and in my full suit i dont break 5k in dps stance


and why do they have 20k hp? kidding me? no wonder they are easy to play. you can hide, bad *** specs, plus your given gifts of warrior armor with immortal hp


there, i fixed it for you.


if you want to try to compare classes, try comparing assassin tank vs jug tank and assassin dps vs jug dps.


P.S. my main is a jug, i have been leveling an assassin (lvl 48), so i have some idea of how they compare. i can assure you the assassin does lack in some areas vs the jug, and vice versa.

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I play a Rock. Paper is overpowered and needs a nerf, Scissors are okay.


WHAAT. Scissors are not "okay" I play paper and scissors cut threw me like nothing...I do not have an issue with rock.

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I have concluded that with this forum, whichever class just owned you, is OP.


First it was Sorc/sage then mara/sent now shadow/assasin soon PT Powertech.


I know for sure that whatever class I lose to is OP cuz I am the best player in the world and when I lose its a bug or game imbalance. Because I do not have faults. And as such, I have concluded that all classes are OP other than mine.

Edited by Smuglebunny
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I have concluded that with this forum, whichever class just owned you, is OP.


First it was Sorc/sage then mara/sent now shadow/assasin soon PT Powertech.


I know for sure that whatever class I lose to is OP cuz I am the best player in the world and when I lose its a bug or game imbalance. Because I do not have faults. And as such, I have concluded that all classes are OP other than mine.


These are my favorite responses.. why you ask? because this is probly coming from a shadow or assasin!!


ive played assasin for a while, also know quite a few people who rolled assasins on other servers since ours was dying.. THEY even think the tank tree is out of whack.. i could careless if they re-work madness or deception, but the tank tree is retarded. we could sit here and go over everything, but that would only entail certain people agreeing and those that play the class go QQ MOAR! oh really? yeah i love being tank spec sin rick rollin everyone that comes by in my premade.. rather fun

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so letting a class have the ability to be invunerble 5 ways from sunday, have 20k HP, cast spells, hit like a brick you know what, and invis at will does not bother you, must be your main character.


Is he on about Shadows/Assassins or Marauders/Sents? or a combination of both? Having said that, my Agent has all the above as well

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pre-mades here always have at least one assasin

2 healers

2 maruders


rest are fill ins.


That is a load of baloney as you can only queue a group of 4 and 2 + 2 + 1 = 5.


Shadow/Sin is one of the most popular PvP classes right now, and I think ease of play is the reason. However, all of the classes can make a real difference if played well. In fact you can always tell the truly great PvP players on your server because they can help win a match with their play and don't play one of the easier PvP classes.

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Your just upset that my paper has no issue covering your rock...L2P



P.S. been paper since early access


Well played sir! You have check-mated my cynicism about the quality of poster on these boards. Consider your self not not liked

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Well played sir! You have check-mated my cynicism about the quality of poster on these boards. Consider your self not not liked


The problem with Rock, Paper, Scissors isnt class balance, but the crappy best of 3 environment. As rock, I can own paper and scissors all day long, but throw in best of 3 and now im screwed. Dont even get me started on the kick in the nuts for the loser.


I have already hit the unsubscribe button and signed up for Guild Ro-sham-bo Wars MMO game of the month 2.

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