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healers have no place in rated wz's


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r there any teams planning to take healers on their teams in rated wz's ? and y ? considering even a healer can out dps them they r just a liability and only time they get over 100k in healing is if the other team is bad and don't know how to pvp.bioware has made a big fuss about how tanks r viable but healing is a down right joke in pvp!!!

in a rated if i found a healer i'd just delegate 1 dps to him at all time good bye heals :( now i'm not saying heals should b op but it should b a lvl playing field and skill is wat should matter but a half assed dps aslong as he knows how to inturrpt will kill a healer anyday irrespective of gear thats a joke.

so guessd i rolled on wrong server as i'm always heals shouild have went to a pve server cause can't see bioware fixing it anytime soon:(


being able to out dps my own heals as a specced healer is just funny bioware wat were u thinking ?


any other healer feel like a scrub dps instead of a healer i know i do ?

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L2W (write)

L2G (grammar)

L2L (logic)


And finally, sentence structure and communicating an idea effectively should be your priority.


I would recommend going back to school, and, when you've completed grade 10 english, then start your videogaming again.

Edited by justntrue
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funny have good laugh when it's u ******* left all alone in this stupid game. all u can worry about is grammar didn't know i's subscribed to the spellathon. but guess it's the same ppl who give bioware advice on the quality of their game keep up the good work no hopers
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funny have good laugh when it's u ******* left all alone in this stupid game. all u can worry about is grammar didn't know i's subscribed to the spellathon. but guess it's the same ppl who give bioware advice on the quality of their game keep up the good work no hopers


Grammar is the least of your problems. Your point is literally incomprehensible. As far as I can tell, you start out arguing that healers are bad because healers out-dps healers and... I mean, I don't really know. You may have written the most impenetrable paragraph in the history of Western literature.

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Livinglife try respecing to 21 heal just for the channled heal. Give up the AE heal and the mana regen ability. Then with the other 20 points try to get mana regen from the other lines. Also try to get the AE stun on the bubble and the AE root on our AE knockback.


Now your heals will suffer if you go this route but at least you will will still have 2 usable heals so when an enemy interupts you with an advanced interupt that also blocks use you will be able to use the other.


Another thing you should consider is not wasting points on reducing the big heal's cast speed as even with tons of alcrity and specced it just casts way too slow to be worth standing still so long.


A big problem with this spec is you will not be able to PVE with it in dungeons as you need the AE and big heal for that.


If that's a game breaker for you then you are forced to find a tank and que with him for pvp so he gaurds you. A second healer would help as well.


Also overall you still will die a lot in pug pvp but you will do a bit better than pure healer.

Edited by LancelotOC
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We appreciate feedback, both positive and negative. However, we do ask that that feedback is constructive. This post goes into more detail about what we're looking for in feedback and how to make sure your feedback is constructive and helpful.


With that in mind, we're going to go ahead and close the thread. If you have suggestions for the game, we have a forum for specific suggestions, the Suggestion Box. We encourage you to post your suggestions there!


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