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The Pros and Cons of a Marauder


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A burst dps class vs a burst healer. Should be a fair fight right? Well hardly.


Please try and peel a good Marauder. Please. I will pay you to switch to my server and stand beside me.


Key word: Good marauder.


How many good marauder do you know?


I know like 5 on my server, 3 of which are on the enemies side.



Healer vs mara aren't a fair fight.

Because they should not even be fighting.

it's mara's job to stop a healer.

Its the job of the team to stop the mara stop the healer.


Swtor is not super smash bro, you're meant to play as a team.

On a side note, you know why healers got nerfed?

because they had it too easy.

While I personally think they were nerfed too hard, a coupla healer on 1 team is still OP.

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Been there done that.


8 Marauders VS 8 Healers.


Who would win?


healers aren't even meant to fight.


They're healers for god sake.


Can you make sense please?

Edited by Sireene
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lol this list is hilarious. Tell me which class is good while being chain stunned, while under focus fire, and can hit targets that go into stealth to avoid damage (hint: Mara does this too) . How many classes are effective while slowed or rooted?


If you need Rage, just charge in and use battering assault, that's 8 rage right there. If you use Shi-cho form you can activate Berserk and spam vicious slash for free if you really need something. Or you can use Ravage which doesn't have a Rage cost at all.


What most of you don't get is good players understand classes, and they can easily roll the class to see what it can do. And right now, it's extremely effective. Even keyboard turning clickers can be effective with the class, actual good people become God like players.


1. Ranged Toons counter Snares and Slows... was this really a response?


2, So we can just Spam Charge and Battering assaults....? or are you referring to everyone putting points in ANNI tree so they can jump short distances....? I believe what you were trying to say is, yes kiting is very possible, but thank goodiness its not IMPOSSIBLE to catch them.


3. Ravage only roots in Rage tree... i'm glad its free, or else it would suck to start a channel that they run away from.... not like RANGED channels, which hit.... NEXT


4. Good players yes.... this post... no.


Thanks OP for actually taking the time to explain to NOOBS why MARA's are actually pretty dang balanced.

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1. Ranged Toons counter Snares and Slows... was this really a response?


2, So we can just Spam Charge and Battering assaults....? or are you referring to everyone putting points in ANNI tree so they can jump short distances....? I believe what you were trying to say is, yes kiting is very possible, but thank goodiness its not IMPOSSIBLE to catch them.


3. Ravage only roots in Rage tree... i'm glad its free, or else it would suck to start a channel that they run away from.... not like RANGED channels, which hit.... NEXT


4. Good players yes.... this post... no.


Thanks OP for actually taking the time to explain to NOOBS why MARA's are actually pretty dang balanced.


Hey buddy


Never argue with the people who thinks ravage is OP.

They obviously have no idea what a marauder actually does when he's channeling ravage.

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TLDR- Marauders are powerful but have viable counters. Oh and I guess flame away and what not.


You forgot to mention that we have no hard CC at all, and the closest thing we have CCs both the target and us. Not that anyone will read this, it's easier to just cry on the forums than to actually learn how to counter people.


I love attacking Sorcs now, by far my favorite targets. Instead of simply cleansing my DOTs or kiting me, gimping my damage completely, they try to facetank me and either outheal or out DPS me through defensive cooldowns.


It's funny, if you go back through the last 10 pages of the PVP forums, you will find at least one thread claiming each of the 8 classes is OP. According to these forums, you would think that when two people attack each other the ground should crack open and the arena crumble due to the sheer overpowered goodness spewing from both combatants.

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Pyro and Marauders are the only two classes really that nulify a healer solo. Any other class needs 2 to nulify making it worth while.


I can nullify a healer with my Juggernaut. I can nullify a healer with my Operative. It's not just Marauders and Powertechs. it's people that know what they're doing.

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Key word: Good marauder.


How many good marauder do you know?


I know like 5 on my server, 3 of which are on the enemies side.



Healer vs mara aren't a fair fight.

Because they should not even be fighting.

it's mara's job to stop a healer.

Its the job of the team to stop the mara stop the healer.


Swtor is not super smash bro, you're meant to play as a team.

On a side note, you know why healers got nerfed?

because they had it too easy.

While I personally think they were nerfed too hard, a coupla healer on 1 team is still OP.


When you queue up against the same teams, and you know everyone by name. The game gets boring quickly.


Its the same drawn out scenario over and over. Marauder trains me all game....every game. Except now, we bring our own Marauder and use the same tactic against the opposition, its a good tactic, I don't disagree, It's just played out.

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You forgot to mention that we have no hard CC at all, and the closest thing we have CCs both the target and us. Not that anyone will read this, it's easier to just cry on the forums than to actually learn how to counter people.


I love attacking Sorcs now, by far my favorite targets. Instead of simply cleansing my DOTs or kiting me, gimping my damage completely, they try to facetank me and either outheal or out DPS me through defensive cooldowns.


It's funny, if you go back through the last 10 pages of the PVP forums, you will find at least one thread claiming each of the 8 classes is OP. According to these forums, you would think that when two people attack each other the ground should crack open and the arena crumble due to the sheer overpowered goodness spewing from both combatants.


Only noobs complain about on forums tbh.

And only the semi-decent mara feels the need to chime in.

Guess where all the good players are?


Kicking ***** and taking names in wz, that's where. :p


Edited by hyuplee
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I can nullify a healer with my Juggernaut. I can nullify a healer with my Operative. It's not just Marauders and Powertechs. it's people that know what they're doing.


I can probably kill your OP on my merc... Sorry, they don't nullify healers. they have no gap closer, no real snare upkeep no survivability.

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I can nullify a healer with my Juggernaut. I can nullify a healer with my Operative. It's not just Marauders and Powertechs. it's people that know what they're doing.


This, every time.

I know some great operatives. I know some expertly played Juggs too.


Most every archtype is good. This game's PvP is pretty high skill level. I like it, I'm always striving to get better.

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Very well thought out post OP. I completely agree.

As a sent, I am deadly 1v1, but beyond that, I am squishy and chopped liver. Yes, we have our little helper abilities, but they only go so far and usually only increase our survivability by a couple seconds. I am in no way an expert, but I have seen experts i play with, die just as much as I do, against all types of classes.

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When you queue up against the same teams, and you know everyone by name. The game gets boring quickly.


Its the same drawn out scenario over and over. Marauder trains me all game....every game. Except now, we bring our own Marauder and use the same tactic against the opposition, its a good tactic, I don't disagree, It's just played out.


I dont. I pug for wz and I still know everyone by name.


Also, screenshot the marauder train or it didn't happen.


I can certainly post screenshots showing other classes outdps mara on my server.

Trust me, a team of marauder would not stand a chance against a team with 3 healers plus other dps classes.


On a sidenote


let's assume you're telling the truth and there are indeed a crapton of mara on your server. Whose fault is that? Do you actually think bioware is to blame?




Other servers are doing fine but yours the only one seem to fill with marauder, which means your server is full of fotm noobs. Time to switch to a better server and you'll see how mara can get their ***** handed to them.

Edited by hyuplee
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When you queue up against the same teams, and you know everyone by name. The game gets boring quickly.


Its the same drawn out scenario over and over. Marauder trains me all game....every game. Except now, we bring our own Marauder and use the same tactic against the opposition, its a good tactic, I don't disagree, It's just played out.


So true. Had to laugh.

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I dont. I pug for wz and I still know everyones name.


Also, screenshot the marauder train or it didn't happen.


I can certainly post screenshots showing other classes outdps mara on my server.

Trust me, a team of marauder would not stand a chance against a team with 3 healers plus other dps classes.


On a sidenote


let's assume you're telling the truth and there are indeed a crapton of mara on your server. Whose fault is that? Do you actually think bioware is to blame?




Other servers are doing fine but yours the only one seem to fill with marauder, which means your server is full of fotm noobs. Time to switch to a better server and you'll see how mara can get their ***** handed to them.


Really, I need to show you a screenshot...sure. My next match I play, I'll show you a screenshot of the Marauder train. I only have screenshots of me owning. :rolleyes:

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Uh no, Snipers, Sorcs, Arsenal are very immobile classes. Most healers are not mobile, Ops are the mobile one if I were to say so.


And yes Pyro has a lot of trick to remain mobile. If you choose to use them or not. Well that's up to you.


you make no sense what so ever....... a merc/pyro and Comm/assault are mobile by your own words...scound/ops healing is mobile.....only class that doesnt have a mobile SPEC (by using what you described as mobile) is a sage..


i play a Van/Assault... i would say we aren't mobile simple because we have no real options getting away from people. 2 options thats it .....Degauss and Tenacity


if being a mobile class is simply instant cast spells/ability's then 3/4s of the specs are in fact mobile.. so the argument is pointless..

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I'm sorry, I have to call this post out for the complete ******** that it is.


1. Very susceptible to being kited

You have a Charge and 2 separate 50% snares, Who the hell is going to kite you? The only class in this game that's actually able to be remotely kited around is an operative and a scoundrel..You can kite that class, You can't kite a class with a bloody charge on a 12 second cooldown and multiple snares.


2. Very low survivability outside of defensive CDs

You just describe every other DPS class in the game, Only most of them don't even have Defensive Cooldowns, My Pyrotech has 2 defensive cooldowns, ones a crappy heal that even the worst Marauder Dot can outheal, and the other is a 25% damage shield for 12 seconds and has a 2 min cooldown. Marauders get a 20% version, that lasts 30 seconds while being hit, and is also a reactive damage shield.....and that's just ONE of their cooldowns.. Pretty much every DPS class goes down faster then a drunk blond on spring break if they don't have a cooldown, some like snipers, go down even with cooldowns up.


3. Nearly no utility outside of pure damage

You have a GROUP speed buff, that alone insures you're better then most classes in Huttball..Factor in Damage Buffs for the group, and heal debuffs, along with a 90% blind you can throw on a target on your Healer, and a PBAE mez... oh and a 6 second Interrupt if ya spec for it.. To claim you have no utility is complete hogwash...You have more utility then most classes in the game do.


4. Are hard countered by Snipers in Group PVP to an almost impossible degree.

I keep seeing you guys post this BS in every thread about Marauders "Well Snipers hard counter me?" How? The only time a Sniper should be screwing you over is when you're on the bottom floor of Huttball and they're on one of the Ramps..Otherwise, You shouldn't ever be losing to a Sniper period on Marauders, Not only can you outlast them, you frankly put out more damage... "But they can knockback" You have a bloody stealth ability and charge to go along with your defensive cooldowns...and you can freakin heal yourself....


5. Very weak at killing tanks in PVP.

No you're not? your primary abilities flat out ignore Armor.... You shouldn't have trouble killing a Tank anymore then any other class....You want to know who can't kill a Tank? a Marksman Sniper...You however don't have that trouble..


In conclusion, you pulled this sad little list out of your *** and frankly don't even know half of what your class is capable of.

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you make no sense what so ever....... a merc/pyro and Comm/assault are mobile by your own words...scound/ops healing is mobile.....only class that doesnt have a mobile SPEC (by using what you described as mobile) is a sage..


i play a Van/Assault... i would say we aren't mobile simple because we have no real options getting away from people. 2 options thats it .....Degauss and Tenacity


if being a mobile class is simply instant cast spells/ability's then 3/4s of the specs are in fact mobile.. so the argument is pointless..


Well yeah, like I just said, pyro is a very mobile spec, as opposed to arsenal. As opposed to NON mobile specs. The strengths of those specs are to remain mobile and are given tools to do so. I don't get the confusion.

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Really, I need to show you a screenshot...sure. My next match I play, I'll show you a screenshot of the Marauder train. I only have screenshots of me owning. :rolleyes:


Go ahead.


Show me the scoreboard on 3 different match displaying a team made up entirely of marauder.

Then I'll tell you to change server cuz obviously your server has way too many noobs who roll mara cuz they think the class is OP.

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Go ahead.


Show me the scoreboard on 3 different match displaying a team made up entirely of marauder.

Then I'll tell you to change server cuz obviously your server has way too many noobs who roll mara cuz they think the class is OP.


I never claimed there to be a team full of Marauders/Sentinels. But we've had matches where there are upwards to 10-12 warriors.

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Marauder is far from facerollish. It might be the farthest from actual facerollish there is. Takes way more keybind management. Sounds like you are just a bad jugg beating his head against the wall. I work about 50% harder to be adequate on my marauder then I ever did on my sorc and my sorcerer was a well above average pvp healer. I'm a better healer then marauder, honestly. I'm improving.


There are plenty of scenarios a Jugg can beat you, but they predicate timing of cooldowns and such.


and again, unless you are 1 vs 1 on a turret, there's almost no opportunity for 1 vs 1 in any arena but huttball, and if you're doing it in huttball, you are hurting your team because you're clearly away from the action if you're alone with someone

Live in delusion all the time you want.

I am not talking about me fighting an exceptional marauder. Of course skill difference means a lot. I am talking about fights on even foot, if not a bit in my favour skillwise. Doesn't matter exactly good i am personally, when we discuss equal levels. The dps output from your class is so obscene, that if you don't accept this you need to slap yourself more often to wake up from your dream.

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I'm sorry, I have to call this post out for the complete ******** that it is.


1. Very susceptible to being kited

You have a Charge and 2 separate 50% snares, Who the hell is going to kite you? The only class in this game that's actually able to be remotely kited around is an operative and a scoundrel..You can kite that class, You can't kite a class with a bloody charge on a 12 second cooldown and multiple snares.


Err, yes you can. L2 time ur knock backs. L2 time ur stealth. L2 fake heal. L2P,


2. Very low survivability outside of defensive CDs

You just describe every other DPS class in the game, Only most of them don't even have Defensive Cooldowns, My Pyrotech has 2 defensive cooldowns, ones a crappy heal that even the worst Marauder Dot can outheal, and the other is a 25% damage shield for 12 seconds and has a 2 min cooldown. Marauders get a 20% version, that lasts 30 seconds while being hit, and is also a reactive damage shield.....and that's just ONE of their cooldowns.. Pretty much every DPS class goes down faster then a drunk blond on spring break if they don't have a cooldown, some like snipers, go down even with cooldowns up.



You do realize the reason why we have better defensive Cd than u guys is because we're melee right? You know we can only attack when we're right next to you, which is damn prone to getting knocked back/snared/ganked/ whatever situation that requires better cd so we can at least run away after applying dot, right?


3. Nearly no utility outside of pure damage

You have a GROUP speed buff, that alone insures you're better then most classes in Huttball..Factor in Damage Buffs for the group, and heal debuffs, along with a 90% blind you can throw on a target on your Healer, and a PBAE mez... oh and a 6 second Interrupt if ya spec for it.. To claim you have no utility is complete hogwash...You have more utility then most classes in the game do.


Dont get me started on listing all the utilities pyro has. Specing something always, always mean sacrificing other stuff. Play the damn class.


4. Are hard countered by Snipers in Group PVP to an almost impossible degree.

I keep seeing you guys post this BS in every thread about Marauders "Well Snipers hard counter me?" How? The only time a Sniper should be screwing you over is when you're on the bottom floor of Huttball and they're on one of the Ramps..Otherwise, You shouldn't ever be losing to a Sniper period on Marauders, Not only can you outlast them, you frankly put out more damage... "But they can knockback" You have a bloody stealth ability and charge to go along with your defensive cooldowns...and you can freakin heal yourself....


LOL. if the sniper doesn't get in a position where it'd be hard for us to get close, that sniper' should just reroll other class. Its a L2p issue. I've yet to see a sniper who would positioned themselves right in front of a mara. if they did they could always knock back.


5. Very weak at killing tanks in PVP.

No you're not? your primary abilities flat out ignore Armor.... You shouldn't have trouble killing a Tank anymore then any other class....You want to know who can't kill a Tank? a Marksman Sniper...You however don't have that trouble..


Err right cuz our dot requires no fury to crit? cuz fury clearly last longer than 5 ticks? Learn the class.


In conclusion, you pulled this sad little list out of your *** and frankly don't even know half of what your class is capable of.

In Conclusion, if you think mara is so OPed, feel free to play one.


Seriously I dont know what is wrong with you whiners.

If you wanna whine, play the class.

If you dont wanna play the class, dont whine.

it's ur fault for not taking advantage of a class that you THINK is OP.

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Live in delusion all the time you want.

I am not talking about me fighting an exceptional marauder. Of course skill difference means a lot. I am talking about fights on even foot, if not a bit in my favour skillwise. Doesn't matter exactly good i am personally, when we discuss equal levels. The dps output from your class is so obscene, that if you don't accept this you need to slap yourself more often to wake up from your dream.


All dps are buffed. Not just mara.


Blame the expertise buff. Dont blame the class.

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