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The Pros and Cons of a Marauder


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The cons apply to every other melee class, except they don't even have the option of 1000000000 defensive CD's. So what the hell is OP's point?


Edit: Oh and they're even MORE easily kited, because they don't have force charge. wth. :confused:


only operative really.


Assassin, PT, and jugg are all fine in terms of closing a gap.

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You cant nerv Marauder´s, for the first time ever im good at pvp, dont take that away from me. Im paying my Sub as everyone else and demand to have a Class suited to me beeing a mediocre Player. I cant pvp on any other Class, just cant live without all those extremely short and powerful Cooldowns.


All those Poeple complaining need to l2p. Seriously Marauder´s are very balanced :p

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You cant nerv Marauder´s, for the first time ever im good at pvp, dont take that away from me. Im paying my Sub as everyone else and demand to have a Class suited to me beeing a mediocre Player. I cant pvp on any other Class, just cant live without all those extremely short and powerful Cooldowns.


All those Poeple complaining need to l2p. Seriously Marauder´s are very balanced :p


man if you're good at marauder and a mediocre player you should try out powertech, assassin, or stabby op.

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This thread is actually very very legitimate. Yes, I play a Marauder. I see these flaws every day. I was always top 3 in damage pre 1.2. I still am. I find that nothing has changed other than Ravage being slightly stronger.


That's ALL. Ravage is slightly stronger now, and Annihilation Marauders/Watchman Sentinels are actually USING IT NOW. It used to be useless. Now it's actually a good ability. How is this a bad thing?


If they buffed Retaliation instead, would it have been less OP? No. Because it combos with Saber Ward and therefore it must be OP because it's mixing an offensive skill with a defensive one. Give me a break.


The only reason Marauders/Sentinels seem OP now is because of the following reasons:


1) Lots of DPS classes got nerfed. Some harder than others.

2) The 1.2 Expertise system changed damage as we know it. This is the real problem, actually.



Sorcerors/Sages lose 1/2 to 3/4 health from a Ravage that otherwise would not have been used in the first place had it not gotten buffed. It's really a mix of them getting nerfed and Marauders getting REWORKED (not even buffed).


I'd like to point out that RAVAGE got buffed. Annihilation Marauders actually got NERFED, and the other two trees got buffed to make them more viable. If Marauders are suddenly OP, then it's not because of Marauder changes, it's because of nerfs to other classes, combined with the new expertise mechanics.



I keep telling people this. Perhaps it's the nerf of other classes that need to be checked? Annihilation is the same pretty much(a loss or two and a gain or two) nothing that has been different since launch.


So you people thing their class sucks now. That doesn't mean somebody else is now OP


also DPS is stronger with expertise so strong DPS classes seem stronger.






think outside the box and outside of the fact that you died in a warzone to look at the bigger picture

Edited by VoidSpectre
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I keep telling people this. Perhaps it's the nerf of other classes that need to be checked? Annihilation is the same pretty much(a loss or two and a gain or two) nothing that has been different since launch.


So you people thing their class sucks now. That doesn't mean somebody else is now OP


also DPS is stronger with expertise so strong DPS classes seem stronger.






think outside the box and outside of the fact that you died in a warzone to look at the bigger picture


TBH i'm not even sure why there have been nerfs/buffs made to classes based on pvp at this point. Sure some things needed tweaked (like ops/scoundrel opener>vanish>opener) and quality of life issues for classes all around but pre 1.2 everything was pretty balanced as it was. Not until we get more competitive war zones (rateds) with full teams of people and can see how everything stacks up in with everyone in close to the best gear should any of this matter.


Oh there's nothing wrong with bug fixes for classes too even if it hurts or buffs them in any way... it's a bug fix.

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t has a snare with no cooldown, 2 10m ranged attacks that hit fairly well (force scream and saber throw), a mid range channeled stun (choke) and even an odd cooldown to give a minor speed buff to himself (transcendence).


Uhm what? I have played a Watchmen Sentinel since launch and we do NOT have a snare with no cooldown, nor do we have 2 10m ranged attacks. Saber Throw is Guardian/Juggernaut only, while force scream coasts/saber storm costs a large amount of focus that a rooted Sent/Mar may not have. The channeled stun is on a min cooldown and the speed buff is dependent on centering.


Before you complain about a class learn its abilities so you don't argue like an idiot.

Edited by cyvaris
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Amazing, complete BS from the OP but amazing none the less, I do love how you were careful to include more cons then pros.


here is a few things that happen to me as a full madness (full BM pvp geared) Sorc vs a sentinel or Mara.


1. I see them and hit slow and my dots and get running, they jump on me, I cc, it does nothing, I try and run again (baring in mind no force run now) and get some distance on him, force lightning, hes on me again, so use instant whirlwind, he breaks the cc, again hes on me... and then he unloads all his insane damage and I die.


Or this happens, 2. I either see him on less then 100% hp and get the jump on him, get him down to less then 25%hp he does that invincible move, and kills me during its duration because he is invincible, unable to be stunned and if he is specced in it, he has a slow that makes me slow 60% initially.


Generally I am hit with a final hit of 6k (40% of my full hp) just to compare my biggest hit is death field for 3.1k which when he has 18k hp and can go invincible for 6/5s I die.


As for mara's claiming they are no diff from before 1.2, check the patch notes, clear buffs are there. But actually the most important change is the one everyone is missing, expertise full set now gives +20% damage, okay it gives 17% reduction also but imo these don't balance each other out, I am being hit much harder then I was in 1.2 by quite a lot.


In one game yesterday I died 15 times in a row (voidstar) being jumped by 2 sentinals as I came out of the door, just for comparison the next most deaths was 10 for a operative, and my total damage recieved was 400,000 next highest had 200,000 basically because most Mara players are flavour of the month ******* they focus on the class they know they can race roll without a fair fight so seem to focus on sorcs all day, even ignoring our healers most of the time.

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lol this list is hilarious. Tell me which class is good while being chain stunned, while under focus fire, and can hit targets that go into stealth to avoid damage (hint: Mara does this too) . How many classes are effective while slowed or rooted?


If you need Rage, just charge in and use battering assault, that's 8 rage right there. If you use Shi-cho form you can activate Berserk and spam vicious slash for free if you really need something. Or you can use Ravage which doesn't have a Rage cost at all.


What most of you don't get is good players understand classes, and they can easily roll the class to see what it can do. And right now, it's extremely effective. Even keyboard turning clickers can be effective with the class, actual good people become God like players.


How many classes are effective while slowed or rooted?

Any class that has a 30m range of attacks figured this was clearly obvious


"If you need Rage, just charge in and use battering assault, that's 8 rage right there"

8 Focus/Rage is no good if you get chain cc'd or if there 4m or more away unless they Blade Storm/Force Scream 1 attack.


Or you can use Ravage which doesn't have a Rage cost at all.

Unless there Carnage/Combat just run away. Mara/Sent are oneof these classes that are countered if you just pull your head out of your QQ'ing *** and get you Situational Awareness up BRO pay attn to their buffs learn what they look like and understand the effects they enable the Mara/Sent to use and you will be on the road to victory, if not QQ some more and watch us not get nerfed because we are pretty balanced as far as a DMG dealing class goes in that WAIT FOR IT SPOILER we DEAL DMG and are SOLEY DESIGNED to EFF STUFF UP.

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Uhm what? I have played a Watchmen Sentinel since launch and we do NOT have a snare with no cooldown, nor do we have 2 10m ranged attacks. Saber Throw is Guardian/Juggernaut only, while force scream coasts/saber storm costs a large amount of focus that a rooted Sent/Mar may not have. The channeled stun is on a min cooldown and the speed buff is dependent on centering.


Before you complain about a class learn its abilities so you don't argue like an idiot.


http://www.torhead.com/ability/4j3I3Nd/deadly-throw - this is the same as saber throw so I call BS

http://www.torhead.com/ability/5usp6Ub/force-crush - and this is basically a root with how much slowing effect it has and doing a dot at the same time.


and to all those mara s saying its all crap if you dont have rage



Edited by cozzyb
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Class I as marauder fear the most are GS/snipers. When they have a good position and focus on me, I am lucky if I will take them down to 30% (if I have all my CDs up). Ofc, when they are shooting someone else and I can get on them, whack them a bit before they turn to me I have some chances (especially now with obfuscate buying me few more seconds because I can time it better), but otherwise...LoS and run away are my best options. I am sorry that you have problems with marauders as GS, looks like valor levels are meaningless after all.



no need to apologise or to be patronising either. anyway the sheer fact there are tons of maras to GS simply implies that the grass might be greener on the other side and after pvping with my lvl 30 mara i am finding that is the case, and i am winning lots of 1v1's which is nice. if ur too scared of GS maybe u should roll one see what the big deal is - just to let u know its awesome pre-50 pvp then 50 pvp meh...

so in the meantime i'll be speed grinding my mara good day.

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http://www.torhead.com/ability/4j3I3Nd/deadly-throw - this is the same as saber throw so I call BS

http://www.torhead.com/ability/5usp6Ub/force-crush - and this is basically a root with how much slowing effect it has and doing a dot at the same time.


and to all those mara s saying its all crap if you dont have rage





First Deadly Throw coasts three focus and has a twelve second cooldown. SABER THROW generates focus, this coasts focus so the are not the same. This is worthless if I am rooted and out of focus/rage.


Force Crush/Force Exhaustion is the CAP (31 point) talent of the Focus tree so as a Watchmen/Annihilation spec I DO NOT HAVE IT.


I will give you Frenzy...sort of. I use it to give the Transcendence buff at the beginning of a PvP game, but the majority of the time Watchmen is using if for Zen.


So you were wrong for 2/3s of your argument, nice.


Oh wait you were talking about the 31/31/31 we are all running, sorry I missed that.

Edited by cyvaris
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They are a very powerful class in the right hands, i have said this even before all the nerf posts and alott of people just laughed.

I don't think they got buffed in 1.2 from what i can see, the changes to expertise is what is making them even more powerful.


Right now you have sents/maras that can kill a healer without even interrupting them, to me that is just purely wrong.

Even my shield spec vanguard in dps gear is doing some decent dmg.


Also before 1.2, i saw many sent/maras that could not harm a fly because i guess they simply button mashed (allot of them battlemaster rank or even warhero), then you had some that pretty much shredded you to pieces and moved on to the next target.

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I love how all Marauder specs are lumped together every time someone makes a qq post. Anyways, annihilation is the only spec with ridiculous interrupt capabilities. Interrupt on 6 sec cd and 0m force charge are both annihilation only and allow for the chain interrupts, no idea what Bioware was thinking with that.


In my opinion annihilation marauders may need some tuning but rage and carnage seem to be fine where they are.

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I love how all Marauder specs are lumped together every time someone makes a qq post. Anyways, annihilation is the only spec with ridiculous interrupt capabilities. Interrupt on 6 sec cd and 0m force charge are both annihilation only and allow for the chain interrupts, no idea what Bioware was thinking with that.


In my opinion annihilation marauders may need some tuning but rage and carnage seem to be fine where they are.


Well to be fair unless you play a mara you won't know what spec does what would you? Seems as you can't inspect them, but all I know is that Mara's can all go invincible for 5s, and all can do insane damage, and ill believe they can be kited in a wz (not a duel) when I see it, as I rarely get in a 1 v1 fight with a mara, but if there is a mara plus something vs me and something I know we will lose, as I only need to be stunned once (after using stun break) and mara has me. If it is mara + a healer, I have seen this combo take out 3 dps without much issue, one shouldn't be able to kill 3 just because he has a healer.

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Well to be fair unless you play a mara you won't know what spec does what would you?


Yes you would, its called learning to play. I don't play anything in PvP BUT my Sentinel (nothing else feels "right") yet I still know at least 90% of every other classes abilities. Why? So I don't piss and moan about a certain class being OP. Just as people spend time learning the mechanics of a raid, you need to take time and learn the mechanics of the classes you are facing in PvP.

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I laughed when you said we could be kited, l2p issue.


Okay just for the sake of comparison, again I don't know which talent tree has this skill but lets say you have these two.


You open with a force jump/charge onto me, then do this http://www.torhead.com/ability/aWpXAp3/force-exhaustion

I slow you, curenntly you are traveling 10% faster then me, so I use my force run (30s CD) you catch up with me eventually possibly via another charge or something, I stun you, you somehow break it without using a break as seems to always happen when I fight a mara, you then break out of my instant whilrwind, (this entire time my slow is on CD) you can then use http://www.torhead.com/ability/9V1Xgd/leg-slash.


So much for kiting


Also not sure if this is in the same tree but surely you can break our entire kite with? http://www.torhead.com/ability/8w0e18q/fleetfooted

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Yes you would, its called learning to play. I don't play anything in PvP BUT my Sentinel (nothing else feels "right") yet I still know at least 90% of every other classes abilities. Why? So I don't piss and moan about a certain class being OP. Just as people spend time learning the mechanics of a raid, you need to take time and learn the mechanics of the classes you are facing in PvP.


Okay, lets test this, without looking at TorHead, how many CC's can a Sorc have max, lets see your masterful knowledge, if you haven't replied in one min ill know your checking torhead.

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hehe all this topics make me laugh everytime i read them and tbh i would love to have my sent on any of your servers :p


oh yeah prob. bad start at this point you know i have sent so most of you will just ignore the rest of the post :D


Why I think you got problems with mara/sents:

1. Huge expertise buff =much more dmg

2. When ppl read 1.2 patch notes and saw this class gets nerf, that class gets nerf and so on........ oh wait mara/sent buff? that can't be right they are gonna be op now = i'm gonna roll one


but guess what... buff was to one ability that was/is very situational for 2 out off 3 specs and therefore was almost never used.


I wonder why ppl didn't have problem with our defensive abilities pre 1.2? they are still the same nothing changed.

On my server when i have around 20% hp i'm being stunned to death so as you call it "godlike" ability you all have problems with ( guarded by force ) can't even be used.

Force camo - if you have problem with that one you really need to l2p, 4sec stealth is great for all those kids that have problems with concentration and immidietly switch target. Most of us don't even wait full 4secs = if u switch target we are back on dpsing u after 1sec


Skill trees of most classes are either healing/damage or tank/damage.....our: tree nr1 -damage, tree nr2 -damage tree nr3 -guess what??? also damage we really can't do anything else.

We can't stun you and heal in the meantime. If range class use knockback +root or slow and force leap is on cd we can't close the gap to do some dmg.


You're saying we are op because we win 1v1 fights if I understand this correctly if you can solo kill any other class in game you should also be op? :p


That being said i was good before 1.2 and i don't really care if they will nerf mara/sents I will still be good. Maybe bioware should change master strike focus cost to for example 3 so ppl will stop whinning all the time.


Sentinel for past 2,5 month valor rank 83 if anyone is interested.

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hehe all this topics make me laugh everytime i read them and tbh i would love to have my sent on any of your servers :p


oh yeah prob. bad start at this point you know i have sent so most of you will just ignore the rest of the post :D


Why I think you got problems with mara/sents:

1. Huge expertise buff =much more dmg

2. When ppl read 1.2 patch notes and saw this class gets nerf, that class gets nerf and so on........ oh wait mara/sent buff? that can't be right they are gonna be op now = i'm gonna roll one


but guess what... buff was to one ability that was/is very situational for 2 out off 3 specs and therefore was almost never used.


I wonder why ppl didn't have problem with our defensive abilities pre 1.2? they are still the same nothing changed.

On my server when i have around 20% hp i'm being stunned to death so as you call it "godlike" ability you all have problems with ( guarded by force ) can't even be used.

Force camo - if you have problem with that one you really need to l2p, 4sec stealth is great for all those kids that have problems with concentration and immidietly switch target. Most of us don't even wait full 4secs = if u switch target we are back on dpsing u after 1sec


Skill trees of most classes are either healing/damage or tank/damage.....our: tree nr1 -damage, tree nr2 -damage tree nr3 -guess what??? also damage we really can't do anything else.

We can't stun you and heal in the meantime. If range class use knockback +root or slow and force leap is on cd we can't close the gap to do some dmg.


You're saying we are op because we win 1v1 fights if I understand this correctly if you can solo kill any other class in game you should also be op? :p


That being said i was good before 1.2 and i don't really care if they will nerf mara/sents I will still be good. Maybe bioware should change master strike focus cost to for example 3 so ppl will stop whinning all the time.


Sentinel for past 2,5 month valor rank 83 if anyone is interested.



Well saying we didn't have a problem with your defensive pre 1.2 would be wrong, for example I have seen plenty of Mara s with and without healers run the ball from the Middle to the end of huttball score line without death, with 5 dps on them pre 1.2 as they just pop invincible before death, again this would be fixed by not letting you carry the ball while doing it.


I do agree with your expertise point however, but again I could beat a mara pre 1.2 with difficulty, but now I can't, literally I have tried everything.

Edited by cozzyb
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Yes you would, its called learning to play. I don't play anything in PvP BUT my Sentinel (nothing else feels "right") yet I still know at least 90% of every other classes abilities. Why? So I don't piss and moan about a certain class being OP. Just as people spend time learning the mechanics of a raid, you need to take time and learn the mechanics of the classes you are facing in PvP.


Btw just to quote you from the 20th of April

"Ranged that was stacked on knocks the melee back, his knockback roots them, cc the others, nuke them down.

Its not that hard." (Oh and you were discussing 3 Sorcs vs 1 mara btw before you deny you were on about Sorc)


You do realize thats a lightning tree based skill the knock back having a root, so much for your knowledge, you know we are all 31/31/31 right?

Edited by cozzyb
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Btw just to quote you from the 20th of April

"Ranged that was stacked on knocks the melee back, his knockback roots them, cc the others, nuke them down.

Its not that hard." (Oh and you were discussing 3 Sorcs vs 1 mara btw before you deny you were on about Sorc)


You do realize thats a lightning tree based skill the knock back having a root, so much for your knowledge, you know we are all 31/31/31 right?


Why yes I was discussing 3v1 sorcs. Two of them were lightning specced had a knockback/root while the third healed.


Ohh seems like I missed your little one minute quiz, sorry was working on a twenty page term paper.

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Why yes I was discussing 3v1 sorcs. Two of them were lightning specced had a knockback/root while the third healed.


Ohh seems like I missed your little one minute quiz, sorry was working on a twenty page term paper.


Good luck with that, I just finished a 42 page dissertation for my final year, anyway, like you complained about earlier you presume all Sorc are lightning spec so can handle a mara fine, but you will find a madness spec is the pvp spec of choice or hybrid, and that lightning requires far too much cast time and standing around which vs a mara means interrupts and death.


It's okay I forgive you for missing my quiz.

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