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The Pros and Cons of a Marauder


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1. Very susceptible to being kited. Marauders(and Juggernauts) are the only class that requires to be in melee combat to generate their "energy" as well as to do any kind of damage. With only 2 gap closers on a 12s CD and 45s CD it is very possible to kept out of melee range for extended periods of times against classes such as Sorcerers and Snipers.


Marauders have the same slow as sorcs (50% slow) and similar arsenal of cc with 2 gap closers countering gap-creating abilities of a ranged class. Snipers tend to be stationary and don't normally kite anybody. Actually, marauders are the least susceptible to kiting of all melee classes.


It is also a nightmare for a marauder to attack groups of ranged classes with knockback+roots.


It's a nightmare for any class to attack a group of any other classes, as it should be. Mara is the best of all classes to do that (if they want to for some reason) due to defensive CDs they have.


2. Very low survivability outside of defensive CDs. Marauders without defensive CDs up drop faster than just about any other class especially since they are in the middle of the enemy team.


There is a dps class that has high survivability without defensive CDs? Amy class (ranged or melee) can easily end up in the middle of enemy team - you can be grappled/pushed into their midst or they can simply run up to you.


It is very possible to be hit with a stun at 100% hp with no defenses up and die in under 4 seconds to 2 burst dps.


Name a dps class that won't die to 2 burst dps classes?


3. Nearly no utility outside of pure damage.


Let's see: you have a mez that is a good utility in all WZs. In huttball you can choke people over fire pits and leap to enemies when you carry the ball (not to mention that you make a good ball carrier when your defensive CDs are up).

In other WZs you can leap to people trying to cap a node, thus stopping a cap or use your cone mez to help with the cap. And of course as a dps class you get to kill people. Sounds pretty useful to me.


4. Are hard countered by Snipers in Group PVP to an almost impossible degree. I could list the many reasons why, but suffice to say snipers + healers absolutely destroy teams of marauders with almost no effort.


As in sniper + healer vs. marauder + healer? Mara will win if their healer can keep them up through initial sniper's burst. At some point sniper will start runing out of energy and it will be gg for them.


Marauders also lack the means to kill an Operative healer.


Are you saying that some other dps class can roflstomp an operative healer? Which one?


5. Very weak at killing tanks in PVP.


Everybody has trouble killing tanks, that the whole point of being a tank - they are difficult to kill. Maras actually have it a bit easier than the rest due to their high dps.


Its almost laughable watching 5+ marauders try to kill a tank with 2 healers behind him. This makes marauders one of the worst classes when it comes to achieve WZ objectives that are being guarded by tanks.


5+ marauders can't shutdown 2 healers? For real?


Conclusion: Marauder/sentinel is ridiculously OP at the moment. The fact that they are a bit short of being literally god-like doesn't mean that they shouldn't be nerfed.

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Well yeah, like I just said, pyro is a very mobile spec, as opposed to arsenal. As opposed to NON mobile specs. The strengths of those specs are to remain mobile and are given tools to do so. I don't get the confusion.


i said every CLASS has a MOBILE spec except sages/sorcs (and im right) using what you think mobility is...


so the argument about PTS/Vans being the most mobile is pointless sense just about every class can be = mara/sents , guards/juggs , scound/ops , shadows/assin all of those specs/class (thats all 2 dps/tank class's and 1 healer class ) and merc/comm assualt/pyro tree..


all above mainly use instant casts abilites just like the PT/Vans you said with usually 1-2 abilitys that are casts or channeled..


IF mobility is instant cast spells/abilities then the only class it really effects is sage/sorc sense they dont have a shared tree that can be mobile... the argument is pointless

Edited by Winkywinky
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Marauders have the same slow as sorcs (50% slow) and similar arsenal of cc with 2 gap closers countering gap-creating abilities of a ranged class. Snipers tend to be stationary and don't normally kite anybody. Actually, marauders are the least susceptible to kiting of all melee classes.




It's a nightmare for any class to attack a group of any other classes, as it should be. Mara is the best of all classes to do that (if they want to for some reason) due to defensive CDs they have.




There is a dps class that has high survivability without defensive CDs? Amy class (ranged or melee) can easily end up in the middle of enemy team - you can be grappled/pushed into their midst or they can simply run up to you.




Name a dps class that won't die to 2 burst dps classes?




Let's see: you have a mez that is a good utility in all WZs. In huttball you can choke people over fire pits and leap to enemies when you carry the ball (not to mention that you make a good ball carrier when your defensive CDs are up).

In other WZs you can leap to people trying to cap a node, thus stopping a cap or use your cone mez to help with the cap. And of course as a dps class you get to kill people. Sounds pretty useful to me.




As in sniper + healer vs. marauder + healer? Mara will win if their healer can keep them up through initial sniper's burst. At some point sniper will start runing out of energy and it will be gg for them.




Are you saying that some other dps class can roflstomp an operative healer? Which one?




Everybody has trouble killing tanks, that the whole point of being a tank - they are difficult to kill. Maras actually have it a bit easier than the rest due to their high dps.




5+ marauders can't shutdown 2 healers? For real?


Conclusion: Marauder/sentinel is ridiculously OP at the moment. The fact that they are a bit short of being literally god-like doesn't mean that they shouldn't be nerfed.


So if a class have some useful skills then it needs to be nerfed?

Take away everything you've said.


Long cd leap, less dps, less mezz, less defensive CD.


See what happens to a marauder.

Edited by hyuplee
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With everyone calling marauders the new overpowered class and calling them the best at everything in PVP, it seems like a good chance to explain some of the strengths and weaknesses of the class as a whole. If only to educate the masses of people asking for nerfs to a class with very powerful strengths, and very glaring weaknesses.



I'll start with the Pros to being a marauder without much detail given as I am sure with all the hate Marauders are getting most will agree with them.


1. Marauders put out almost unparallelled damage to non-tank classes. If a marauder is able to stay in melee combat with a squishy target they can put out incredibly high damage.


2. Have the best defensive tool set of any dps class when it comes to temporarily avoiding being focus fired. It is nearly impossible to kill a marauder quickly with all his defensive CDs up and a healer behind him.


3. Have arguably the best tool set to chain interrupt casters. If a marauder spends their GCDs on interrupting casts instead of damage it is nearly impossible to cast anything.


4. Have the best group buff in the game between bloodthirst/predation. +15% damage/healing or +50% move speed can often pull out wins in group settings. Even with a 3 minute CD for an "on demand" buff it is still a very powerful ability.




Now here come the Cons to the marauder class with some details added for people that don't play Marauders.


1. Very susceptible to being kited. Marauders(and Juggernauts) are the only class that requires to be in melee combat to generate their "energy" as well as to do any kind of damage. With only 2 gap closers on a 12s CD and 45s CD it is very possible to kept out of melee range for extended periods of times against classes such as Sorcerers and Snipers. It is also a nightmare for a marauder to attack groups of ranged classes with knockback+roots. It is not unheard of to spend 30+ seconds being chain KB+rooted+mezzed as a marauder vs groups of ranged. No other class can be shutdown as completely as maras with coordinated soft and hard CC due to being a pure melee class with 0 energy regen outside of melee. Roots not being affected by resolve is also a huge issue maras have to deal with as it is effectively a hard CC for maras.


2. Very low survivability outside of defensive CDs. Marauders without defensive CDs up drop faster than just about any other class especially since they are in the middle of the enemy team. It is very possible to be hit with a stun at 100% hp with no defenses up and die in under 4 seconds to 2 burst dps. If your CC breaker is up you can avoid this, but then you run the risk of being stunned at <20% and not being able to pop Undying Rage. Much like the current Ravage/Undying Rage complaints on the forums against marauders you can't avoid both.


3. Nearly no utility outside of pure damage. In an objective based game this is a huge weakness, and a reason you will never see 4+ marauders on any rated WZ team. This weakness affects Huttball the worst, but also carries over to general group PVP. they have no Pull to kill enemy ball carriers. they have no Knock back to knock them off ledges. They aren't tanky enough to carry the ball. They again are VERY susceptible to any kind of soft CC such as roots and knock backs. Its not uncommon to be unable to stop a node from being captured simply due to being rooted/slowed for 10+ seconds >4m away from the node(they have to chase down ranged targets). They have to deal with the full extent of tanking stats of tanks, and do miserably low damage as a result to most ball carriers. They have no guard/taunt like other melee to protect healers, and in a game so centered around guarded healers that's a big one. So in general they are among the worst classes to have when you need something other then pure damage.


4. Are hard countered by Snipers in Group PVP to an almost impossible degree. I could list the many reasons why, but suffice to say snipers + healers absolutely destroy teams of marauders with almost no effort. Marauders also lack the means to kill an Operative healer. Between their HoTs, and their dispel removing the maras dots/slows, and their plethora of CC, and evasion, and vanish it is impossible for a mara to even pressure an Op healer that understands both classes. Maras also lose 1v1 to Snipers/Operatives/Tankassins. Say what you will about 1v1 not mattering, but it is an important factor in PVP. So effectively maras have a counter in Group PVP, and are beaten by 3/7 of the other classes 1v1.


5. Very weak at killing tanks in PVP. This might not seem like a huge deal, but marauders have to deal with the full extent of of a tanks defenses. Marauders take forever to kill any kind of tank in PVP. This is very important as to take a node or door you have to generally kill the tanks guarding it quickly before reinforcements come. Marauders are simply not a class that is capably of doing this. Marauders are also very weak at killing enemy ball carriers in huttball due to their weak damage against tanky targets as well as their very limited ability to use the Hazards to kill the carrier. Its almost laughable watching 5+ marauders try to kill a tank with 2 healers behind him. This makes marauders one of the worst classes when it comes to achieve WZ objectives that are being guarded by tanks.



In conclusion you have a class that is a powerhouse in a deathmatch style group PVP setting, but falls short when it comes to Objective based PVP as well as against teams with Snipers on them as well as against chain soft CC. I believe a large issue behind why marauders are seeming to do so well right now is partly due to the current focus on non organized players playing WZs like a deathmatch, and not as an objective based WZ. Another huge issue is that there are so few Snipers playing the game to counter Marauders, and trust me they counter marauders HARD.


So the next time you ask to nerf Marauders please understand that they have very little going for them outside of high single target dps and very powerful temporary defenses. If you remove either of these things then marauders will become very lackluster in Group PVP. If you have to nerf their survivability or damage than you need to give them utility on par with the other melee classes such as taunt/guard/pull/knockbacks/multiple stuns/ranged damage/etc.


TLDR- Marauders are powerful but have viable counters. Oh and I guess flame away and what not.



80% of this post is garbage and flat out not true unless you are a scrub. Do you even play a sent/mara? I would be surprised because your lack of knowledge is laughable.


The best part is all the noobs coming in and saying "great post DERP" " nice info bro!!! I dont play a sent but i know one since he's my best friends friend, and that makes me an expert!! DERP"


Please. Feels like any toolbag could just throw together any random crap and post as an expert. Please though, continue so when people find out the hard way how wrong you are, they think its them sucking - and dont QQ as much about nerfing us!

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Dont get me started on listing all the utilities pyro has. Specing something always, always mean sacrificing other stuff. Play the damn class.



Short Duration AOE Stun

Grapple (Nullifed by resolve and other magical reasons we haven't quite figured out)

Taunts (Which any DPS Spec for any tanks have)




What else again Sir Expert of what a utility ability is?

Edited by exphryl
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Live in delusion all the time you want.

I am not talking about me fighting an exceptional marauder. Of course skill difference means a lot. I am talking about fights on even foot, if not a bit in my favour skillwise. Doesn't matter exactly good i am personally, when we discuss equal levels. The dps output from your class is so obscene, that if you don't accept this you need to slap yourself more often to wake up from your dream.


It's crazy that a class that is PURE DPS does great DPS. CRAZY! What is this world coming to!?


There are other classes that do just as much if not more damage. Crazy crazy crazy!

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Live in delusion all the time you want.

I am not talking about me fighting an exceptional marauder. Of course skill difference means a lot. I am talking about fights on even foot, if not a bit in my favour skillwise. Doesn't matter exactly good i am personally, when we discuss equal levels. The dps output from your class is so obscene, that if you don't accept this you need to slap yourself more often to wake up from your dream.


No fight is ever on even footing, due to defensive cooldown variances. Any class is going to be pretty screwed against a mara/sent IF they start the fight with a near full rage bar too. HUGE difference.


I've seen smugglers and snipers easily match my DPS over time if left alone - and they can do it from cover, where I can't leap to. Maybe I stealth up there to start the fight, then I get knocked back and sniped back in cover while I have to run (usually slowed) to get back to them.

If you're a carnage spec marauder then you are indeed more (and perhaps the most) burstie out of any of the specs (because rage spec is crap now, and I'm annihilation which is more bleeds). That uber burstie is not constantly available though for the carnies. When it's lined up right though, it's ****WTFBBQ and off to the forums to wipe the e-tears.


PvP in my own experience is all about a) skill level personally, b) skill level of the class required, and c) variances in the state of cooldowns. Oh and d) speed hacks and exploits where applicable.


You folks who think Mara is a faceroll class should play one. Trust me, I see loads of bad ones doing 60% of my damage in a warzone consistently, and I still don't consder myself particularly skilled.


Oh and (not you) who actually said 5 marauders couldn't nullify 2 healers? the heck is that? That must be really, really bad marauders. Now it might take two marauders to actually KILL a merc type healer. One to interrupt constantly, the other to actually DPS him down.

Edited by islander
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So if a class have some useful skills then it needs to be nerfed?

Take away everything you've said.


Long cd leap, less dps, less mezz, less defensive CD.


See what happens to a marauder.


That's what people want. They are so angry with how much they suck, that instead of looking inwardly and learning how to play their class, and how to fight against other classes, they want what they feel is the reason that they are getting owned to be nerfed to a state where no one will want to play it ever again.


Every week it's something else. Right now it's Marauders. I'm waiting for the Assassin and Sniper hate ships to sail. NERF SNIPERS SO THAT THEY ARE COMPLETELY UNPLAYABLE AHHHHHH!!!! /tears

Edited by Sevvy
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All dps are buffed. Not just mara.


Blame the expertise buff. Dont blame the class.


Last time I checked, everybody got nerfed while mara remained virtually the same and even got some quality of life buffs. Expertise has nothing to do with class balance - it's pretty much broken for everybody.

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That's what people want. They are so angry with how much they suck, that instead of looking inwardly and learning how to play their class, and how to fight against other classes, they want what they feel is the reason that they are getting owned to be nerfed to a state where no one will want to play it ever again.


Every thread week it's something else. Right now it's Marauders. I'm waiting for the Assassin and Sniper hate ships to sail. NERF SNIPERS SO THAT THEY ARE COMPLETELY UNPLAYABLE AHHHHHH!!!! /tears


No what people want is a tweak. You guys are blowing it out of proportion because you lean on the Marauder crutch.


We 1 small tweak, if it bring them in line good, if they are still rampant, good. Then tweak some more. This is how you will eventually achieve balance. There shouldn't be multiple tweaks in the same tweak period.

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Short Duration AOE Stun

Grapple (Nullifed by resolve and other magical reasons we haven't quite figured out)

Taunts (Which any DPS Spec for any tanks have)




What else again Sir Expert of what a utility ability is?


Right. Sorry.


Cuz Chaf flare doesn't count as utility. How useful can it be to flash out stealthing marauders?

Cuz BH clearly doesnt have any knock backs like rocket punch. Nor any defensive CDs.


Srsly I dont play BH and I know all these utilities. What level are you?

And grapple don't work? That's weird. last time I checked it worked fine when a good BH timed his grapple right on my non-resolve period and pulled me into the fire.


Maybe that only works for pros.

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So if a class have some useful skills then it needs to be nerfed?

Take away everything you've said.


Long cd leap, less dps, less mezz, less defensive CD.


See what happens to a marauder.


Operatives that had some useful skills got nerfed into the ground, sorcs that had some useful skills got nerfed into the ground, etc. Either marauders need to be brought down to everybody else's level, or everybody else needs to be buffed to marauders' level. As it is now, mara's "some useful skills" are way better than "some useful skills" of any other dps class.

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Last time I checked, everybody got nerfed while mara remained virtually the same and even got some quality of life buffs. Expertise has nothing to do with class balance - it's pretty much broken for everybody.




Dps of all class is buffed due to expertise increase.

Marauder only received a stealth duration buff and we dont get to spec stealth with 99% dmg reduc so call it a nerf?

Nah i say balance.

As for the nerfs to other classes, If you think tracer missile shouldn't get nerfed, come try marauder and see if you can dish out the same dmg with 1 click of a button.

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Operatives that had some useful skills got nerfed into the ground, sorcs that had some useful skills got nerfed into the ground, etc. Either marauders need to be brought down to everybody else's level, or everybody else needs to be buffed to marauders' level. As it is now, mara's "some useful skills" are way better than "some useful skills" of any other dps class.



You mean Operative that was broken with stim stacks and instant kills everyone with their stun that got nerfed to the ground?


God I wonder why.

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Marauders have the same slow as sorcs (50% slow) and similar arsenal of cc with 2 gap closers countering gap-creating abilities of a ranged class. Snipers tend to be stationary and don't normally kite anybody. Actually, marauders are the least susceptible to kiting of all melee classes.




It's a nightmare for any class to attack a group of any other classes, as it should be. Mara is the best of all classes to do that (if they want to for some reason) due to defensive CDs they have.




There is a dps class that has high survivability without defensive CDs? Amy class (ranged or melee) can easily end up in the middle of enemy team - you can be grappled/pushed into their midst or they can simply run up to you.




Name a dps class that won't die to 2 burst dps classes?




Let's see: you have a mez that is a good utility in all WZs. In huttball you can choke people over fire pits and leap to enemies when you carry the ball (not to mention that you make a good ball carrier when your defensive CDs are up).

In other WZs you can leap to people trying to cap a node, thus stopping a cap or use your cone mez to help with the cap. And of course as a dps class you get to kill people. Sounds pretty useful to me.




As in sniper + healer vs. marauder + healer? Mara will win if their healer can keep them up through initial sniper's burst. At some point sniper will start runing out of energy and it will be gg for them.




Are you saying that some other dps class can roflstomp an operative healer? Which one?




Everybody has trouble killing tanks, that the whole point of being a tank - they are difficult to kill. Maras actually have it a bit easier than the rest due to their high dps.




5+ marauders can't shutdown 2 healers? For real?


Conclusion: Marauder/sentinel is ridiculously OP at the moment. The fact that they are a bit short of being literally god-like doesn't mean that they shouldn't be nerfed.


Thank you for pointing out how big of a DERP this guy is, i didn't have the patients to sit down and categorically go through his whole post and write everything that was wrong with it, this only being some of it.

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Dps of all class is buffed due to expertise increase.

Marauder only received a stealth duration buff and we dont get to spec stealth with 99% dmg reduc so call it a nerf?

Nah i say balance.

As for the nerfs to other classes, If you think tracer missile shouldn't get nerfed, come try marauder and see if you can dish out the same dmg with 1 click of a button.


Haha seriously.


I can guarantee that most of the people crying are Mercs and Sorcs. How many Snipers, Juggs, Powertechs, etc. are crying about how grossly OP Marauders are?


Like I've said over and over again, on my Powertech I ruin Mara/Sents, on my Sentinel I ruin Powertech/vanguards. I also ruin the mirror to my class. It's the player, not the class. You should be thankful that FOTM rerollers are rerolling Marauder. You're going to have a TON of Marauders that suck and are easily kited, controlled, and murdered. Why is that so bad?


In order to play with some of my friends in lowbie WZs, I rolled a Sniper(OMG FOTM reroll all opinions are invalid) and queued up with them. I murdered so many terribad Mara/Sents and Assassin/Shadows it was hilarious.


Embrace it. Play better, play with better people and suddenly there are no OP classes. Just good and bad players. Amazing how that works.

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The problem is the perceived appearence....


There is no way its possible that its just good players finally coming on par to others in a WZ actually being dangerous and deadly instead of being laughed at and shrugged off.. unless you were anhilation specced, then you got some measure of respect, maybe... but if you were ANY spec other than anhilation, you were a joke, even to other Anhilation Specced Mara's....


Even now there is an Anhilation Speeced Mara that can beat me just about 100% of the time, hes not OP, hes just that much better than me... But when I see him on the field, i dont run, I go for him... Each time I get better and tweek my strats and refine my techniques and rotations.


As far as all their offensive and defensive CD's go, I can tell you I am not a perfect machine and keep track of all 20 of my Cool downs like a robot and execute each one to perfection as others make it seem like we do. If a mara can do that and destroy you in melee combat... then you got out played...

Edited by Blloodbane
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80% of this post is garbage and flat out not true unless you are a scrub. Do you even play a sent/mara? I would be surprised because your lack of knowledge is laughable.


That is a bold claim to make, considering you aren't responding to anything specific he wrote. Just because he doesn't share your opinion, doesn't mean he knows nothing about the class as you are implying.


The best part is all the noobs coming in and saying "great post DERP" " nice info bro!!! I dont play a sent but i know one since he's my best friends friend, and that makes me an expert!! DERP"


Is it lonely up there on your pedestal? Your view is just as biased as his, except he is giving more information than "You are noob".


Please. Feels like any toolbag could just throw together any random crap and post as an expert. Please though, continue so when people find out the hard way how wrong you are, they think its them sucking - and dont QQ as much about nerfing us!


Isn't that what you just did?


I will not fight for or against the class, as my opinion on it is irrelevant. I just don't like biased hypocrisy. Also, please don't assume I think the class is fine or balanced just because I am not vocally against it.

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With everyone calling marauders the new overpowered class and calling them the best at everything in PVP, it seems like a good chance to explain some of the strengths and weaknesses of the class as a whole. If only to educate the masses of people asking for nerfs to a class with very powerful strengths, and very glaring weaknesses.





Now here come the Cons to the marauder class with some details added for people that don't play Marauders.


1. Very susceptible to being kited. Marauders(and Juggernauts) are the only class that requires to be in melee combat to generate their "energy" as well as to do any kind of damage. With only 2 gap closers on a 12s CD and 45s CD it is very possible to kept out of melee range for extended periods of times against classes such as Sorcerers and Snipers. It is also a nightmare for a marauder to attack groups of ranged classes with knockback+roots. It is not unheard of to spend 30+ seconds being chain KB+rooted+mezzed as a marauder vs groups of ranged. No other class can be shutdown as completely as maras with coordinated soft and hard CC due to being a pure melee class with 0 energy regen outside of melee. Roots not being affected by resolve is also a huge issue maras have to deal with as it is effectively a hard CC for maras.

Like all melee classes....But combat stealth makes it harder to get kited than most melee classes...

2. Very low survivability outside of defensive CDs. Marauders without defensive CDs up drop faster than just about any other class especially since they are in the middle of the enemy team. It is very possible to be hit with a stun at 100% hp with no defenses up and die in under 4 seconds to 2 burst dps. If your CC breaker is up you can avoid this, but then you run the risk of being stunned at <20% and not being able to pop Undying Rage. Much like the current Ravage/Undying Rage complaints on the forums against marauders you can't avoid both.

Almost all your defensive cds have arround 1min cooldown............Are you kidding us?

* 99% dmg reduction, 1.5 min cd, gets lowered with talents

* Cloak of pain 1 min cd, lasts 30 sec (rofl 30 sec...)

* Stealth , 45 SEC

* -90% accurancy from enemy, 1 min cd....

* 30% aoe dmg reduction, anti-smash, deathfield..PERMANENT

* saber ward 3min

If you get caught without defensive cds ready...sorry, but u have serious L2P issues...

And even without them, 30% aoe dmg reduction makes them survive better than all other classes..

Smash, death from above...only these can bring someone to half hp when he get caught in them while fighting others.



3. Nearly no utility outside of pure damage. In an objective based game this is a huge weakness, and a reason you will never see 4+ marauders on any rated WZ team. This weakness affects Huttball the worst, but also carries over to general group PVP. they have no Pull to kill enemy ball carriers. they have no Knock back to knock them off ledges. They aren't tanky enough to carry the ball. They again are VERY susceptible to any kind of soft CC such as roots and knock backs. Its not uncommon to be unable to stop a node from being captured simply due to being rooted/slowed for 10+ seconds >4m away from the node(they have to chase down ranged targets). They have to deal with the full extent of tanking stats of tanks, and do miserably low damage as a result to most ball carriers. They have no guard/taunt like other melee to protect healers, and in a game so centered around guarded healers that's a big one. So in general they are among the worst classes to have when you need something other then pure damage.

No utility idd.

No healing debuff

No group dmg buff

No group speed buff..

And *** u talking about they dont have guard like other melee...

Operatives have guard??

And how exactly the tankiest class in game in PVP, isnt tanky enough to carry the ball?


4. Are hard countered by Snipers in Group PVP to an almost impossible degree. I could list the many reasons why, but suffice to say snipers + healers absolutely destroy teams of marauders with almost no effort. Marauders also lack the means to kill an Operative healer. Between their HoTs, and their dispel removing the maras dots/slows, and their plethora of CC, and evasion, and vanish it is impossible for a mara to even pressure an Op healer that understands both classes. Maras also lose 1v1 to Snipers/Operatives/Tankassins. Say what you will about 1v1 not mattering, but it is an important factor in PVP. So effectively maras have a counter in Group PVP, and are beaten by 3/7 of the other classes 1v1.

Clearly l2p issues...


5. Very weak at killing tanks in PVP. This might not seem like a huge deal, but marauders have to deal with the full extent of of a tanks defenses. Marauders take forever to kill any kind of tank in PVP. This is very important as to take a node or door you have to generally kill the tanks guarding it quickly before reinforcements come. Marauders are simply not a class that is capably of doing this. Marauders are also very weak at killing enemy ball carriers in huttball due to their weak damage against tanky targets as well as their very limited ability to use the Hazards to kill the carrier. Its almost laughable watching 5+ marauders try to kill a tank with 2 healers behind him. This makes marauders one of the worst classes when it comes to achieve WZ objectives that are being guarded by tanks.


Like all other classes in game...But still higher then them..



In conclusion you have a class that is a powerhouse in a deathmatch style group PVP setting, but falls short when it comes to Objective based PVP as well as against teams with Snipers on them as well as against chain soft CC. I believe a large issue behind why marauders are seeming to do so well right now is partly due to the current focus on non organized players playing WZs like a deathmatch, and not as an objective based WZ. Another huge issue is that there are so few Snipers playing the game to counter Marauders, and trust me they counter marauders HARD.

If snipers counter maras so bad, then what can i say about juggernauts?? May delete their class?


So the next time you ask to nerf Marauders please understand that they have very little going for them outside of high single target dps and very powerful temporary defenses. If you remove either of these things then marauders will become very lackluster in Group PVP. If you have to nerf their survivability or damage than you need to give them utility on par with the other melee classes such as taunt/guard/pull/knockbacks/multiple stuns/ranged damage/etc.

How about remove healing debuff

Remove all defensive cds but 1 and add it 3 min cd

Remove the 100% ignore armor skill

Remove the root on ravage

Remove the 30% scream crit dmgo n carnage tree

Remove fury mechanic and all the cds from it

Remove 30% aoe dmg taken


Without all them, the class becomes same as juggernaut...

If u want balance... Nerf marauders heavy...all boost to God mode all other classes in game


TLDR- Marauders are powerful but have viable counters. Oh and I guess flame away and what not.


Added true facts in your "Plz bioware dont nerf my mara" post

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Right. Sorry.


Cuz Chaf flare doesn't count as utility. How useful can it be to flash out stealthing marauders?

Cuz BH clearly doesnt have any knock backs like rocket punch. Nor any defensive CDs.


Srsly I dont play BH and I know all these utilities. What level are you?

And grapple don't work? That's weird. last time I checked it worked fine when a good BH timed his grapple right on my non-resolve period and pulled me into the fire.


Maybe that only works for pros.


Clearly you don't play a Bounty Hunter, cause you're pulling abilities out of your *** from both the Advanced Class types.

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Dps of all class is buffed due to expertise increase.

Marauder only received a stealth duration buff and we dont get to spec stealth with 99% dmg reduc so call it a nerf?

Nah i say balance.

As for the nerfs to other classes, If you think tracer missile shouldn't get nerfed, come try marauder and see if you can dish out the same dmg with 1 click of a button.


You said it yourself - "Dps of all class is buffed due to expertise increase.", it applies equally to all dps classes. On top of that classes other than marauders received some serious nerfs to their dps. Marauders got other small buffs aside from stealth duration, but the main issue is that their dps remained the same. Which is what makes them so OP now.


You mean Operative that was broken with stim stacks and instant kills everyone with their stun that got nerfed to the ground?


God I wonder why.


I mean operative that was fixed after the first nerf they got, yet they kept getting subsequent nerfs until their dps spec became useless. God, I wonder why.

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Last time I checked, everybody got nerfed while mara remained virtually the same and even got some quality of life buffs. Expertise has nothing to do with class balance - it's pretty much broken for everybody.


You didn't check hard enough, because assassins for one were barely touched. They just nerfed healers.


Annihilation Marauders actually got a (modest) nerf. Rage spec got nerfed, too. Carnage spec for Mara got buffed though. It was kinda needed. Anni was the primary PvP spec for Maras pre 1.2, and back then (before you were all QQing) it wasn't close.


Anni Mara's are not as powerful as before 1.2.

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Haha seriously.


I can guarantee that most of the people crying are Mercs and Sorcs. How many Snipers, Juggs, Powertechs, etc. are crying about how grossly OP Marauders are?


Like I've said over and over again, on my Powertech I ruin Mara/Sents, on my Sentinel I ruin Powertech/vanguards. I also ruin the mirror to my class. It's the player, not the class. You should be thankful that FOTM rerollers are rerolling Marauder. You're going to have a TON of Marauders that suck and are easily kited, controlled, and murdered. Why is that so bad?


In order to play with some of my friends in lowbie WZs, I rolled a Sniper(OMG FOTM reroll all opinions are invalid) and queued up with them. I murdered so many terribad Mara/Sents and Assassin/Shadows it was hilarious.


Embrace it. Play better, play with better people and suddenly there are no OP classes. Just good and bad players. Amazing how that works.


But then FOTM class exist because of whiners though.

People whine about mara being OP and then everyone went with it cuz they're gullible and thought its OP and I ended up getting frigging 4 mara on my team that don't even use anni when playing an anni build.

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