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Legacy Micro-transaction?


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because LEGACY has nothing to do with buying equipment.


I would explain more but that post right there shows me how little you understand MMOs, micro-transactions, and the difference between fluff and game impacting items.


Don't start insulting, it's not about equipment, it's about effort and achievement. My examples were of things that needed to be achieved in game by time and effort, legacy is the same principle, the rewards are different but the effort is still there.


By making the MTs then you are paying instead of playing, buying instead of putting effort into acquiring them. Again it's not the reward but the principle that I am discussing.

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Wrong. They are ALWAYS a bad thing for sub based games.


Look at Blizzard- microtransaction people to death and have created more animosity than they care to deal with now. They nickeled and dimed people over many things that should have been free character recustomization, transfers, etc...


Rift tried it for their Ashes upgrade- and the backlash was great and they won't ever do it again.


How about we start playing games instead of trying to buy our way through them. People already buy their way through real life- at least give us this last bastion of freedom here.


Blizzard only sells fluff in their online store. The most useful items are mounts, of which you can obtain equally powerful mounts in game.


Their first mount, The Celestial Steed, earned them over 2.5 million dollars in the first four hours of release. Do you think the money from their online store just went into a CEOs pocket so they could buy a new Porsche, or do you think it was reinvested into the company to develop other products and new features for World of Warcraft.

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It's coming. Look at Mass Effect DLC appearance packs.


It's the way the industry is moving. Try not to be too surprised.


DLC content for a single player game is not quite the same as P2W microtransactions for an MMo you already pay a monthly subscription for.


And this is why the Legacy system should never become MT. in the Legacy system, there are items that provide benefits to your character. Someone already mentioned the crafting crit bonus, for example. If they give a benefit in game, then you should not be able to pay for them with real world cash.


Things like server transfers, character renaming, and the like are not microtransactions as such, more services provided by the developer. Charging a small amount for those is ok, since they have no real effect on the game.


I'm rather dubious about cosmetic MTs, like vanity pets. I can see it as a way for the developer to make some extra cash, and they don't have an effect on anything in the game itself, but it is still paying real cash for in game items, which I disagree with.

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The "slippery slope" argument is a logical fallacy. It does not always end up with having to pay to remain competitive. WoW has had micro transactions for a few years now for pets, mounts, race/gender changes, server changes, and faction changes. It has not led to people paying to remain competitive since they haven't introduced paying for gear, abilities, or anything else that affects actual gameplay.


Given that most of the Legacy unlocks are useless fluff, I don't see what the harm is.


Yet, while playing WoW, the only way to get the fastest mounts in the game (or at least this was the case when I last looked at WoW) was to buy them form the store. That may be minor, but still affects gameplay.

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DLC content for a single player game is not quite the same as P2W microtransactions for an MMo you already pay a monthly subscription for.


And this is why the Legacy system should never become MT. in the Legacy system, there are items that provide benefits to your character. Someone already mentioned the crafting crit bonus, for example. If they give a benefit in game, then you should not be able to pay for them with real world cash.


Things like server transfers, character renaming, and the like are not microtransactions as such, more services provided by the developer. Charging a small amount for those is ok, since they have no real effect on the game.


I'm rather dubious about cosmetic MTs, like vanity pets. I can see it as a way for the developer to make some extra cash, and they don't have an effect on anything in the game itself, but it is still paying real cash for in game items, which I disagree with.


Bioware may want to limit the Legacy micro-transactions to fluff features like Races, Rocket Boots, and Ship upgrades. There is nothing saying that Bioware has to release all Legacy features if they open it up to micro-transactions.


And even if Bioware did release all Legacy features through micro-transactions, how will that effect your game?

Edited by illgot
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DLC content for a single player game is not quite the same as P2W microtransactions for an MMo you already pay a monthly subscription for.


And this is why the Legacy system should never become MT. in the Legacy system, there are items that provide benefits to your character. Someone already mentioned the crafting crit bonus, for example. If they give a benefit in game, then you should not be able to pay for them with real world cash.


Things like server transfers, character renaming, and the like are not microtransactions as such, more services provided by the developer. Charging a small amount for those is ok, since they have no real effect on the game.


I'm rather dubious about cosmetic MTs, like vanity pets. I can see it as a way for the developer to make some extra cash, and they don't have an effect on anything in the game itself, but it is still paying real cash for in game items, which I disagree with.


I totally agree, on the subject of the vanity pets it does have an effect in game as that would be akin to selling the new Rakgoul pets or the green-black lightsaber crystals for real world cash. People have worked for and achieved them they would be up in arms if you could just but them a week later.

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micro transaction(cash shop) + monthly sub =leave & IGNORE game


it is main opinion

cmon peoples why ask for easy way where is gone enjoyable patience & long game play for get something

*** happening with mmo players:(

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And even if Bioware did release all Legacy features through micro-transactions, how will that effect your game?


In the same way it would upset the PvP players if I could buy a PvP ranking for cash it would upset someone that has worked to achieve a status symbol. A title or PvP ranking have no effect on your game play they only display to the rest of the players that enjoy that side of the game how much effort you have put in. Same goes for legacy unlocks.

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am i the only one that looks at the legacy system and see that it screams that it would be perfect for micro-transactions to buy the unlocks?


Seriously how many of us would rather drop $5-$10 in a micro-transaction for the gtn on our ship rather than plop down $5million credits??


Dare we start a petition asking for ea to graciously take more of our money?



Edit: I mean micro transactions in addition to the current ways of unlocking not as a replacement.



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If someone buys their legacy unlocks with real cash and someone grinds them out in game, how does that effect you?


Bioware may want to limit the Legacy micro-transactions to fluff features like Races, Rocket Boots, and Ship upgrades. There is nothing saying that Bioware has to release all Legacy features if they open it up to micro-transactions.


And even if Bioware did release all Legacy features through micro-transactions, how will that effect your game?


You've changed your tune. From wanting to be able to buy the 'fluff' items and unlocks by MT to now wanting things like the rocket boots, and ship upgrades. This is why MT stores are a bad idea. They might start off entirely cosmetic, but they will eventually go P2W. I don't know of a single game that has an MT store that didn't go P2W in one way or another. Even if it just the fastest mounts thing like in WoW.


As for how it affects me, it puts me at a disadvantage compared to those players who think nothing of buying their way through a game instead of playing it (which just strikes me as pointless. If you are going to buy your way through a game, why bother buying the game in the first place?).


If someone comes along and buy those rocket boots, for example, they are constantly moving faster than I am, therefore I have less chance to get chests, will probably have to wait longer for mob respawns because someone else beat me to it, gathering crafting materials would take longer making it harder to make money from crafting (because a slower materials income means fewer items to sell compared to those collecting the same materials with a 25% speed boost or whatever the rocket boots will offer).


And those examples are just from one item in Legacy. Stack them with everything else bought and paid for, and you have someone at a severe disadvantage, simply because they are unable or unwilling to spend more cash then they have already on a game.


Besides, what is the point of MTs? All they do is remove stuff for you to do in game, making your personal lifespan for TOR shorter.

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-Micro-transactions increase revenue.

-Increased revenue = increased content for everyone.


Done correctly micro-transactions can have no impact on the non-purchasers game experience beyond jealously.


start understanding that Bioware runs a business. The more revenue they bring in the faster content is developed for all players.


And trust me, the extra revenue they bring in will more than make up for the few that leave the game out of "principle". Because most people are all talk when making threats on forums.

Edited by Parali
rude, already warned "stop thinking like children"
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You've changed your tune. From wanting to be able to buy the 'fluff' items and unlocks by MT to now wanting things like the rocket boots, and ship upgrades. This is why MT stores are a bad idea. They might start off entirely cosmetic, but they will eventually go P2W. I don't know of a single game that has an MT store that didn't go P2W in one way or another. Even if it just the fastest mounts thing like in WoW.


As for how it affects me, it puts me at a disadvantage compared to those players who think nothing of buying their way through a game instead of playing it (which just strikes me as pointless. If you are going to buy your way through a game, why bother buying the game in the first place?).


If someone comes along and buy those rocket boots, for example, they are constantly moving faster than I am, therefore I have less chance to get chests, will probably have to wait longer for mob respawns because someone else beat me to it, gathering crafting materials would take longer making it harder to make money from crafting (because a slower materials income means fewer items to sell compared to those collecting the same materials with a 25% speed boost or whatever the rocket boots will offer).


And those examples are just from one item in Legacy. Stack them with everything else bought and paid for, and you have someone at a severe disadvantage, simply because they are unable or unwilling to spend more cash then they have already on a game.


Besides, what is the point of MTs? All they do is remove stuff for you to do in game, making your personal lifespan for TOR shorter.


Not to mention things like a droid on your ship to sell items, repair and buy "unique items" and a GTN on your ship.

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I"m not one to come on the forums and threaten to unsub unless this or that is done to my preferences, however should micro transactions ever arise in this game that shall be the day I do vote with my wallet and leave.


Be prepared to do that sometime in the future.


After all, this is EA we are talking about.


Edit: As to the topic on hand, I can see Legacy items turned into a cash shop but will Bioware actually do that and piss off more of their customers?

Edited by Celwinn
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Be prepared to do that sometime in the future.


After all, this is EA we are talking about.


right, and micro-transactions are anything from name changes and paid server transfers to purchasing new skins for your companions or character make overs.


The poster you quoted has a VERY short lifespan in any MMO.

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-Micro-transactions increase revenue.

-Increased revenue = increased content for everyone.


Done correctly micro-transactions can have no impact on the non-purchasers game experience beyond jealously.


start understanding that Bioware runs a business. The more revenue they bring in the faster content is developed for all players.


And trust me, the extra revenue they bring in will more than make up for the few that leave the game out of "principle". Because most people are all talk when making threats on forums.


So, those disadvantages I posted for you are all just jealousy? Riiiiiight :rolleyes:


You can't think of anything that disproves what we say, so suddenyl we are all just jealous of people who can't be bothered to play, and we are all children. Grow up.


So, Illgot, if all you want to do is buy your way through TOR, why did you buy the game in the first place? Being able to buy everything takes away the reason for buying the game in the first place - to be able to play it.

Edited by Parali
bad quote
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Am I the only one that looks at the legacy system and see that it screams that it would be perfect for micro-transactions to buy the unlocks?


Seriously how many of us would rather drop $5-$10 in a micro-transaction for the GTN on our ship rather than plop down $5million credits??


Dare we start a petition asking for EA to graciously take more of our money?



Edit: I mean micro transactions in addition to the current ways of unlocking not as a replacement.


Hmm, well ... pay $5-$10 which I have in my pocket now? Or pay the $5million credits I have yet to obtain in the last 5 months ($75 worth of subscriptions).


Also, not only would I not buy that if it became a micro-transaction (or any of the legacy items), id cancel my subscription indefinitely.

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right, and micro-transactions are anything from name changes and paid server transfers to purchasing new skins for your companions or character make overs.


The poster you quoted has a VERY short lifespan in any MMO.


You also seem to be ignoring all those people who point out that many, many MMO players see a difference between paid-for services like server transfers or renaming, and actual microtransactions (ie. buying in game stuff with real cash).


There really is no point in arguing with you about this. You refuse to take on board anything that anyone says thats contradicts your own personal view of the situation.

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right, and micro-transactions are anything from name changes and paid server transfers to purchasing new skins for your companions or character make overs.


The poster you quoted has a VERY short lifespan in any MMO.


I agree. MTs that provide a game bonus (Legacy unlocks, character slots unlocks etc) are a HUGE no no for a Sub based MMO.


But seeing as how EA is the parent company of TOR, they will want to push MTS somehow into the game.


As long as the MTS are cosmetic (Server change, name change etc), that would be alright. Blizzard has been doing it for a while now and they are still going strong.

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I"m not one to come on the forums and threaten to unsub unless this or that is done to my preferences, however should micro transactions ever arise in this game that shall be the day I do vote with my wallet and leave.


I couldn't agree more.

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