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Pvp Merc lvl 50 nothin


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Got full battlemaster gear, Dps spec. 1 tracer missle = 1k damage while jedis and siths have 4ks,3ks,2ks and can spam em what does the merc got? nothin 1 stun,1 pushback and in 1.2 NO dps whats next take away the heavy armor to medium because all these QQs want it? :o
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If you looked at the threads on the PTR board when testing was carried out on the DPS logs, Arsenal mercs were comfortably the highest DPS in the game. Their problem is not the damage done by their abilities its their inability to actually get most of their casts off in the face of any melee opponent that is their problem. HS missile hits for upwards of 6K regularly perhaps try using something other than your tracer missile....
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I have some campaign gear, some black hole and the rest rakata, 76% surge 39% crit and the rest is statted into power.


We're currently 3/4 HM Denova and right now in order for me to even break 5k I have to use a power trinket.


There is no 6k regular crits on HSM anymore. Certainly not in pvp.

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I have some campaign gear, some black hole and the rest rakata, 76% surge 39% crit and the rest is statted into power.


We're currently 3/4 HM Denova and right now in order for me to even break 5k I have to use a power trinket.


There is no 6k regular crits on HSM anymore. Certainly not in pvp.


what's your group look like? and be honest


my money is that you're being carried by a marauder/sniper

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If you looked at the threads on the PTR board when testing was carried out on the DPS logs, Arsenal mercs were comfortably the highest DPS in the game. Their problem is not the damage done by their abilities its their inability to actually get most of their casts off in the face of any melee opponent that is their problem. HS missile hits for upwards of 6K regularly perhaps try using something other than your tracer missile....


Except the armor stacking debuff is bugged right now and Tracer and HSM are hitting for crap right now. When that's fixed, Arsenal will be relevant again, at least in PvE. If left alone in PvP they are decent, but if a melee class gets on them, they are completely taken out of the match. This is all assuming players are competent.

Edited by Hartburn
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I can't spam tracers and own everyone anyone.... Not fair. Warriors get moves with longer CDs and that need to be set up that do 2k,3k,4k damage!!! And


Not fair at all. Pre 1.2 all I had to do was hit tracer and I could get 300k+ damage!


The game is falling apart... I bet it goes free2play in less than 3 months.

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If you looked at the threads on the PTR board when testing was carried out on the DPS logs, Arsenal mercs were comfortably the highest DPS in the game. Their problem is not the damage done by their abilities its their inability to actually get most of their casts off in the face of any melee opponent that is their problem. HS missile hits for upwards of 6K regularly perhaps try using something other than your tracer missile....


I have never gotten a hit remotely close to this in PVP. I have 50% war hero and the other gear I have is crit modded war hero schematics. Obviously you dont play a merc in PVP. The highest hit I did with Heatseaker in PVP was pre 1.2c and I hit a person for 5700 one time using a relic. With 5K crits happening every game or two, also popping my relic. Now I'm lucky to get over a 4K hit with a very rare 4.5k hit or so hit on new 50s.


My average crit on equally geared players is around 3.5k or so with luck.

Edited by Wrestle
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If you looked at the threads on the PTR board when testing was carried out on the DPS logs, Arsenal mercs were comfortably the highest DPS in the game. Their problem is not the damage done by their abilities its their inability to actually get most of their casts off in the face of any melee opponent that is their problem. HS missile hits for upwards of 6K regularly perhaps try using something other than your tracer missile....


You have no idea what you're talking about. Madness was testing at ~1600 on dummies. Marauders Annihilation was coming in around 1550. Vengeance Jugs were coming in around 1500. Arsenal was testing at ~1300. This is including the bug that allows duel wielders to have inflated damage on dummies. It was not taking advantage of the (still bugged but purported removal of the bug) heatseeker heat signature stacking bug, which was subsequently removed in 1.2c. It's also testing with maximum uptime on a target with no interference using stims and adrenals. This was before the 1.2c nerf to Heatseeker. Heatseeker is still one of our better damage moves to use but hits for far less than most melee big damage dealers that are instant and require no setup time.

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I can't spam tracers and own everyone anyone.... Not fair. Warriors get moves with longer CDs and that need to be set up that do 2k,3k,4k damage!!! And


Not fair at all. Pre 1.2 all I had to do was hit tracer and I could get 300k+ damage!


The game is falling apart... I bet it goes free2play in less than 3 months.


See my above post. It's rather obvious you don't actually play a merc and are just one of those terribad melee players that cried because while they were killing 3 people a merc burned them down while they were completely oblivious. I can tell you from playing various specs of a marauder at 50 that can easily do 2k+ hits without setup required. Hell, you might want to bind your Ravage ability to a hotkey.

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What I believe bioware should do to fix the merc tracer spam is give one of our other missiles the ability to add a heat signature. How the whole tree is set up we have to use tracer missile to get heat signatures or we do no dps. Lowering the dps of tracer missile won't lead to using any other ability because we still need to use it atleast 3 times for the heat signatures for both rail shot and heat seeking missile. 5 times if you want the most out of rail shot. Now if anyone disputes this fact keep in mind all that "major" burst dps comes only from heat seeking missile and rail shot. So the solution to having mercs use abilities other then tracer missile, heat seeking missile, rail shot, and unload(Who plays an arsenal merc and does not use unload?) is to give another missile heat signature. Since heat signatures now only work for the merc that put them on the boss I don't really see any issue it would cause. That is my 2 cents
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