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Malak, Malgus, or Revan?


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Malgus is the only real SIth out of the 3. He was born and raised Sith, he is pure Sith and nothing else.


Revan is a Jedi, a corrupted one but always a Jedi. Malak was a Jedi, but then he became a wannabe SIth, following Revans own fake Sithness following the Emperors corruption of him.

Edited by AngelousWang
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Malgus is the only real SIth out of the 3. He was born and raised Sith, he is pure Sith and nothing else.


Revan is a Jedi, a corrupted one but always a Jedi. Malak was a Jedi, but then he became a wannabe SIth, following Revans own fake Sithness following the Emperors corruption of him.


Outside of the actual Sith race, being a Sith is following their ideology. Revan aligned with the Sith during his time as a Darth, he was Sith; not anymore of course but he was.

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Malak had more power than Malgus, if only because of the Star Forge. Malak was a superb fighter, but he was kind of a tool. Revan was the Big Fish. Malgus may talk smack about him, but fact is, Malgus would get his albino butt handed to him by Revan.
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Outside of the actual Sith race, being a Sith is following their ideology. Revan aligned with the Sith during his time as a Darth, he was Sith; not anymore of course but he was.


Just because he was brainwashed into thinking he was a Sith lord doesnt mean he was....i suppose if you were mentaly manipulated into thinking you were a pigeon it would be so?

Edited by TKMaster
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Just because he was brainwashed into thinking he was a Sith lord doesnt mean he was....i suppose if you were mentaly manipulated into thinking you were a pigeon it would be so?


That's not even remotely what happened. Vitiate Surprise Mind-Screwed Revan as he was betrayed by the commander of the Imperial Guard, then sent back to the Republic to gather intel and return with that to Vitiate. Instead, soon as he hit Republic space, Revan broke the mental hold and the only thing that happened was he was corrupted and turned to the Dark Side, and he became so adept as a Sith that he was considered one of the greatest Sith Lord's in history. His ideology formed a cult, his teachings inspired Bane and taught him more than entire libraries could. The man was a living legend.

Edited by ReiKai
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If I go off the "Foundry never happened" line of thought, Revan hands down.


If in fact they decide the Foundry wasn't just a "what if?" story, then Abraham Lincoln Malgus.


Malak isn't even a factor. He was a 2 bit thug with some Force power. :p

Yeah Foundry did suck, that is what I meant by revan, they really ruined him there. Especially because he was what ever you made him... also you coulda made HIM a her.

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That's not even remotely what happened. Vitiate Surprise Mind-Screwed Revan as he was betrayed by the commander of the Imperial Guard, then sent back to the Republic to gather intel and return with that to Vitiate. Instead, soon as he hit Republic space, Revan broke the mental hold and the only thing that happened was he was corrupted and turned to the Dark Side, and he became so adept as a Sith that he was considered one of the greatest Sith Lord's in history. His ideology formed a cult, his teachings inspired Bane and taught him more than entire libraries could. The man was a living legend.


And then how he lived even after... Ahhhhh, I wish I knew more of Revan than Luke Skywalker. I agree with his ideology so much, the neutral Force, etc.

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Thank you all for posting and showing your opinions! I know you probably are not going to be the only ones since this post was posted, but I enjoy seeing other people's opinions and sort of disagreements I guess you would call them. once again, thanks! And thanks for those who reply after this post! :cool:
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That's not even remotely what happened. Vitiate Surprise Mind-Screwed Revan as he was betrayed by the commander of the Imperial Guard, then sent back to the Republic to gather intel and return with that to Vitiate. Instead, soon as he hit Republic space, Revan broke the mental hold and the only thing that happened was he was corrupted and turned to the Dark Side, and he became so adept as a Sith that he was considered one of the greatest Sith Lord's in history. His ideology formed a cult, his teachings inspired Bane and taught him more than entire libraries could. The man was a living legend.


Good lord, the fanboyism is scary.


You cant really be one of the greatest Sith Lords of all time when the greatest of all time would wipe the floor with you while doing a load of laundry.


Militarily - Brilliant.....Sith / Jedi wise, theres dozens that could eat cake and whoop his candy *** in concert.



To the original question...Malgus....he's f'ing scary and a zelot.

Edited by TKMaster
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Because some people like how he dealt with things. Like my friend.


What, by firing on Revan's flagship rather than facing him and still failing to kill him, "destroying" Taris and still failing to kill/capture Bastila, running around the Star Forge like a coward trying to "slow Revan down" so that he could use captured Jedi to feed his power and still fail...need I go on?


If you're a fan of incompetent megalomaniacs with an appetite for tactless destruction, Malak is your man!

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Malgus for sure, but I don't see why all the hate for Malak. If he was so bad he wouldn't have gotten to be where he was, and saying that he backstabbed Revan doesn't mean anything, plenty of sith have betrayed their masters. In fact just about all of them have.


When I first saw Malgus I thought he was an older Malak.

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saying that he backstabbed Revan doesn't mean anything, plenty of sith have betrayed their masters. In fact just about all of them have.


I don't think anyone's saying they haven't, but confronting your master in a duel to the death is one thing. Firing on their ship while they are distracted by Jedi is another. Yeah, even Sidious killed Plagueis in his sleep, but he showed his strength in combat with Force-sensitives many times.


Also, his title alone does not make him strong, at least not in comparison to Revan or Malgus. Any Sith could kill a man in his sleep and get the title. It's what they do with it that makes them strong, or otherwise.

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Which one of these three sith lords are your favorite? I'd say mine is probably Revan.


I have to say that Malgus because he is the most fleshed out (I just recently acquired the "deceived" novel) and he has great voice actor and cool flashpoint presence.


I have a strong dislike towards Revan, even though I did play kotor 1. He feels way too generic or goody-two-shoes to earn my respect. And all the people fawning over him has made me dislike him even more.


ps. I just realized that the deceived trailer in youtube and the ingame cinematic have Malgus say different things. I like the youtube version.

Edited by Karkais
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Just because he was brainwashed into thinking he was a Sith lord doesnt mean he was....i suppose if you were mentaly manipulated into thinking you were a pigeon it would be so?


Sure. If all that being a pigeon entailed was following a certain ideology then being brainwashed into following the pigeon code still means as much as following them for any other reason.

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Malgus is the only real SIth out of the 3. He was born and raised Sith, he is pure Sith and nothing else.


Revan is a Jedi, a corrupted one but always a Jedi. Malak was a Jedi, but then he became a wannabe SIth, following Revans own fake Sithness following the Emperors corruption of him.


Both revan and malak were made sith Darths if you will by the Sith emperor.


I dont find malgus very interesting, he is a look a like of vader. I still find vader more sinister ( at least the suit version)

I always liked Malak though he made a good vilan in KOTOR, and his jaws missing and mouth.. comom :D

. Then Revan i mean his mask with the hood it is trade mark and then Malgus a copy of vader without the mask, as good has he looks, its not very original, or interesting imo.

Probably because i find malak and revan much more sinisters.

And so far none of SWTOR characters had made me like it, actualy i find pretty much all of swtor characters mediocre, not very interesting and not every emersive. mayeb the games fault though

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