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Commando WZ Boycott


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I'm on a PvP server with many PvP only guilds. Either faction can field strong individual players. Many of us have also repeatedly group with each other to know each others strengths. Sure there is also the risk of horrible horrible pugs and the bad loss. Vice versa, there are strong players on Imperial side that have beaten premades. Winning 80 % overall irrespective of how i group has no correlation to CM alone, I never said I carried teams but I sure as hell am not a crutch or point of failure. Unless you run into a 8 man premade there is a decent chance. There are many streams / videos of players pug'in and winning plenty across many servers.r.


If BW did their job right and your competition and your team is a random mix of class and skill you should be winning much closer to the 50% mean. 80% to 90% is very unreasonable in a PUG. Now if you were strictly speaking about a great pre-made I might still doubt a bit, but it would be more plausible.



Some of the medics I know are average to poor at the game and many are awesome healers.


But as for medic healing I again tell you that I have no first hand experience and only go on what I read and what I am told. You are one of the few voices that ring contrary to that information.

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But wait, thats what you tend to run into a great deal. Maybe you're not running into other 8 man groups with -your- commando, but when I do, I drink dos equis and watch my reliability, survivability, longevity, plausibility, and believability drop to rock bottom levels, usually the rock bottom of the dps list when I'm dpsing, and the rock bottom of healing when I'm healing.


Tell me Miss Stovokor, how often do you top the list of healers? I know yes, thats not a true measure of pvp leetness, the heal that arrives just in time is rarely measured in such numbers, nor is the dps that is placed where its needed. But think for a moment that someone else could have ( or perhps even you on a less gimped class) done that and so much more for the low low price of being an operative or sage healer, or a marauder or juggernaut or assassin or sorc or sent or scoundrel dps?


Yes, go on more about its all about teamwork! Power of friendship! Rainbows, Unicorns, Snarks! That doesn't change the fact that your slot can be better filled no matter your role with any other class at this point. You may not be a crutch but you -are- the bottom of your teams barrel unless your team is in the lower 50% of the skill pool.


Ever stop to think you might just be really good at what you do, and the people you play with really bad? Of course, thats merely the other side of the coin you just dropped there. Need more learn to play and less omg we're getting screwed! Oh wait, sorry, that seems true to me, and clearer every time I look at that scoreboard at the end of a warzone.


Hanging up my spurs tonight. Enjoy your subpar heals, and worse damage. I'm not going to bring my team down with my selfish need to play a class that is no longer as advertised. All things considered equal, maybe if my team could bring 9 instead of 8 people and two of them were commandos, then we might add up to a difference in a warzone of premades.


Running into 4 man premade or 4 + 4 from different guilds should be more prevalent then running into a full guild 8 man over and over. However not all 4 + 4 are good & there are many individual players from strong PvP guilds that can hold their own against this if they have the right mix.


I watch the parameters you mentioned and so do players i play with. I play frequently so older players on the server will usually back me up with peels in tough games. My healing numbers might not be highest but its not fluff numbers. I will heal the right targets so we will win the node & execute plays in Huttball. Heck if i need to

( i ) Switch to delaying mode

( ii ) DPS attempted capping / DPS pressure important target ...

( iii ) Cleanse frequently ( vs certain compositions ) ... yet another intangible

Seems that is more then enough to perform the role & give my team a good chance of winning. The fixation on final healing scoreboard tends to miss the larger picture. I notice sometimes other healers do plenty of healing but I am not getting any heals when getting focused ... LOL so ye I put those numbers into context.


Sure played Operative healer will outperform CM right now but we are hardly inferior to sages. Sages drop much faster versus organized teams. ( Other's observed this too ) . My server actually had one Operative healer that was performing phenomenally prior to 1.2 and they were supposed to be bad then.





If BW did their job right and your competition and your team is a random mix of class and skill you should be winning much closer to the 50% mean. 80% to 90% is very unreasonable in a PUG. Now if you were strictly speaking about a great pre-made I might still doubt a bit, but it would be more plausible.



Some of the medics I know are average to poor at the game and many are awesome healers.


But as for medic healing I again tell you that I have no first hand experience and only go on what I read and what I am told. You are one of the few voices that ring contrary to that information.


The real hit to CM healing is more on the PvE side. Many CM are extrapolating from that when they have not tested enough PvP since 1.2. Most already made up their mind when this was in PTS. I accepted advise from one of the top2 CM on my server who was kind enough to provide insight.


Other MMO and other games have players / teams that hardly lose for long stretches, how is this any different ?? I would not be surprised if dominant teams on many servers lose very few games. Obviously ranked WZ is totally different story but right now I'm just saying for averages its not too bad. I have more then 135 wins right now and definitely not lost 30 games.


Running in a pug there is a chance some of your teammates are strong. There will also chance there are some randoms on other side. I did not say winning 80 % of pugs, i said winning 80 % ++ of my games since 1.2 ( the sample includes premades and pugs )

Edited by Stovokor
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Voice of a BH Merc here. I dont agree with you OP. I enjoy my pyro spec, I still do very well in WZs and I'm still only in recruit gear with BM weapons and some BM off-pieces.


Learn to adapt or just L2P in general, not sure which applies to you.

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Haven't played my Combat Medic since just before the nerfs were announced myself, just been playing alts to finish some class stories etc


Had planned on taking a small break from my Medic and starting to play it again just before 1.2 went live, to get back up to scratch, but the nerfs killed that and my motivation.


Predicted that the increase to dps and the nerfs were taking it too far the other way and it seems to be the case from what I have read.


Higher dps being thrown out already meant a loss of survivability and more healing would be needed, that alone would effect the ammo situation, add the nerfs and it was going too far.


Actually stopped pvping altogether however, with the 1.2 changes part of the reason, a few Warzones and no bigger scale ones at that like an Alterac Valley, just isn't enough to keep me interested after doing them so many times ( Warzones are only meant to be secondary PvP and for a change up ), prefer big scale PvP which sadly TOR doesn't have and it's the MAIN PVP.


The combination of no big scale fort like PvP and the nerfs to my Medic was the last straw and I did unsub aswell, however I did resub for another month to transfer my characters and to finish some class stories I hadn't finished in time before my sub was about to run out.


Have quite a few days left after the free month was then added, who knows 1.3 may be close by then and with some much needed additions announced.


Stuff like class balance better than it is now, crafts improved, a lot more craftable orange gear 1.2 promised and didn't deliver, prob to get more resubs ( where are the new schematics for amor and synth ? ) and a bigger scale full ops Warzone added with good objectives for example, to keep you going until big scale PvP re-introduced, it may keep me resubbed and bring my Medic out of retirement.

Edited by LillyWhiteS
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I believe we need to protest what Bioware has done to this class. They do not regularly respond to bug reports in any forum we post. I am happy they fixed the Plasma cell bug, but there is no mention of the others. Have a good day.

Edited by LukeStormstout
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I hadn't touched my Commando for PvP since right after 1.2 went live, but in order to wear the crafted War Hero gear you have to be Valor Rank 70 for some reason. Since I really want to use the crafted War Hero set for the look over the Campaign gear, I'm forced to grind out the last 4 levels of Valor to hit 70 rank. Otherwise I'd be playing my Sentinel, which is PvP god mode by comparison. Don't ask me why it takes no valor rank to buy War Hero gear from a vendor, but in order to wear crafted gear you have to have the rank.
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