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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

After Playing Both sides


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After gathering data on PvP in full BM gear with a Sage and a Maurader I have come to the following conclusion


A) Sorc/sage survivability is slightly better than I initially thought post 1.2

B) Sorcs are the easiest healer to kill as a maurader.

C) this is the most important point , On my sorc I have to work much harder to keep myself alive, or to keep 1 person alive, than i do to have to kill someone. Even on an undergeared maurader, it was laughable how little needed to be done to kill a sorc. But in healing I work so hard.


I've been around played several MMO's and excelled in the pvp as a healer. And I know it can be difficult to kill a healer 1v1, but not for any decent DPS (Equally geared ofcourse).


My main point is the TTK in a match is so quick. I can pump out 500-600k heals in a match pretty often (these numbers are skewed by force armor, dmg absorbed should not = healing done)

But even with that much healing, I shouldnt be dieing in a few seconds to mauraders, I pumped out big heals and as soon as they switch to me I die, very, very quickly.


I know Full War hero gear may change this, but right now, in full BM, the ttk is still too fast.



On a side note, Roots really need to be affecting resolve. Even though this doesnt happen, it should not even be a possibility to keep someone rooted forever.

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Agree on the TTK being way too short.


As far as roots and such affecting resolve, WAI. If they add roots to resolve, they better add slows too since that can be just as hindering to a melee beeing slowed to a crawl and kited around with their opponent farther than 4 meters but closer than 10.

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Agree on the TTK being way too short.


As far as roots and such affecting resolve, WAI. If they add roots to resolve, they better add slows too since that can be just as hindering to a melee beeing slowed to a crawl and kited around with their opponent farther than 4 meters but closer than 10.


Some melee have slows too, so they can cancell eachother out. And im not talkung huge resolve here, Just a very minor amount, like 5%.


I just done think you should be able to keep someone rooted for say 10 seconds, then CC them for another 10 seconds, and root them for another 10 seconds.. This effectively takes some melee out of the equation for an entire fight. That shouldn't happen.

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Some melee have slows too, so they can cancell eachother out. And im not talkung huge resolve here, Just a very minor amount, like 5%.


I just done think you should be able to keep someone rooted for say 10 seconds, then CC them for another 10 seconds, and root them for another 10 seconds.. This effectively takes some melee out of the equation for an entire fight. That shouldn't happen.


I must be playing the wrong class. What class has a 10 second root and 10 second stun?

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Its a slipery slope because they have Cybertech in game. If they made the resolve fill faster it would render this already not often used Crew skill even less popular.


I also think it would hurt the balance we have as somewhere at BW someone is trying to balance DPS with mitigation with CC with resolve. Whether you agree with their goals or not changing current resolve would change gameply considerably away from these goals.

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Its a slipery slope because they have Cybertech in game. If they made the resolve fill faster it would render this already not often used Crew skill even less popular.


I also think it would hurt the balance we have as somewhere at BW someone is trying to balance DPS with mitigation with CC with resolve. Whether you agree with their goals or not changing current resolve would change gameply considerably away from these goals.


I dont want resolve to fill much faster really, Make resolve fill it by 1% Just so someone with full resolve cannot be rooted until their resolve runs out. I would personally prefer if it was just diminishing returns, but the resolve system is the path that the seem to have chosen.


When rated WZ's come out, coordinated roots are going to play a huge factor.

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You definatly have a good point. What you are asking for wouldn't amount to much though. Since 10 seconds would equal 10% of resolve or that you could only be CC for 9 more seconds. Also anything less than this 10% may round down and further amount to nothing at all.
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your entire post can be summarized as extremely lowered TTK gimps healing as a whole and puts undue pressure on healers while relieving pressure on all burst dps classes, regardless of spec or AC.
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B) Sorcs are the easiest healer to kill as a maurader.


Thats because of the long cast time on our strongest healing skills.


Dark Infusion takes forever to cast, u will be interrupted, for sure.


U can always fake by casting the AOE first (which will often be interrupted) then cast dark infusion (if you´re not dead yet).


You can always shield yourself and run, but healers have a big cooldown on the force sprint skill, and i find that very sad and annoying (we are effing healers made of paper, why dps sorcs have a lesser cooldown on forcesprint? II have to be able to run and survive, cuz i keep the effing team alive, not him).


If you try to snare or stun and move away, the cooldown will screw any further attempts if u dont avoid the enemy imediately.


In other words, what the game wants u to do is this: stay still while u cast > get interrupted > die.


They should give to the healers who depend on a long casting time at least one good instant heal.

Edited by EduardoJN
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your entire post can be summarized as extremely lowered TTK gimps healing as a whole and puts undue pressure on healers while relieving pressure on all burst dps classes, regardless of spec or AC.


You are saying it much better.


But Bioware posted about TTK saying that the only reason people think that is because it is due to people with lots of expertise facing people with very little expertise. I just wanted to show that it is not the case.


Also, I wanted to show that I am getting both sides and not being completely biased here.

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First of all boasting about 600-800k healing done makes you look like a fool to put out those numbers you have to do a lot of totally useless healing while at the same time neglecting dispels and cc.


Secondly Marauders/Sentinaels are the counter class to Sorccerer/Sage and they have been since the start of the game.


Thirdly sorc/sage healer where grossly overpowered pre 1.2 due to the fact that they had basically infinite resources.

This led to a play style that relied on spamming the same 4-5 buttons and produced a lot of extremely bad healers, the number of dispels you usually get from your "friendly" healer is the clearest indication for this problem.



Those points established, marauders/sentinels still do way to much damage for the defensive cds they also bring, they are blowing most classes even faster than sage/sorc healers.

Edited by Bazzoong
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I believe this is happening across the board, not just with Marauders and Sorcs.


I have started playing DPS after playing Healer before.


Healers die rather quickly. Before as a healer I could use every defensive cooldown I had and my weak instant heal to just barely get it if a few dps were focusing me (using LOS to stop the damage).


Now the healing cant keep me alive at all.


As a dps I look for the healers, open up on them, then CC them when they try to cast something, interuppt the next heal that comes out and they should be dead by then.

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Resolve is a much more interesting, engaging, and active cc system than plain diminishing returns. Sorry if you aren't good at handling it. DR is boring and old. Also, I just wanted to point out that just because you can type "TTK," it doesn't mean you know what you are talking about. Where did this come from? I doubt anyone who frequently posts on these boards even knew that acronym/statistic even existed before a week or two ago
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at least make dmg have high chance to break root


This would totally screw sorcs/sages of any spec, it also would screw gunslingers/snipers, and make all warriors completely god mode.


Are you people totally nuts, cc/roots is the only thing that keeps the warrior classes remotely in line.

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your entire post can be summarized as extremely lowered TTK gimps healing as a whole and puts undue pressure on healers while relieving pressure on all burst dps classes, regardless of spec or AC.


I agree. First logical step would be to rebalance expertise (up mitigation).

Healing is very frustrating rigth now, especially when not guard-booted, and/or in pugs.

Edited by germil
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After gathering data on PvP in full BM gear with a Sage and a Maurader I have come to the following conclusion


A) Sorc/sage survivability is slightly better than I initially thought post 1.2

B) Sorcs are the easiest healer to kill as a maurader.

C) this is the most important point , On my sorc I have to work much harder to keep myself alive, or to keep 1 person alive, than i do to have to kill someone. Even on an undergeared maurader, it was laughable how little needed to be done to kill a sorc. But in healing I work so hard.


I've been around played several MMO's and excelled in the pvp as a healer. And I know it can be difficult to kill a healer 1v1, but not for any decent DPS (Equally geared ofcourse).


My main point is the TTK in a match is so quick. I can pump out 500-600k heals in a match pretty often (these numbers are skewed by force armor, dmg absorbed should not = healing done)

But even with that much healing, I shouldnt be dieing in a few seconds to mauraders, I pumped out big heals and as soon as they switch to me I die, very, very quickly.


I know Full War hero gear may change this, but right now, in full BM, the ttk is still too fast.



On a side note, Roots really need to be affecting resolve. Even though this doesnt happen, it should not even be a possibility to keep someone rooted forever.


You need guard to be effective as a healer in WZ. Get a tank friend and enjoy 2v6ing ppl. It is very dificult to balance healer survivability in WZ, with guard in the game. It is ok now, imo. I win up to 2v6 fights regularly when i play tank or healer, and queue with a friend of the other.


Oh, and roots will never be affected by resolve, they are part of the kiting mechanic.

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You need guard to be effective as a healer in WZ. Get a tank friend and enjoy 2v6ing ppl. It is very dificult to balance healer survivability in WZ, with guard in the game. It is ok now, imo. I win up to 2v6 fights regularly when i play tank or healer, and queue with a friend of the other.


Oh, and roots will never be affected by resolve, they are part of the kiting mechanic.


You must have some terrible players where you play

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