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Why are there only mara/sent QQ threads?


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I play a sentinel, and there were some changes, but some of the buffs we got we definitely did not need as the class overall was mostly fine before the patch, just needed a few tweaks to the trees.


But i don't understand why all the threads are nerf mara/sent? Sure they could revert some of our stuff back, but is no one else out there getting ***** by DPS powertechs? There is a premade on our server that is just 3 DPS power techs and a ops healer and they just obliterate everyone, even our premade. They seriously can burst any class down in seconds way faster than even a couple mara's can.


I'm fine if they revert a few of the buffs sents/maras got back to pre 1.2. But they better nerf power techs the same because right now they are dominating my whole server at max level.

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Pyro PT (and the VG counterpart) were actually nerfed significantly. While they can still put out some serious burst if they get lucky, their survivability took a HUGE hit. Lots of PT players rerolled to the new FotM: Sentinel/Marauder. So just like a few weeks ago when there were QQ threads about Pyro PTs flooding the forums, the new FotM is Marauder/Sentinel.


Less people getting killed by the FotM = less QQ.


It'll happen again when Sent/Mara gets nerfed and everybody moves to the new FotM.

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1. Because a well played mara beats everything but a tank assassin in dps gear.

2. There are a great number more maras then assassins.

3. If you dps a PT hard, they die.

4. Melee beats everything that has too stand still. Aka anything that channels or casts, healing or dps.


Problem isn't mara's, its all dps that have tank like abilities. Burst is fine when all burst classes die when equally targeted.

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I play a sentinel, and there were some changes, but some of the buffs we got we definitely did not need as the class overall was mostly fine before the patch, just needed a few tweaks to the trees.


But i don't understand why all the threads are nerf mara/sent? Sure they could revert some of our stuff back, but is no one else out there getting ***** by DPS powertechs? There is a premade on our server that is just 3 DPS power techs and a ops healer and they just obliterate everyone, even our premade. They seriously can burst any class down in seconds way faster than even a couple mara's can.


I'm fine if they revert a few of the buffs sents/maras got back to pre 1.2. But they better nerf power techs the same because right now they are dominating my whole server at max level.



Probably because it is swing, swing, swing dead.....or because it takes 3 and 4 players to kill them. The imbalance is severely obvious. To argue against it makes you in denial or completely oblivious to what pvp is like currently..

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1. Because a well played mara beats everything but a tank assassin in dps gear.

2. There are a great number more maras then assassins.

3. If you dps a PT hard, they die.

4. Melee beats everything that has too stand still. Aka anything that channels or casts, healing or dps.


Problem isn't mara's, its all dps that have tank like abilities. Burst is fine when all burst classes die when equally targeted.

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Hrm, well maras are already the highest DPS with the best damage reduction for PvP.


Then 1.2 happened, maras got significantly buffed.

Pyros and Shadows got significant nerfs.


Powertechs were and still are the highest damage output class in the game.


And what nerf happend to shadows?

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Hrm, well maras are already the highest DPS with the best damage reduction for PvP.


Then 1.2 happened, maras got significantly buffed.

Pyros and Shadows got significant nerfs.



The real difference is survivability. Maras/Sentinels, Pyros, and Shadows all have outstanding dps; however, maras/sentinels can live 4/5 times longer than everyone else on the battlefield. It is a game of glass cannons currently but when you add high survivability for one class, that one class will reign supreme; maras are currently unbeatable one vs one. Frankly, it is making pvp pitiful to participate in currently. When you know you cannot beat one particular class no matter what one vs one, there is no real point in pvping.

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Well when you have the best of the best say a class is OP then it is pretty much is a given that they are:



These guys do nothing but PVP on all MMOs so they would know better then anyone.


He complains of the easiest marauder/sent spec there is to shut down.


And he plays a shadow ... so yeah..



Just more fotm marauder hate from that video.

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I play a sentinel, and there were some changes, but some of the buffs we got we definitely did not need as the class overall was mostly fine before the patch, just needed a few tweaks to the trees.


But i don't understand why all the threads are nerf mara/sent? Sure they could revert some of our stuff back, but is no one else out there getting ***** by DPS powertechs? There is a premade on our server that is just 3 DPS power techs and a ops healer and they just obliterate everyone, even our premade. They seriously can burst any class down in seconds way faster than even a couple mara's can.


I'm fine if they revert a few of the buffs sents/maras got back to pre 1.2. But they better nerf power techs the same because right now they are dominating my whole server at max level.


If you are a marauder/sentinel and lose to a pyro you are very bad. Im sorry that is the trouth of it. Its a simple DPS race and you have 4 abilities to prolong your life while they have 1 12 sec shield while you will have a full 30 sec rebuke due to dots+the 3 other defensive cooldowns.




The real difference is survivability. Maras/Sentinels, Pyros, and Shadows all have outstanding dps; however, maras/sentinels can live 4/5 times longer than everyone else on the battlefield. It is a game of glass cannons currently but when you add high survivability for one class, that one class will reign supreme; maras are currently unbeatable one vs one. Frankly, it is making pvp pitiful to participate in currently. When you know you cannot beat one particular class no matter what one vs one, there is no real point in pvping.



Edited by SajPl
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Well when you have the best of the best say a class is OP then it is pretty much is a given that they are:



These guys do nothing but PVP on all MMOs so they would know better then anyone.


1. That video is nothing but nonstop QQ.

2. Powerrr derp isn't that good.

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Well when you have the best of the best say a class is OP then it is pretty much is a given that they are:



These guys do nothing but PVP on all MMOs so they would know better then anyone.


That's just a giant QQ video. Looks pretty nub to me.

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Probably because it is swing, swing, swing dead.....or because it takes 3 and 4 players to kill them. The imbalance is severely obvious. To argue against it makes you in denial or completely oblivious to what pvp is like currently..


LOL 3 to 4 people to kill a sentinel. ok buddy.

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If you are a marauder/sentinel and lose to a pyro you are very bad. Im sorry that is the trouth of it. Its a simple DPS race and you have 4 abilities to prolong your life while they have 1 12 sec shield while you will have a full 30 sec rebuke due to dots+the 3 other defensive cooldowns.



No, i don't lose to a PT when i have all my cooldowns up 1vs1. But you add healers to the mix on both sides and all the encounters when my long CDs are down they will win. They have ridiculously high sustained damage that can't be avoided like a smash/sweep can be.

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Well when you have the best of the best say a class is OP then it is pretty much is a given that they are:



These guys do nothing but PVP on all MMOs so they would know better then anyone.


Why do you post here a video of a mediocre assassin pwning some noobs in alderaan?

I dont get it.

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Well when you have the best of the best say a class is OP then it is pretty much is a given that they are:



These guys do nothing but PVP on all MMOs so they would know better then anyone.




"I have no idea what I'm talking about so here's someone else's opinion. It must be true because he is better than me!"


Someone else's opinion is just that, an opinion. They are just as biased as anyone else.


@op : "nerf this and that" threads are so old and boring. Complain about something that is not never-ending, like multpiple bugs/glitches, how bad the legacy items are or that BW needs to merge servers.

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