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Jedi Knight story as a Sith Pureblood


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Hello fellow swtorians, I have just concluded my sith warrior story yesterday night and I believe my darth is at level 48 right now, as I was getting closer to level 50 and unlocking the sith pureblood race, a question popped in my mind...


I really like the class, therefore I was thinking about making a Jedi Guardian, but as my new unlocked Sith Pureblood race..


Judging from the Jedi Knight story, will this be ridiculous? Even though I like the race, I don't want to break my immersion when i am playing my character. As you can guess, I'd be rp'ing him as a person who defected to the Republic, not because he loves the jedi and the republic but because he wants to stop the Emperor.




Is a Sith Pureblood in the jedi knight story do-able?:hope_02:

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I would think it'd be spot-on as a story, not only of personal redemption, but of how the Jedi need to look to someone they never would've expected to save them. Of course, the NPCs aren't going to be expressing surprise at your race, but neither will they be saying things that conflict with it, I think.


Unfortunately, Kira and Lord Scourge might be reasonably expected to say something about serving a Sith Pureblood, and those lines simply aren't in the game.

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Its hard to tell you without giving you spoilers but I will say that if you play a JK sith pureblood and you choose all lightside (especially on tatooine...) things will mesh just fine. Especially when your decision on tatooine comes back later int he story. I can't say much without giving a spoiler.
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Its hard to tell you without giving you spoilers but I will say that if you play a JK sith pureblood and you choose all lightside (especially on tatooine...) things will mesh just fine. Especially when your decision on tatooine comes back later int he story. I can't say much without giving a spoiler.


It will work as stated above, but that is only, IF you accept the lore issue there. Sith purebloods bound to exact vengeance on the Republic for the genocide at the end of the Great Hyperspace War makes this all very very wrong in my eyes, regardless how some may explain it. It blurrs too much. If you can ignore the true lore behind the entire game and the way BioWare slowly demolishes it you will be fine. Have fun!

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It will work as stated above, but that is only, IF you accept the lore issue there. Sith purebloods bound to exact vengeance on the Republic for the genocide at the end of the Great Hyperspace War makes this all very very wrong in my eyes, regardless how some may explain it. It blurrs too much. If you can ignore the true lore behind the entire game and the way BioWare slowly demolishes it you will be fine. Have fun!


There is no true lore regarding the Old Republic conflicts. Everything that happened was lost over the course of 3,000 years.

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There is no true lore regarding the Old Republic conflicts. Everything that happened was lost over the course of 3,000 years.


That is nonsense. If we get into semantics what is TRUE and what is not I like to refer you to the Holonet on this page. Please watch the timeline videos, then you will agree. :p

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Just a point in thought. While starting my warrior there is a quest on Korriban where you have to pretend to help out a captured Jedi and let him escape.


He says to you some thing along the lines of " I am sorry the Jedi did not find you first and give you a chance on the Republic before the Empire found you" (not exact).


This was before the race unlocks in 1.2. So does that mean no matter what that the Jedi council would have taken in this sith and train him in the light side?


Just an idea RP wise. I am on an RP server and wondered how much of an opposition I would get to this.

Edited by VoidGlider
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You should get very little real opposition. The Jedi are all about redemption. It may be hard, but no one is beyond saving in the eyes of most Jedi. Any prejudice would be a character flaw, not something inherent in the Jedi Order.
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You should get very little real opposition. The Jedi are all about redemption. It may be hard, but no one is beyond saving in the eyes of most Jedi. Any prejudice would be a character flaw, not something inherent in the Jedi Order.


Agreed. Don't want to spoil anything, but whilst you play the JK story line you will see how menaingful this actually is. A great deal!

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That is nonsense. If we get into semantics what is TRUE and what is not I like to refer you to the Holonet on this page. Please watch the timeline videos, then you will agree. :p


It's not nonsense. The big events are recorded, true. But the details are hazy. Did a Sith Inquisitor kill Darth Paladius on Nar Shaddaa? Yes. Was the Inquisitor a male Zabrak with a ponytail? No one knows. Did a Jedi Consular shield the minds of their masters to protect them from a dark plague? Of course. Was it a female Miraluka bald and in a relationship with a Sith Warrior behind the council's back? Your guess is as good as mine.


I've seen the timeline videos. However, there is no timeline video about the Old Republic Conflict anywhere. So unless you can show me a video of George Lucas stating "Sith Purebloods never joined the Republic during the conflicts", your "breach of lore" accusations are unfounded. It's George's word against yours. Now who do you propose we believe? The internet random or the man who created the universe in the first place. George said it was okay, otherwise Bioware would never have gone through with it.

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I am playing as a pureblood sith - Jedi sentinel and i haven't incounterd any dialog where they comment on your 'race'


The Republic in general is far more open to other species. The Empire, on the other hand, if you roll an alien(especially as a SI)...let's just say xenophobic doesn't even cover it. :rolleyes:


My idea was that 30 years ago, in the last Great War, my Sith Pureblood was orphaned. She was found as a child by the Jedi and raised in the Order, after being found Force Sensitive. Since the JK essentially grows up in Tython, I would imagine that everyone knows about his/her unusual race. Besides, there is a Devilite Jedi you can run into on the JC questline. If Devilites can become Jedi, why not Purebloods? :tran_cool:

Edited by natashina
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The Republic in general is far more open to other species. The Empire, on the other hand, if you roll an alien(especially as a SI)...let's just say xenophobic doesn't even cover it. :rolleyes:


My idea was that 30 years ago, in the last Great War, my Sith Pureblood was orphaned. She was found as a child by the Jedi and raised in the Order, after being found Force Sensitive. Since the JK essentially grows up in Tython, I would imagine that everyone knows about his/her unusual race. Besides, there is a Devilite Jedi you can run into on the JC questline. If Devilites can become Jedi, why not Purebloods? :tran_cool:


More plausible scenarios! I can totally see that happening. Jedi care. They wouldn't turn an orphan Pureblood away.

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  • 1 year later...
It will work as stated above, but that is only, IF you accept the lore issue there. Sith purebloods bound to exact vengeance on the Republic for the genocide at the end of the Great Hyperspace War makes this all very very wrong in my eyes, regardless how some may explain it. It blurrs too much. If you can ignore the true lore behind the entire game and the way BioWare slowly demolishes it you will be fine. Have fun!


That is just racist to say that all sith purebloods have to be vengeful against the republic.

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It will work as stated above, but that is only, IF you accept the lore issue there. Sith purebloods bound to exact vengeance on the Republic for the genocide at the end of the Great Hyperspace War makes this all very very wrong in my eyes, regardless how some may explain it. It blurrs too much. If you can ignore the true lore behind the entire game and the way BioWare slowly demolishes it you will be fine. Have fun!


so all of one race must act the same?

There is a word for that and its called stereotype, not all purebloods will want to wipe out the republic and Jedi for something that happened 300 years ago.

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More plausible scenarios! I can totally see that happening. Jedi care. They wouldn't turn an orphan Pureblood away.


specially that while being LS knight

you do bring sith pureblood to the order, and later you meet him on Corellia as he joins the battle with you


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who cares, none of this is canon anyway, the entire star wars EU is only recognized by a few die hard fanboys, the only thing that's canon is the movies and we're likely to see a lot of our assumptions dashed as the movie series is continued.
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