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>> Arsenal Mercs Are Fine, Stop Complaining (PvP/PvE)


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Yep now i stop playing BH and go play sniper and if they dont want do something about it when my game time run out bye bye TOR. My first character was bounty hunter becouse i love Bounty hunters in SW universe and nice story dont make right fact that i play as weakest class in game if i want play as some brainless swordfighter i can stay with WoW. Edited by Deinoscz
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Anyone who has played a Merc, and then played other classes, knows the issue isn't with their DPS. It's their lack of utility compared to other classes and lack of survivability. The patch changed nothing for mercs, they are still great when left alone and a free kill when being attacked.
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Anyone who has played a Merc, and then played other classes, knows the issue isn't with their DPS. It's their lack of utility compared to other classes and lack of survivability. The patch changed nothing for mercs, they are still great when left alone and a free kill when being attacked.


That survivability is problem but before that doomed patch you got it covered with major dmg so if you want keep our dmg so low ok but give us something more then that dammed combat ress(by the way It was a bout time!!!)

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Anyone who has played a Merc, and then played other classes, knows the issue isn't with their DPS. It's their lack of utility compared to other classes and lack of survivability. The patch changed nothing for mercs, they are still great when left alone and a free kill when being attacked.


The patch killed the mercs burst ability and broke heat signatures so you are completely wrong there.

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The patch killed the mercs burst ability and broke heat signatures so you are completely wrong there.


they nerfed and broke... they will fix what they break so that is only temporary, and common by all mmo standards, when you change things other things get broken.


the QQing is insane about it though.


but the guy you quote has it right (i have a sniper and sorc and BH ... bh came first) ...


what Mercs are missing IS utility... once they fix what they have broken that will be apparrent... again.

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Can this thread be closed now that even the OP doesn't play arsenal? That's the most obvious sign arsenal is broken, even its biggest most ardent fans wont spec it anymore.


I play Arsenal in PvE and less often in PvP as of patch 1.2c. I still HAVE played Arsenal in PvP recently after 1.2c, and since there is an overwhelming negative towards Arsenal PvP, I will have to release a PvP video soon. The overall damage at the end of the match for Arsenal has significantly went down, but that is made up for with utility from duel knockbacks. While most of you feel that the +5 second nerf or the damage nerf has made this class utterly useless in PvP, it still serves it's purpose. I could see a PvP only utility buff in the future, but as far as damage goes, I think they balanced it well for PvE, increasing anything further will just unbalance things again.


Rest assured though, there will always be buffs, nerfs, and re-balancing done to not only mercs but all classes as BW continues to gather data. This is not the end for our advanced class, BW has heard all your concerns as a majority and they will address it as soon as they have a solution.

Edited by DkSharktooth
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The overall damage at the end of the match for Arsenal has significantly went down, but that is made up for with utility from duel knockbacks. While most of you feel that the +5 second nerf or the damage nerf has made this class utterly useless in PvP, it still serves it's purpose. I could see a PvP only utility buff in the future, but as far as damage goes, I think they balanced it well for PvE, increasing anything further will just unbalance things again.


Rest assured though, there will always be buffs, nerfs, and re-balancing done to not only mercs but all classes as BW continues to gather data. This is not the end for our advanced class, BW has heard all your concerns as a majority and they will address it as soon as they have a solution.


So um which is it? In one paragraph you say we are fine and that its balanced now for PVE and PVP is fine and in the next paragraph you act like your a game designer or something and tell us that BW has heard us and will address the problems as soon as they have a solution...


What problems?

You just said there weren't any problems... and the supposed problem with a dps not being able to actually do decent dps is made up for with a extra knockback!!!! Your original post states that Arsenal is still very viable and we need to L2play...


I especially love the... "damage went down but is made up for by dual knockbacks" Yes as a dps class I wish I could do 0 dps and have 10 knockbacks.... Id be a Mercenary Knockbacker and my whole purpose in this game would be to... um crap... sorry there is no purpose for something like that... but thank god a dps class traded dps for an extra knockback... for a second there I was worried that I would be a dps class and not be able to dps... oh wait...


This is the biggest herp derp double talk crap I have read in a long long time... lulz at the OP

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Updated original post.


Thank you for everyones feedback.


P.S. No I am not a developer, I simply try to put myself in their shoes and thought process. I am sorry if it came across otherwise.

It didn't. But I think the point was that you started a post and then sort of went soft on it. Look at your title.


Fact is, people are upset. The class is not behaving in a way that the majority of the community feels is competitive in PvP, and as for PvE, the jury seems to be out on whether or not we mercs can truly hold their own (though I am guessing they can).


You, being an OP who stated in his title everything is fine, sort of stepped right into it.


Jus' sayin.

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In order for you to have any buff warranted, they must first change tracer missle attack type from tech to ranged.

As long as you will have a 100% hit ability like tracer missle that bypassses any target defense rolls, you do not deserve any buffs or extra utility.



Edited by NoTomorrow
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In order for you to have any buff warranted, they must first change tracer missle attack type from tech to ranged.

As long as you will have a 100% hit ability like tracer missle that bypassses any target defense rolls, you do not deserve any buffs or extra utility.




Why? Tracer hits for nothing. When I get ranged by a merc I just ignore it. It takes 2-3 people spamming tracer to kill me and if I'm being healed the whole team could be spamming tracer with no results. So many people have zero clue just how bad they made tracer. Its a joke. Even if heat signature worked it would still need a buff.

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As long as you will have a 100% hit ability like tracer missle that bypassses any target defense rolls, you do not deserve any buffs or extra utility



The TM's function, damage aside, is to debuff armor for a maximum hitting Rail Shot so I'm wondering exactly how you came up with such an absurd and blatantly incorrect statement...

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The TM's function, damage aside, is to debuff armor for a maximum hitting Rail Shot so I'm wondering exactly how you came up with such an absurd and blatantly incorrect statement...


Sniper shatter shot is a ranged attack, it hits for pathetic less than normal attack damage, in order to get the precious armor debuff we must hope that the attck will not be dodged. I dont see why tracer missle should always have guaranteed hits without any needs for accuracy stat.


If you want to keep it so, the you must accept being balanced in terms of utility department ( e.g. being crap at it)

Edited by NoTomorrow
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Sniper shatter shot is a ranged attack, it hits for pathetic less than normal attack damage, in order to get the precious armor debuff we must hope that the attck will not be dodged. I dont see why tracer missle should always have guaranteed hits without any needs for accuracy stat.


If you want to keep it so, the you must accept being balanced in terms of utility department ( e.g. being crap at it)

hahaha did you just compare merc to op? Hahahahahaha woooooooo hahahaha oh man.
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Sniper shatter shot is a ranged attack


Which is not a Merc option, try again



I dont see why tracer missle should always have guaranteed hits without any needs for accuracy stat.


TM hits to debuff armor--it's a very simple concept. You're mixing apples and oranges then don't understand the difference between the two. Yes, TM hits for damage but it's main function, and the ONLY reason we spam it, is for the armor debuff which BTW is currently not working properly...what a Sniper/Op attack does is completely irrelevant to the point of TM...

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Shatter Shot is a low cost, instant ability that debuffs armor the same as a full stack of Tracer Missiles, except for three times longer (45 seconds), and can be reapplied at will.


There is absolutely no comparison.

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Which is not a Merc option, try again





TM hits to debuff armor--it's a very simple concept. You're mixing apples and oranges then don't understand the difference between the two. Yes, TM hits for damage but it's main function, and the ONLY reason we spam it, is for the armor debuff which BTW is currently not working properly...what a Sniper/Op attack does is completely irrelevant to the point of TM...


It does way too much damage for an attack that is supposed to debuff armor and to proc other abilities AND to bypass target defense. You do not deserve any buffs except for bug fixing.

Edited by NoTomorrow
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It does way too much damage for an attack that is supposed to debuff armor and to proc other abilities AND to bypass target defense. You do not deserve any buffs except for bug fixing.



man you talk like somoene who dont know how arsenal merc works. Tracer missile spaming is only way how to get proc. for unload and is useless use Power shot ( too expensive) when your tracer crit dont give you heat if crits.

Another update another 30MB downloaded still not fixet i lost my faith in BW even any explanation from Devs.

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It does way too much damage for an attack that is supposed to debuff armor and to proc other abilities AND to bypass target defense. You do not deserve any buffs except for bug fixing.


I guess you aren't reading replies because we have already told you why you are completely and totally incorrect.

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Sniper shatter shot is a ranged attack, it hits for pathetic less than normal attack damage, in order to get the precious armor debuff we must hope that the attck will not be dodged. I dont see why tracer missle should always have guaranteed hits without any needs for accuracy stat.


If you want to keep it so, the you must accept being balanced in terms of utility department ( e.g. being crap at it)


it takes 5 TM hits to get the effect of ONE shatter shot


quit whining, 5x1.5 =7.5 seconds to get full debuff on

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Man i can give dmg with snipe + followthrough on target afected my Shatter shot for : snipe 2700-2900 followthrough 2400-4200. And best part i can do this practicly instantly with correct talents as Arsenal BH i can only dream about such dmg so dont try convince me its balance its ******** like hell Edited by Deinoscz
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It does way too much damage for an attack that is supposed to debuff armor and to proc other abilities AND to bypass target defense. You do not deserve any buffs except for bug fixing.



On what are you basing this statement, besides your own prejudices and complete ignorance as to how the Arsenal Merc functions as a class? A 1.5 second channel time each time we fire, so in the absolute bare minimum 7.5 seconds it takes us to get a 15 second armor debuff, we are being attacked, stunned and/or interrupted whereas the Sniper debuff is INSTANTANEOUS and lasts 3X longer...do some research and know what you're talking about BEFORE you hit Submit Reply, you have absolutely no clue whatsoever as to what you are complaining about

Edited by StaticJoe
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Maybe all Devs are jedies flustrated by bounty hunters are more cool then they precious jedies.

Btw why you dont give tracer dmg back and give us longer dot at least 30sec and as a nerf give on tracer 6s cooldown. Could be nice do some changes in talents for making Power shot more useful and you can get rid of spaming your hated Tracer missiles.

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Maybe all Devs are jedies flustrated by bounty hunters are more cool then they precious jedies.

Btw why you dont give tracer dmg back and give us longer dot at least 30sec and as a nerf give on tracer 6s cooldown. Could be nice do some changes in talents for making Power shot more useful and you can get rid of spaming your hated Tracer missiles.


If bioware hates tracer how about giving us a tree with more than one option. Its not our fault the tree is entirely reliant on one attack.

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