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Mercenary is now useless in PvP

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As an arsenal merc it's been a month now and I truly miss being able to launch 3 tms and a hsm and then watch them shoot back to spawn. We were op. but they did nerf a bit much more than necessary. All we needed was the 10% nerf to tm. It is what it is though. pve isnt so bad cept now that the free 30 days is up I don't see my guild lasting too much longer. Probably will just unsub until server merges or something.
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As an arsenal merc it's been a month now and I truly miss being able to launch 3 tms and a hsm and then watch them shoot back to spawn. We were op. but they did nerf a bit much more than necessary. All we needed was the 10% nerf to tm. It is what it is though. pve isnt so bad cept now that the free 30 days is up I don't see my guild lasting too much longer. Probably will just unsub until server merges or something.


If that was OP - then its clear that power techs need a nerf - since they can kill you in 3 easy moves with 0 cast time.

Edited by Serpieri
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As an arsenal merc it's been a month now and I truly miss being able to launch 3 tms and a hsm and then watch them shoot back to spawn. We were op. but they did nerf a bit much more than necessary. All we needed was the 10% nerf to tm. It is what it is though. pve isnt so bad cept now that the free 30 days is up I don't see my guild lasting too much longer. Probably will just unsub until server merges or something.


If you felt OP doing that while being forced into turret mode with no mobility, cumbersome rotation with cast times, minimal utility and survivability, and needing a good team to prevent your dps being totally neutralized, then I have funny news for you.


Try a PT or Marauder. They can hit harder than we used to, but with instant casts and full mobility (plus taunts or vastly superior defensive CDs).


Sick, ranged burst was our role on a team, when supported or allowed to freecast. It was the only thing we did best, and we were not OP for having that one strength. Any PvPer worth his salt knew that if anything we needed buffs to make our class more interesting to play (less spammy/static rotation) or give us a bit more mobility/survival (we were WoW mages with no blink or frost nova... wrap your head around that a second).


Arguments like this are the reason we are presently broken.


Now we have no role on a team that cannot be performed better by every other dps class.

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I find it funny prior to launch so many people wanted to play BH and now in WZ you hardly see them. If you do its the Powertech Pyro. I see the "Tank" class doing 400k damage and the DPS class doing 250k if your lucky.....


Mercs are so broken.....do yourselfs a favor and fix them. You have/had a large population of gamers not happy ATM.

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I find it funny prior to launch so many people wanted to play BH and now in WZ you hardly see them. If you do its the Powertech Pyro. I see the "Tank" class doing 400k damage and the DPS class doing 250k if your lucky.....


PT Pyro is not a tank class. That having been said, PT Pyro survivability is higher than Merc Pyro or Arsenal simply due to its faster ability to eliminate its enemies.

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PT Pyro is not a tank class. That having been said, PT Pyro survivability is higher than Merc Pyro or Arsenal simply due to its faster ability to eliminate its enemies.


Gee that's funny when i hit level 10 it said.


pick either


Merc: DPS class




Powertech Tank class.


or was bioware just playing Jedi mind trick on me?


O wait.......first line on Wikia "The Powertech is one of the two Classes of the Bounty hunter, (IT IS THE TANKING AC for bounty hunters).


Jedi mind trick again eh?

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Gee that's funny when i hit level 10 it said.


pick either


Merc: DPS class




Powertech Tank class.


or was bioware just playing Jedi mind trick on me?


O wait.......first line on Wikia "The Powertech is one of the two Classes of the Bounty hunter, (IT IS THE TANKING AC for bounty hunters).


Jedi mind trick again eh?


Yup, the one you cast on yourself. Called Stupify Thyself.


Powertech is an Advanced Class. Which has three spec trees. One of which is Pyro. As in PT Pyro. Which is a dps not a tank class. PT is the Advanced Class to take if you want to be a Bounty Hunter tank. Just as Merc is the Advanced Class to take if you want to be a BH healer. But it does NOT follow that if you want to be a BH dps, that you must take Merc as your Advanced Class. Or PT for that matter. Oh wait, actually BW sort of messed that one up...

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Oh well, since I posted in the other thread, I might as well copy paste it here:


My suggestion for people who don't find arsenal merc good enough for PvP: Do what I did. Play your alt. I switched to my Juggernaut alt, and been leveling him and playing 10-49 levels PvP. He is almost level 50 now, and I have to say it is great to play a character that has a lot of utilities. It makes you feel useful. I have 5 interrupts, one AoE stun (though it breaks on damage, but still... AOE!!!), one AoE instant slow that can be cast indefinitely, Force Charge that can be used to get in someone's face or get out of a dangerous area (such as focus fire), armor debuff that work properly, and an AoE attack (that can be specced to) crit "every single time". Like I have been seeing 4k+ AoE attacks without buff since I was level 40. I can only imagine it will hit 6k+ after I get level 50 and start wearing expertise+ get the gear set bonus + buff.


So... Do what I did. Switch. It sure saves a lot of frustration, and it puts you back on the "having fun" bus. If you do like bounty hunter, I suggest Powertech. Those guys can kite melee, do a HELL LOT MORE DAMAGE than a merc in any form ever can (even though they have one less blaster, go figure), they are the most mobile class in the game with the most armor penetration, along with a jump, and a pull and many more.


Seriously. Do yourself a favor. Pick another class and put your merc to the shelf. I promise you won't ever want to pick it up. I sure don't want to pick mine up.

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Im a lvl 50 merc with buff BM and 1 WH PVP gear, and i dont not think we need a buff, i think we are fine the way we are.

With my setup, from my tree to my mouse and keyboard and lots of practice i finish most rounds with very few deaths, Hutt ball a merc is a god with 2 knock backs, 1 with a very short CD.


Im not saying its a L2P issue but practice does make perfect.

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Im a lvl 50 merc with buff BM and 1 WH PVP gear, and i dont not think we need a buff, i think we are fine the way we are.

With my setup, from my tree to my mouse and keyboard and lots of practice i finish most rounds with very few deaths, Hutt ball a merc is a god with 2 knock backs, 1 with a very short CD.


Im not saying its a L2P issue but practice does make perfect.


Considering that Electrodart and Jet Blast are easily negated by most melee and the Rocket Punch knockback, while on a very short CD, doesn't exactly knock people back very far. OH, and don't forget that Electrodart and Jet Blast will just about fill a resolve bar if used in close succession. So between that and how little damage we do now compared to before, running arsenal is almost useless. I reluctantly switched over to Pyro and I'm doing A LOT more damage now that I was with Arsenal (post nerf).

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Gee that's funny when i hit level 10 it said.


pick either


Merc: DPS class




Powertech Tank class.


or was bioware just playing Jedi mind trick on me?


O wait.......first line on Wikia "The Powertech is one of the two Classes of the Bounty hunter, (IT IS THE TANKING AC for bounty hunters).


Jedi mind trick again eh?


By your logic, Merc is the healing AC for bounty hunters.


Both AC's have two damage specs, and one alternative role. PT's can be tanks, Mercs can be healers.


Saying all Powertechs are tanks is like saying all Mercs are healers.

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By your logic, Merc is the healing AC for bounty hunters.


Both AC's have two damage specs, and one alternative role. PT's can be tanks, Mercs can be healers.


Saying all Powertechs are tanks is like saying all Mercs are healers.

Exactly, I don't understand where people get this **** from
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Can people just sotp making these stupid threads.

Honestly. Constant complaining isnt gonna fix it faster. Yesh BW understands that nobody is happy. So stop spamming the forums with this stupid crap about how its useless.

If you dont like it. Go away

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Oh well, since I posted in the other thread, I might as well copy paste it here:


My suggestion for people who don't find arsenal merc good enough for PvP: Do what I did. Play your alt. I switched to my Juggernaut alt, and been leveling him and playing 10-49 levels PvP. He is almost level 50 now, and I have to say it is great to play a character that has a lot of utilities. It makes you feel useful. I have 5 interrupts, one AoE stun (though it breaks on damage, but still... AOE!!!), one AoE instant slow that can be cast indefinitely, Force Charge that can be used to get in someone's face or get out of a dangerous area (such as focus fire), armor debuff that work properly, and an AoE attack (that can be specced to) crit "every single time". Like I have been seeing 4k+ AoE attacks without buff since I was level 40. I can only imagine it will hit 6k+ after I get level 50 and start wearing expertise+ get the gear set bonus + buff.


So... Do what I did. Switch. It sure saves a lot of frustration, and it puts you back on the "having fun" bus. If you do like bounty hunter, I suggest Powertech. Those guys can kite melee, do a HELL LOT MORE DAMAGE than a merc in any form ever can (even though they have one less blaster, go figure), they are the most mobile class in the game with the most armor penetration, along with a jump, and a pull and many more.


Seriously. Do yourself a favor. Pick another class and put your merc to the shelf. I promise you won't ever want to pick it up. I sure don't want to pick mine up.


This guy gets it. Sad but true.


I didn't want to be a sith in this game. I love bounty hunters in Star Wars. But my choices are either:


a. A stationary, piddly hitting merc with no mobility, who can't use a carbine, has an apparently non-functioning jetpack and possesses no utility of any kind unless healing, or:

b. A powertech that runs around spamming the same bland 4 button or so rotation (effective but boring as hell), has no mobility, an apparently non-functioning jetpack (unless specced Tank, which is a big no-no in pvp for PTs), can't use a carbine...


Bounty hunters in this game feel weirdly tacked on, as if the dudes who designed the loving synergy of different abilities given to the Juggernaut (my new main) simply slap-dashed BHs together on the last day of work, tied all of their abilities into the same boring rotations, and called it a day.


The juggernaut is effective and a great team player in PvP. It also feels like a badarse sith from the movies. Merc is awful and bears little resemblance to the guys it is based on (except for the part where Boba and Jango died embarrassing deaths to melee :rolleyes:).

Edited by otherworlder
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Merc is awful and bears little resemblance to the guys it is based on (except for the part where Boba and Jango died embarrassing deaths to melee :rolleyes:).


In Jango's defense, he had just blown all of his CDs on killing that Reek.

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Remember the week or so before ToR was released and the devs published some mini-videos with devs debating about how different classes would do in a fight? Each dev would pick a side and they'd go back and forth about how the BH would beat a Jedi Knight, or how the Knight would beat the BH.


Fast forward to today. One dev would say: "Jedi Knight would own the BH." The other one would say: "BH can target switch better, so he'd get off two shots at a different target before he died!". The first dev would just chortle.

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  • 1 month later...

I agree,


The merc is basicly usless now. play pyro tech and you will like the BH class again. They can move around very easy and dish out dps that makes the merc look like a nerd in spandex trying to take on the Hulk. you will like the 7-9k rail shots you can get as you get geared. it works wonders on finnishing off those nasty healers or players in a hurry. .

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I agree,


The merc is basicly usless now. play pyro tech and you will like the BH class again. They can move around very easy and dish out dps that makes the merc look like a nerd in spandex trying to take on the Hulk. you will like the 7-9k rail shots you can get as you get geared. it works wonders on finnishing off those nasty healers or players in a hurry. .


i'm not trying to argue with you, everybody has an opinion...


but, i DESTROY VG/PT's 1v1. keep em >10m and they are useless...which is VERY easy to do as a sniper, merc, sorc.


sure, they catch me w/ no CD's (which rarely happens), they can chew thru me, as can SW/JK's...


but, your "Merc is basically useless"...is NOT TRUE.


especially in Huttball...these are SLIGHTLY above average #'s...(altho i rarely do <400k and i didn't SS my 15k objective 575k HB last night...):






i got about a dozen more where my merc has shown just how well a merc can be played. oh wait...SS's don't mean anything...Merc sucks...

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Huttball and Voidstar are definitely the most Merc friendly maps, and there is no doubt that a decent Merc can do extremely well in Huttball running Mid control; in fact that's our role on that map.


It's also pretty easy to play cap interrupt in Voidstar esp. at the first set of doors with all of the nice LoS that also lets us keep range.


The two maps that bother me are Novare and Alderaan. Novare isn't as bad as Alderaan due to the ability to still keep range for the most part at each node. In Alderaan, however I feel gimped doing anything but holding the overwatch ramps in mid. I can play cap interrupt there, but I feel it's too easy to use the node to LoS. It also seems that Alderaan is very melee friendly due to the cramped feel of the middle and the weird LoS issues at the side nodes. I don't know about anyone else, but it bugs the hell out of me that there are really only two decent places from which to attack the platforms at the side nodes. If I'm not behind the node where the terrain slopes upwards, or at the stairs, I have an extremely hard time gaining LoS to prime targets, which makes cap interrupt much more of a pain unless I play on the platform, allowing melee into range.

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Huttball and Voidstar are definitely the most Merc friendly maps, and there is no doubt that a decent Merc can do extremely well in Huttball running Mid control; in fact that's our role on that map.


It's also pretty easy to play cap interrupt in Voidstar esp. at the first set of doors with all of the nice LoS that also lets us keep range.


The two maps that bother me are Novare and Alderaan. Novare isn't as bad as Alderaan due to the ability to still keep range for the most part at each node. In Alderaan, however I feel gimped doing anything but holding the overwatch ramps in mid. I can play cap interrupt there, but I feel it's too easy to use the node to LoS. It also seems that Alderaan is very melee friendly due to the cramped feel of the middle and the weird LoS issues at the side nodes. I don't know about anyone else, but it bugs the hell out of me that there are really only two decent places from which to attack the platforms at the side nodes. If I'm not behind the node where the terrain slopes upwards, or at the stairs, I have an extremely hard time gaining LoS to prime targets, which makes cap interrupt much more of a pain unless I play on the platform, allowing melee into range.


i completely agree...that is where being wily comes in...


pull people off nodes...you know they wanna chase you.


i.e. NC, East spawn: Jugg and I capped West right off the start(2 kills...quick!! :D ), had a healer come defend...they rushed 7 quick..i kited around tent, pushed a SW/SI off...LOL, came back around laid an AOE, ran behind wall to LoS, tgt'd healer and began LoS harrassment...it gets people mad...


3v7...jugg/heals died fast...i pulled 3 people off...they chased me to East, where i told my guildies in vent i was heading...


well, i ran thru east and R&R'd, while those 3 got violated, harshly.


we regrouped...1 min...rushed and took west with no problems..


i do the same in alderaan all the time.

Edited by T-Assassin
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i completely agree...that is where being wily comes in...


pull people off nodes...you know they wanna chase you.


i.e. NC, East spawn: Jugg and I capped West right off the start(2 kills...quick!! :D ), had a healer come defend...they rushed 7 quick..i kited around tent, pushed a SW/SI off...LOL, came back around laid an AOE, ran behind wall to LoS, tgt'd healer and began LoS harrassment...it gets people mad...


3v7...jugg/heals died fast...i pulled 3 people off...they chased me to East, where i told my guildies in vent i was heading...


well, i ran thru east and R&R'd, while those 3 got violated, harshly.


we regrouped...1 min...rushed and took west with no problems..


i do the same in alderaan all the time.


Unfortunately, I find that good pre-mades won't chase, esp. on Alderaan.


Novare is a bit easier esp. if you cap east/ west and hold. There is a lot of nice LoS between the two so it's really easy for ranged to float between the two on def. The ledges into the minefields on east/ west are a nice def. tool as you pointed out, and yes it does piss people off (just gotta be sure to pull away from the ledge so you can't be leapt to).

Edited by Phrase
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While I agree with Assassin that our damage in Pyro isn't the issue, (although I'd like them to make Missile Blast viable...16 Heat/100% CGC application--talented for the CGC part) since it's pretty easy for me on my non-full WH merc to lay down some damage. Between our AoE's, DoTs, and quick burst we can keep folks from capping nodes just long enough for help to arrive.


Now, I will agree that Merc's are useless when it comes to one thing...UTILITY! We don't have an interupt, a root/snare, a jump, or even a reliable long lasting slow effect. Hell, I'd be perfectly happy with the class if we had just a slow (something that lasts at least 10s) and some sort of Jump/Disengage (yes...WoW hunter ability) to help us keep range on people. Hell, even having our Cure remove ALL slowing abilities on us would be a good start.


Unfortunately I don't foresee BW adding any basic utility to our class anytime soon...

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Sorry to sidetrack from the Alderann anecdote we have going on, but I'm going to /sign this.


As a player who just decided to come back to the game, I don't think BioWare is doing a very good job of trying to keep me as the patch that I came back for killed my spec.


I don't wan't to be one of the 400k, BioWare, but I will if I have to.

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