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Lightsabers Limited


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It is strange. East Asian martial artists master a dozen weapons or more as part of their training. Some monks masters 3 dozen or more weapons styles in order to protect the peace. But the Jedi and Sith can't manage to master THREE?


Whether a force wielder uses one or two lightsabers, or wields lightstaves should not depend on class or subclass.

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It is strange. East Asian martial artists master a dozen weapons or more as part of their training. Some monks masters 3 dozen or more weapons styles in order to protect the peace. But the Jedi and Sith can't manage to master THREE?


Whether a force wielder uses one or two lightsabers, or wields lightstaves should not depend on class or subclass.


Well number 1 it's gameplay mechanics and number 2 some jedi prefer mastering one style of combat. When Anakin fought Dooku using 2 lightsabers in ep.2 you could tell he wasn't that good at it.

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Lightsabers are slightly more dangerous than standard martial arts weapons. This isn't really a very valid comparison.



I'm not schooled much in the EU, but of the Star Wars universe I'm versed in, I can only think of 3 characters that have switched styles (more than just temporarily picking up a 2nd saber if opportunity presents itself).


Ahsoka Tano

Galen Marek

Kyle Katarn (may be mis-remembering this one)

Edited by VicSkimmr
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i'm going to ignore the gameplay part of this post, but as for jedi/sith only using lightsabres and no other kind of weapons in starwars lore. well the lightsabre is more than a weapon, its part of the image. when some1 sees a person walking around with a lightsabre hilt hanging from there belt they know to show some respect.


the Japanese samurai are well versed with many weapons, but you would never see one walking the streets without their samurai sword. i imagine the jedi/sith work with this kinda principle, i'm sure they are more than capable of picking up and using lots of weapons. but a lightsabre is the weapon of choice

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They are more then capable of using other weapons(IE: Obi-wan used a spear in the geonosis arena battle), its just the lightsaber offers many advantages for the user.


1. There is no actual blade, therefore there is no wear down and it lasts a lot longer then a regular sword would.


2. It is able to cut through almost anything, which is good if your stuck in a situation where you'd need to cut through stuff. IE: Qui-gon and the blast door, deleted scene from EP 3 where Obi-Wan and Anakin cut through the floor on the invisible hand.


3. Its not in the way, normal swords can be pretty big and heavy. With lightsabers, just the hilt has weight and its not so big that it would get in the way of someone or get stuck or what have you when walking around.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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  • 3 weeks later...
Gameplay + Balance > 'realism' (using the term loosely).


I fully understand game play and balance but there is no reason why all Jedi couldn't carry either style of blade (staff or sword). It isn't going to change their damage, and they would use the one they were more comfortable with anyway. The powers don't come from the blade they come from the force.

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I fully understand game play and balance but there is no reason why all Jedi couldn't carry either style of blade (staff or sword). It isn't going to change their damage, and they would use the one they were more comfortable with anyway. The powers don't come from the blade they come from the force.


All Jedi make one blade and stick to it, now if they so choose to train in the use of two blades they will create another, or if they choose to use a saberstaff they will create one and use it. But it would be a waste for them to try and switch between the weapons when it would be much more effective to just wield and practice one.


A single saber is incredibly lethal with the right user, the right form, and the right opponent.


There is the saying where if one tries to learn everything (use multiple types of sabers/forms), they will learn nothing. If they focus on one particular aspect of the lightsaber they will perfect their strengths and find ways around their weaknesses.

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I totally agree. :D


Why can I not backstab someone with a single light-saber, but I can with a double? Who makes these stupid rules!? :confused:


Your style should be over laid onto any advanced class you choose to play. Adding another layer to make your character your own and less like everyone elses. Weapon style should not be defined by your advanced class. Or at very least it should be restricted to spec. So at least you could re-spec if you wanted a different look to your character.

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As someone who has trained in various weapons briefly, I would like to give my opinion on this issue.

The Katana is the most balanced of all the weapons, so it is easily the most useful choice in a variety of combat situations.

Jedi have been known in the past to specialise in other weapons, as have actual martial artists. However, the training for each weapon is significantly different. Because of the differences in training and availability of trainers, it is unlikely that each jedi would be taught every combat form.

Even assuming that there were enough jedi proficient in each form, it would still be likely that - outside of absolute mastery - every student would still prefer the saber, simply because it is an all around weapon and useful in most situations.

Myself, I've used Bo's, Hanbo's, knives, etc. and I still prefer my bokken (wooden katana).

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As far as Star Wars lore goes Jedi are well trained in multiple weapon useage.


EXAMPLE: Obi-Wan picks up a blaster rifle during the fight with Greivous in AOTC and fires several one-handed precision shots with a blaster rifle killing him.


If that doesn't show skill in multiple weapon usage I don't know what does as far as lore is concerned.

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I believe it's a matter of a personal choice. Plus tradition. Ancient Jedi preferred single saber, Sith were believed to use staves more commonly.


And if one would like to to use more sabers - feel free. We have an example already: Exar Kun and Luke Skywalker. The first was using single and double blade. At the end he ended with double bladed version. The latter constructed short bladed saber (shoto) and was dualwielding during preparations and final duel with Lumiya (to counter her lightwhip). Luke used two swords despite being single blade user.


But what I cannot get - why to limit yourself with just one blade when you could face a situation when extra blade would be necessary?


Technically double-bladed lightsaber is made when you add another saber to your current, but pointing in the opposite direction. To shorten and simplify design both blades were powered from one power unit, had double crystal setting and emitters.


That design allowed to use two blades from one hilt that was slightly longer than traditional single bladed one. But it had its drawbacks (as seen during OB1 vs Maul and Malgus vs Sateele). Cutting through hilt destroys whole saber (Sateele) or leave you with just one blade, if you're lucky (Maul).


So - why not to double your saber? In one weapon you have actually three:

- when connected you have double-bladed saber

- when connected you have single-bladed saber with long hilt/grip

- when disconnected you dual wield


Two connected sabers give more options while in duels. Just one example - my design vs traditional lightstaff. We lock our blades forming an X and struggle to get upper hand. Then I detach my off-blade and perform simple stab while my main blade still blocks opponent's staff.


So, if I would be a Jedi I'd build two sabers, connect them to have a staff and have all options available.

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I fully understand game play and balance but there is no reason why all Jedi couldn't carry either style of blade (staff or sword). It isn't going to change their damage, and they would use the one they were more comfortable with anyway. The powers don't come from the blade they come from the force.


You don't have to use a Lightsaber, where you are getting that from I don't know, you can buy Vibroblades and unrealistic looking Buster Swords, etc.... I've seen SW use them all the time.

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Master of one type of weapon is far better than good with several weapons.




This also remind me a discussion on mount and blade board regarding dual wield whey player ask why it wasn't in the game. Mount and blade dev team state dual wield is fiction for movie, you don't really see it in historical warfare. The fact is swinging sword with 2 hand creates stronger impact than swinging it with 1 hand and light saber battle some times comes down to wielder's physical strength.


Miyamoto Musashi is most notable swords man with dual wield, however it doesn't ncessary mean he slash with 2 swords. The off-hand (short katana) is usually act as parry weapon to block enemy's sword while attack with main hand in between..

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I believe it's a matter of a personal choice. Plus tradition. Ancient Jedi preferred single saber, Sith were believed to use staves more commonly.


And if one would like to to use more sabers - feel free. We have an example already: Exar Kun and Luke Skywalker. The first was using single and double blade. At the end he ended with double bladed version. The latter constructed short bladed saber (shoto) and was dualwielding during preparations and final duel with Lumiya (to counter her lightwhip). Luke used two swords despite being single blade user.


But what I cannot get - why to limit yourself with just one blade when you could face a situation when extra blade would be necessary?


Technically double-bladed lightsaber is made when you add another saber to your current, but pointing in the opposite direction. To shorten and simplify design both blades were powered from one power unit, had double crystal setting and emitters.


That design allowed to use two blades from one hilt that was slightly longer than traditional single bladed one. But it had its drawbacks (as seen during OB1 vs Maul and Malgus vs Sateele). Cutting through hilt destroys whole saber (Sateele) or leave you with just one blade, if you're lucky (Maul).


So - why not to double your saber? In one weapon you have actually three:

- when connected you have double-bladed saber

- when connected you have single-bladed saber with long hilt/grip

- when disconnected you dual wield


Two connected sabers give more options while in duels. Just one example - my design vs traditional lightstaff. We lock our blades forming an X and struggle to get upper hand. Then I detach my off-blade and perform simple stab while my main blade still blocks opponent's staff.


So, if I would be a Jedi I'd build two sabers, connect them to have a staff and have all options available.


But then you'd also have a hard time mastering the style to use the blade effectively. A double bladed saber is actually more limited then the standard saber, it can do more damage sure but it requires accuracy, doing long sweeping motions and its also difficult to master. The only advantage it has is that, most don't know how to defend or attack against it, and all this is coming from Kas'im.

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I fully understand game play and balance but there is no reason why all Jedi couldn't carry either style of blade (staff or sword). It isn't going to change their damage, and they would use the one they were more comfortable with anyway. The powers don't come from the blade they come from the force.


i read a book, where a sith lord used a staff, however the staff wan't a vibro or techonstaff. it was a lightsaber blade on a staff hilt. i do think the lightsaber represents more than a weapon to them, but this shows thats swordplay is not always the prefered style. i agree they could add a lightsa+ber staff like this, but they would need to wrok on a whole new set of animations

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