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Let's put your spec to the test!


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Note: This thread is being updated and will take a few days due to my schedule. Some links may simply be lost but some may work.


Let's put your spec to the test!


Been getting some requests about testing certain specs. (Mainly Hybrids)

What I'll do is take your spec for a test run and let you know how it performs.


Post your build here, the rotation you use and the preferable gearing.


Standard 31/x builds will be lower priority due to the mass amount of information out there concerning them. Unique and original specs will be tested first.


Current Builds:



NEW! 11/30/0



Tested out a build like this before because it did look very interesting. While it does look good on paper, there are a few issues with this build that make it nearly unplayable. The burst is... not really that good at all. The project damage is pretty much less than infiltration's project (Burst) and beyond the "big project", there is nothing else this build has to offer. You just ramp up for the mediocre project and that's it. There's no sustained output about this build. The Internal damage from Force Breach in Combat Technique is lackluster and certainly not enough to save it.


You have moderate survivability (at best) and it's simply not enough to make up for running around waiting for one big number.


NEW! 23/1/17



This spec reminded me of a similar hybrid utilizing both Infil/Balance trees. Testing it out, I find it to be (not to be mean or offensive!) a lesser version of 13/28. The added sustained to Charge Mastery and Lightning recovery simply does not make up for the (still) squishiness that this spec contains. The reason why Balance gets away with being as squishy as it is, is simply because of the ability known as Sever Force paired with a good pressure upkeep.


The main issue I have with this spec is that there is not enough damage output for the poor survivability of it. It just feels like a gimped 23/1/17. If you do however, want to roll with this spec, then I suggest something like this:


Fishing for survivability on our DPS specs is near-impossible unless the spec is utilizing combat technique.






This is an awesome spec and probably the one I am going to use for rateds. This or my own personal 13/28 Balance-Infil hybrid. Now this spec is awesome. Think of it as a more mobile Kinetic. You have the defensives of KC, but you have more mobility and burst damage. You also get insta-force lift.


The trade off is TK and Slow time. Both, of which, are excellent abilities on their own, but it is a fair trade. This spec is very supportive to the team and can pump some good burst damage. I highly recommend it to anyone who's serious about rated play.





Messing around trying to find new ways to entertain myself with my Shadow... I suddenly came up with this spec out of nowhere. I remember seeing it on "paper" and thinking "Oh gosh, that spec would perform awesome if I think it works the way I want it to!". Well, what a surprise... this spec more than fulfilled my expectations, it surpassed it.


This is a very high-damage dealing spec that features a multiple arsenal of attacks to keep you going and keep you going strong. FiB and Breach, both high internal damage (Yes, this spec utilizes Shadow Technique!) along with the SS proc... this spec is just a pure armour-penetrating build.


On top of the high and consistent damage, the force management is great! That's the other part that surprised me. You have so many buttons to press yet you're not force starved entirely. Granted, you must monitor your force like you would as any spec. I'm still working around getting used to this spec but I absolutely love it. The burst literally requires little to no setup and you have the ability to just keep going.





Similar to Stephen's spec, just less mobile and more KC-usual orientated. The benefits of 23/1/17 is the fact that it's highly mobile, whereas this one still depends on TK. So basically the tradeoff here is the usual healing/damage from TK with nerve wracking for the loss of Insta-Force lift, 25% force cost on FiB and an infiltration tactics (SS) proc.


Personally, I don't think I could play ANY spec without Infiltration Tactics anymore. Quite frankly, it's probably one of the best talents we have and the ability to pick it up so easily from tier 1 should never be overlooked. Regardless of spec. Needless to say, I do not think this build is bad, but rather a little boring on playability.





I find this to be the most interesting spec thrown at me so far. Solely because of an infil/balance hybrid and it seemingly looked fine on paper. However, the build tends to counter itself and Low Slash seems to be a wasted point in this build as Force Technique directly interferes with the ability to incap targets for the duration needed. Another thing that completely threw me off was the lack of force. The Force Regeneration rate was really discouraging and made the build just plain irritating to play.


I think it would be more beneficial to take points out of Low Slash, Security Breach and Fade and add it to Twin Disciplines and Force Suppression. As it stands, I find this build disappointing and doesn't perform to the ability of a 24/0/17 Hybrid for example. It's a good shot, but the two trees of Balance and Infiltration just completely go against each other by design.





A Darkness/Madness combination is common amongst people trying out hybrid specs, so I was already used to the playstyle before I begun. It plays like the Darkness/Madness hybrid should: Tanky yet can dish out enough damage to be a threat. Still, it's not as much as your pure Madness or Deception trees have to offer but to replace that, you have added survivability. Death Field is a nice AoE addition and can deal some decent damage from time to time.


I would suggest switching some talents around. Electric Execution is only adding to the damage your Saber Charge causes. Therefore that's barely even 5-10 damage. Instead, I would get Lightning Reflexes. Another thing I noticed is 1 point in Harnessed Darkness. At this point in the hybrid, you have no need to go for that. I don't think it's needed with this build and can be put to better use such as an additional Nerve Wracking.





My guildie and I came up with a similar hybrid that plays somewhat along the lines of this one. This can be an interesting build. Not quite as squishy as your typical pure DPS trees but nowhere near what Kinetic can bring. It plays similar to a full Balance without Sever Force, basically. So the rotation upkeep is easier. Mind Over Matter is awesome and definitely helps this build out. Not to mention, the build seems to always have a good amount of force and even features Force Pull. My main issue with this build is the lack of Twin Disciplines.


However, I added some of my own tweaks and came up with this build:


I think Containment would just add to the already awesome amount of CC this build can feature. Definitely liking this one so far out of what I've tested. It can be CC-worthy and a completely pest to the enemy team. Yet, at the end of the day, I find the lack of Sever Force a little disheartening. Spinning Kick and Force Pull are just awesome tools to have nevertheless.





The spec that's really opened my eyes to appreciating Shadow Strike as Kinetic. Guildie and I had been discussing this spec and I was reluctant to try it out at first. I knew that KC had already been suffering from Force problems so adding Shdow Strike to the rotation seemed like I would just be hurting myself more in the longrun.

Well, turns out it's not as bad as I thought. As a matter of fact, I am now using a 31/2/8 variant with 2 points in infiltration tactics instead. There is a great upside to this spec but there's also a downside, so in the end it's a toss up. Adding Shadow Strike to the rotation of KC makes the spec a lot more fun to play. Not to mention, it also adds a nice amount of burst. The proc is up moderately with 1 point alone, with 2: it's much better. The downside to this build is micro managing your Force much more strictly.

I'd recommend giving it a try to all KC users out there. Adds flavour to the build and a little more complexity.





I'd like to call this a more DPS-orientated version of infiltration. Which in itself, is interesting. Seeing as Infiltration is more geared towards being a burst spec. Nevertheless, this version finds slightly more stability for the trade up of potential burst. Utilizing Clairvoyant Strike more than the standard infiltration build and a lack of upheaval. The armour penetration gain from Technique Mastery is decent addition.

I find this build perhaps more useful in PvE than PvP. In longterm DPS, this would probably be the way to get more bang for your buck as infiltration in PvE. As far as PvP goes, Upheaval for infiltration is too good to pass up. Granted, there are times where your project will actually hit harder as this spec.





Another interesting spec I had to take into consideration because it reminded me of Sojou's Kevin Bacon spec. However, this spec uses Shadow Technique. While it looks great on paper, the performance is a bit mixed. It is certainly more tankier than your standard x/31/x infiltration builds, but I find it lacking in any special departments. Sure, Force Pull is good but even as this spec, you will be overall doing less DPS than even a standard KC build.

Although this build receives some decent additions from KC such as Force Pull and Spinning Kick out of combat, I find it overall lacking in the offensive department. Perhaps it was meant to be a pest, but still, I find a standard KC able to pull the job off better. A simple 31/1/9 or 31/2/8 KC build outshines it. Due to Infiltration's one-track nature, finding a hybrid spec with any of the other two trees seems nigh-impossible.





Standard 24/0/17 Hybrid spec. I like this build due to the insta-Whirlwind or Force Lift in addition to being moderately tanky and having Force Pull to top it off. I've talked about a similar spec to this higher up in this thread so there's not much to add. This is the version I'd go about using rather than the one ahead.

Think of it as a more mobile Darkness/KC that has some nifty CC and Death Field/FiB to top it off. Definitely a good build for supporting your team and I would recommend it to team-based players.





Standard Balance build with moderate differences.





Standard KC build with moderate differences.


8/2/31 vs 7/3/31



*Currently Testing


31/7/3 vs 34/7/0


and http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#601rIrozrskrsZhMb.1


*Currently Testing


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This is the build I use for both my Assassin and my Shadow.




Dark Ward/Kinetic Ward obviously before every battle.


My rotation is basically: Discharge/Force Breach > Wither/Slow Time > Shock/Project > Thrash/Double Strike until Energized/Particle Acceleration procs > Shock/Project > Thrash/Double Strike with Saber Strike to recharge force > Shock/Project for 3rd charge of Harnessed Shadows/Darkness > Force Lightning/Telekinetic Throw (with recklessness if you want to) then repeat, including Assassinate/Spinning Strike at 30% health.


For 1v1s in PvP, I usually like to start off with: Stealth > Spike/Spinning Kick > Mind Crush/Crushing Darkness > *Discharge/Force Breach as said above.


I try keeping Discharge/Force Breach and Wither/Slow Time on target as much as possible.


It's pretty easy to keep up with force management, using saber strike to practically fill the gap of attacks while force regenerates. I also try to guard a teammate if I can as well.

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This is new.

Been getting some requests about testing certain specs. (Mainly Hybrids)

What I'll do is take your spec for a test run and let you know how it performs.


Post your build here, the rotation you use and the preferable gearing.




Current Builds:





*Currently Testing





*Currently Testing





*Currently Testing


If you could try this one:




Same gearing/rotation as you would with any Inf.

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I would like to see a comparison between this and this. the difference between the two is the use of Project to proc a melee bonus plus the proc to shadow strike in the latter, vs. dropping both from your bar in the former. Rotation would go Force Potency>Project>Force in Balance>Sever Force>Force Breach>Double Strike>Mind Crush/Shadow Strike on proc>Saber Strike to build force vs. Force in Balance>Sever Force>Force Breach>Double Strike>Mind Crush on proc>Saber Strike (both using Spinning Strike when available).
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Just because everyone seems to be doing specs that are univarsally tested and thought to work well(Or slight variations), I'm gonna post one that's a little odd.



The idea behind this one is to have the utility of a tank, and hopefully a bit more surviveable than an infil spec. Partially just wondering if Shadowy Veil's and Stasis' armor buffs stack. Added in extra Force management to ensure you don't run out. Shadow technique is the one being used, if you couldn't tell.

Anyways. There's my outrageous idea. I have thought about trying it myself, but if someone else is willing to do it for me, I won't complain. :D

Thank you ahead of time, and if you could get back on this quickly, i would really appreciate it.



Edited by Aariok
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Just because everyone seems to be doing specs that are univarsally tested and thought to work well(Or slight variations), I'm gonna post one that's a little odd.



The idea behind this one is to have the utility of a tank, and hopefully a bit more surviveable than an infil spec. Partially just wondering if Shadowy Veil's and Stasis' armor buffs stack. Added in extra Force management to ensure you don't run out. Shadow technique is the one being used, if you couldn't tell.

Anyways. There's my outrageous idea. I have thought about trying it myself, but if someone else is willing to do it for me, I won't complain. :D

Thank you ahead of time, and if you could get back on this quickly, i would really appreciate it.




Hum. This is an interesting spec.


I've been spending a fortune trying to find a way to get the general DPS approach of Shadow Technique while using combat technique for the insane increase in defense, but in the end the biggest problem is resource starvation. Without circling shadows from Shadow Technique, you run out of force far too fast.


This spec doesn't exactly provide what I was looking for, but its a different approach on the Infiltration/Kinetic hybrid which is interesting. I think in the end its biggest problem will be a lack of burst due to the decreased crits from missing out on deep impact.

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I PvPed with a Kinetic/Inf spec almost like the one described above, and did some daily quests with it. I had the +15% project damage in Kinetic however. It was NOT burst at all unless you got shadow strike proc crits with project crits. I had Shadow tech on, and when i ran low on force after i while i would use blackout.
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OP updated for new specs.

Results will be posted weekly.

Expect to see an updated post this weekend, hopefully.

Can only do around 2-4 tests per week, possibly 5 but that's pushing it.

Edited by Xinika
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Hi there.


Could you also try out this spec if you have the time to?



My rotation is usually:

MiB => Project => Breach => Double Strike => Double Strike/Mind Crush => Project => any CDs

When the opponent hits less than 30%, Spinning Strike.

Basically full BM gear will do.


Just want to compare this build with others and see if I should continue to stick with this spec.



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The spec ive been using for the past 2 months. Less reliable on the HD/HS stacking which is getting boring, gimmicky and easy to counter as people claim, and more focus on control and flexibility. This spec will, as in contrast to 31/10 not limit you to 90% usage of force powers only, but a good blend of melee and force powers. Recommended for those who pvp`s as a team and not some solo wannabe hero in 31/10.

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I am not using the shield generator in this spec I'm basically going for raw dps. ATM I run about 860 expertise, I have 702 power, I have 79.19 surge, 23.5 % cirt and 92% acc. I usually get 400k+ a match. You should always be moving with this spec. Remember to use force lift whenever its up (I try to lift Jugs/Maras). Try to hit as many targets as possible with FIB. I start usually with double strike till i get PA then i project/fib/Breach depends on how many enemies there are. Your main attacks should mostly be double strikes and projects.

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I am not using the shield generator in this spec I'm basically going for raw dps. ATM I run about 860 expertise, I have 702 power, I have 79.19 surge, 23.5 % cirt and 92% acc. I usually get 400k+ a match. You should always be moving with this spec. Remember to use force lift whenever its up (I try to lift Jugs/Maras). Try to hit as many targets as possible with FIB. I start usually with double strike till i get PA then i project/fib/Breach depends on how many enemies there are. Your main attacks should mostly be double strikes and projects.


Where (which items/mods) are you getting the 702 power from right now?

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Where (which items/mods) are you getting the 702 power from right now?


Well a lot of my mods are from post 1.2 bm stalker pieces, I have full augmented gear with all over kill augments. I also purchased the Force mystic one-hand and used its mods in my saber. Also ive been focusing on buying WH force mystic gloves and the WH force master boots. (I may have the names mixed up...its the one with best power mods). Also the WH force healers relay is amazing get that. Once i get the stalker implants that will be another 138 power just from those two items...so thats 840 power right there. You also don't really need to focus on crit with the 23/1/17 build because most your dmg is based of PA procs.

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Just a little variation that has added some umph to my play.




The 1 point into infiltration tactics adds so much burst to the spec. SS is useless without it. I also get Kenetic Ward because I am a ball carrier a lot and it helps. I choose 2/3 Nerve Racking over any points in Mental Fortitude. And 1/2 in Rapid Recovery.


I use a shield. Other than that full DPS gear with 2 pieces of Survivor gear for the 2 piece bonus (fully modded with DPS mods etc).

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Thank you for doing this!


Could you either test this http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#601rcrozrskrsZhMbZc.1 or this http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#601rIrozrskrsZhMb.1 depending on if you find the added crit, or endurance better?


Gearing would be all stalker plus focus, rotation as normal except using shadow strike when it procs.


Many thanks!

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I would be curious to know whether there is a noticeable difference btw














31/0/10. I would guess the above 3 would be substantially better at the very least within maybe 30 sec of a fight due to endo regen burst and an additional high hitting and relatively cheap situational attack. The endo regen advantage would of course be neutralized over a longer fight.


PS. Made a mistake generating those builds which is now fixed.

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I would be curious to know whether there is a noticeable difference btw














31/0/10. I would guess the above 3 would be substantially better at the very least in within maybe 30 sec of a fight due to endo regen burst and an additional high hitting and relatively cheap situational attack. The endo regen advantage would of course be neutralized over a longer fight.


I personally use 31/1/9. It works very well and gives me a force cost reduction on Project/Double Strike and gives the Infiltration Tactics buff a 10% chance to go off... which is more often than you would realize.

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I personally use 31/1/9. It works very well and gives me a force cost reduction on Project/Double Strike and gives the Infiltration Tactics buff a 10% chance to go off... which is more often than you would realize.


Where are you cutting from the balance tree to get that one point?

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I personally use 31/1/9. It works very well and gives me a force cost reduction on Project/Double Strike and gives the Infiltration Tactics buff a 10% chance to go off... which is more often than you would realize.


Been trying a variant of this, 31/2/8 and I'm just going to say that it is amazing. It's my new KC build now.

Will update results later this week.

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