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Bioware dont change a thing for Marauders!


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Ok, I was very vocal on some of the pvp problems, mechanics, balance, and rewards but I need to tell you something. While I minimally engaged in 10-49 pvp I have been doing it more and more at 50.


When I started, I was getting crushed. No one said the Marauder was over powered or that I was killing it. I wasnt.


But after I got my first two pieces of Battlemaster gear everything started to change. I was becoming on par with the other geared players in the warzones and I was playing at a very competetive level.


Now I am crushing and getting better and better. My point is this: Sadly, it took level 50 and burning through some gear to equalize the playing field, but now its equal! Now I can compete. Dont listen to the flames of Marauder overpoweredness because we have the same plusses and minuses of every other class. It finally is becoming fun! I have had some of the best warzone matches recently than over the last 3 months I have been playing and its great. Even when there is a bad one and we get crushed (and by the way in those the team is always arguing in Ops chat instead of working together).


Warzones are a coordinated team effort that I have have become good at and its not just about burst damage. You would be amazed what I can do with team buffs, Force Camoflague, Undying Rge, and our stun. Othe rplayers forget they can move, run and fight another day, stun, heal, get help, etc. They stand there and get burnt down and then complain that we got patched for basic ability increases we were short of to begin with!


Check your metrics and stay the course! Marauders are here to stay baby!!!!!!!!!

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You should check this thread out http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=427660 .I think it describes you to a tee .

Enjoy having to actually use some skill and intelligence after you get nerfed to the ground.


I find it really amusing that everyone is QQ'ing about a class that has virtually gone unchanged since October. You know, the same one that in January the most common thread was "marauders suck in PvP" and "keep your marauder out of my raid/ops".


Then they adjust healing so that the average player can't mindlessly facetank a melee with their healing sorc and all hell breaks lose. Maybe you should take some of your own advice and enjoy being required to actually have some skill and intelligence in order to play your class correctly. Or don't, just roll a Marauder, because they're so easy to play and faceroll everything... baddie marauders are pure humor.

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Anyone that thinks a Marauder/Sentinel is faceroll has never played the class, and is likely bad.


You get facerolled by every terrible Mara/Sent because you yourself are terrible. So when you go up against a good Mara/Sent, and he completely obliterates your face, you end up here, mashing your keyboard through teary eyes that overflow and flood the PvP forums.

Edited by Sevvy
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Well, truth be told I learned my class as I was taking a beating because I had too- I cant compete with better armor. So when I got the BM gear I jumped dramatically. Now everyone whines because my actual skill can be used on par with their elite gear. That is the current qq against marauders.


Now everyone complains, oh he has skills AND the armor? Nerf!

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Remember what sorcs were telling you terribles? That if you can't beat a sorc you're bad, that the 31/31/31 spec doesn't exist? That you should instead l2p instead of lobby BW for nerfs?


Well, now it's mara/sent's turn. It's irrelevant how good you think you are, or how bad you think everyone else is, the forums dictate class balance in this game.


I estimate mara/sent nerf in the next two patches. GL.

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Bw will cycle through the class's just to keep you number monkeys happy, pick any class for the boost bat, you have a 1 in 8 chance of being correct. Saying that, Maruaders wont be seen in a few weeks but i'm sure these glowstick wannabees. will refil the start areas with the new fotm soon enough.
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I find it really amusing that everyone is QQ'ing about a class that has virtually gone unchanged since October. You know, the same one that in January the most common thread was "marauders suck in PvP" and "keep your marauder out of my raid/ops".


Then they adjust healing so that the average player can't mindlessly facetank a melee with their healing sorc and all hell breaks lose. Maybe you should take some of your own advice and enjoy being required to actually have some skill and intelligence in order to play your class correctly. Or don't, just roll a Marauder, because they're so easy to play and faceroll everything... baddie marauders are pure humor.


Good players have been saying that among the best players- marauders are king since day one. Yes, it's true that among the bads (aka- most of you folks on the forum), marauders weren't very good because you had to click more than one button and KB turning made it hard to keep up. But, for those who know how to keep their act together, marauders were already top dog among the best.


Now- marauders are top dog with the worst players, and among the best they're godlike to the point there's no point being anything else if you're serious about pvp.

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I find it really amusing that everyone is QQ'ing about a class that has virtually gone unchanged since October. You know, the same one that in January the most common thread was "marauders suck in PvP" and "keep your marauder out of my raid/ops".


Here are the buffs to all Marauder specs in 1.2:


Ravage uninterruptable and damage increased

Interrupts and CC cost no rage

Healing Debuff is no longer dispelable

Predation affects all operation group members

Vicious Throw can now be used on targets at or below 30% of maximum health (couple this with the reduction in endurance on PVP gear in 1.2 and you can use vicious throw much earlier than before)


Then there are all the changes to make the other trees viable. There is another spec that was virtually untouched since release and that is the tanksin. Just because a class hasn't been changed directly does not mean its strength relative to other classes has not increased, either through nerfs to other classes or changes to the game. But to say marauders were not buffed is just false.

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Ok, I was very vocal on some of the pvp problems, mechanics, balance, and rewards but I need to tell you something. While I minimally engaged in 10-49 pvp I have been doing it more and more at 50.


When I started, I was getting crushed. No one said the Marauder was over powered or that I was killing it. I wasnt.


But after I got my first two pieces of Battlemaster gear everything started to change. I was becoming on par with the other geared players in the warzones and I was playing at a very competetive level.


Now I am crushing and getting better and better. My point is this: Sadly, it took level 50 and burning through some gear to equalize the playing field, but now its equal! Now I can compete. Dont listen to the flames of Marauder overpoweredness because we have the same plusses and minuses of every other class. It finally is becoming fun! I have had some of the best warzone matches recently than over the last 3 months I have been playing and its great. Even when there is a bad one and we get crushed (and by the way in those the team is always arguing in Ops chat instead of working together).


Warzones are a coordinated team effort that I have have become good at and its not just about burst damage. You would be amazed what I can do with team buffs, Force Camoflague, Undying Rge, and our stun. Othe rplayers forget they can move, run and fight another day, stun, heal, get help, etc. They stand there and get burnt down and then complain that we got patched for basic ability increases we were short of to begin with!


Check your metrics and stay the course! Marauders are here to stay baby!!!!!!!!!


I'm convinced that most of the fools in this game use :wea_03:s

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Here are the buffs to all Marauder specs in 1.2:


Ravage uninterruptable and damage increased

Interrupts and CC cost no rage

Healing Debuff is no longer dispelable

Predation affects all operation group members

Vicious Throw can now be used on targets at or below 30% of maximum health (couple this with the reduction in endurance on PVP gear in 1.2 and you can use vicious throw much earlier than before)


Then there are all the changes to make the other trees viable. There is another spec that was virtually untouched since release and that is the tanksin. Just because a class hasn't been changed directly does not mean its strength relative to other classes has not increased, either through nerfs to other classes or changes to the game. But to say marauders were not buffed is just false.


Let me help you with your post.


1. Ravage channel uninterruptable - except when you CC, knockback, or you know move...

2. Interrupt cost no rage, yes.. CC ( aoe mezz that breaks on damage?!) Cost rage. 6 seconds of 90% loss of accuracy on WHITE damage.. sure

3. 20% less healing on already nerfed healing. Makes very little difference the way the game is now.

4. Looks like a buff to EVERYONE on the team with a marauder.

5. Viscous throw @ 30%. So we can use our finisher at the same % everyone else can use theirs. With your logic, looks like a buff for everybody.


Of course, the grass is always greener when you find yourself pummeled into it by a class you do not understand how to play.

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Let me help you with your post.


1. Ravage channel uninterruptable - except when you CC, knockback, or you know move...

2. Interrupt cost no rage, yes.. CC ( aoe mezz that breaks on damage?!) Cost rage. 6 seconds of 90% loss of accuracy on WHITE damage.. sure

3. 20% less healing on already nerfed healing. Makes very little difference the way the game is now.

4. Looks like a buff to EVERYONE on the team with a marauder.

5. Viscous throw @ 30%. So we can use our finisher at the same % everyone else can use theirs. With your logic, looks like a buff for everybody.


Of course, the grass is always greener when you find yourself pummeled into it by a class you do not understand how to play.


Capital letters and ... don't make anything on that list less impressive.


6 seconds of invulnerability is 6 seconds too long.

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I find it really amusing that everyone is QQ'ing about a class that has virtually gone unchanged since October. You know, the same one that in January the most common thread was "marauders suck in PvP" and "keep your marauder out of my raid/ops".


Then they adjust healing so that the average player can't mindlessly facetank a melee with their healing sorc and all hell breaks lose. Maybe you should take some of your own advice and enjoy being required to actually have some skill and intelligence in order to play your class correctly. Or don't, just roll a Marauder, because they're so easy to play and faceroll everything... baddie marauders are pure humor.


This. As A sent coming into the sept closed beta group, this is all you saw, even after they added Zen. Fact of the matter is most players arent good enough to know what's good without 15 youtube videos slapping them in the face.

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Let me help you with your post.


1. Ravage channel uninterruptable - except when you CC, knockback, or you know move...

2. Interrupt cost no rage, yes.. CC ( aoe mezz that breaks on damage?!) Cost rage. 6 seconds of 90% loss of accuracy on WHITE damage.. sure

3. 20% less healing on already nerfed healing. Makes very little difference the way the game is now.

4. Looks like a buff to EVERYONE on the team with a marauder.

5. Viscous throw @ 30%. So we can use our finisher at the same % everyone else can use theirs. With your logic, looks like a buff for everybody.


Of course, the grass is always greener when you find yourself pummeled into it by a class you do not understand how to play.


1- Still forces you to waste a CC, for most classes that's your one CC to get away from a marauder who still has many options afterwards. Also, in the spec where ravage hurts most- it also roots. But, you didn't know that, so that's ok.

2- It's an increase in the usefulness of an already very useful extra ability that good marauders know how to use to give them a big advantage over the only class that can kill them- and bad marauders... well, like you, will continue to brush it off as a useless ability

3- Yeah, no big deal- healers were already very easy to kill, giving them weaker healing and then making our heal debuff uncleansable isn't a big deal... on what planet exactly? Have you even played this game?

4- It's still a buff only marauders get... why exactly does the top mobility, damage, healer killer and defensive CD class also have some of the most useful short term raid buffs? Shouldn't such great utility go to a class that has nothing but utility? Nope- let's make marauders utility kings too- next we'll give them one of the only aoe instant mezzes in the game too... oh wait a second

5- I'm looking for my powertech and my sorcerer's execute buttons... is it affliction? 2k damage over 21 seconds sounds like an execute right?

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Capital letters and ... don't make anything on that list less impressive.


6 seconds of invulnerability is 6 seconds too long.


He was talking about accuracy debuff, not Guarded by the Force. I love it when people comment on things they have no clue about.

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Hmmm....? I play a sent, shadow, sage and a guardian. You will notice the difference in classes at the tender lvl of 10. Masterstrike at lvl 10 will crush a lvl 49 sage, as I am sure everyone knows. Now let's talk lvl 50 pvp so that the trolls can't say "Your not lvl 50 blah blah blah" At lvl 50 on my guardian,sage,shadow.. When I am low on HP with no healer I am dead. lol When I am on my sent I clicky some IWIN buttons and finish off my target who clearly outplayed me and was at 50% HP but I get the pleasure of killing them anyway since I am in my god mode and heck why I am at I might as well start killing the healer too before I run away.


Really in the end, just lvl a bunch of classes (if you have the time). Enjoy your top dog and then switch to the next. It is hard to really take any QQ's serious when both factions have access to the same classes more or less.

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Really in the end, just lvl a bunch of classes (if you have the time). Enjoy your top dog and then switch to the next. It is hard to really take any QQ's serious when both factions have access to the same classes more or less.




OM-Frankly-G If I never played this game I'd think that Marawederz were unkillable 10 foot tall killing machines and that Sorc/Concelors were tiny frail baby kittens.


In reality... who tops the damage board every game... OMG sorc/councelors..

who tops the healing boards every game... OMG sorc/councelors...

who do I want healing me... a sawbones... lol...

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Hmmm....? I play a sent, shadow, sage and a guardian. You will notice the difference in classes at the tender lvl of 10. Masterstrike at lvl 10 will crush a lvl 49 sage, as I am sure everyone knows. Now let's talk lvl 50 pvp so that the trolls can't say "Your not lvl 50 blah blah blah" At lvl 50 on my guardian,sage,shadow.. When I am low on HP with no healer I am dead. lol When I am on my sent I clicky some IWIN buttons and finish off my target who clearly outplayed me and was at 50% HP but I get the pleasure of killing them anyway since I am in my god mode and heck why I am at I might as well start killing the healer too before I run away.


Really in the end, just lvl a bunch of classes (if you have the time). Enjoy your top dog and then switch to the next. It is hard to really take any QQ's serious when both factions have access to the same classes more or less.


if you popped Guarded and they stuck around and didnt root or stun you or did anything but sit there, they deserve to die...


ohhhhh yes its such "I win" button, thats been there since day one, and suddenly its OP when everyone laughed at Mara/Sents???


Oh ok...

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if you popped Guarded and they stuck around and didnt root or stun you or did anything but sit there, they deserve to die...


ohhhhh yes its such "I win" button, thats been there since day one, and suddenly its OP hen everyone laughed at Mara/Sents???


Oh ok...


You can defend it however you want. I just know that when I am behind the keys of my sent, I pop god mode and kill 1-2 people each and every time. As far as stunning me, LOLOLOLOL, that is funny people dont know what to do when I am on them, my resolve bar is filled up almost instantly. <-- And if you are not putting that kind of pressure on your target/targets then you are doing it wrong.

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You can defend it however you want. I just know that when I am behind the keys of my sent, I pop god mode and kill 1-2 people each and every time. As far as stunning me, LOLOLOLOL, that is funny people dont know what to do when I am on them, my resolve bar is filled up almost instantly. <-- And if you are not putting that kind of pressure on your target/targets then you are doing it wrong.



I dont care if your resolve as perma flagged as full, you can still be rooted and snared.... blue/red bubble is easy to see and the good players when i pop that throw things on me and take it out of the equation... 5 seconds later im dead...If I am fighting a Sent and see blue, i pop my snare run straight through them (no collision detection) and see if there is a target of oppertunity in the mean time, or if low on health pop my force camo and pop a heal and delay or root them with deadly throw....

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Let me help you with your post.


1. Ravage channel uninterruptable - except when you CC, knockback, or you know move...

This forces players to use CC on ravage, and then not be able to use it when you pop your defensive CDs. If you ravage while they can move that is your own fault, you have the ability to root and a talent that makes ravage root the target if you can't be bothered to use charge. The change was a buff.


2. Interrupt cost no rage, yes.. CC ( aoe mezz that breaks on damage?!) Cost rage. 6 seconds of 90% loss of accuracy on WHITE damage.. sure

"Intimidating Roar no longer costs Rage to activate." http://www.swtor.com/patchnotes/1.2.0/legacy Unless it is bugged for Marauders, it does not to cost rage to use for Juggs. That isn't as big of a deal as the interrupt as it is only one rage per minute, compared to the potential 1 rage every 8 (6 talented) seconds. Obfuscate is free and off the GCD (which is the bigger change), it is a buff, especially against those pesky snipers.

3. 20% less healing on already nerfed healing. Makes very little difference the way the game is now.

That is partially the reason for the way the game is now, as any half decent healer would dispel it pre 1.2. But with the prevalence of Mara/sent post 1.2 there is almost always a 20% debuff on healing, making the healing changes look worse than they actually are.

4. Looks like a buff to EVERYONE on the team with a marauder.

It is a buff to Mara utility, granted a small buff. But Mara/Sent bring unique utility, on top of damage and survivability. It didn't really need a buff.

5. Viscous throw @ 30%. So we can use our finisher at the same % everyone else can use theirs. With your logic, looks like a buff for everybody.

How is it a buff to everyone? It is a buff to Warriors, regardless of whether it was to bring it in line with other ACs similar abilities. Except that for snipers their CD is 12 seconds for Takedown, while yours is 6 seconds (and free), you can utilize yours more frequently, meaning yours is stronger now.

Of course, the grass is always greener when you find yourself pummeled into it by a class you do not understand how to play.

Except that you have made the errors in class knowledge in your post, and tossing around insults does not help your position.

Edited by Bnol
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