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Full BM + Def CD's + 4 sec stun = 100%hp > 0%hp = DEAD. PVP is broken.


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PvP has got out of control like a bull elephant during mating season. Lets see;


Full BM geared Operative with Shield Probe up and ticking gets stunned for 4 seconds and dies in that 4 second window to one class. Is this how BW want their PvP to be? Its not just me. I am seeing regular complaints in WZ's from geared players who are ranting about survivability. Survivability needs to be much better, its not fun for anyone to spawn then die within 10 seconds of doing so when it took you 6 of those seconds to get back into the fray.


And while I am here lets see what else is wrong;


Stealth (talented) is all but useless. When you're picking a target in PvP you get busted from stealth too easily by other nearby enemy players, despite best efforts to approach the right way to avoid being busted. Its just too easy for other classes to see you now.


8 seconds to get out of combat is crap. Not only is 8 seconds too long for stealth classes (needs to be 5) its also broken. More often than not it takes anything up to 18 seconds to drop combat so I can restealth - trust me I've counted on a digitial clock on my desk due to the problem being so common.


Troopers/Bounty Hunters are still dominating all aspects of PvP. They need balancing. I dont know how but they do, seems like they have the best combination for PvP - range, good burst/DoT and good defensive CD's. Something has got to give.


Resolve is in need of tweak. Neat idea. Isn't working correctly.


Too many stuns in the game. I get that they are here to stay but stuns need breaking down into defensive and offensive schools. Offensive stuns like Smugglers/Agents have should do normal damage during stun. Other classes were stuns should perhaps be more of a defensive cooldown or where classes have more than one stun need to do 50% less damage when their defensive stun is up and ticking.


I had high hopes for SWTOR, particularly in PvP. I felt that they could perhaps get the balance right but I am finding SWTOR PvP terrible and survivability is the No1 problem right now for some classes. Feel free to add your own gripes.

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PvP has got out of control like a bull elephant during mating season. Lets see;


Full BM geared Operative with Shield Probe up and ticking gets stunned for 4 seconds and dies in that 4 second window to one class. Is this how BW want their PvP to be? Its not just me. I am seeing regular complaints in WZ's from geared players who are ranting about survivability. Survivability needs to be much better, its not fun for anyone to spawn then die within 10 seconds of doing so when it took you 6 of those seconds to get back into the fray.


And while I am here lets see what else is wrong;


Stealth (talented) is all but useless. When you're picking a target in PvP you get busted from stealth too easily by other nearby enemy players, despite best efforts to approach the right way to avoid being busted. Its just too easy for other classes to see you now.


8 seconds to get out of combat is crap. Not only is 8 seconds too long for stealth classes (needs to be 5) its also broken. More often than not it takes anything up to 18 seconds to drop combat so I can restealth - trust me I've counted on a digitial clock on my desk due to the problem being so common.


Troopers/Bounty Hunters are still dominating all aspects of PvP. They need balancing. I dont know how but they do, seems like they have the best combination for PvP - range, good burst/DoT and good defensive CD's. Something has got to give.


Resolve is in need of tweak. Neat idea. Isn't working correctly.


Too many stuns in the game. I get that they are here to stay but stuns need breaking down into defensive and offensive schools. Offensive stuns like Smugglers/Agents have should do normal damage during stun. Other classes were stuns should perhaps be more of a defensive cooldown or where classes have more than one stun need to do 50% less damage when their defensive stun is up and ticking.


I had high hopes for SWTOR, particularly in PvP. I felt that they could perhaps get the balance right but I am finding SWTOR PvP terrible and survivability is the No1 problem right now for some classes. Feel free to add your own gripes.



resolve and stuns seem to be the one thing bioware refuses to touch, they instead tweak the damage so much that it makes stuns more effective than resolve. because now in that 4 second count of being stunned to "eat it" to use your breaker on the second. you will either be dead or at 30% health from some classes.


lets just face it. once a few other games are out, not a lot of people will stick around... a lot of people including myself are just playing due to boredom of other games, this was new, somewhat exciting. and is no longer enticing... but 15 a month isn't much to give to keep some attention until something better and newer hits.


bioware won't like the outcome when they realize they didn't do a lot of things right, and EA will take a huge hit when they realize how bad of an idea it was to push out a game that requires as much testing as possible before launching

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Resolve is working correctly, the problem is not with CCs and Resolve.


The problem is, as you mentioned, the completely out of whack TTK.

Methinks that BW did all of their balancing around Ranked War Hero gear levels and those didn't translate well to lower level gear tiers.

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The only time I've been legitly 100% -> 0%'d in chain stuns was when I was being ganged by the entire enemy team. The only reason that happened was because I was blowing my loa... I mean spreading the rakghoul plague.


If you're getting 50% -> 0% you're usually being gang banged by multiple DPS or you're undergeared.

Edited by ComeAndSee
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Troopers/Bounty Hunters are still dominating all aspects of PvP. They need balancing. I dont know how but they do, seems like they have the best combination for PvP - range, good burst/DoT and good defensive CD's. Something has got to give.


This part made me chuckle. You should be more specific about which AC you are referring to. Vanguards/Powertechs CAN hit very hard but have to trade off almost all of their survivability. Defensive CD's? The trooper shield is next to useless in PvP, which leaves 2 stuns for defensive measures (vanguard/PT). I hit pretty damn hard on my dps vanguard but I am my own defensive skill in how I move. Generally speaking as a Vanguard/PT there are only 2 ways any fight you enter ends...you or your enemy dead. There is no escape.

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Should probably just add a hard damage cap for all stuns to break early. Set it at 50% of a characters health at time of stun. That would solve the issue of people dying without feeling like they ever had control of their character. Would also add more strategy into timing those stuns as one used when the target is low on health won't be as effective as one used during the initial stages of a fight.


Combining a hard damage cap on stuns with resolve would greatly slow TTKs across the board as no one could be killed inside of a stun without having an opportunity to respond. As the stun would always generate the same amount of resolve but could end up with a much shorter duration due to incoming damage on that player.

Edited by Rouncer
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Idk what you are on about. On my operative i 3shot (5shot tank/guarded target) "everyone" and i get 3 shoted by every1 else. Which is fair, especially since stealth and cc gives me an advantage.


If i want to be "immortal" i just log my tank gear/specced Jugg or assassin. And if i want to heal the crap out of my team while being guarded i log my sorc.

If you are not happy with your role change spec /class.

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The only time I've been legitly 100% -> 0%'d in chain stuns was when I was being ganged by the entire enemy team. The only reason that happened was because I was blowing my loa... I mean spreading the rakghoul plague.


If you're getting 50% -> 0% you're usually being gang banged by multiple DPS or you're undergeared.


Not true. A lot of classes can 100-0 someone in 5 seconds using off cooldowns and adrenals.


On my vanguard i use my crit cooldown which puts me at 60% crit, power addrenal, power relic and can easily kill somone if i get crits in 5 seconds.

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I like how he tries and blame the 4 second stun part on it..


Chances are, if you were full BM, with Def CD's up, and you died in 4 seconds, It didn't matter if you were stunned or not, you were dead either way.


TTK is most certainly to low, but don't act like Operatives can't kill people very fast either, Pretty much everyone is dropping people in seconds after the patch.

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Idk what you are on about. On my operative i 3shot (5shot tank/guarded target) "everyone" and i get 3 shoted by every1 else. Which is fair, especially since stealth and cc gives me an advantage.


If i want to be "immortal" i just log my tank gear/specced Jugg or assassin. And if i want to heal the crap out of my team while being guarded i log my sorc.

If you are not happy with your role change spec /class.



Tell this to a DPS-Sorc and he will eat you alive.

Edited by iphobia
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(1) To be killed within 4 seconds of stunlock, with a game with global cool of (on average) around 1.5 seconds, you have to be hit for over 6k three hits straight (if we count the last hit that one would receive shortly after freed). No one class in game can do this. I'd even say it is theoretically impossible even with the highest buffs running, that a certain class in game hits two attacks straight for 6k each.


(2) To be killed within 4 seconds of stunlock, you have to be focused by multiple enemies using their most powerful attacks on you all at the same time. This is possible, but a very rare thing to happen, and even it does happen, it's not because of any CCs or Resolve, its because you foolishly became a target of a gank.



PvP is fine. Your tactics are broken.

Edited by kweassa
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Something else too - I just did Civil War and capped the Snow turret alone while the whole team ran to the centre as usual and then started losing badly. Republic had two turrents and then players just gave up. Expecting a loss, 7 other players came to my turrent and just camped it till the end of the match so they could get defender point medals. Another example of BW not really thinking their PvP mechanics through.


@ ComeAndSee - try it on an Operative or Scrapper if you haven't already. Some classes even in the best gear just feel as squishy as hell.

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2 not so mutually exclusive factors:


1.PVP Formula Balance: Healers need to be part of a team now to survive and thrive. Guards, CC and peeling. Although they overdid the expertise nerf (especially added to the significant nerfs to sorc and mercs), good healers and Tanks will do well. I think it just needs another tweaking of the formula by increasing healing and mitigation and not even by much . Then the balance for healing and TTK will be just right.


2. Class balance - These are just my personal opinions from warzones and dueling the more popular classes.


From a personal point of view Sorcerers need a burst damage tree as now they are pretty in-effectual for Ranked Premade PVP. Why take a low burst dps class when your focusing targets?


Powertech pyros on the other hand have a huge amount of burst dps - so much so that I am destroyed most of the time without many options. Ive seen them take 1V2 easily and frequently in the time it takes for me to kill one. I believe they need to reduce the damage co-efficient on some of their abilities perhaps rail shot.


Marauders - I have no problem with their damage actually - even Ravage buff. I think for them its a simple adjustment based on reducing healing taken during undying rage by a certain percentage between 50-99%.


Tankasins need a slight (burst dps) nerf again likely with coefficients. Nothing huge but definitely a tone down when their survivability is so high.


Mercs To me they seem quite balanced. Very vulnerable to interrupts when not Pyro and damage seens reasonable for what they give up They do have decent burst on demand.


Snipers Very good balance in my opinion. Great on demand burst and cc.


Juggernauts Rage sas great burst and Vengeance decent burst and great sustained at the moment. Strong class but doesn't seem that Overpowered in view of their damage mitigation cooldowns are not on par with marauders.


Operatives Still great burst from stealth but low survivability once the blow their load. Low mobility and kitable. Fair balance imo.


Healers - Operative>Merc>Sorcerer at the moment imo. Purely based on individual survivability.


So in summary not that much tweaking to make PVP great again. If they don't tweak I think we'l see a lot of Marauder and Powertech heavy teams. /shrug


Edit: only class that comes anywhere near to killing in 4 seconds is Pyro Powertechs - 2 of them have killed me in a stun with rolling dots and railshot crits. One of them on a sorcerer can take 5-6 seconds if everything crits. Im full Bm of course.

Edited by Gannon
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This part made me chuckle. You should be more specific about which AC you are referring to. Vanguards/Powertechs CAN hit very hard but have to trade off almost all of their survivability. Defensive CD's? The trooper shield is next to useless in PvP, which leaves 2 stuns for defensive measures (vanguard/PT). I hit pretty damn hard on my dps vanguard but I am my own defensive skill in how I move. Generally speaking as a Vanguard/PT there are only 2 ways any fight you enter ends...you or your enemy dead. There is no escape.

I'm starting to catch on to you Uber-awesome best player in the world types. "I am my own defensive skill in how I move". What really is going on, and the reason you've never been stun-locked and brought from 100% to 0% in that time is because the people on your server are no good at PvP. The "elite" players on your server are going to get a rude awakening when cross-server pvp comes and I assure you that you will be locked and dropped from 100-0 without ever being able to move your character.

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Idk what you are on about. On my operative i 3shot (5shot tank/guarded target) "everyone" and i get 3 shoted by every1 else. Which is fair, especially since stealth and cc gives me an advantage.


If i want to be "immortal" i just log my tank gear/specced Jugg or assassin. And if i want to heal the crap out of my team while being guarded i log my sorc.

If you are not happy with your role change spec /class.


You 3-shot "everyone" on your Operative? So you are hitting >5k three consecutive times in a row?

5-shotting Tanks seems even more ridiculous.

Please tell me how you do that exactly. :rolleyes:


I have a lvl 77 Operative (full BM + 2 pieces WH) and probably hit for >5k damage about three or four times overall since 1.2 has been released.

Edited by Ich_Bin
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(1) To be killed within 4 seconds of stunlock, with a game with global cool of (on average) around 1.5 seconds, you have to be hit for over 6k three hits straight (if we count the last hit that one would receive shortly after freed). No one class in game can do this. I'd even say it is theoretically impossible even with the highest buffs running, that a certain class in game hits two attacks straight for 6k each.


(2) To be killed within 4 seconds of stunlock, you have to be focused by multiple enemies using their most powerful attacks on you all at the same time. This is possible, but a very rare thing to happen, and even it does happen, it's not because of any CCs or Resolve, its because you foolishly became a target of a gank.



PvP is fine. Your tactics are broken.


You are giving OP too much credit. From what it reads it sounds as if a dps trooper took him down in less than 10 seconds. That isn't impossible on an operative in PvP. You got ***** by a trooper in PvP dude, live with that fact!

Edited by Ewgal
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This part made me chuckle. You should be more specific about which AC you are referring to. Vanguards/Powertechs CAN hit very hard but have to trade off almost all of their survivability. Defensive CD's? The trooper shield is next to useless in PvP, which leaves 2 stuns for defensive measures (vanguard/PT). I hit pretty damn hard on my dps vanguard but I am my own defensive skill in how I move. Generally speaking as a Vanguard/PT there are only 2 ways any fight you enter ends...you or your enemy dead. There is no escape.

I'm starting to catch on to you Uber-awesome best player in the world types. "I am my own defensive skill in how I move". What really is going on, and the reason you've never been stun-locked and brought from 100% to 0% in that time is because the people on your server are no good at PvP. The "elite" players on your server are going to get a rude awakening when cross-server pvp comes and I assure you that you will be locked and dropped from 100-0 without ever being able to move your character.

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You 3-shot "everyone" on your Operative? So you are hitting >5k three consecutive times in a row?

5-shotting Tanks seems even more ridiculous.

Please tell me how you do that exactly. :rolleyes:


I have a lvl 77 Operative (full BM + 2 pieces WH) and probably hit for >5k damage about three or four times overall since 1.2 has been released.


I have 2023 cunning, 41% crit, 72% surge, 350 power, 300 acuracy, 1000+ expertise (rounded up abit, not ingame atm) + Add to that power relic +adrenal.. Hence my thread about ppl not knowing how to gear since nobody even came close to my character sheet stats. My crits on light armor are over 7k dmg. on tanks is around 4.5-5k... and i crit allot.


Still i do not like the low survivability, so i play my jugg or sin tank mostly, tho i do bring my operative or sorc healer for guild premades.

Edited by Dmasterr
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Troopers/Bounty Hunters are still dominating all aspects of PvP. They need balancing. I dont know how but they do, seems like they have the best combination for PvP - range, good burst/DoT and good defensive CD's. Something has got to give.


This part made me chuckle. You should be more specific about which AC you are referring to. Vanguards/Powertechs CAN hit very hard but have to trade off almost all of their survivability. Defensive CD's? The trooper shield is next to useless in PvP, which leaves 2 stuns for defensive measures (vanguard/PT). I hit pretty damn hard on my dps vanguard but I am my own defensive skill in how I move. Generally speaking as a Vanguard/PT there are only 2 ways any fight you enter ends...you or your enemy dead. There is no escape.


Yeah it made me laugh too. Hard in fact. Since Sporticus delivered a rebuttal from the VG/PT side of the house, I'll reply from the Merc/Mando side.


Yes, we can hit very hard. This applies to both Arsenal/Gunnery and Pyro/mando equal. Ars/Guns can be easily shut down and destroyed by ANY other advanced class. Merc/Mandos have no true Interrupt, but everyone else does. I leveled to 50 as a healer, then respec'd Arsenal for the PvP grind (which was a colossal mistake). This is what playing as a TM spammer looks like: TM, TM, Interrupt .... crap crap ... uhm electro dart, TM, Interrupt, Dead.


In point of fact, all Merc/Mandos can be utterly laid to waste by any other AC. For the Pyro merc, mobility is my primary source of survival. I can't rely on my break or shield. 9/10 I'm going to die 1v1, I just hope that my DOTs finish them off too.

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I have 2023 cunning, 41% crit, 72% surge, 350 power, 300 acuracy, 1000+ expertise (rounded up abit, not ingame atm) + Add to that power relic +adrenal.. Hence my thread about ppl not knowing how to gear since nobody even came close to my character sheet stats. My crits on light armor are over 7k dmg. on tanks is around 4.5-5k... and i crit allot.


Still i do not like the low survivability, so i play my jugg or sin tank mostly, tho i do bring my operative or sorc healer for guild premades.


Thanks for your reply. Can you point me to the thread that you are referring to? I would really like to know how it is possible to get >2k cunning while maintaining >1k expertise.

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Thanks for your reply. Can you point me to the thread that you are referring to? I would really like to know how it is possible to get >2k cunning while maintaining >1k expertise.


Ya, screenshot would be nice, or thread link etc...

would that be a mix of Rakata and War hero gear I'm guessin?

Edited by DarthLightSide
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