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Future 3D Space Combat


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Didn't they fire Daniel Erickson? If they did then I think he would give darn about any future updates to this game. Isn't this article like six months old? How many fingers am I holding up. What is the essential componernt in a chocolate fudge raspberry mocha creamed mushroom sunday? Do old people use twitter to feel young...does neil young have twitter account. That is a wierd dude. Edited by Pcolapat
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Can you imagine if they had "group" space battles that ran like Borderlands 2's driving? One player would see the ship & control it, while the others would control turrets from their perspectives (what ship was that....um....had 2 turrets with someone talking about not getting cocky?)....oooooohhhhh


I'd definately pay the subscription fee just for that! But since we know they'll never even attempt that (among other things), I'll be the first to switch to f2p.

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Can you imagine if they had "group" space battles that ran like Borderlands 2's driving? One player would see the ship & control it, while the others would control turrets from their perspectives (what ship was that....um....had 2 turrets with someone talking about not getting cocky?)....oooooohhhhh


I'd definately pay the subscription fee just for that! But since we know they'll never even attempt that (among other things), I'll be the first to switch to f2p.

yeah! we could buy lots of different ships, and we could upgrade them, and we could travel around the galaxy! we could call the update.. star wars... galaxies.
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There has never been a confirmed developer post on "not-on-rails 3D". Ever. Ever ever ever. Daniels "new pixel space" from last June is ambiguous and can be interpreted either way.


I'm glad you have some super-secret-source. But honestly, the only reason I can think of for a dev to not spell it out is that it might get canceled leaving pissed fans. If it were definitely in the works, why not talk about it?


I'll still be thrilled if it happens, but I have no faith that it will without a Bioware employee commenting on it publically.


To be the devils advocate a bit... They're not talking about a payed expansion pack being in the works but do we seriously doubt it's on the cards and that they're not already working on it? With them going f2p payed x-packs are going to be a big part of the bread and butter of this game.


And that in itself might be the answer. Any fundamental change to how the game approaches space won't be one of the mini updates every 6 weeks. It's gonna be a part of an expansion pack and possibly one of it's centers like the JTL was.

Edited by aeterno
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The next logical date to announce it would be the day it goes F2P.

The "old 1-50" content goes free, a ton of new premium sub content gets announced. Would make sense.


They should start teasing a bit of the new space content, before I spend all my money on "Star Citizen" funding :cool:


If there's no announcement about the SSSP by F2P (whenever that happens - no annoucment about that yet either :confused: "Surprise! It's F2P today" :D), then I think it is vapourware plain and simple.

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Some people might say that we'll never get the SSP because Bioware has a track record of really slow development and empty promises.

But MAYBE their development has seemed slow BECAUSE they were devoting so much of their staff to the SSP!




Edited by Stenrik
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Some people might say that we'll never get the SSP because Bioware has a track record of really slow development and empty promises.

But MAYBE their development has seemed slow BECAUSE they were devoting so much of their staff to the SSP!





The SSSP has been around for 12 months now, since it was first mentioned.


Even by Bioware EA's standards they should have something to show for it by now. :)

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The SSSP has been around for 12 months now, since it was first mentioned.


Even by Bioware EA's standards they should have something to show for it by now. :)


Yeah but maybe, just MAYBE... aw, screw it. :-\

Edited by Stenrik
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Some people might say that we'll never get the SSP because Bioware has a track record of really slow development and empty promises.

But MAYBE their development has seemed slow BECAUSE they were devoting so much of their staff to the SSP!





My theory?


1. BW was working on the SSSP already before launch in 2011

2. BW already had tons of spacey art assets finished in 2011

3. They didn´t want to launch entirely withouth "some" space content, so BW made the little space minigame we have

4. Therefore clunky "temporary" space integration not too waste time (everything about the ship and interstellar travel feels unfinished atm)

4. One year later BW is close to finishing the first expansion, a revolutionary JTL/BF2/X-Wing/EvE hybrid

5. Profit! MEGA Profit!

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Secret Space Project if they mean business will come with the first expansion, which I would say will happen more or less a year from now.

This expansion will be all about SWTOR future, and I heard they have been working on it since Beta.


MAKEB is not an expansion? Because it comes in jenuary with extra 5 levels... Anyway.. it doesnt looks like a major expansion after all...


It would be great if they fix their game engine.. Because the game engine as it is, cannot support superb space battles, especially pvp... I think i ve read that HERO engine 2005-6 edition is a bit limited to that.. so they may tweak it, change it, upgrade it.. who knows


A major expansion for me, is level up to 70-80... 1-2 more planets and enreach the allready existing ones!!.. Mostly the allready existing ones!.. So even at 50 or 80, we have to travel back in courasant for example.. Courasant also is a key planet and not only!!.. Spaceship battles involved!? I would also love to see progress in the current planet status. For example Corellia is at war and destroyed.. what about a fully functional city? Voss come along with gormaks against a new threat, etc..

Edited by Oyranos
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I don't think its a good idea.


1.) It takes lots of resources which could be used in better ways

2.) 3D space combat is a complete different game. I don't see the benefit for TOR

3.) Only a small number of players will be interested in such a feature. 3D space combat is much too difficult for most of the players.


WRONG..... This aside from crafting and beasts and pets is the single most wanted thing by x swg players. Since this game could only release with swg shut down most of the swg base came to TOR for there StarWars fix. I would say easily 100k to 300k players would welcome this addition whether they are active now or not.


Also for those who cant or dont like the flight then dont doit. However you have to admit for this post to garner as many views as it has it is something that is wanted....

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The SSSP has been around for 12 months now, since it was first mentioned.


Even by Bioware EA's standards they should have something to show for it by now. :)


Not if its fully voiced... Ever think of that? Perhaps actors and actresses arent available all at the same time.

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single player 3d battle is not a huge news... multi gamers 3d space battle is a must! :) even if I am not a fun of sw, but space games generally.. I would welcome it and enjoy it.. I had a sw space simmulator, back 10-15 years ago... When the internet connection was more like 56kbps and I really enjoyed the multyplayer of it, after that, my only experience with sw was with Nintendo snes and gamecube and now with swtor.... lol Edited by Oyranos
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what happened and all the team lost its job.. They didnt wanted to turn the game into a casual f2p? Any reason given?

The truth is, swtor didnt lost its subs because of the story mode, but because people are get used to wow style mmo and they look for something different, also wow style mmo means lots of dailies and tokens, so people get bored very easy. So the conclusion is, they lost the subs because it turns into a casual mmo.. There are so many casual out there... The key of success is not casual contet, but quality content..


A guy in a prev message said : 3d battle is going to be so hard for most of the players... Thats why they loose subs, because they made it SOOOO easy, for younglings.. But swtor itself is a mature mmo. So I believe he is soooo wrong in his statement.. Ideas like that, destroy the games. I play almost 3 months and till today, I havent met a kid ingame!?

Edited by Oyranos
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gotta say I am super excited about the SSSP.


However that post is 6 months old, and all of the people mentioned in there, are no longer with Bioware.


Daniel is gone, Ray & Greg are gone, James Ohlen (i think) is gone.....




fear not as recently as Gamescon back in August they said they still had a team working on it.

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what happened and all the team lost its job.. They didnt wanted to turn the game into a casual f2p? Any reason given?

The truth is, swtor didnt lost its subs because of the story mode, but because people are get used to wow style mmo and they look for something different, also wow style mmo means lots of dailies and tokens, so people get bored very easy. So the conclusion is, they lost the subs because it turns into a casual mmo.. There are so many casual out there... The key of success is not casual contet, but quality content..


A guy in a prev message said : 3d battle is going to be so hard for most of the players... Thats why they loose subs, because they made it SOOOO easy, for younglings.. But swtor itself is a mature mmo. So I believe he is soooo wrong in his statement.. Ideas like that, destroy the games. I play almost 3 months and till today, I havent met a kid ingame!?


I quit for 8 months because of that reason. TOO easy. WAY WAY too easy. They throw xp, levels, gear, everything at you. And raids are doable with a handful of full on retarded people drooling on their keyboard until the weight of the saliva presses a button.


Came back last week hoping something has changed....

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I am just replying to this thread because I see how old it was and when ti started and all I got to say is LOL. SWTOR is dead in the water as far as space combat goes, if not most of the game already. I resubbed to the game last 2 weeks after I stopped playing back in early February, I was hoping that it would have changed and we actually got REAL space combat like the superior SWG and other space combat MMOs. Nope, same rail system, same boring thing after another. There isn't going to be any space combat revamps because their game engine can't do it. One of their devs who did the database code for the game who I know from within my gaming community said that he talked to the game engine devs about the space combat, ala free roaming, and they told him it wouldn't work with the current engine. And do you think EA is going to invest any more money in to this stagnant game? Hell no.


I just canceled my account after 2 weeks of finally figuring out that this game isn't for me and it's boring as hell, even for a hardcore Star Wars fan like me (I am old enough to remember seeing the first Star Wars back in 77 and we got HBO for the single reason that they were the first to show Star Wars on TV back in the day). This game has barely changed in the last 10 months, hardly any new content for a $300 million dollar game. Remember back when they talked about how they had all of this "content" that they had worked on that wasn't released yet? ********, where is it? One OP and a couple of warzones is all that they have to show for it? Rakghul invasion? Whoopy do.


I'm saying it now: there is no actual free roaming space combat coming for this game, not in the next year, not even before the game goes down the drains. That requires backbone, balls, and intelligence to do, something the devs of this game have none of. They got so busy chasing that allmighty WoW dollar, they forgot about reality and what people REALLY wanted in this game. They took most of the MMO elements out of this so-called MMO and all we got left is a WoW clone with a Star Wars theme, minus the fun, minus the GUI configurability, minus the MMO features that most MMO players come to except in a MODERN MMO.


Stop hoping for Star Wars Galaxies style space combat, or hell ANY free roaming space combat, it aint gonna happen. Take it from someone who has been playing PC games for 20+ years and MMOs for +10 years, this game is on life support and EA isn't going to spend anymore than they can. Corporations like these are predictable as clockwork. F2P might give them a couple of months, but after that, everyone will have already played the SP missions (aka the storylines) and be done with it.

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I quit for 8 months because of that reason. TOO easy. WAY WAY too easy. They throw xp, levels, gear, everything at you. And raids are doable with a handful of full on retarded people drooling on their keyboard until the weight of the saliva presses a button.


Came back last week hoping something has changed....


LOL, we posted the same thing pretty much within a minute of each other. Yeah, not a damn thing has changed and it won't change now that the key Bioware people have left. EA sucks every game company's lifeblood after they take them over, everything is predictable with corporations like EA. We all said that Bioware was going to be destroyed with EA taking them over, and just as predicted, they do. Blah blah blah, most of the Biowar employees are still there....so what? That's like John Lennon and Paul McCartney leaving the Beatles and thinking that they were still a good band just because Ringo is still drumming. Doesn't mean anything.

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I dunno...I remember SWG's space controls being very difficult to manage without a joystick attachment, and although there were many freedoms, orientation was weird as all get out, and I mostly only used spaceports or lightspeed to avoid it, unless absolutely necessary. I actually breathed a sigh of relief when I saw SWTOR's space combat was so linear.
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fear not as recently as Gamescon back in August they said they still had a team working on it.


James Ohlen is NOT gone. I can assure you of that right now. If EA keeps pushing him though....idk what will happen. That's up to him



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