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Future 3D Space Combat


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The article also mentions how 3D space combat came out on top on the poll Bioware gave a few weeks back out of a list of features we want in the future.

It's laughable they didn't figure this out before the game went live, to be honest.

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I might be showing my age here but, I would love it if they took the original X-'Wing and Tie-Fighter games (they were released in the early 90's) and revamped them with all the same controls and options and use that as space combat. X-Wing and Tie-Fighter were some of the BEST flight-simulators for their time and I think it could be implemented in TOR with some obvious changes for instance we could use X-wing's or Tie-Fighters because they have not been built yet so we would need to implement new attack shuttles but you could still use the same flight controls and offer the same options.
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Have to say, I REALLY hope we see decent, 3D space combat within the game. It would be perfect for the setting...and I really feel that it would 'save' SW:TOR as an MMO by giving it a meaningful end-game activity that is NOT anything like the traditional 'small PvE, large PvE and PvP' that we see in themepark MMO's. Then it can grow on it's own and attract people who really want to see this as end game.


Same with swoop racing. Something different that players can compete or gain, that isn't anything we've seen before.

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I might be showing my age here but, I would love it if they took the original X-'Wing and Tie-Fighter games (they were released in the early 90's) and revamped them with all the same controls and options and use that as space combat. X-Wing and Tie-Fighter were some of the BEST flight-simulators for their time and I think it could be implemented in TOR with some obvious changes for instance we could use X-wing's or Tie-Fighters because they have not been built yet so we would need to implement new attack shuttles but you could still use the same flight controls and offer the same options.


+2^100 to that


And : "No there's nothing complex in a flight simulator when you're able to play an mmorpg. Flight sim are far simplier and they actually look like real air/space combat."

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+2^100 to that


And : "No there's nothing complex in a flight simulator when you're able to play an mmorpg. Flight sim are far simplier and they actually look like real air/space combat."


:confused::confused::confused: I feel stupid asking this but, I don't understand your comment could you elaborate please.:D

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I might be showing my age here but, I would love it if they took the original X-'Wing and Tie-Fighter games (they were released in the early 90's) and revamped them with all the same controls and options and use that as space combat. X-Wing and Tie-Fighter were some of the BEST flight-simulators for their time and I think it could be implemented in TOR with some obvious changes for instance we could use X-wing's or Tie-Fighters because they have not been built yet so we would need to implement new attack shuttles but you could still use the same flight controls and offer the same options.

Forget that. They won't invest time in make such complex space sims. We'll be lucky if they do something like Freelancer. And I doubt we'll see it some day (3D space combat I mean).

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Forget that. They won't invest time in make such complex space sims. We'll be lucky if they do something like Freelancer. And I doubt we'll see it some day (3D space combat I mean).


I'd be fairly happy with a Star Wars skinned Freelancer myself. :)

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Two things.


First of all, they promised a complete revamp to the space combat system.

Secondly, they said that guild ships are a long way off but would be related to other work happening at the moment.


You can jump to conclusions a bit but imagine space combat going for the full X-Wing Vs Tie-Fighter approach but with capitol ships owned by guilds. :) PvP just got interesting, especially if you can exit your craft once docked like a boarding party.


This made me smile and think of EvE Online...some of the massive combat we had in space was pretty epic....but I also smiled because the way you presented your response was rather cool.

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They should have had full space game in at launch. Playing catch up now is something they wouldn't have to have done. How on earth they could have made a star wars game without space is something I'll never get my head around.

And it's funny how they've been so quiet about it, but now it's come out top in the polls, suddenly they're soooo excited.


Well you know what? They didn't have it at launch. So stop focusing on the past. At least they had a mini game at launch. Expect this space to be jaw droppingly amazing :)

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They said it is going to be a whole new type of space. They even went so far as saying it is completely revolutionary. Who knows what they have up their sleeve. I think it's going to be terrific. Probably much better than JTL. You just wait!
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Bioware suffers from the last minute syndrome. From the get go, they should have planned a full 3D space combat experience. It doesn't have to be a full fledge simulator, it can be something like Battlegrounds 2. The game needs that kind of edge over other mmos.


Someone mentioned EVE. EVE is a completely different game but the evolution it's going through is a prime example of a well planned game. Dust 514 interacting with EVE... EVE eventually allowing players to walk in stations, play social games and interact with each other. 3D twitch based space combat...


Planning is everything!


Well we can already walk on stations so poo on you! :p When space combat comes, it will knock everything out of the park. :) That's what I think!!

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They said it is going to be a whole new type of space. They even went so far as saying it is completely revolutionary. Who knows what they have up their sleeve. I think it's going to be terrific. Probably much better than JTL. You just wait!


The only way it could be better than JTL is if they give me a real TIE fighter :) BTW I want orange writing too.

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They said it is going to be a whole new type of space. They even went so far as saying it is completely revolutionary. Who knows what they have up their sleeve. I think it's going to be terrific. Probably much better than JTL. You just wait!

When and where they said that?

So far all that they said in different interviews and what is in SWTOR official page is that they have plans to "expand" the space game experience, and that is a secret project. It is so secret that we've been speculating in the forums about it for months.

To me, the word "expand", suggest more of the same, aka: rails, and certainly it doesn't mean "a whole new type of space".

But if you know of any trusty source the rest of us are not aware of, please, share it.

Edited by Diktat
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What they need to do is borrow a few things here and there. Freespace (the controls, combat and mission system) + Black Prophecy (the pure visual customization) + EvE (the vastness of every zone) = me jizzing in my pants!


On top of that, put in some PvP either instanced or "open space" which could be quite intresting. This is up on the crazy list but capital ships for guilds would be super sweet.

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They need an off rails space PvE & PvP game. There is only so many things you can do in a WZ- and there are only so many ways a FP can be made.


after a while it's always going to be blah blah, boss fight, blah blah, blah, boss fight, ........ or zerg, die, zerg, cap, defend, zerg, die, zerg, cap, defend.........


I suppose they could make a FP that was all bosses, which would sort of be the same as 1 with no bosses at all. Or maybe a WZ with no objectives....


It's difficult for me to imagine any Star Wars game without you know Stars and.... Wars.

something like JTLS from SWG would be great for this game, because by the same token that some people won't be good at it, some people just are not that very good at what is in the game now.

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I dont know if you ever played galaxies,but they had a whole expansion based on space flight called jump to lightspeed that didnt come out till well after launch....I voted for bioware to do this and im glad they are eventually going to implement it.The space game as it is now,is horrible!


I love the space combat! But companions should be more envolved. (See my idea under combat upgrades tread)

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