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Companion Ear/Implant Bug not fixed


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Anyone who has ever worked in a development or QA team knows why this happens. Most developers don't test and are under too much pressure to get things done. QA is tedious and requires a certain type of individual to do it right, unfortunately it seems Bioware has no QA..
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lol I didn't think anyone would care what server I'm on... anyway I'm on Krayiss Obelisk. No problems of this sort there. my companions always retain their items! :)


Also: my guild is linked in my sig... you could have easily looked it up ;)


Based on that comment, it doesn't seem to me like you even realize what this topic is about. It's not about "retaining items" on companions, it's about having the stats of the items they have equipped being applied correctly.

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Based on that comment, it doesn't seem to me like you even realize what this topic is about. It's not about "retaining items" on companions, it's about having the stats of the items they have equipped being applied correctly.


Alright well I guess I can also say the stats never seemed to change for me? I've been levelling a trooper and I never noticed my tankbot (M1-4X)'s health drop mysteriously. It's always been 2k ahead of my own health as long as I keep his other stuff upgraded...


So again, I don't think I've been experiencing this at all.


Edit: Alright so I've done some testing... I guess I have been! But my companion's items really don't change his health all that much... it went from 13.1k to 13.8k... not a huge difference so I guess that's why I never noticed (nor has anyone else on my server it appears).


I stand corrected! I guess it is game-wide... just not very noticeable. I suspect that is why it hasn't been fixed yet.

Edited by Istelle
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Alright well I guess I can also say the stats never seemed to change for me? I've been levelling a trooper and I never noticed my tankbot (M1-4X)'s health drop mysteriously. It's always been 2k ahead of my own health as long as I keep his other stuff upgraded...


So again, I don't think I've been experiencing this at all.


You don't think it has, but you haven't actually tested it either. ;)

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I stand corrected! I guess it is game-wide... just not very noticeable. I suspect that is why it hasn't been fixed yet.


Most people don't pay enough attention to their companions. A lot of us do though and find their stats really important e.g. for dailies when you are a healer the stats change on my tank are considerable e.g. 2k health, 5% extra shield chance etc - not counting that I spent a considerable amount of time obtaining gear for those slots that will add that kind of boost.


For the VAST majority of players I'd say a whole lot of them would be pissed off to discover their pets aren't as effective as they should be. Sure there is a workaround, but game is enough of a time sink to be opening up windows and taking off/putting back on items every time you zone, mount/dismount, summon new pet or in some cases enter a story area.

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First of all, thank you all for reporting this. Unfortunately, it looks like this specific fix did not work as intended. We've removed the patch note and this will be updated in our known issues list. A fix will be coming in an upcoming patch.


Apologies, and thank you for your patience.


Do you realize how sloppy and lazy this makes you guys look? A bug that would have taken you literally 10min to check...yet nobody did? Why aren't there PTS notes any longer? Did this even make it to PTS? Is everything being tested internally now?

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I'm submitting a Bug Report as well but I believe I have located the issue with this bug, I don't recall seeing BioWare or anyone posting the cause of it. So I'm sorry if someone else posted this info.


The companion does in fact get the stats from the Ear and Implant when it is equipped however those slots become disabled when the companion is dismissed and then resummoned.


I've tested this a few times across a few characters with all of that characters companions.


The bug happens whenever the player does one of the following: mounts and then dismounts, loads a new zone with the companion out, or dismisses and resummons the the companion or any other one.


The workaround, if you even really care about it, would be to un-equip those 3 slots and then re-equip them every time the companion is dismissed and then resummoned by what ever means.

Edited by Quikfox
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lol I didn't think anyone would care what server I'm on... anyway I'm on Krayiss Obelisk. No problems of this sort there. my companions always retain their items! :)


Also: my guild is linked in my sig... you could have easily looked it up ;)



Really? Because I'm on this same server as well and my companion is totally bugged. In fact, I thought I was the only one who even noticed. I've zoomed around our republic fleet showing everyone and asking for help about what I did wrong, and all of them (all twelve) are totally clueless. It's like people don't even notice. I notice. Do you know why I notice? Because our server is dead and I've had to solo 99% of this game. As a level 50 sage, my companion is the only thing getting me through the dailies. I'd actually unsubscribed, but this 30 day free offer got me to give this one last chance. I have no clue about hardmode flashpoints, because since telling off my little princess guild officer for being worthless, I'm flying totally solo here. "Hi, can you guild mates help me understand why we do dailies?" Answer: Google it. Riiight. Thanks for nothing Mighty Ducks. Oh what's that? I'm spamming guild chat by asking a question? Okay Prax! So anyway, I needed this issue addressed. Qyzens health points go from 13,020 to 14,750 when i re-equip. That's kind of a big leap. A lot like the leap we all took off the roof tops when our new jetpacks arrived. I dismount. I re-equip. I battle a rakghoul. Qyzen dies. He makes that awful computer voice sound like an android, then falls over, dead. I can either spend 2 minutes healing him, or re summon and... You guessed it. Which is just a blast. Can you imagine playing Mario Brothers and Yoshi only getting a half bar of health, unless you go up and down the pipe three times when losing a life?


Dead server. Lifeless game. No exploration, no npc interaction beyond: "I need _____ to go _____ bathroom and find my _______. Can you help?" Playing this game makes me want to go run around Assassin's creed with Eagle vision on, punching beggars and picking fights with fat men. At least there I can trample npc's with a horse. Why do I still play when I'm clearly this bitter? Because I like Star Wars. I've been sitting here, shipping all these idiotic companions off to the spice mines to look for corusca crystals while keeping the one good one here to help. But now, my one friend in the whole world... and I'm not talking about weaksauce, bloodshot Nadia (why couldn't it have just been Amedalla?) No, its my main companion, Qyzdog shizzle nitsul, who now has his head shoved way up his @ss. Tell me if you see the developers while you're up there, Qyz.

Edited by DevilsAeon
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The bug happens whenever the player does one of the following: mounts and then dismounts, loads a new zone with the companion out, or dismisses and resummons the the companion or any other one


Also if your character dies and you revive or go to medcenter. However, doesn't seem to happen when my companion dies and is resurrected (without being summoned)

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It should be easy to test and i do not believe they put it in the patch notes without at least some testing. I believe what happened was either:


a) They misunderstood the issue (very unlikely).

b) They somehow failed to apply the fix they made in the patch. This is a possibility but if it happens often maybe they need to change their QA prosses because it is not very efficient atm.

Edited by Rabrac
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It should be easy to test and i do not believe they put it in the patch notes without at least some testing. I believe what happened was either:


a) They misunderstood the issue (very unlikely).

b) They somehow failed to apply the fix they made in the patch. This is a possibility but if it happens often maybe they need to change their QA prosses because it is not very efficient atm.


The latter would seem to be impossible, because the official response was that the fix "did not work as intended." This means they had a fix which was implemented, and it didn't work the way they thought it would. The thing is, had they tested it, they'd have known it didn't work the way they thought it would. Thus, did they actually test it? This is the big question here.

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I'm submitting a Bug Report as well but I believe I have located the issue with this bug, I don't recall seeing BioWare or anyone posting the cause of it. So I'm sorry if someone else posted this info.


The companion does in fact get the stats from the Ear and Implant when it is equipped however those slots become disabled when the companion is dismissed and then resummoned.


I've tested this a few times across a few characters with all of that characters companions.


The bug happens whenever the player does one of the following: mounts and then dismounts, loads a new zone with the companion out, or dismisses and resummons the the companion or any other one.


The workaround, if you even really care about it, would be to un-equip those 3 slots and then re-equip them every time the companion is dismissed and then resummoned by what ever means.


This has been known. It's been reported in countless posts since the problem came up. Now, if BW somehow missed all of that and didn't realize that this was the actual bug, well, that would explain why they couldn't fix it...

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The latter would seem to be impossible, because the official response was that the fix "did not work as intended." This means they had a fix which was implemented, and it didn't work the way they thought it would. The thing is, had they tested it, they'd have known it didn't work the way they thought it would. Thus, did they actually test it? This is the big question here.


sometimes when you test things on a small scale they act differnetly than they do in a live game.

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First of all, thank you all for reporting this. Unfortunately, it looks like this specific fix did not work as intended. We've removed the patch note and this will be updated in our known issues list. A fix will be coming in an upcoming patch.


Apologies, and thank you for your patience.


Unfortunately my credit card is maxed out for the month, I'll be glad to pay you in an upcoming cycle for a game with more bugs than a Roach-Motel. Oh wait, I'm pretty sure you won't let me play without paying, so why should I pay for your bugs that makes my gameplay un-enjoyable?


This kind of gamebreaking bug should be fixed PRONTO, not in an upcoming patch. Better yet, it speaks even more to the fact that a PATCH INTRODUCED broken code in the first place. I love traveling a few yards only to have to stop, pull up character screen, pull up inventory, click on companion tab, remove 3 pieces of gear and re-equip them just to be ready to engage... oh yea that's immersion!

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Get off your duffs and patch this bug... like.. uhhh.. by TOMORROW!


Also.. do you even hold people accountable at your offices? I mean, seriously? Try holding your employees accountable and watch their performance improve OR they get replaced by someone who can perform at a competent level.

Edited by -Kraxis-
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sometimes when you test things on a small scale they act differnetly than they do in a live game.


Of course, and this would be a plausible le explanation IF the problem was isolated to a few particular scenarios. However, it is a universal problem that has no exceptions, and therefore any testing under any circumstances would have seen it.

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a total of 11 clicks of the mouse to open up inventory, character sheet and un-equip and re-equip and close inventory and character sheet - It's a work around. It'll get fixed when it can. Until then, get some A535 and put it on your delicate fingers...


Yeah, it's annoying, but worth all the grieving?.. If folks are too lazy to click extra to use a work around, maybe they should pack it in.

The things people whine about in this forum astound me...

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Of course, and this would be a plausible le explanation IF the problem was isolated to a few particular scenarios. However, it is a universal problem that has no exceptions, and therefore any testing under any circumstances would have seen it.
According to my characters there are exceptions. Some of my characters have this bug and others don't have it. And the ones that have this bug are partly affected, like the implant works normally but the earpiece not . :d_confused:
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