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Do you want endless stalemates of healing?


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If DPS is viable on its own, a healer should be viable on their own, too. Apparently to you 2 out of 3 roles should just be fodder for your empty, one-dimensional approach to strategy of "hit them until they die".


I don't think you understand anything at all about pvp. Healers(99% of which seem to have an entitlement complex, you being an example) and tanks are and should be killable in a 1v1 fight, but in a group setting they are far better than any dps spec. Do you understand now? They exceed in group pvp, but they die in a 1v1 such as a duel.


If you want to win...get better at the game or deal with it.


Don't worry, I have no trouble winning, considering my guardian is valor rank 72 and my marauder is valor 65, with my sage healer being valor 58


Welcome to life.


I bet you thought that was pretty clever didn't you?

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I don't think you understand anything at all about pvp. Healers(99% of which seem to have an entitlement complex, you being an example) and tanks are and should be killable in a 1v1 fight, but in a group setting they are far better than any dps spec. Do you understand now? They exceed in group pvp, but they die in a 1v1 such as a duel.


So you want kills handed to you on a silver platter, but I'm the one with the entitlement complex, got it.


Yes, they should be killable in a 1v1 fight, provided that the player trying to kill them has more skill.


Yet clearly there are still people posting up a storm about how there's 4 DPSers beating on a healer without them dying.


Don't worry, I have no trouble winning, considering my guardian is valor rank 72 and my marauder is valor 65, with my sage healer being valor 58


I don't think you understand anything at all about PvP if you think having a high valor rank has anything whatsoever to do with a player's skill.


I bet you thought that was pretty clever didn't you?


Just being honest. /shrug

Edited by Syylara
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Valor means nothing after the ezmode medal fest they added. I also think you are gravely mistaken thinking that DPS can always beat tank classes (Yes, considering they are both equally geared and skilled.) That's a joke. Tanks both pre 1.2 and post 1.2 always win 1v1 against DPS except Scoundrels with equal gear. Sentinels are so easy to kill in 1v1; I don't even know why people are complaining. Save CCs for when they are below 30% and pop def CDs when they ravage -- End of story.
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Valor means nothing after the ezmode medal fest they added. I also think you are gravely mistaken thinking that DPS can always beat tank classes (Yes, considering they are both equally geared and skilled.) That's a joke. Tanks both pre 1.2 and post 1.2 always win 1v1 against DPS except Scoundrels with equal gear. Sentinels are so easy to kill in 1v1; I don't even know why people are complaining. Save CCs for when they are below 30% and pop def CDs when they ravage -- End of story.


If you're losing to tanks in 1v1 its because you're just not good enough.

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I agree with the OP.


The problem is coming from people who've picked a support class and are now complaining when it requires a team setting to perform well.


As a tank, I don't expect to be able to solo every sent/mara who comes my way, yet some people think they should be able to as a healer :confused:


In fact I'm pretty sure I was in a match with the OP a few nights back and had no problems guarding/taunting/harassing enough for him to keep himself and most of the team alive to win the zone.

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Healers shouldn't be able to live in a 1v1. If they have skill(everyone thinks they have skill, but most dont) and good gear(good defined as battlermaster or above) they should die eventually in a 1v1 fight with a dps. Healers should always have their team mates protecting them via guards and taunts, or CCs and dps from classes without those. Most healers that post on this forum want to be unkillable, they think because of the their spec they deserve a free ride through the WZ. That's unacceptable and I'm confident bioware will never allow that to happen, healing has never been as bad in this game as it is in WoW.


So what you are saying is that a healer and a DPS in a 1v1, lets say same gear/skill lvl, the healer should allways die?


why should a healer class not be as good at its job as a dps class?


the argument of the healer should have a tank guarding him does not facter into it. now you are talking about team PvP as if healers are the only ones that benefit and or should rely on team mates.


i keep seeing people post about healing needs to be weaker because they can be guarded which makes them harder to kill. I belive it is the strength of guard/taunt combo (that alot of peeps didnt understand) is what realy got healing nerfed. a class should never be nerfed because of another classes abilities might make him to strong (not everyone has a pocket tank) maybe it was the guard/taunt that needed to be looked at.


I pug WZs and still do fine on my healer although sawbones did get a slight buff :). the only time i have a hard time is against premades or teams that are smart enough to focus me every time they see me, but that is just good game play on their part.


but my point is that for someone say "that one arctype should allways beat another because in group pvp his friends can help him" is just wrong. that door swings both ways. dps benefit from a good group as much as a healer.


pre 1.2 healing may have been a little strong but i never had much trouble with them on my dps tunes. on my tank i realy couldnt kill many of them fast, as he was pure tank all HP and def stats, but i did enough damage, ccs, and interupts that they never got a chance to heal any of their team mates.


I will have to agree about your wow comment, it was crazy i had shammy and a druid healer. the shammy was pretty damn strong and the druid was like a raid boss.

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So what you are saying is that a healer and a DPS in a 1v1, lets say same gear/skill lvl, the healer should allways die?


why should a healer class not be as good at its job as a dps class?


the argument of the healer should have a tank guarding him does not facter into it. now you are talking about team PvP as if healers are the only ones that benefit and or should rely on team mates.


i keep seeing people post about healing needs to be weaker because they can be guarded which makes them harder to kill. I belive it is the strength of guard/taunt combo (that alot of peeps didnt understand) is what realy got healing nerfed. a class should never be nerfed because of another classes abilities might make him to strong (not everyone has a pocket tank) maybe it was the guard/taunt that needed to be looked at.


I pug WZs and still do fine on my healer although sawbones did get a slight buff :). the only time i have a hard time is against premades or teams that are smart enough to focus me every time they see me, but that is just good game play on their part.


but my point is that for someone say "that one arctype should allways beat another because in group pvp his friends can help him" is just wrong. that door swings both ways. dps benefit from a good group as much as a healer.


pre 1.2 healing may have been a little strong but i never had much trouble with them on my dps tunes. on my tank i realy couldnt kill many of them fast, as he was pure tank all HP and def stats, but i did enough damage, ccs, and interupts that they never got a chance to heal any of their team mates.


I will have to agree about your wow comment, it was crazy i had shammy and a druid healer. the shammy was pretty damn strong and the druid was like a raid boss.


Just to correct you, I never said I wanted healing nerfed I think its balanced in 1.2, my posts are addressing the bads that want healing to be buffed to WoW levels.

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If you're losing to tanks in 1v1 its because you're just not good enough.


You make me feel so good about myself then seeing as how I have yet to find a Sentinel that can beat either my Guardian or my Vanguard 1v1. My server must be full of terrible players.

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I'm talking about myself now. Not "the players" or "the healers" just me. I dont want to survive endlessly if some dps with equal gear pulls full damage on me. I want that a good dps player has his chances to kill me if he times his cc and interrupts well enough. But I dont like to get faceslapped by every dps that comes by and decides that I am his/her new target. It's almost ridiculous how easy it is to burst down a sorc healer atm. I want my chances against good players and I want to definitly survive against players who dont even know what an interrupt is <- without guard ofc. The only option I got atm is to use the terrain on its fullest which is pretty useless against mara/juggs who can still charge you after beeing knockbacked down into a lower terrain.


As an example. Three days ago I got attacked by 3 guys. Well that's ok that I die but here is the deal. Main focus came from a gunslinger. He pulled 11.5k dps in 3,7 sec. A total of 3k dps. There is no way that I can heal that kind of amount even if I'm not interrupted or cced.


Ppl dont get how frustrating this is. As a sorc healer I am always top 3 on dmg taken. Once ppl notice I'm a healer I get stalked. In PUGs rarely someone guards you so once they decide to focus me it's like me beeing arnold schwarzenegger in runningman, without the "hunted kills the hunter" part. Well I do look better too. Yesterday there was a Voidstar WZ where everytime I appeared near the enemy I literally got jumped by 3-4 melee.

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Every healer that posts on this forum except you wants an endless stalemate of healing. They want healing to be like it is in world of warcraft: Healers being invincible and able to keep 2-3 people at 100% too. Healing as it is now is fine.


No it isn't, because a single dps can absolutely DESTROY any healer 1v1 as it is now, and they could even before 1.2, it just took longer.


Whenever healers can't use the terrain or los to their advantage, they're dead, even from a single dps. This is plain wrong. Nobody is asking for healers to be invincible, but they should at the very least be able to heal themselves indefinitely against a single dps, and when healing others they should be able, if they're left alone, to effectively counter the damage done from 2 or more (depending on players) dpsers.


Right now, healers (and everyone else really) are just ticking bombs waiting to explode, especially if clowns such as maras/pyropts are around. By healing in this game you're aren't actually saving people, you're just delaying the inevitable, which makes it just a miserable role to play.


And don't even think about giving me some bs about healers needing other people's help / guard /taunts or whatever to be effective, because dpsers don't need ANYBODY'S help to insta gib other fools.

Edited by AzKnc
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Right now, healers (and everyone else really) are just ticking bombs waiting to explode, especially if clowns such as maras/pyropts are around. By healing in this game you're aren't actually saving people, you're just delaying the inevitable, which makes it just a miserable role to play.



I was feeling a little down about my skill level lately after 1.2 and a guildie explained to me that he's happy if I increased his survivability by just a couple seconds. I guess at this stage when TTK is so short, a couple seconds is awesome but it doesn't make me feel any better about the healing role. I feel like a tiny band aid on a huge wound some days. Especially against a stacked DPS groups

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You do matter and you do have a role. Its your teams fault that you die. They should be guarding you and if they arent tank specced, then they should be taunting people attacking you. As a vigilance guardian I always guardian leap and AOE taunt around my teams healers even though I'm incapable of using guard because of my spec.


sorry but no. I should be able to defend myself even briefly in a warzone. I should be able to kill somebody eventually 1vs1. I should be able to keep people alive in warzones. I am nothing but a free kill. I can't even manage my own force without depending on another person...unless I want to kill myself.


I should not be forced into my premade every time I wish to warzone. pvp was fun pre 1.2. I pvped almost everyday. This **** bioware implemented ruined everything. I've tried to enjoy pvp post 1.2 but I just can't...even with my premade group. it's just too frustrating.

Edited by Vinak
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Its not that healers were op. Its that if they had a guard on them say a def jug they were invincible. So the question is, even with locking down the healer while nuking the tank, the healer still managed to keep the tanks up. Should a healer and a tank together be able to hold off an entire team of people in huttball at the starting line? thats what i did as a tank with a great healer in my back. Although a good ops healer with a tank on them now is clsoe to unkillable.
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It IS a frustrating role to play.

Consider: In all the time I pvp'd I have gotten ONE Mvp vote ever. In PUG's forget about anybody ever guarding you, it does not happen.


I have noticed that my stats do not seem to reflect when I Force Armour someone. The damage I prevent does not show in my stats. Why Bioware?

My Kill ratio is pretty stable at 2:1 in favour, that is where it stays. And I am actually proud of that stat, because I started MMORPG's on 9 Mar for the first time in my life. And I remember AD&D 1st edition. Well. And I am sad what "ROLE playing" has become in the age of the Internet. So unless you are one of the old guard pipe right down, youngsters. You have no clue. Not about Team play either, buddy.


After a while even I get tired of being 3rd from the bottom and being ganked by any cloaker - Come to think of it, WHY can all Sith cloak - at will. Nobody seems to have mentioned so far that the RANGE of heals was cut too. Just remember that to do my job I have to stand still and have Line of Sight.


Any other good reasons why there is such a difference in valor between a healer class and a dps? Why should an equally well played healer be the lowest valor of your PC"s?? I noted that stat. Same player, lowest valor of all his PC's


And I would just like to ask the other players to recognise what healers do for you, that helps you get your stats. Just be more aware. I am more than a little green glowing number above your head every 4 secs. And when it does not happen then it is "you suckz lol".


So teach me, train me, advise me or get out of my face. Healers do want a bit of recognition, too.


FYI lvl 25 Sage, to put my comments in perspective.


In general I find that leveling is a GRIND. Seen one mad master, seen them all. The 3 same same sub bosses do not help give the illusion of variety.

50's in general sit on their duffs and ignore newbs, leading me to feel that this game offers VERY little below lvl 50.

Then: Community, what community? Where is the grouping? 2 words here: No rewards for it, and no incentive to do it. This applies within guilds too.


Thanks for listening

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You make me feel so good about myself then seeing as how I have yet to find a Sentinel that can beat either my Guardian or my Vanguard 1v1. My server must be full of terrible players.


So I hate the healing system atm ( sage healer ) that means im a BAD ?????

Sorry to say but how fair is it for the healer, if they just die in seconds tell me.

This game leaves me 2 choices reroll a dps or go back to wow, at least in the arenas i dont die in 5 seconds, or in the battlezones for that matter.

And believe me 2.4 seconds for a 3k heal is crap, this system is a joke.

This smells failhammer all over.

At least in wow I have more bettlegrounds to chose, arenas, Xserver LFG tool PVP/PVE, and 10 mill, players, and no lag ( ILLUM ).

Edited by chemela
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If it makes you feel better I always vote for healers. I'm a tank and people always vote for me and I don't know why. I just slam my face onto my keyboard and magically every takes less damage and I get 13 medals.


So I hate the healing system atm ( sage healer ) that means im a BAD ?????

Sorry to say but how fair is it for the healer, if they just die in seconds tell me.

This game leaves me 2 choices reroll a dps or go back to wow, at least in the arenas i dont die in 5 seconds, or in the battlezones for that matter.

And believe me 2.4 seconds for a 3k heal is crap, this system is a joke.

This smells failhammer all over.

At least in wow I have more bettlegrounds to chose, arenas, Xserver LFG toll PVP/PVE, and 10 mill, players, and no lag ( ILLUM ).


Nothing I said was aimed towards you or healers. He was saying that DPS can ALWAYS beat Tanks and Healers if they are equally geared and that simple is false.

Edited by Gren-Aluren
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A. Prepatch if you're a DPS and you're not able to occupy a healer by forcing him to heal himself just to stay alive, You're a bad DPS.


B. Prepatch, if it takes 8 of you to take on a Healer/Tank combo, again, you're terrible at the game and should stick to Hello Kitty Online.


C. Postpatch if you can't kill a Healer 1v1 as a DPS, you're bad and should quit the game.


D. If you think stacking Healers is remotely effective in this game, you're a tard who frankly doesn't know how PVP works in this game and should be barred from posting on the PvP forums as you have about as much skill as a paraplegic does at basketball.

Edited by Xsorus
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Honestly although guard is a cool idea. It is totally responsible for healing being fkd. If you balance a healer without guard so they dont die in a second then once they are guarded you will never kill them. If you balance them with guard they will die in seconds to a dps.


They need to fix guard so that it doesn't mitigate so much damage. Maybe it takes 50% off the healer but does 75% damage to tank and tank does less damage when guarding someone. Right now shadows/assassin + op/scoundrel healer = a win or a hell of a fight.

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You do matter and you do have a role. Its your teams fault that you die. They should be guarding you and if they arent tank specced, then they should be taunting people attacking you. As a vigilance guardian I always guardian leap and AOE taunt around my teams healers even though I'm incapable of using guard because of my spec.


Sadly this model doesnt work in random pugs. Sure it is 'ideal', but it is not reality the vast majority of the time.


Can just as easily say to DPS, unless another DPS assists you, you shouldnt be able to kill something. You should rely on your team to do it and it is your team's fault if nothing dies. People owuld be screaming if that were reality.


The point is that a class should be effective on their own without being forced to rely on someone else. Note that I said effective, not overpowered. I play all three healing classes, and I feel that my operative and merc are effective, even if the ttk is a bit fast these days. My sorcerer on the other hand is completely worthless against anyone that knows how to interrupts. Squishy + easy to interrupt = free kills unless you always run away ...in which case you live, but are just as ineffectual.

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It boggles my mind that people here think Guard is remotely a problem in this game..


Because Warhammer Online had it and it was far more powerful, and Healing was FAR more powerful in that game as well, and it was completely balanced.

Edited by Xsorus
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