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I currently run SWTOR on the following configuration (pretty old):


AMD Athlon X2 3000+ CPU

4 x 1GB Kingston PC5300 677 MHz RAM

NVidia 8800 GTS 320bit 320 MB Gfx


I'm currently running on Low settings, turned off all background processes but I still have a lot of disk activity. I'm content with the quality of the gfx but the performance is poor enuough.


I have two choices:

- Increase the RAM to 8GB or better.

- Fully upgrade my system (mobo, gfx, RAM etc).


What is your opinion?


Thanks in advance.

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Unfortunately you are going to need a whole new system to get any real performance increase. That being said a faster processor that will work in your mb and more ram would be better than nothing if you cannot afford a new system at this time.
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Unfortunately you are going to need a whole new system to get any real performance increase. That being said a faster processor that will work in your mb and more ram would be better than nothing if you cannot afford a new system at this time.


from memory he is on a now legacy system meaning that he probably couldnt get a CPU that will upgrade on his mobo restrictions, for the costs involved he could get a whole A8 fx system for about £300 with everything in it way above what he has and trying to upgrade his system could cost upto and beyond £500 easily to even get 1/3 of the performance of an A8 fx system


here op have a look at this. http://www.cclonline.com/product/71938/N****Code/All-CCL-Systems/CCL-Elite-Kite-Gaming-System/CCL-EL-KTE/

Edited by Shingara
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from memory he is on a now legacy system meaning that he probably couldnt get a CPU that will upgrade on his mobo restrictions, for the costs involved he could get a whole A8 fx system for about £300 with everything in it way above what he has and trying to upgrade his system could cost upto and beyond £500 easily to even get 1/3 of the performance of an A8 fx system


here op have a look at this. http://www.cclonline.com/product/71938/N****Code/All-CCL-Systems/CCL-Elite-Kite-Gaming-System/CCL-EL-KTE/


Not true because his 8800 is better than that junk video card they have. Also you can buy processors for his mb up to 4800 he has a 3000. You can buy a 4000 for about $20 some more ram for $10 boom done for $30.

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1GB is woefully low, the 8800GTS was king 5 years ago. But not anymore mate.


Your CPU is outdated and if you were to upgrade any part of that I'd start with the CPU which will then require a new mobo, so then its might as well get the latest RAM, gcard so on and so forth.


Set aside 1.5k and if you know where you look and can build it yourself youll get a great gaming system in the same box, providing it isnt a midi case.

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Not true because his 8800 is better than that junk video card they have. Also you can buy processors for his mb up to 4800 he has a 3000. You can buy a 4000 for about $20 some more ram for $10 boom done for $30.


A8 systems dont have graphics cards on them, they can run without them, adding a graphics card to it just makes them more powerful. Also makes him more future proof and i think your confusing A8 with A4's.


As for the ram he could but for the speeds he gets out of the ram its a waste of cash as its alot better just to get higher speed ram and less of then more and slower. And he never mentioned what mobo he has so we have no idea what his mobo can take apart from the fact its probably legacy.


If he has the cash and can find one i would say get an AM3+ mobo like republic of gamers, a 1090t black and some kingsten ram and a 560ti or 2, thats basically bullet proof.

Edited by Shingara
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Ppl say that ReadyBoost does not make significant changes on RAMs like 4GB or more. Is it worth trying?


Not really. The 4GB RAM isn't the problem with your system, it's everything else. The CPU is woefully slow and would remain so even if you were to upgrade it within the same architecture. Your graphics card is also limited, it's the 320mb 8800 which really wasn't that good, people in the thread seem to be mistaking it for the newer version which was significantly improved... but even now it would be struggling.


On a PC of that age i would just start from scratch rather than upgrading a piece here and there for very minimal improvements only to have to spend more money on it after that sooner rather than later.

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I've got the same GFX card, same amount (and speed iirc) of RAM and a slightly faster CPU of the same family, running pretty smooth on max native resolution for my monitor at custom/low setting and it's running just about acceptably (even on fleet after the last patch). I'm not seeing any unusual amount of drive activity though, what OS are you on? Is the hard drive almost full? I find they bog down and perform poorly after the 3/4 full mark, maybe a good session deleting/archiving then a defrag might be worth a shot.


I'd say that GFX card is an issue too, ToR is probably the first one to really fill that limited amount of memory, but due to the age of the system overall I'm also really deliberating over whether to spend any money on it or not.


If anything I'll possibly put a current entry level GFX card in there. Either the new Radeon HD7770 (as it's supposed to be very efficient power wise and I don't want to have to drop in a new PSU), or a GeForce 560 (non Ti) as it seems to be about the best around my price range (but probably pushing the limits of my PSU).


I'm looking at handing mine down when I get a new system anyway so won't be a total waste, the other half likes to MMO with me, but not enough to actually spend money on it :D

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This was the system I bought for WoW. Played up to Level 80 (TWoLK) with no problems at ultimate detail. Don't what they did after Cataclysm. My RAM was 2GB when I started SWTOR, then I bought an extra 2GB and fresh installed Windows 7 64-Bit. The drives are totaly empty. No extra programs, utilities etc. I'm using AMDFusion on Gaming mode to disable non-necessary processes. The performance is OK when I'm doing Group Places. However, in crowded (character and object wise) regions, my HDD starts suffering when I turn my character. I'm using Native Low settings. Maybe Defrag can help. Edited by Bumbala
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Not really. The 4GB RAM isn't the problem with your system, it's everything else. The CPU is woefully slow and would remain so even if you were to upgrade it within the same architecture. Your graphics card is also limited, it's the 320mb 8800 which really wasn't that good, people in the thread seem to be mistaking it for the newer version which was significantly improved... but even now it would be struggling.


On a PC of that age i would just start from scratch rather than upgrading a piece here and there for very minimal improvements only to have to spend more money on it after that sooner rather than later.


Exactly. Best to get a new system and put that one in storage for emergency backup if your new system goes down.

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