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New Infiltration Leap Ability


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Numbers are a placeholder.

This is meant to be an ability deep within Infiltration exclusively.


[shadow Leap]

10-30 Yard Range.

60 Second Cooldown.

Vanishes into the shadows and appears next to an opponent, removing all movement impairing effects and increasing your movement speed by 20% for 2 seconds. In addition, you take 50% less damage from all sources for 2 seconds.




Edited by Xinika
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Numbers are a placeholder.

[shadow Leap]

10-30 Yard Range.

60 Second Cooldown.

Vanishes into the shadows and appears next to an opponent, removing all movement impairing effects and increasing your movement speed by 20% for 2 seconds. In addition, you take 50% less damage from all sources for 2 seconds.



As much as i would love to see this i have to say no since it would be way to OP.

Mayby and with big mayby if this would be deep in end of balance or inf tree then it could be accepted.

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We have the ability to stealth up right behind someone and then restealth out of a fight if it's not going so well. PLUS we have force speed.


So we have an opener, a gap closer and a retreat ability and you want another one?


Jesus Christ. I played infil for a long time both in pve and 50 pvp and the only thing wrong with us is that we are squishy. However I was doing 13k dmg in 2.5 cds to a poorly geared 50 so I think it's justified.


Maras only have the camo ability. It's 5 secs. If we want we just vanish and end up on the other side of the map.

Edited by PseudoOne
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Infiltration could REALLY use this! I would like to see this, good idea.


As for putting this in the Balance tree... why the HECK would I wanna Force Leap to anyone other than to catch them from running away or making use of the Leap/Movement Bonus during Huttball? I prefer to remain in Stealth (Shadows Respite from the Inf tree) and then open up on somebody with my regular rotation. I fail to see why you would put this move in the Balance tree other than utility purposes, mostly during Huttball. If you wanna catch up tom somebody running from you as Balance Shadow, just slap a Sever Force on them (2 seconds of immobilization) and/or Force Slow, couple this with also having Force Speed.


I hate when people complain that we need a Leap, we already have Force Speed, you know how many people constantly complain that THEY want a Speed Boost skill too?? Plus the Tank tree has a Pull, obviously not the same as a Leap, but it has the same end effect; gets you right next to your target in half a second.


I support this for Infiltration because they're currently lacking, and could use some boosts

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I would love something like this, or even a rooting ability. Either or would be great, as right now its pretty tough to keep someone (healers) from running away from you in a fight. One thing that would make it even better in my opinion would be if it put you behind the target with a buff/improvement to Shadow Strike (I love this move, but hardly ever get to use it in PvP). I mean we are 'Shadows' I would think our 'Strike' would be our #1 move! :jawa_cool:
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Instead of the added benifets I would rather see it as more of a improved Shadow Strike. Same basis of 30 meter range but when you appear behind target you perform a Shadow Strike. Basicly you move behind target and stab them in the back. But I could see that being OP.
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I'm sorry, I play both a shadow and a scrapper scoundrel, and the scoundrel needs this ability far more then a shadow of any spec does, I do realize inf does need some help, I wouldn't mind if both got one, but wouldn't like it if inf got it but scrapper didn't Edited by jbuschell
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While this certainly would help a bit, I am still convinced that the Infiltration Shadow needs more than just that.


Currently you are so unbelievably predictable and once Project and FB are used and on cooldown you lack the offensive power to push a single aggressor back, nor do you have the capability to finish your target off, unless by some miracle you are a) absolutely free to move and b) able to get behind your target and perform a Shadow Strike (and if that crits you can then use Spinning Strike).


If any of these things fail to happen, you are done.


So before seeing any (necessary, mind you) changes to our defense, offense needs to be addressed. It's total ******** that your top abilities have a 6 and 12s CD and that the rest of the time you rely on a overpriced, positional attack. I am not asking for increased burst here either, because if both these attacks crit (another big issue imo, as our crit chance is lower than other classes, since we lack force crit talents, yet the talent tree is built on +crit damage modifiers for our staple attacks), we are looking good in terms of burst.


Call it overpowered, call it insane, but if Kinetic Combat can have Particle Acceleration and Balance can have Force Strike, Infiltration should have the chance to reset the cooldown on Shadow Technique's Force Breach (unless they make Shadow Strike more reliable an attack as I have described in a similar thread. Resetting Force Breach would then make me choose between 0-1 stack Force Breaches or waiting for 5 stacks for added burst as well).


Once that is done and bursting down a target is not as luck and cooldown dependent anymore, we can move to the survivability part.

Edited by Payneintherear
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Why not make Shadow Strike only usable from stealth and knockdown like shoot first?


Shadow scrapper. Shadow strike (knockdown), clairvoyant x 2, stun, project, force breach.


Still 1 up on scrapper since they don't have a gap closer. Shadows already do and they make everyone jealous already

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Why not make Shadow Strike only usable from stealth and knockdown like shoot first?


Shadow scrapper. Shadow strike (knockdown), clairvoyant x 2, stun, project, force breach.


Still 1 up on scrapper since they don't have a gap closer. Shadows already do and they make everyone jealous already


I don't know any Scrapper Scoundrel jealous of Infiltration's damage. Shadow Strike is not like Shoot First. It is a very slowly animated attack with all kinds of potential for not going off at all half way through the animation.

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This would be great for infiltration. It gives the spec both a defensive and offensive ability and more options for doing what the spec does best. I don't think it should work on the Z-axis though. Leave Z-axis movement to the vanguards and knights. Where would you put it on the tree though?


I think it would probably be a great idea to put it in the spot clairvoyant strike is. Clairvoyant's strike's animation would then become the double strike animation and the effects Clairvoyant strike has can be placed on another high tier talent and proc by use of double strike. Ultimately, that would remove Clairvoyant strike from the game, place the leap at the top of the tree in Infiltration, and give double strike a better animation (it's so boring right now).

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While this certainly would help a bit, I am still convinced that the Infiltration Shadow needs more than just that.


Currently you are so unbelievably predictable and once Project and FB are used and on cooldown you lack the offensive power to push a single aggressor back, nor do you have the capability to finish your target off, unless by some miracle you are a) absolutely free to move and b) able to get behind your target and perform a Shadow Strike (and if that crits you can then use Spinning Strike).


If any of these things fail to happen, you are done.


So before seeing any (necessary, mind you) changes to our defense, offense needs to be addressed. It's total ******** that your top abilities have a 6 and 12s CD and that the rest of the time you rely on a overpriced, positional attack. I am not asking for increased burst here either, because if both these attacks crit (another big issue imo, as our crit chance is lower than other classes, since we lack force crit talents, yet the talent tree is built on +crit damage modifiers for our staple attacks), we are looking good in terms of burst.


Call it overpowered, call it insane, but if Kinetic Combat can have Particle Acceleration and Balance can have Force Strike, Infiltration should have the chance to reset the cooldown on Shadow Technique's Force Breach (unless they make Shadow Strike more reliable an attack as I have described in a similar thread. Resetting Force Breach would then make me choose between 0-1 stack Force Breaches or waiting for 5 stacks for added burst as well).


Once that is done and bursting down a target is not as luck and cooldown dependent anymore, we can move to the survivability part.


+1, Wouldn't mind that at all.


Yeah this ability is just a step in the right direction.

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This ability would be a nice step in the general direction needed for shadows especially for inf. I dont however think this should be added to the balance tree....lol that would be so silly.


I believe the honest to god issue with the 3 trees that we have is that moves that should in a certain tree is in another tree.


For example,


KC = force speed that removes snares, i dont understand why this was placed in the tank tree, i mean its great if your a tank in pvp but i think it would benifit balance shadows more


Inf = situitional awareness, reduces the cost of whirling blow and battle readiness CD. and its so high in the tree? that would benift the tanks more since BR gave a self heal


Balance = twin disciples, a melee boost for a range hybrid class thats supposed to mainly kite. that move should in the inf tree


Before adding new abilities and letting BW take months before they implement it. They really need to look at our trees and re balance them. Becuase have the power its just all over the place and not located where they should be IMO

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How about they tweak the circling shadows talent?


Currently circling shadows grants the buff (+15% proj damage) and also gives a flat +30% crit multiplier to shadow strike. This makes shadow strike great if it crits but the skill remains quite lackluster if it doesn't.


If they changed that 30% crit multiplier in to 30% base damage, that would improve our sustained damage and crits would still hit hard, you'd have to be in shadow tech so hybrids couldn't abuse it, and its not overly powerful so wouldn't unbalance us much. Since shadow-strike is supposed to be the defining skill for inf shadows (imo), I'd dearly love to see it buffed!

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How about they tweak the circling shadows talent?


Currently circling shadows grants the buff (+15% proj damage) and also gives a flat +30% crit multiplier to shadow strike. This makes shadow strike great if it crits but the skill remains quite lackluster if it doesn't.


If they changed that 30% crit multiplier in to 30% base damage, that would improve our sustained damage and crits would still hit hard, you'd have to be in shadow tech so hybrids couldn't abuse it, and its not overly powerful so wouldn't unbalance us much. Since shadow-strike is supposed to be the defining skill for inf shadows (imo), I'd dearly love to see it buffed!


Imo, any tweak to Shadow Strike needs to happen to its usability, not it's potential damage. Its potential damage is fine, but the restrictions are so severe that it becomes unreliable.


I don't know how many times I have unloaded Project and Force Breach and then either not have had enough force to perform it (sometimes with Low Slash, others without it) or just have it pull back my Double-Bladed-Lightsaber twice as if it was going off without anything happening other than me losing 1-2 GCDs because the target had turned back to me and the game went out of sync.

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Numbers are a placeholder.

This is meant to be an ability deep within Infiltration exclusively.


[shadow Leap]

10-30 Yard Range.

60 Second Cooldown.

Vanishes into the shadows and appears next to an opponent, removing all movement impairing effects and increasing your movement speed by 20% for 2 seconds. In addition, you take 50% less damage from all sources for 2 seconds.




I like where your going with this. I think an acrobatic leap to place use behind the target and cause shadow strike to crit would be fine for an added ability. now for the increased defense part i think would be a great replacement for the current exit strategy. i think for that high in the tree force cloak should cleanse all movement effects and improved exit strat gives damage reduction for x seconds when exiting stealth. i think this is the extra survive the build needs

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This ability would be a nice step in the general direction needed for shadows especially for inf. I dont however think this should be added to the balance tree....lol that would be so silly.


I believe the honest to god issue with the 3 trees that we have is that moves that should in a certain tree is in another tree.


For example,


KC = force speed that removes snares, i dont understand why this was placed in the tank tree, i mean its great if your a tank in pvp but i think it would benifit balance shadows more


Inf = situitional awareness, reduces the cost of whirling blow and battle readiness CD. and its so high in the tree? that would benift the tanks more since BR gave a self heal


Balance = twin disciples, a melee boost for a range hybrid class thats supposed to mainly kite. that move should in the inf tree


Before adding new abilities and letting BW take months before they implement it. They really need to look at our trees and re balance them. Becuase have the power its just all over the place and not located where they should be IMO


I really like the logic here. even if they left those talents in their respective trees they need to be much lower so they can be achieved by putting at least 5 points in said tree. If i put my tin foil hat on i bet that those are in their current positions to be balanced at a later date.

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to the OP - I like the idea, and we do really need some thing to be honest. It makes me laugh, the amount of times some one makes a suggestion how to buff the Shadow Infiltrator, only for masses of posts to say "oh it would be too op" ! awww come on guys where's the love.


Don't we deserve some thing too ? I am not here to be your farm pig you know. :rolleyes:;)

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It would be a nifty ability...


But I don't think we need it enough to be worth the price of whatever might be taken away or denied long term because of having it because staying on target is already pretty easy most of the time. If you have Subduing Techniques in your spec, it's very easy. It would mostly be a direct counter to the knockback+root some Sorcs and Snipers have...and then there'd be more pressure to give them additional gap openers.


I'd much rather have a real opener from stealth or more frequent escape to stealth.

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Numbers are a placeholder.

This is meant to be an ability deep within Infiltration exclusively.


[shadow Leap]

10-30 Yard Range.

60 Second Cooldown.

Vanishes into the shadows and appears next to an opponent, removing all movement impairing effects and increasing your movement speed by 20% for 2 seconds. In addition, you take 50% less damage from all sources for 2 seconds.





It's not a bad idea....but I don't know if Shadows really need this. They already have force sprint which is one of the most useful tools for warzones and handy in operations. Not to mention that beyond simply being a gap closer, this gives several other good boosts.


Of course I would gladly take an ability like this for Operatives and Scoundrels.

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Numbers are a placeholder.

This is meant to be an ability deep within Infiltration exclusively.


[shadow Leap]

10-30 Yard Range.

60 Second Cooldown.

Vanishes into the shadows and appears next to an opponent, removing all movement impairing effects and increasing your movement speed by 20% for 2 seconds. In addition, you take 50% less damage from all sources for 2 seconds.




I like it, but I could live without the 20% movement, maybe have it reset the cool down of sprint, kind of like how force push resets the cool down of force leap for Warriors.

Edited by Nijraw
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