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  1. This ability would be a nice step in the general direction needed for shadows especially for inf. I dont however think this should be added to the balance tree....lol that would be so silly. I believe the honest to god issue with the 3 trees that we have is that moves that should in a certain tree is in another tree. For example, KC = force speed that removes snares, i dont understand why this was placed in the tank tree, i mean its great if your a tank in pvp but i think it would benifit balance shadows more Inf = situitional awareness, reduces the cost of whirling blow and battle readiness CD. and its so high in the tree? that would benift the tanks more since BR gave a self heal Balance = twin disciples, a melee boost for a range hybrid class thats supposed to mainly kite. that move should in the inf tree Before adding new abilities and letting BW take months before they implement it. They really need to look at our trees and re balance them. Becuase have the power its just all over the place and not located where they should be IMO
  2. Heres the reality, Shadows are like the black sheep of the SWTOR universe. everyone and anyone can do what we do but better. its almost like shadows were the last class designed and fully thought out and they jsut said "lets just give them a little bit of everyone" sounded good on paper but the reality is that shadows really lack int he balancing department because of what other classes have over us. Especially now with the current changes too the other classes and even in 1.2 shadows litterally got 4 whole sentences in the changelog. i hope our time to be FOTM month comes soon
  3. I want a leap.... or a pushback that snares or more 30m moves or more armor ratings or better stealth level by default
  4. I literally just posted this topic as well after getting mauled by 6 juggs
  5. I dont understand why snares arent affected by the resolove bar. All these pushbacks/snare, pull/snare, leap/snare, its quite frankly becoming a frustrating thing. Especially now since knights/guardians are the new FOTM, getting trained by snares, one after the other is getting mad old. I get that resolve prevents "any move that renders your character incapacitated" but there needs to be a DR on it or SOMETHING, not just "lets just let the person not move until he dies" At the very LEAST when your white bar'd you shouldnt be able to get re snared. nothing is more annoying than to be running the ball, getting stunned until white bar, trinket!, then getting snared into oblivion. There has to be a fix out there somewhere and i have a feeling im not the only one that feels this way This really isnt supposed to be a QQ thread about a certain class but if i QQ about anything is that snares arent affected by the resolve bar.
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