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When does 2AM mean 1:50AM


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I was in the middle of selling 63 DNA samples for 250K and the servers went down 10 freaking minutes early. This is my last straw. Now they are worthless and on top of that at 1:30AM it said my account had expired, I rushed and bought a 60 day play card and now I want to sell my account, I do not have the patients or the desire to put up with this horrible service. So now I am out over 250k of credits, 30 bucks in real cash and I will never buy another bioware game again.
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:pI'm sorry but that's just so funny, you will never buy a Bioware game because it shut down 10 minutes early. Yes it is something to be annoyed over, but that's just so silly to jump to 'never purchasing another game again'.


Also you obviously went to buy a game card because you LIKED playing the game, and now that you aren't making some quick cash from the Rakghoul samples, the game has suddenly become unfun and all the good things BW did before that don't matter.


So either you haven't really liked a lot of things about this game before this occurrence (which doesn't make sense, why else would you rush to buy a new card if you didn't like the game) and this was the tip of the iceberg, or you an immature person who is currently raging and will feel better after a while even though he has made a fool of himself already.

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It was the tip of the iceburg. I do like the game, I do NOT like how BW is handling it. I worked DAYS getting the DNA and for what, to be screwed. I'm going to either try to sell the account to some gold farmer site or just grief the heck out of the game for the next 60 days. My now goal is to see just how many people put me on ignore.
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I was in the middle of selling 63 DNA samples for 250K and the servers went down 10 freaking minutes early. This is my last straw. Now they are worthless and on top of that at 1:30AM it said my account had expired, I rushed and bought a 60 day play card and now I want to sell my account, I do not have the patients or the desire to put up with this horrible service. So now I am out over 250k of credits, 30 bucks in real cash and I will never buy another bioware game again.


Wait, what?! Your account expired "before" you got disconnected? Then, you bought a 60 day play card but wants to sell your account? I will never buy another bioware game again? This doesn't make any sense. Please, someone explain.

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A: I was disconnected from game at about 1:20 am

B: Tried to reconnect, said my account was not valid

C: rushed and bought a 60 days play card

D: entered the game and started an auction, was up to almost 250k for 63 DNA [barely above the 3k per going rate]

E: after about 5 bids I was again disconnected from game and when I tried to connect it said servers where down. This was at 1:50AM


can I make it any simpler for you?

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Ah, sorry to hear about that - servers went down at exactly 2pm where I am - looks like bad luck :s


Just be glad you weren't on Tomb of Freedon Nadd (EU) server - we had the hill camped out and not one Rep could get near the vendor to use their DNA...ahh...PVP server eh? ^^

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A: I was disconnected from game at about 1:20 am

B: Tried to reconnect, said my account was not valid

C: rushed and bought a 60 days play card

D: entered the game and started an auction, was up to almost 250k for 63 DNA [barely above the 3k per going rate]

E: after about 5 bids I was again disconnected from game and when I tried to connect it said servers where down. This was at 1:50AM


can I make it any simpler for you?


1) Bioware isn't to be held responsible that you don't have a reoccurring monthly subscription

2) You should've started selling the DNA samples a little bit earlier.


End of discussion, methinks.

Edited by Kruxxor
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1) Bioware isn't to be held responsible that you don't have a reoccurring monthly subscription

2) You should've started selling the DNA samples a little bit earlier.


End of discussion, methinks.


Although I do agree that they should mainty at the time they said, I wasn't online so I'm not sure if they were giving the five minute warnings they usually do before shutting down. Perhaps you should have been watching for those?


And I agree that in all situations, when one knows something is due, one should not wait until the last few minutes to finish. If you were doing it because you thought last minute would jack up the prices, then you would have had to accept there was a chance you would run into mainty. If you were doing it because you just logged on from buying that card, then you shouldn't have started selling when the warning text came up.


I'm sorry but I see as much user fault as BW fault.

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A: I was disconnected from game at about 1:20 am

B: Tried to reconnect, said my account was not valid

C: rushed and bought a 60 days play card

D: entered the game and started an auction, was up to almost 250k for 63 DNA [barely above the 3k per going rate]

E: after about 5 bids I was again disconnected from game and when I tried to connect it said servers where down. This was at 1:50AM


can I make it any simpler for you?


I see. What can I say. An earlier than expected server shutdown is quite a common thing in online pc games. It doesn't surprise me at all. Sooner or later, it was bound to happen in SWTOR too. If this unfortunate incident makes you quit the game and never buy another bioware game forever, well, I hope you'll find some kind of enjoyment in other non-bioware games.

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Strange. In my time zone the servers were supposed to come down at 12:00 AM (midnight) for the maintenance.


And they did just that, technically they might have even come down later. At 11:55 PM I got the 5 minute warning. Every minute following this I got another warning with one less minute on the countdown until it was 11:59 PM and I got the "servers will be shutting down in approximately 1 minute" warning. I quick traveled to the closest cantina and logged off.


What clock are you going by? If you are going by your own clock, perhaps it is set differently than the servers are. The times that I quote above are based on the server clock (near the lower right-hand corner while you play).


It seems that they have done an incredible amount of maintenance and patches lately, so I understand your frustration with all of the downtime. However, I think that this frustration is a very minor part of playing any online game in my experience (Battle.net crashes or is taken offline for updates and maintenance from time to time, etc.). Especially with 1.2 being released so recently, there are a lot of bug fixes and performance issues to attend to as there are with just about every software release in the last decade because of the development lifecycle that companies follow (release and then patch) anymore.


As I said, I don't know what clock you were going by, but at least for Fa'athra server, it came down exactly when it was supposed to as I signed off at 1!:59 PM (again, supposed to go down at 12:00 AM my time) after the one-minute warning and then I came to the forums to see if it was just maintenance or if it was a patch or what and the server status showed all of the servers offline and this was around 12:01 AM.



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Ah, sorry to hear about that - servers went down at exactly 2pm where I am - looks like bad luck :s


Just be glad you weren't on Tomb of Freedon Nadd (EU) server - we had the hill camped out and not one Rep could get near the vendor to use their DNA...ahh...PVP server eh? ^^


Yah that would have irked me too. But after a new patch every other day [slight exaggeration] releasing a broken update FAR before it was ready to release without fixing a ton of stuff that needs fixing, I just can't in good concsience reward BW with my cash any longer. Maybe I'll sell out to a gold farmer, and wait 6 months to see if any server has more than 10 players on it, and if so, reup. but right now I can't cope with the stress.


On top of BW screwing me out of my time, my system decided at the exact same time to drop one of my 2 SSD's in RAID0 [btw never ever buy a OCZ SSD, they are horrible] so my system crashed, lost the raid [it was my OS drive] and took me about 5 minutes to fix so I could get back into my OS only to find my account expired 40 minutes before patch.


I swear it was a hude da** conspiracy against me and my DNA samples.


I thought maybe my clock was off so I synced it against a mil time server and it was exactly 10 minutes till 2 when the servers went down.


I've been borked by BW too many times, first they screwed up my ME3 game with a crap patch, then they screwed my enjoyment by borking a few of my toons, which instead of respecing I just deleted, now this. I have been trying to give them every ounce of "it's ok, it's new, there's bound to be a few issues" but after reporting dozens and dozens of bugs in beta, paying a premium to order early, and getting crapped on every week or so, I just can't stand the stress. Yes I am taking it too personal, but that is what it is. The only way to vote is with my wallet and I vote never to give BW another dollar of my money. Since I am already screwed for the 30 bucks for the 60 day card there is nothing I can do about that, but it will be the last $ BW ever sees until the wisen up on what makes good customer support. I said the same thing about Sony and 5 years later I have yet to buy anything with the word sony on it and they have yet to wisen up and so no money from me.

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Although I do agree that they should mainty at the time they said, I wasn't online so I'm not sure if they were giving the five minute warnings they usually do before shutting down. Perhaps you should have been watching for those?


And I agree that in all situations, when one knows something is due, one should not wait until the last few minutes to finish. If you were doing it because you thought last minute would jack up the prices, then you would have had to accept there was a chance you would run into mainty. If you were doing it because you just logged on from buying that card, then you shouldn't have started selling when the warning text came up.


I'm sorry but I see as much user fault as BW fault.


I WAS trying to sell ealier, though honestly I was trying to wait for the last hour to get top credits.

My system crashed, I fixed it, my account expired, I fixed it, I had what I thought would be plenty of time to either sell off and be happy, or just buy a stupid pet, now I just angry and a tad poor for the effort. Just not a happy camper by any means

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Yah that would have irked me too. But after a new patch every other day [slight exaggeration] releasing a broken update FAR before it was ready to release without fixing a ton of stuff that needs fixing, I just can't in good concsience reward BW with my cash any longer.


I don't know if you are aware of this, but that has been the general lifecycle of almost any online software in the last 5-10 years. Release and then patch to fix any problems. This applies to every online game I have played in years, and most intensely to MMO's. It isn't specifically BioWare's fault, it is the way the software industry works as it has been shown to be the most profitable way for companies to handle it and preferential based on customer feedback. Time and again customers report that they would rather have buggy software sooner and then receive patches to fix issues as they are debugged rather than long waits for less buggy (all released software has bugs, its inevitable in every company or from every developers, big or small) software. If this doesn't suit you to the point where you are going to quit the game because it stresses you out so much, you might want to find a new hobby other than online gaming.


Maybe I'll sell out to a gold farmer, and wait 6 months to see if any server has more than 10 players on it, and if so, reup. but right now I can't cope with the stress.


I can pretty much guarantee that most (if not all) of the servers will still have WAY more than 10 people on them in 6 months time, so... see you in 6 months, I guess.


On top of BW screwing me out of my time, my system decided at the exact same time to drop one of my 2 SSD's in RAID0 [btw never ever buy a OCZ SSD, they are horrible] so my system crashed, lost the raid [it was my OS drive] and took me about 5 minutes to fix so I could get back into my OS only to find my account expired 40 minutes before patch.


I swear it was a hude da** conspiracy against me and my DNA samples.


I don't think your SSD failing has anything to do with SWTOR at all. I can also assure you that OCZ SSD's are no more horrible than their competitors. I an a Systens Integration Manager and head up a company that builds servers for resellers and medium to large corporations, so I am very familiar with the technology. Almost every single major SSD manufacturer has similar failure rates. This is very common for all hard drive manufacturers because they are all based out of the same, single area and much of the engineering talent that creates the drives bounces around between companies as they fight for the best engineers. On top of this, most of the internal components are made by the same small handful of companies, which means that many of the components are the same from an OCZ drive to a Seagate to a Hitachi, etc.


I thought maybe my clock was off so I synced it against a mil time server and it was exactly 10 minutes till 2 when the servers went down.


1. As was pointed out, the time that they list is generally an estimate. On many games, the servers have crashed unexpectedly with no warning at all. It happens. The same end result could also happen if your ISP went out in your area, your router or modem or lan port failed, etc. These things happen. This is why, as was also pointed out, when you know that the server is about to come down, you shouldn't start doing anything that you wouldn't mind losing. Even when servers do go down on time, its not uncommon for everything to be rolled back server minutes or even several hours when they come back online later.


2. I have talked to people playing on several different servers, and every one of them came down exactly when they were supposed to AND received the 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1 minute warnings. It sounds to me like your clock is off in comparison to the SWTOR servers. It makes absolutely no difference whether your clock is being sync'd to anything unless it is somehow sync'ing to the SWTOR servers. My phone sync's to my carrier, my computer sync's to my company's server which sync's to our parent company's server which sync's to some other server (I'm not the sys admin for our parent company, so I don't know or care where their's sync's with), and so forth. My phone is several minutes different from my system clock at work, my macbook pro and windows and linux boxes all are within a few minutes from one another but are all slightly different as they sync to different servers respectively, etc. Have you talked to anybody else who confirmed that the server came down early? Further, however, even if it did, refer to point 1, this happens sometimes.


Lesson to be learned, don't start anything important within minutes of a known server outage.



It sounds to me like online games are too stressful for you and you should avoid them. I would suggest something less stressful (but equally as exciting in many peoples opinions) like reading or some other similar hobby.

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Also if you notice I posted my original post at 4 minutes till the hour according to this forums time count. so even that shows it was BEFORE the 2am CST


When you posted this is circumstantial at best. For all we know you simply signed off early and came here trying to amuse yourself by trolling the forums and that is why it has that time. On top of this, I doubt anyone who does not handle this sort of stuff at BioWare could say whether the game servers and the forum servers are sync'd to the same time server. They may simply be several minutes different from one another.


Even more than any of that, however, I think you are still missing peoples point. The servers come down early sometimes, they go down late sometimes, they come up early sometimes, and they come up late sometimes. If you can't handle this fact, you should probably stop playing online games and more to single player games that you play only on your local system or pick a different hobby entirely...

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I agree with the poster above me. If you can't deal with things like this then you probably shouldn't be playing MMO's. Things like this happen from time to time. You either deal with it, or stop playing. It's literally that simple.
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It's a real good thing I don't care what any of you have to say really, I came her because I was upset, your "expert" advise means little so basically you just wasted a ton of YOUR time trying to change my mind for what? What really made you even take the time to post?




I didn't come here for sympathy or a discussion, I came to vent frustration. And yah I quit early just so I could come here and vent. Wow


and OCZ is crap. Seagate too. But you know best.

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I was in the middle of selling 63 DNA samples for 250K and the servers went down 10 freaking minutes early. This is my last straw. Now they are worthless and on top of that at 1:30AM it said my account had expired, I rushed and bought a 60 day play card and now I want to sell my account, I do not have the patients or the desire to put up with this horrible service. So now I am out over 250k of credits, 30 bucks in real cash and I will never buy another bioware game again.


Wow. Histrionic much? This is a game, you play it to have fun not to sell all your DNA samples 10 minutes before the event ends for what was a paltry number of credits anyway.


You make it sound like the sole and only purpose you play was to sell these samples.


It was the tip of the iceburg. I do like the game, I do NOT like how BW is handling it. I worked DAYS getting the DNA and for what, to be screwed. I'm going to either try to sell the account to some gold farmer site or just grief the heck out of the game for the next 60 days. My now goal is to see just how many people put me on ignore.


So now you will act like a spoilt little child and try to ruin the game for other people? People who are completely innocent of your gripe against BW? Yeah, that is mature.


Grow up you spoilt little brat.

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And here, ladies and gentlemen, is a truly rare breed. Observe... the anti-social forum poster, in his native habitat... Note that he posts in the forums, then gets angry when people reply! Such an oddity of nature. Please don't disturb this specimen, move along.
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Wow. Histrionic much? This is a game, you play it to have fun not to sell all your DNA samples 10 minutes before the event ends for what was a paltry number of credits anyway.


You make it sound like the sole and only purpose you play was to sell these samples.




So now you will act like a spoilt little child and try to ruin the game for other people? People who are completely innocent of your gripe against BW? Yeah, that is mature.


Grow up you spoilt little brat.


so let's see, YOU chose to read my post, you chose to reply and attack me personally, you even wrote some words I didnt even bother to read, but alas.

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1 - lol

2 - rolf

3 - LMAO

4 - Why were you trying to sell them at the last minute anyways? I'd be amazed if anyone was dumb enough to purchase them at the last minute only to not be able to use them after maintenance.

5 - omg your server went down 10 minutes early, boo hoo. You wouldn't of been able to sell them within those 10 minutes or do much else for that matter, get over it.

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Nothing to rage-quit over, but Hyperspace Cannon went down 10 minutes early without a warning also. My situation made me laugh though.


I had pretty much ignored the event on all my characters for the entire thing. About 45 minutes to an hour before the servers were going down I decided to grab a green-black crystal for the hell of it (Did the same thing with a white crystal before 1.2 patched). So I logged onto 4-5 toons that had been infected and got the daily done randomly while pvping, sending all the DNA samples to my main. I also had a friend of mine send me all of his that he wasn't going to use, then traveled to Tat just to have the game freeze during the loading screen.


Came back on with about 20 minutes to go and finally traveled to the vendor and bought a power crystal. My friend's email was taking it's sweet time getting to me when I finally decided I *needed* the expertise crystal also. So finally after waiting a bit, I received his email, and rushed back to the vendor, noticing I had about 13 minutes left, and also was one short of 84 (or whatever the cost was >.>). I start offering to buy 1 for a few k, wait a minute, then someone opens up a trade window and gives me two for free. I kid you not, about 2 seconds after I hit purchase, the servers shut down, at 11:50 XD No clue what I'll do with them, probably just stare at them in my cargo bay in a few years, but it had me laughing at the time.

Edited by TamakiRevolution
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Nothing to rage-quit over, but Hyperspace Cannon went down 10 minutes early without a warning also. My situation made me laugh though.


I had pretty much ignored the event on all my characters for the entire thing. About 45 minutes to an hour before the servers were going down I decided to grab a green-black crystal for the hell of it (Did the same thing with a white crystal before 1.2 patched). So I logged onto 4-5 toons that had been infected and got the daily done randomly while pvping, sending all the DNA samples to my main. I also had a friend of mine send me all of his that he wasn't going to use, then traveled to Tat just to have the game freeze during the loading screen.


Came back on with about 20 minutes to go and finally traveled to the vendor and bought a power crystal. My friend's email was taking it's sweet time getting to me when I finally decided I *needed* the expertise crystal also. So finally after waiting a bit, I received his email, and rushed back to the vendor, noticing I had about 13 minutes left, and also was one short of 84 (or whatever the cost was >.>). I start offering to buy 1 for a few k, wait a minute, then someone opens up a trade window and gives me two for free. I kid you not, about 2 seconds after I hit purchase, the servers shut down, at 11:50 XD No clue what I'll do with them, probably just stare at them in my cargo bay in a few years, but it had me laughing at the time.


Funny, but still ouch lol.

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