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whats the point of force sweep for Watchmen and combat


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with the talent that reduced the force cost of force sweep to 1 gone/reworked, why should i use force sweep?


atm slash just does more dmg and refunds 1+ focus every time i use it,


even with the talent that increases dmg and lowers CD its still not enough.


Is it now just a situation ability for aoe dmg in pve or to stop multiple people on a capture point in pvp?

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with the talent that reduced the force cost of force sweep to 1 gone/reworked, why should i use force sweep?


atm slash just does more dmg and refunds 1+ focus every time i use it,


even with the talent that increases dmg and lowers CD its still not enough.


Is it now just a situation ability for aoe dmg in pve or to stop multiple people on a capture point in pvp?


I think it's just a focus spender for when multiple enemies are around you, and you have the spare time in your rotation to cast it. :o

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I use it only for stun if I fight with many normals/weaks (i dont have 50 lvl yet) and on PvP as interrupt (defending doors on Voidstar, def points on Alderaan/Novare) but I'm gonna test cyclone slash for that since it's only on GCD and ataru strike can come out.
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As a PvE player, I still use it for stunning normal mobs to allow me to use Pommel Strike (for free) just to help clean up those fights a little quicker.


Otherwise even with the new damage talent taken, the damage is still less than using Slash. Unless Pommel Strike is up I don't touch it anymore, which is a shame because I used to like to pop it a lot. Also it's the same business for Cyclone Slash - the focus cost is now too high for a small AOE attack and the damage it does to be useful.


As people said it still has some use in PvP context, but otherwise it's pretty much completely out of my use.

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I use it in very unique situation.


E.G: You're fighting someone and you do not want to give him a chance to healer or whatever... Someone jumps at you with like 10% HP. Force Sweep to kill him off while you're still focused on your target. That situation happens a lot... people with low health will often come at you when you're already fighting someone.


I basically use force sweep to kill anyone low enough around me.

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In Combat Spec it's actually pretty nice for clearing trash due to Zen effecting its GCD and Ataru procs. Problem is is that Gunslingers and Sages AoE better.


That is about the only good use for it though. It used to be hilariously overpowered in PvP back when DoTs stopped you from capping and planting since you would Overload Saber and Clclone slash to DoT up 3 people at a time in Watchman Spec.

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