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Combat vs Watchman


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Not claiming I have the best Combat Build, but this is what I role with http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#501bcZGMrRRrrdGzZM.1



Combat you have to adapt to lots of situations. Its not like Watchman where you have your straight burns + merc slash rotation.


Most fights you should open with (optional)Leap, Zealous Strike, Precision Strike, blade rush, Master Strike, Blade Storm.

If you time it right you will get all 3 hits from Master Strike in and still have just enough time to hit Blade Storm before combat trance and precision is off. This gives you an autocrit, 100% armor bypass Blade Storm.


From there its all about precision strike on cooldown, followed with either bladerush spam, or the masterstrike +bladestorm combo when available.


With 1.2 You gain centering alot faster. When you have zen ready, hit precision, zen, then bladerush spam. On your last attack while under precision, bladestorm.


Also dont forget utility. Your saberthrow roots people for 3 seconds, you also get a massive runspeed boost with transcendence.


One thing I sometimes do is I hit BR then PS then BS followed by MS. this ensures that my MS and my BS both get the combat trance boost as well as my PS armor penetration. It allows a little more room for error if you're a little slow on hitting MS or BS and the damage difference isn't significant.

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Which one for PvE? All I need is a great spec to enjoy the story with. I will probably run around with Kira, since she will be my padawan and I am kookie that way.


Ive only used Kira since I got her unless I had to use someone else and I play combat. A lot of healing after combat but if you don't mind it you should be ok.

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This discussion is still happening..Combat is not even worthy!!!




show me a combat sent that puts out more than 25k damage over 10 seconds and then you will make me a believer.


All my testing was done without Relics/adrenals/inspiration.


The armor penetration is over rated. DoTs in the Watchman spec have 100% armor penetration the entire time. Only thing that mitigates it is elemental damage reduction

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This discussion is still happening..Combat is not even worthy!!!




show me a combat sent that puts out more than 25k damage over 10 seconds and then you will make me a believer.


All my testing was done without Relics/adrenals/inspiration.


The armor penetration is over rated. DoTs in the Watchman spec have 100% armor penetration the entire time. Only thing that mitigates it is elemental damage reduction


Show me a parse that last around 10minutes and not 10 seconds then we might can talk.

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Show me a parse that last around 10minutes and not 10 seconds then we might can talk.


umm this is where I'm suppose to say something to get a Private Message from a Forums Admin but I'm not...so PLEASE *FACEPALM* yourself


here is big words for those non understanders out there.. "THE PARSE WAS OVER 6 MINS" and I didn't scroll over and Screen Shot ever part that went over 2182, but there was numerous times Watchman's 10 second average was well over Combats BEST 10 seconds.


And Combats best 10 seconds are Precision Slash(1.5), Master Strike(3), Blade Storm(1.5), Zen(1.5), Blade Rush(1) Blade Rush(1)...thats it, and thats also in a perfect world with now Latency where your skills are going instantly.


The funny thing is most believe that Watchman has to build up for its damage. Sorry buddies, but that is not true at all.. Watchman has better burst than Combat period..and finally I released DATA that proves it.


Until a Combat Sentinel shows me otherwise. Then i'll admit I'm wrong.

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umm this is where I'm suppose to say something to get a Private Message from a Forums Admin but I'm not...so PLEASE *FACEPALM* yourself


here is big words for those non understanders out there.. "THE PARSE WAS OVER 6 MINS" and I didn't scroll over and Screen Shot ever part that went over 2182, but there was numerous times Watchman's 10 second average was well over Combats BEST 10 seconds.


And Combats best 10 seconds are Precision Slash(1.5), Master Strike(3), Blade Storm(1.5), Zen(1.5), Blade Rush(1) Blade Rush(1)...thats it, and thats also in a perfect world with now Latency where your skills are going instantly.


The funny thing is most believe that Watchman has to build up for its damage. Sorry buddies, but that is not true at all.. Watchman has better burst than Combat period..and finally I released DATA that proves it.


Until a Combat Sentinel shows me otherwise. Then i'll admit I'm wrong.


How about you use BR then PS followed by BS and MS then BR again then your zen and BR spam. I can do this considering my dorms power is out and I'm moving back home.


Since we're talking about pvp however let me point out out increase in speed because of Ataru and our roots and transcendence speed. You know nothing big just extra snares and extra snare break. Apparently neither are viable for pvp since watchman is better period.

Edited by Darianth
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last night was a little tipsy, but zen doesn't cause a gcd. anyways..With the latency, I would Precision then Master Strike, then Blade Storm..


with master strike going before blade storm you get the last tick of master strike's damage then Blade Storm without waiting for a gcd since its already up while ur channeling MS.

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I don't want to insult watchman-PvP lovers but it's looks like it's the most BRAINDEAD rotation for Sent and it's still the best in terms of damage. So right now i started to wonder, maybe NONE of us can play proper combat and there is still way to find better rotation for that spec? And Combat can build centering as fast as WM :)


And since when more CC is useless in PvP O_o


I like the idea of combat but I play watchmen because I'm dedicated PvE player (I don't do WZs since I've hit 50).


And can some Combat-Lovers suggest me build for PvE combat? I'm too confused what should i take after all since most Sents here are WM worshipers.


Little OT: Is it me or really most request's about nerfing Sentinels/Guardians/Shadows/etc. are coming from dedicated Commando players who should just ask for buff for themselves?

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I cant believe that you guys are posting dps from training dummys and acting like its even relevant to actual pvp game play.


Exactly. The decision should not be about which spec is better, but which spec are you better at playing?

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I've player all three specs. Combat was my first love, I used to come he and argue the merits of combat against the watchman elitists all the time.


The problem with combat is that it is just too easy to counter. One cc or knockback after precision slash and you are boned.


Combat is a better spec for fighting good sorcs, and probably better in huttball now, but in every other fight it loses out. Its worse at pressuring healers, its worse at fighting other melee, and its worse at defending objectives.

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I've player all three specs. Combat was my first love, I used to come he and argue the merits of combat against the watchman elitists all the time.


The problem with combat is that it is just too easy to counter. One cc or knockback after precision slash and you are boned.


Combat is a better spec for fighting good sorcs, and probably better in huttball now, but in every other fight it loses out. Its worse at pressuring healers, its worse at fighting other melee, and its worse at defending objectives.


Sounds similar to my views :) Precision Slash is the achilles heel of combat spec when it comes to pvp. and it is indeed great at killing sorcs and in huttball. It is also very effective in PvE right now.

I play Watchman atm though for the simple fact it has no real 'flaw' and its just good all-round for any situation.

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how is it not relevant to gameplay?


This games pvp doesn't have strategy..Its about who has the bigger sticks and guns anymore. Who can burn down the other person first. Sure seems relevant to me.


As a watchman sentinel, I have almost 100% uptime on my targets. There is no getting away. There is a reason why over 90% of sent/mara play anni/watchman. You can't shut down the spec like you can with the other 2.

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I think all Sentinel talent lines are good and I have used all of them.


I am yet to do all 3 in 1.2 as I've had a break but I intend on trying them in PvP and seeing how they fair. I do think people are right about this line being better now though, the hard stuns we gain or dissables anyway make peoples ability to kite us much lower, all have credit and all are good.


The only thing I would like to jump on is the guy who said 280 ticks of healing, are you kidding me? what's your max health like 12k? Mate I heal for about 400 per tick you need some more endurance if you want to play the healing spec correctly.



Anways good luck all :)

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  • 2 months later...
When I play combat im not too concerned about dealing damage im mostly just trying to support my team as much as possible. The problem with its dps is that its rotation is too long. So I just chop up the rotations into segments because I know im either gonna get knocked back or stunned before I finish. I.E. force leap>precision slash>masterstrike. This is excellent dps and the good part is the enemy is immobilized for the entire combo so they cant knockback unless they cc break. The other is force leap>blade rush>zealous strike>blade storm. This also gives you just enough time to get blade storm off. Usually I spam crippling throw afterwards so that I can close width easier. Is it just me or does zen in ataru form give slash an extra animation? What does this mean? Is it like a double slash or crit?
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