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CC is out of control.


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So many epic jems I want to quote. Biggest bunch of fail and bads Ive seen in a while on these forums.


Nah... It's just a routine cycle.


1. Bads complain about how CC is too much

2. People come and explain why CC and resolve works

3. Bads start throwing around mega-exaggerations

4. People refute, demand proof, offer alternatives

5. Complaints on CC/Resolve disappear from the forums... for about a week...

6. Repeat steps 1 ~ 6.



It's like the four seasons. You can tell how many weeks have passed by counting how many CC/Resolve whines are up on the boards. :D

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Nah... It's just a routine cycle.


1. Bads complain about how CC is too much

2. People come and explain why CC and resolve works

3. Bads start throwing around mega-exaggerations

4. People refute, demand proof, offer alternatives

5. Complaints on CC/Resolve disappear from the forums... for about a week...

6. Repeat steps 1 ~ 6.



It's like the four seasons. You can tell how many weeks have passed by counting how many CC/Resolve whines are up on the boards. :D


LOL YOu forgot how they get angry at you for asking for proof.

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How BW can lower the amount of time people spend under CC without changing resolve.


Remove the ability to see your target's resolve bar.


Of course then you would see a whole new list of threads about how their CCs never work from the same people currently complaining about CC.

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I have seen my own resolve bar diminish while in the middle of a stun. I know how it's supposed to work. Intent and Reality aren't always the same thing.


Edit: White Resolve should not diminish while the spell is active either.


I just love how you people work hard to prove you have no idea about resolve, invalidating your own complains and arguments...


Resolve before turning white starts to drop only after CC ends. Resolve after turning white starts diminish immidiately. Amount of time when you have white resolve depends on how many points you had before being hit by last CC and how many points last CC was worth. It is designed this way to make wise use of CC breaker more rewarding.


Good advice - find out how something is working before you complain on the forum, it will make you look less trollish.

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Just took a stopwatch and timed it. 20 consecutive seconds where I could literally do nothing.


Get rid of this broken chain CC. The PVP in this game is enough of a joke as it is. It's bad enough I can never use my weak CC when I need to because everyone is mysteriously immune to CC whenever I need to use it, but I'm sitting here for 20 seconds CCed.


ur bad use ur trinket at full resolve and eat a dong

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Stun are fine, taking damage and while being stun is not. Either stun or damage, not both. As soon as damage is done, stun is gone. Not being able to do ANYTHING while being stun and killed is very frustrating. Frustrating games do not get played. Also, people leave a wz very frustrated by all the "I can't do anything while my character is being killed crap" makes many other parts of the game frustrating.


I'll repeat myself, frustrating games do not get played. People who work on a frustrating game get laid off when the customers dry out. This needs to be fixed. Lower the cool down to stun break to 30 seconds. Have resolve build for not only stuns but for interupts as well. Have resolve prevent interrupts and stuns.


Yes the CC give the game depth but it has become a CC overdose to the point the game is simply not fun.


Also the best way to get your complaints noticed is to cancel the account and take an exit survey. People complaining on the forums in these games generally don't get much response because the vast majority of players don't go on the forums. However when someone cancels, they do pay attention, a lot of attention.

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you clearly need to learn when to use your cc breaker and learn what the resolve bar is and how and when to use it.


That is not the point, the point is something in 1.2 screwed cc really bad and needs a fix.

ITS RETARDED !:eek::eek::eek::eek:

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Just took a stopwatch and timed it. 20 consecutive seconds where I could literally do nothing.


Get rid of this broken chain CC. The PVP in this game is enough of a joke as it is. It's bad enough I can never use my weak CC when I need to because everyone is mysteriously immune to CC whenever I need to use it, but I'm sitting here for 20 seconds CCed.


I so AGREE with you! Even when my Res bar is full...stun, stun, stun! Then I die :eek:

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i'd be happy with the "CC" situation if one or the other was done.

1. Stun durations in PvP were reduced by 50%. There's nothing fun about being stunned for 4 - 8 seconds

Other. Soon as the resolve bar turns white any existing stuns are broken.

Might be just me, but most of the time I notice resolve is full. Is when i'm respawning, it's not doing me much good then.

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The issue is that Reolve only prefents you from being effected by any more stun,mez's....if you are already stun,mez'd you can quitly literaly sit their while you watch your resolve bar go down still unable to do anything.


What it needs is:


A: Make resolve bar effect everything, from slows, roots, stuns and mez's -everything and give the CC breaker a 2 sec buff that makes them immune to CC. Nothing worse than breaking a CC only to be re CC'd almost instantously.




B: Make it so that once Resolve bar fills up it purge's all your Stun's and Mez's and prevents you from being stun mez'd for the duration of the White resolve bar. Roots, and snares still work but at least you can do somthing.


I hate that CC's are the be all end all of fights

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Stun are fine, taking damage and while being stun is not. Either stun or damage, not both. As soon as damage is done, stun is gone.


Then that's a mezz not a stun.....


Not being able to do ANYTHING while being stun and killed is very frustrating. Frustrating games do not get played.


Just think about the bold part and realise how wrong you are.....people love frustrating games, why? cause being the one frustrated might not be fun but frustrate other players is the damn deal!

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YES! As I have said many times on this forum. With all the problems still with PvP to me this is the worst!


Nerf CC before I and many others give up on this game!


Being stunned/snared or otherwise movement impaired is NOT fun...it's freeking annoying!


STOP IT.....JUST STOP IT!!! :mad:


TBH part of me thinks, fine just quit.


Then part of me thinks "will lose out on easy kills".


I piss my pants when someone pops their breaker on Debilitate. They then get a good dose of FB, I heal up and let my CDs expire before stomping on them.


I virtually never pop the breaker on the first four second stun, I wait and save it for when my resovle is full. Coincidentally, I don't find myself "chain stunned" for 20 seconds (lawl what a dick).


I was going to troll about how it's all down to overpowered Operatives, but lo and behold some utter douché monger has beaten me to it, and actually seems serious about HS not adding to resolve.

Edited by QuiJonPed
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I just love how you people work hard to prove you have no idea about resolve, invalidating your own complains and arguments...


Resolve before turning white starts to drop only after CC ends. Resolve after turning white starts diminish immidiately. Amount of time when you have white resolve depends on how many points you had before being hit by last CC and how many points last CC was worth. It is designed this way to make wise use of CC breaker more rewarding.


Good advice - find out how something is working before you complain on the forum, it will make you look less trollish.


I did not complain, but simply state a fact. Before this post, I have not stated whether I feel CC is too much, too little, or just right. I may have been mistaken on the ability to stack CC prior to going white, but I disagree with ANY implementation that has the white resolve bar diminishing before the effect ends. This means that resolve has ticked down almost half its usefulness over the course of a mez that just barely hits the resolve limit, which is frankly stupid. Outside of that, CC is relatively ok. I wouldn't mind there being slightly fewer CCs to deal with, but as a ranged character I can use LOS and good positioning to mitigate more than a melee would, and I haven't had a terrible experience.


When you add the boost to expertise damage in 1.2 on top of this diminishing white bar during CC, I can completely understand why some people are getting frustrated. I have seen people with an empty resolve bar "Resist" stuns (and they hadn't been ticking down a white bar prior, so I didn't hit the tail end of an immune state). I have also seen myself receive the benefit of stuns while I had full resolve. I would guess that in both instances latency is a big issue (though usually my ping is in the 16-30ms range, sometimes it spikes up). Either way, that part of the problem is not working as intended.


If they fix the bugs with resolve and modify white resolve to only diminish after the CC ends, I'll be fine with keeping everything else the same.

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I did not complain, but simply state a fact. Before this post, I have not stated whether I feel CC is too much, too little, or just right. I may have been mistaken on the ability to stack CC prior to going white, but I disagree with ANY implementation that has the white resolve bar diminishing before the effect ends. This means that resolve has ticked down almost half its usefulness over the course of a mez that just barely hits the resolve limit, which is frankly stupid. Outside of that, CC is relatively ok. I wouldn't mind there being slightly fewer CCs to deal with, but as a ranged character I can use LOS and good positioning to mitigate more than a melee would, and I haven't had a terrible experience.


When you add the boost to expertise damage in 1.2 on top of this diminishing white bar during CC, I can completely understand why some people are getting frustrated. I have seen people with an empty resolve bar "Resist" stuns (and they hadn't been ticking down a white bar prior, so I didn't hit the tail end of an immune state). I have also seen myself receive the benefit of stuns while I had full resolve. I would guess that in both instances latency is a big issue (though usually my ping is in the 16-30ms range, sometimes it spikes up). Either way, that part of the problem is not working as intended.


If they fix the bugs with resolve and modify white resolve to only diminish after the CC ends, I'll be fine with keeping everything else the same.


1. What bugs?


2. White resolve diminishing immidiately is a mechanizm that encourages wise use of CC breaker and is a part of balancing of immunity timer against type CC used.


3. "Resists" you see are an effect of wide-spreaded myth that accuracy is useless in pvp. You can miss/be paried/dodged/reflected on CC abilities and it happens. Why it should not?


4. You are getting stunned with white resolve? Video please. I have 34 pages long thread where I asked for such proof, didnt get a single link. Your connection problems are not resolve bugs.

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I did not complain, but simply state a fact. Before this post, I have not stated whether I feel CC is too much, too little, or just right. I may have been mistaken on the ability to stack CC prior to going white, but I disagree with ANY implementation that has the white resolve bar diminishing before the effect ends. This means that resolve has ticked down almost half its usefulness over the course of a mez that just barely hits the resolve limit, which is frankly stupid. Outside of that, CC is relatively ok. I wouldn't mind there being slightly fewer CCs to deal with, but as a ranged character I can use LOS and good positioning to mitigate more than a melee would, and I haven't had a terrible experience.


When you add the boost to expertise damage in 1.2 on top of this diminishing white bar during CC, I can completely understand why some people are getting frustrated. I have seen people with an empty resolve bar "Resist" stuns (and they hadn't been ticking down a white bar prior, so I didn't hit the tail end of an immune state). I have also seen myself receive the benefit of stuns while I had full resolve. I would guess that in both instances latency is a big issue (though usually my ping is in the 16-30ms range, sometimes it spikes up). Either way, that part of the problem is not working as intended.


If they fix the bugs with resolve and modify white resolve to only diminish after the CC ends, I'll be fine with keeping everything else the same.


The White Resolve decline promotes intelligent use of the CC Breaker (i.e. if you break that first stun you are forced to eat the mezz and lose 8 seconds of your Resolve Immunity). Of course, you can't intelligently use your CC Breaker if it is on CD which is why I do think it needs to refresh on death. However, let's not forget that Mezzes can be purged so if you find yourself eating a lot of them you should be yelling at your team, not Bioware. This is after all an objective-based team game, not a combination of Halo and Rambo.

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The issue is that Reolve only prefents you from being effected by any more stun,mez's....if you are already stun,mez'd you can quitly literaly sit their while you watch your resolve bar go down still unable to do anything.


What it needs is:


A: Make resolve bar effect everything, from slows, roots, stuns and mez's -everything and give the CC breaker a 2 sec buff that makes them immune to CC. Nothing worse than breaking a CC only to be re CC'd almost instantously.




B: Make it so that once Resolve bar fills up it purge's all your Stun's and Mez's and prevents you from being stun mez'd for the duration of the White resolve bar. Roots, and snares still work but at least you can do somthing.


I hate that CC's are the be all end all of fights


That's stupid because there are actually 10 second mezzes that fill it up in one go. (Saps).

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the only CC I think is out of control is the CC that lasts 6-8 seconds(whirlwind or intimidating roar). CC needs to last a maximum of 4 seconds regardless of whether or not it breaks on damage.


Sorcs need whirlwind because a main part of their allure is strong CC.

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1. What bugs?


2. White resolve diminishing immidiately is a mechanizm that encourages wise use of CC breaker and is a part of balancing of immunity timer against type CC used.


3. "Resists" you see are an effect of wide-spreaded myth that accuracy is useless in pvp. You can miss/be paried/dodged/reflected on CC abilities and it happens. Why it should not?


4. You are getting stunned with white resolve? Video please. I have 34 pages long thread where I asked for such proof, didnt get a single link. Your connection problems are not resolve bugs.


1. I already stated the bug (as I perceive it). It does not happen at an alarming rate, but it is enough that I can notice it. It is possible this is because of a communication latency between my game client and the server, but usually my connection is extremely low latency. When my connection spikes, I'm usually sitting still for a second or more with none of my inputs showing through until my connection fixes itself and my client catches up on what it's missed. That issue is relatively new and I'm having my cable provider fix it, but I have been noticing resists and stuns like that since the game came out during periods where I have 16-30ms ping times.


2. I understand this, and I disagree with it. We are allowed to disagree on what we find appropriate game mechanics, are we not? I feel the extra 2-4 seconds of immunity gained by waiting until the CC resolves would produce enough of an impact to ease several players' frustrations.


3. Spells have 100% accuracy, and no sorc endgame gear comes with accuracy mods or enhancements. None of my other spells "miss" or "resist". Why should my stun? That doesn't make sense. Are you sure that's what's going on here? I saw 1 such instance of the resist yesterday, and i did not see any instances of myself getting stunned while resolve was up. To be fair, this week is the first time I've done PvP in over a month as I took some time away from the game and the stun issue might have been resolved in an earlier patch.


4. I agree that my connection problems are not a "bug". I see this effect rarely enough that trying to film for it is counter productive (Might take me several weeks to get you that video due to how little I pvp and how rare the situation is). I have acknowledged that it might be an issue with server communication or my ISP and not necessarily a bug, but that doesn't change the fact that I see it happen.


You guys keep pounding against my statements when all I am telling you is what I see as fact. I do not know what is causing the issues (outside what I now know is a feature that I disagree with on white resolve). Even with these issues (which from my perspective are minor, but frustrating), I am within top 3 healing in basic recruit gear with an average of 3 deaths per match (was full champ before 1.2 but not yet done enough for battlemaster. Picked up recruit so my TTK wasn't instant after 1.2) So far been spending my warzone coms on crafting stuff. I'm doing well enough to not need to worry about Battlemaster or War hero yet, and it will give me time to get my valor rank up (sitting at just 28).

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