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Rakghoul containment suit: Will there be an opportunity to finish the daily quests?


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Dear Bioware,


Unfortunately, I and many others have discovered seemingly too late that the daily quests for the rakghoul containment suit pieces only unlock after doing one the day prior. Tomorrow on the 24th is it possible you could offer us an extension to continue searching for the rest of the suit or will the pieces become available even to purchase? I was really sad to hear the event was ending tomorrow as I am a dedicated SW fan who has always followed the lore and bought all the games, plus this is my first MMO like a large cohort of our community who have made the special decision to start now only because of our passion and commitment for SW. If you could please extend the deadline for completion of the dailies at for another week or at least give us the chance to finish the quests for the remaining pieces, i think I speak for many of us when I say that I would be most grateful.


Yours Sincerely



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Agree. I'm not a hardcore gamer, and by the time I realized this event mechanic of building each day on the prior day, I did not have enough days left to finish the set.


I feel the mechanic was poorly communicated in consideration of the event's time duration for many players to complete 6 days worth of questing for the social gear containment armor set.


Please consider extending the event or opening all quests up for the final day.


Thank you.

Edited by Alexi_son
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It's sad for you, but they did make a post last Thursday stating for everyone to be sure to start the dailies or you wouldn't be able to complete the suit. The whole point of stuff like the containment suit is that it ends up being rare and unique. Same with the customization. It would honestly take away from the event if they allowed people to gain these things in a different manner once the event has concluded.



With that said, I wouldn't mind at all if they extended the event for people still trying to collect the suit, but I doubt they will as no matter what, someone some where still wouldn't be done even a week from now. It would be a never ending cycle.

Edited by Galbatorrix
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I started the Rakghoul Dailies on Thursday and I will be 1 day short on getting a full containment suit. I was VERY disappointed when I realized this last night. >< I really do hope they extend the event a day or two, but I really doubt it, which is just a bummer to be 1 piece short on two toons. Even if they were Bind on Legacy or some such it would help, but yeah. It's frustrating. The big problem is why in God's name would you add a choice between two pieces on the FINAL daily? If you could get both the belt AND the chest it would solve everything. >< Edited by Tsigtsag
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It's sad for you, but they did make a post last Thursday stating for everyone to be sure to start the dailies or you wouldn't be able to complete the suit. The whole point of stuff like the containment suit is that it ends up being rare and unique. Same with the customization. It would honestly take away from the event if they allowed people to gain these things in a different manner once the event has concluded.



With that said, I wouldn't mind at all if they extended the event for people still trying to collect the suit, but I doubt they will as no matter what, someone some where still wouldn't be done even a week from now. It would be a never ending cycle.


Actually, no. They stated you had to start to complete the quests. Completely ignoring the fact that you needed an extra day to complete the final quest twice so you could get the belt and the chest. A small semantic difference leading to an imcomplete outfit for me.

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They absoulutely need to continue these things. I dont want the suit but the little pale rakghoul needs to be mine. Plus people who are just starting need to have a bit more time. some people are under leveled for this and it might be better to give them more of a chance. I think it would be best to end it at the end of the month or in a week or so. That one guy that doesnt have numbers in his name in halo...LinkWentz...
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I think that it needs to be open for at least one more week. Not everyone knew about the dailys and the gear before it was to late. I just found out yesterday and i have been on everyday since i got the game. I would like the chance to get the pet and get some of the gear at least.
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They could have at least had it available for two full weeks. I was on vacation for part of it and by the time I was back and playing again it was already too late to be able to get the full set. Not going to harp on it or anything, but some people do have lives outside of SWTOR. :p
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I believe they should extend the event. Not to mention with the bugs for not getting the title after killing the three world bosses. One additional week on their first event isn't out of the question. Please consider Bioware.
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a month from now bioware will put the stuff on the vendors to buy to please the QQ'er's who want everything everyone one else has and don't want to work for it.



doing one daily per day can hardly be called 'work'.


i think they should extend it, there is really no reason for anyone who wants this suit to not have it, its not like its going to be rare anyway.

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Well. I understand the closing it out. It makes sense. I do not expect them to extend it, nor would I ask them to do so. It would certainly benefit me, I was under the impression that the event mostly catered to the lvl 50s so I did not jump on board very early. I regret that, and own that as my own lack of research. The only one at fault for not getting the full containment suite is myself. I managed to get the two raklings, and a crystal I'll be using when I ding, so in my mind I got the cooler stuff anyways. I didn't care for the companions who have the infection customs so I'm not worried about that (though I may spend the next few hours trying to get some boxes just because).


If they did extend it... I wouldn't complain. I would be a little happy. It would give me a chance to fix my screw up. I think it would be nice if they did a one day, every quest is open sort of deal. But I feel that starts a dangerous precedent. However, my one case for extending it would be... it has certainly helped the community. But hey, I view this as the first of many fantastic events that they will be rolling out. I will also be far more diligent in the next ones.

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The main issue with the event was it was not communicated to the general server population in a very good manner witched cause allot of issues where players found out about it after the event had already started making it impossible for them to get the gear. I would would pass along to bio ware this statement update the client log in screen to show a poster for the events and there start and stop dates so every one can see them even the players that don't or can't read the forms every day, and this being there first event and the lack of communication about it they should extend it.
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a month from now bioware will put the stuff on the vendors to buy to please the QQ'er's who want everything everyone one else has and don't want to work for it.


This ...



Just wait, everyone crying, you will get it without having to do the work for it like the rest of us did ...

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a month from now bioware will put the stuff on the vendors to buy to please the QQ'er's who want everything everyone one else has and don't want to work for it.


Sadly, this will likely happen.


Which makes limited-time events completely pointless.

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