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To those who thought this game was terrible


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It really irks me when people say this game is terrible. Why you may ask? i mean come on the game been out for about 4-5 months of course there are gonna be lag/glitches and not everything is gonna be prefect. I mean WoW was only extremely successful because there was no game at the time to compare it to. They were able to slowly build of the "ideal" game because they had time to modify all the mistakes and improve in other areas. Before you go judging weather or not this game is terrible at least give the developer time before you go ranting in forums about how it sucks so bad. I'd say give it a 6-12 months before you go hating that'll at least give them some time to work things out and instead of complaining how about you do something productive and do a poll on areas in which you thing maybe need improve.

For example....... remember this is just an example


On Alderraan do you think that the mobs should be nerfed




See if that all that hard and if your lucky hopfully your forum will take notice

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The only reason i judge this game is based on i don't think it brings too much new to the table, and there isn't nearly enough content to drive the game at this point, at least pvp wise. i have heard pve fans complain the same, but i cannot vouch for them. i believe even when the rated warzones and other pvp content come out, it will not be a great pvp environment based on these 2 ideas.


1: the classes are too similar and there is not very much variation, in fact some of the classes almost play exactly the same which leaves very little room for which healing class to chose. i would imagine that a certain class will always vastly out-heal the others based on their energy pool mechanics.


2: small energy pool that relies on energy regeneration and management completely. I believe that once warzones come out, it will all be about burst dps and you won't even be able to save people without using all of your energy, which then puts you in a very low energy regenerative state (scoundrel point of view). I mean sure, another well known mmo's pvp is based on burst dps as well, but there are cooldowns used in order to counter that burst, whether it be by utility moves (lowers damage target takes, target cannot be slowed, healer itself does more heals, ect) or you can even just spam a bunch of heals and then regenerate that energy thru other skills/breaking combat. In this game you can't just spam heals or you are screwed after 4 or 5 heals, and breaking combat takes wayyyyyy too long to even be an option as a healer in this.


we shall see how it works out, but i fear the worst sadly. i really hope they can get it right and that is one reason they set the rated warzones date back.

Edited by masterarohk
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The only reason i judge this game is based on i don't think it brings too much new to the table, and there isn't nearly enough content to drive the game at this point, at least pvp wise. i have heard pve fans complain the same, but i cannot vouch for them. i believe even when the rated warzones and other pvp content come out, it will not be a great pvp environment based on these 2 ideas.


1: the classes are too similar and there is not very much variation, in fact some of the classes almost play exactly the same which leaves very little room for which healing class to chose. i would imagine that a certain class will always vastly out-heal the others based on their energy pool mechanics.


2: small energy pool that relies on energy regeneration and management completely. I believe that once warzones come out, it will all be about burst dps and you won't even be able to save people without using all of your energy, which then puts you in a very low energy regenerative state (scoundrel point of view). I mean sure, another well known mmo's pvp is based on burst dps as well, but there are cooldowns used in order to counter that burst, whether it be by utility moves (lowers damage target takes, target cannot be slowed, healer itself does more heals, ect) or you can even just spam a bunch of heals and then regenerate that energy thru other skills/breaking combat. In this game you can't just spam heals or you are screwed after 4 or 5 heals, and breaking combat takes wayyyyyy too long to even be an option as a healer in this.


we shall see how it works out, but i fear the worst sadly. i really hope they can get it right and that is one reason they set the rated warzones date back.

yes however even wow pvp was pretty bad at first i and it took them a while to smooth it out and its still imprefect

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You've entirely missed the point of why people dislike this game. Yes, glitches are still present and are still being fixed, but that's to be expected and nobody is hating the game for that reason. The game was RELEASED with features that are considered standard in an MMO missing, and other features half-baked. The usual excuse of "it's just been released" or "but WoW didn't release with that" don't apply here; the game is simply substandard, especially when you consider that 300 MILLION DOLLARS were spent making it,
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I personally have enjoyed the game since I started playing. Buggy and premature launches are the name of the industry at this point - doesn't make it right, but it's a fact of life. So long as a game is playable at launch (unlike STO was for me, and Stronghold 3 for the non-MMO genre was for many people), I take bugs in stride.


The problem I have is with players who complain there is nothing to do once hitting level 50 except for grinding out the Dailies and Operations. That's pretty much the way it is in any other game I have played - reach the end and just do repeatable content after that. In all reality, exactly what content would those players like to see - more Class Quests and/or Missions? At some point, that ends as well and you are right back in the same boat. More Operations or Heroics? How is that any different then what we have in the game now?


New content will be coming - that's part of the MMO genre and design. Perhaps players should take the time to be more invested in the content we have instead of trying to be the first to rush through everything and then complain there is nothing to do.



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agreed with the above post and to the guy who says im missing the point no i understand what your sayin however, it doesn't change the fact that the "premature" areas your complaining about will get smoothed out it takes time you can't expect every single part of the game (gltiches/lag aside) will be fixed in a matter of time the game is great minor a few fixes and i expect it'll be fixed soon. From what it sounds like u expected everything to be exactly prefect upon release content wise. Edited by GHColtrain
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Again, you've missed the point. I'm not talking about glitches and bugs, but content and features. The game is still lacking features that should have been available AT RELEASE, not in some future patch. Sure, they'll be implemented eventually, but to not have them in a 2012 AAA multi-million dollar game is unforgivable.


It's like if Battlefield 4 was released with the same features as Doom, and then saying they'll add all the stuff that should be standard later.

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The big reason this game is lacking is the lack of community, the fact to find pve groups you have to stay in fleet, and pvp is the most generic ever.


they should have seen server mergers might be a necessity and had a plan in place. Having to stay in fleet to find groups makes it so you cant play the game. PVP is just boring boring boring all the classes are the same or very similar. Warezones are repetitive.


Don't reinvent the wheel. Just add your own spin to what works. Like open world pvp that players can place bounties on players. Guns on vehicles that you can chase players down with. Have like 1-20 trophies that you have to defend challenges from guilds or people to keep weekly to try to get the #1 rank. Attack the other fleet. LFG cross server. Server mergers or character tranfers. Allow people to by small moons to customize or there own space station. By all means develop the force to not just shoot lightning and rocks and choke people.

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Again, you've missed the point. I'm not talking about glitches and bugs, but content and features. The game is still lacking features that should have been available AT RELEASE, not in some future patch. Sure, they'll be implemented eventually, but to not have them in a 2012 AAA multi-million dollar game is unforgivable.


It's like if Battlefield 4 was released with the same features as Doom, and then saying they'll add all the stuff that should be standard later.


stop readin what u want to read i just said other games do the same thing content wise no matter the game not all game have the best content as soon as there realease ( mass effect 3 is a prime example)


look here i can't agree or disagree with you cause your not giving any information. All im getting is you don't like the fact some thing were left out or weren't done fully. I NEED INFORMATION not some opinion that hidden in the fact they spent money on something you don't like

Edited by GHColtrain
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The big reason this game is lacking is the lack of community, the fact to find pve groups you have to stay in fleet, and pvp is the most generic ever.


they should have seen server mergers might be a necessity and had a plan in place. Having to stay in fleet to find groups makes it so you cant play the game. PVP is just boring boring boring all the classes are the same or very similar. Warezones are repetitive.


Don't reinvent the wheel. Just add your own spin to what works. Like open world pvp that players can place bounties on players. Guns on vehicles that you can chase players down with. Have like 1-20 trophies that you have to defend challenges from guilds or people to keep weekly to try to get the #1 rank. Attack the other fleet. LFG cross server. Server mergers or character tranfers. Allow people to by small moons to customize or there own space station. By all means develop the force to not just shoot lightning and rocks and choke people.


totally agree and that other dude thinks it "has" to be on the release in time things like this will happen it took WoW an expansion to do things similar like this. Other people need to give the game a chance

P.S. awesome example on were they can improve on

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WoW was released over 7 years ago. You can't compare it to an MMO made in 2011/12.

Basic things like an LFG tool and UI customisation SHOULD be at release. Let's again recap that swtor is made by Bioware, a huge company, and $300 million was spent making it. These things are fairly simple to implement compared to stuff like new operations, and yet months down the line we've only got one of these. And let's not forget swtor's big feature, the legacy system. Wait, that wasn't even BUILT by release, and even now it's basic.


A prime comparison to this game is Rift. Both it and swtor were released less than a year apart, and Rift had plenty of industry standard features at launch which swtor simply didn't have, while being developed by a virtually unknown company on a comparatively shoestring budget ($50 million). Embarrassing.

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People who say the game is terrible has valid opinions. As mentioned on the page 1, the game was lacking when it was released and when a game is released that way, some people will not like it and they are entitled to their opinions. Sure the game might and will get some features later but as it stands right now it's far from perfect.


However some suggestions and constructive feedback would help more than random bashing on the forums but I can understand the anger when you have high expectations and you don't get what you waited and paid for. One solution perhaps would be that give it a bit more time, leave and play something else till it gets better and then try again. There is no point subbing if you find it bad.


Not all games are for everyone though and maybe some of those guys saw that just the way the game was designed didn't do the trick. That doesn't mean the game is terrible though.


I'm a Star Wars fan myself and I've had bad and good days with this game as well but I've been subscribing since launch regardless of occasional frustration and boredom. I think for me it's the SW theme that keeps me subbing and I hope SWTOR will get some big new features, even some minigames would be nice later on. One thing is sure though, BW will make it bigger. Maybe I won't be around when it happens because once Guild Wars 2 comes, I will move there but won't totally forget SWTOR :) Might still play it once in a while.

Edited by PalawaJoko
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currently april 23rd monday afternoon 5:44pm. 16 people on the republic fleet, 28 minutes in queue.

I love this game bioware, but i can't enjoy it and will not pay 14.99$ a month to sit on the fleet or like some have been calling it, the texan ghost town.

Please FIX THE #%@^@^ GAME:mad:

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The big reason this game is lacking is the lack of community, the fact to find pve groups you have to stay in fleet, and pvp is the most generic ever.


they should have seen server mergers might be a necessity and had a plan in place. Having to stay in fleet to find groups makes it so you cant play the game. PVP is just boring boring boring all the classes are the same or very similar. Warezones are repetitive.


Don't reinvent the wheel. Just add your own spin to what works. Like open world pvp that players can place bounties on players. Guns on vehicles that you can chase players down with. Have like 1-20 trophies that you have to defend challenges from guilds or people to keep weekly to try to get the #1 rank. Attack the other fleet. LFG cross server. Server mergers or character tranfers. Allow people to by small moons to customize or there own space station. By all means develop the force to not just shoot lightning and rocks and choke people.


^^OMG Drools!!!^^


Coming from other games that were not WoW .. I guess I didnt expect much at all ... alot of the advertisements I read revolved around OMG LOOK WE HAVE X AMOUNT OF DIALOGUE! Then got suckered into playing by a friend. I dont hate the game I just dont love my toons or the world they live in. Its not the bugs that have done this so much as the lack of world and players to play in and with. Some of the decisions that have been made by Bioware have come across as a bit odd too. Rather then uniting player base, it separates them.


I was surprised how nice this game was to play first time round... but lvl 50 was when it soured... not cause of progression gear but rather nothing to tie me to the world or my ship. 1.2 was when it felt less betaish.. bugs and all 1.2 is probably when the game should of been released. Part of the problem me thinks is the game was released too early,


So many people wanted to love the game at release but like its friend Warhammer, just dont seem to be allowed to ..

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The only reason i judge this game is based on i don't think it brings too much new to the table, and there isn't nearly enough content to drive the game at this point, at least pvp wise. i have heard pve fans complain the same, but i cannot vouch for them. i believe even when the rated warzones and other pvp content come out, it will not be a great pvp environment based on these 2 ideas.


1: the classes are too similar and there is not very much variation, in fact some of the classes almost play exactly the same which leaves very little room for which healing class to chose. i would imagine that a certain class will always vastly out-heal the others based on their energy pool mechanics.


2: small energy pool that relies on energy regeneration and management completely. I believe that once warzones come out, it will all be about burst dps and you won't even be able to save people without using all of your energy, which then puts you in a very low energy regenerative state (scoundrel point of view). I mean sure, another well known mmo's pvp is based on burst dps as well, but there are cooldowns used in order to counter that burst, whether it be by utility moves (lowers damage target takes, target cannot be slowed, healer itself does more heals, ect) or you can even just spam a bunch of heals and then regenerate that energy thru other skills/breaking combat. In this game you can't just spam heals or you are screwed after 4 or 5 heals, and breaking combat takes wayyyyyy too long to even be an option as a healer in this.


we shall see how it works out, but i fear the worst sadly. i really hope they can get it right and that is one reason they set the rated warzones date back.


Think this was never meant to be a pvp based game... alot of people seem to like pvp never the less. SWTOR does not seem to be any different to other mainstream games in this respect.. call pvp and a hungry pvp crowd will come running to boost subs.. people cry omg I died! All gets nerfed and nerfs get justified and reinforced by the community. Peeps then find next op class get them nerfed. Then suddenly you find yourself playing RIFT PVP...


Rated Pvp and other pvp events are not a be all end all fix but maybe it will help keep some interested in pvping


Dont hold your breath for this one being fixed.. the focus is light PVE not PVP

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