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Ok so......what I miss "from one of those way back mmo's that was in that same galaxy far far away" is the social aspect of the game. I think that was one thing I would really like to see from the game. Just curious if I am the only person out there though looking for that. Just curious if maybe enough people ARE looking for that type of thing if any servers try to do organized social events.?:D
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Its there, but if youre unlucky and on a low pop server like most are, its hard to get such things going. Before people rerolled on more populated servers we had world pvp events with credit prizes where people could just come watch. (duelling tourneys) etc. Once they start getting fewer but more populated servers youll see more of this. If not try to organize one! im sure people would be glad to help if they got a kickstart
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It's there...but like the previous poster mentioned-- it can be a PITA if you're on a low pop server. Bondar Crystal isn't the most populated server out there, but we've got a great community-- and the people who play there are pretty active.
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I've yet to see a game that has anything close to the social side of SWG. Non-combat classes, reasons for hanging out in a cantina chatting to people, player taught skills and languages... All added up to a very social game.


More recent games have none of that, and I think it makes for a decidedly unsocial community.

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The social problem sure isn't helped by developers mass closing threads on forums. I agree that social funnery is nearly non-existant, and spreading that over to the forums sure doesn't help matters.


I'd love to have meet and greet events held at cantinas that were sponsored by BioWare with things like fluff givaways and the like.

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i too miss swg pre combat downgrade (lol). But what can you do.... they tried to copy wow in order to save the game and it just failed because people played swg for the free roam, social aspect of it, and the unique classes. it had it's own unique feel to it entirely. trying to copy wow just screwed the pooch, and now every other mmo is trying to copy wow also. i remember logging into swg after the downgrade and they even changed the movement to copy wow. some do it more sucessfully then others but i don't think we will see any other unique mmos like swg pre combat downgrade, not for a very long time at least. the new mmo standard is to make everything available to everyone.

You won't see a crafting system like swg again i'm sure. imagine how many people would complain if they couldn't craft something as good as joe shmo who went out of his way to collect all the best resources with the highest stats to create the best weapons and armor on the server and not very many could compete? There would be an outrage from the casuals and the lazy.

Everyone wants everything available to them, and with not too much work involved. The gaming community is much larger then it was before, and there are way more casuals to cater too. Which i can't exactly fault the developers for, but it does indeed make me a sad panda.

God i miss templating, being able to take certain tress and such from different classes to make a super hybrid class. ahh the nostalgia :(

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The social problem sure isn't helped by developers mass closing threads on forums. I agree that social funnery is nearly non-existant, and spreading that over to the forums sure doesn't help matters.


I'd love to have meet and greet events held at cantinas that were sponsored by BioWare with things like fluff givaways and the like.


in bold says it all.


P.S. nice use of "social funnery". +1:D

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Well I love the BioWare having event idea lol BUT guess that maybe our server will just have to work on doing something on our own! So glad to see that there are others out there that miss that "lets just hang out and have a good time" kind of thing. I remember even us all sitting in our guild hall and the cantina in Corasant for HOURS. Many many guilds gathering together to either assualt or defend a base "because we had to work our butt off and spend our money to build it". SIGH....



You know it would be so amazing if we could just talk a company into listening to US "because those that control the checkbook never really played a real mmo...." I bet we could come up with a list of things that we want.... lets see I want...


1. A customisable house "yep not only do I want to decorate the crap out of the inside "like swg" but I want to be able to make the outside unique "I want to be able to make it the shape I want :p."

2. I want to be able to make a hybrid class.

3. I want to be able to just have a crafting class "and I want to have to actually do more than push a button to make it work and how much I pay attention to detail. The resorces I use the effort that goes into it mean how epic it will be"

4. I think an entertainer would be cool.

5. I want to be able to make my character more customizable "Eve has this one in the bag"

6. OH player city's would be GREAT! They can even make them instanced I am cool with that "LOTR has it partially right" but they need to make sure that when a place is LEFT with no one taking care of it that it does not just sit there taking us space.

7. I would like to see people being more dependent on other classes "doctor buffs musican buffs and entertainer buffs" MADE us be social....

Ok I know I can think of many more things I would like to see in a game but I want to know what everyone else is wishing for................................

Edited by GeekyGamerGirl
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Unfortunately this is very true. This game is not social at all.


I joined 2 days ago and joined an RP server. 2 of my friends play on this server as well and have been for 2 months now, but still they have not been able to find a decent group of people to chat with, hang around with and do group contact with. It is a shame really.


Therefore I am considering rerolling on a heavy populated PVE server and hopefully find a group of people to play with. An MMORPG is all about a good community in my opinion.


MMORPG gamers changed from the hang out and LOL talk kind of people to the obsessed kids wanting to level up and get the best gear out there before anyone else does.

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I must admit that with my guild we do alot of bsing it's just that it seems to be mostly in Vent and darn it's just not the same! You know what though WE are the ones I think that are going to have to take it on our own to make the game more social.


Alot dont like vent ... think vent and other chat is mostly associated with raiders and core type players... more casual will more likely respond to chat text rather then vent. Also this game being based on casual play chat is probably another way to really consider incorporating peeps that would be more likely interested in your events.


It interested me in watching the banter in two guilds the reaction to the new pets that SWTOR has introduced. It really was in this case a thing about those who used vent regularly were less interested then those who used vent from time to time if they have to. The ones who played in vent more often I found were more likely interested in gear and progression rather then fluff and visa versa with chat. It was interesting watching the little spats break out too about why the hell you would be interested in fluff.


personally I love it and hope to see more

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