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Taral V - Lord Hasper

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Anyone done this fight? He's the bonus/optional boss in Taral V just before the big droid.


Just tried it today with the following composition:


35 Sage (Heals)

34 Commando DPS

33 Guardian (Tank)

31 Guardian (Tank)


For the record, after a set amount of health lost or time, he'll pull everyone towards him and drop a lot of lightning. Often this is enough to severly damage or kill everyone. We tried the fight in four or five different setups/locations but we wiped each time. I'm wondering if the lightning might be tuned a little high?


If anyone has had success on this fight, or similar stories - I would very much like to hear about it, cheers.



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Did this fight on the second to last day of beta. It's a pretty tough one. You've gotta run away from him the second he pulls you in. He should stop doing his heavy hitting attacks for a few seconds after he finishes his cast, so the healers should try to get people up as high as possible. When I did this, we had one of the dps offhealing when everyone was getting really low or when our healer was running out of resource.
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Just cleared this tonight. Lord Hasper wasn't so bad, we figured out to run away when he pulled us in and I was healing on my Scoundrel so my instant Emergency Medpac came in real handy. The last boss however gave us some problems with the Enrage. It seemed very random. We eventually killed him and all was quiet in that sector of the galaxy.
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Interesting, thanks for the feedback guys.


I'm an Australian, living in South Africa for a few months with fairly bad latency and so more often than not I take significant damage from the boss even if I blow Force Speed to get away.


Where did you guys tank him?


We tried behind the pillars in the room - but he pulled me into the pillar from the other side and the lightning killed us from behind the pillar even.


We tried doing it outside using the tanks wheeltrack and a good angle to stop the pull, which works, but it was too hard to co-ordinate the tank outside of voice communication.

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I never did this optional boss, but Knights could try using Force Kick to cancel the lightning, giving enough time to leg it before he uses it again.


I have no clue if this will work or not, but it's worth the try.



It's an instant cast, there is no warning when he does his pull so there is nothing to interupt. Thanks but =]

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We tanked him outside, the rest of us would LOS him inside the room when he was going to do the group pull.


It worked out quite well once we got the hang of it. Healed it as a sage. Ranged dps and healers don't really need to leave the room, can just move a couple steps to the side to LOS when necessary.

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Some people make this more complicated than it needs to be.


When he pulls you in run away. Sadly, I've seen DPS (and only DPS) try to run backwards then complain when they die. Go figure. But anyway, if you run forward immediately after he pulls you in the damage will be minimal or non-existent.

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Ran Taral V for the first time tonight. We cruised through the majority of the place, had some epic bridge fights, good times.


And then there was Lord Hasper.


In all honesty, this fight was a group flub. So long as everyone can get away from him when he starts to cast Force Storm, he should be beatable. "No worries," we thought after a few gear-shattering wipes "We'll come back around after we beat General E-something."


General E-something can go **** himself. No matter what method/tactic/random strategy we tried, this bastard just wouldn't die. Like, not even close...got him to about half health. He is like a roadblock made out of grief. A griefblock? Sure.


tl;dr Waaaah, Taral V is haaard.

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In response to the whining about the general, he's actually kind of easy when you understand what needs to be done. The fight is centered around heals completely. To start the fight, the turrets need to die asap. He chucks a fire grenade at random times at random people. Healer needs to heal that person through the DoT or it's gg. Droids spawn. Tank and 1 DPS should each take 2 bots, 2nd dps can wham on boss. (If your dps is kind of low, have all three take bots.) A debuff will activate while the droids are up where people take moe dmg than normal. The bots will target these people. Healer needs to keep them up. If any are low when grenade is thrown next...well, that sucks. Bots have to die before he's done reloading his gun. He enrages or something at the end. Again, healer has to be on their toes. Good luck everyone. It was the best feeling in the world when my group finally downed him after like 15 tries.
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Thanks for the responses everyone. 3rd lightning channel, got it!


As a sage I had no problem with the general because you can cleanse the grenade DoT right off. We were on voice chat and so the DPS could call out as soon as they got it on them.

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How did you possibly cleanse it? I'm a sage too. Restoration only works on mental and Force effects. The grenade is neither. That's the only cleansing spell I've seen in my abilities. I even tried using it in the fight and it didn't work for me. You must have encountered a pretty nice bug.
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How did you possibly cleanse it? I'm a sage too. Restoration only works on mental and Force effects. The grenade is neither. That's the only cleansing spell I've seen in my abilities. I even tried using it in the fight and it didn't work for me. You must have encountered a pretty nice bug.



Troopers and smugglers get cleanses that can take care of it


http://www.torhead.com/ability/1Vv05N7 and http://www.torhead.com/ability/7xsmRBZ

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How did you possibly cleanse it? I'm a sage too. Restoration only works on mental and Force effects. The grenade is neither. That's the only cleansing spell I've seen in my abilities. I even tried using it in the fight and it didn't work for me. You must have encountered a pretty nice bug.


There is a skill in the healer tree that expands the skill to remove 2 physical effects too.

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Here was our group makeup:


Gunslinger (me)








Fight literally lasted 20 seconds: Force Lightning x3, then he force crushed the healer EVERY SINGLE TIME, then force yanked us AROUND THE WALL INTO THE ROOM (we were standing against the wall well past the doorway), then AoE. Healer died. Then Force Crush on Vanguard, yank, AoE. Tank dies. Rinse repeat.


FYI: Force Crush was doing avg 6-7k single target. We were all outfitted with lv 30+ gear (orange/artifact quality mostly). We were lv 33.


He ONE-SHOT our healer with Force Crush usually after the 5th attempt, so we gave up. Our healer has over 7.5k HP.


**** that boss, he's full of ****.

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I agree that this seems a little over-whelming. We all were immediately running (yes, forward) as soon as we were pulled in. Everyone still was getting at least one tick of damage from the lightning storm. Each tick was doing about 2.5k damage. We were also repairing gear and popping stims with each go.



Lvl 39 Melee tank (Guardian)

Lvl 36 healer (Sage)

lvl 34 Ranged DPS (Commando)

lvl 31 Ranged DPS (Gunslinger)


I did manage to take him down with a different team a couple days ago where running seemed to work, but even then we had to try it about 5 or 6 times. It seems like if the team is just not quite perfect on their timing then it's extremely difficult. Possible, yes, and with most teams (most are NOT perfect) after about 5 or 6 times it could be done.


But, A) this flashpoint is already quite long, B) the respawn points are quite far from the bosses, and C) Who wants to die and run back that many times? Sure, it's doable. But is it fun?

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We one-shotted him the first time we tried, but we lost our healer mid-fight to the force storm, before we figured out we had to run away.


It's strange, though, even using force speed and getting behind cover, I still received significant damage. It probably ignores LOS.


This ability definitely needs a casting time (even if it's non-interruptible), and maybe markers to give an idea of its range.


On an unrelated note, anybody else find that they've been a tiny bit heavy-handed with trash mobs in this instance? :p

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The boss apparently uses two damaging abilities on non-tanking characters

- a force crush that is seemingly targeted at random

- a AoE force pull + slow + lightning storm


What is usually fatal is either

- stay in the lightning storm because of latency, disorientation, or any other cause.

- combination of LS damage and consecutive force crush if not healed through.


We had no end of trouble with him because our healer had a bit more latency than the rest of us and she was usually the first to die - the boss is fairly punishing if you can't react quickly, and latency can ruin your day as much as lack of reflexes. She finally found a way to position herself so that she could actually start running *before* landing ater the pull, which saved her skin.


Basically, this fight is won or lost on the damage the group takes from the lightning storm.


About the length of the flashpoint - yes, it is both lengthy and pretty tedious, which is made even worse by the fact that it's a "gating" FP that unlocks the prison.

Edited by Silversable
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