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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Regarding server queues


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Okay, I'm in the stupid queue for the Red Eclipse for the 3rd time now, just because receiving some errors. This is getting really annoying and I'm starting to lose my temper really hard. Bioware you are a great company and just make those servers bigger for more than 2k people just like you promised in a interview. Cheers!


Same here, 2 errors rest my queue

Hope to enter in 2 hours with luck

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In order to ensure that the service would be smooth and stable, we staged how we brought people into the Early Game Access program, adding people in waves. As you know, there are a lot of folks who want to play the game right now and we want to make sure they have lots of people to play with. Balancing this with figuring out when to bring new servers online to help alleviate the size of the queues is part art and part science. On one hand, you do not want people to wait too long – on the other hand, you want to make sure that people have a dynamic, engaging community to play with for long after launch. Either way, we have one clear objective – to make sure folks have fun.


While we can’t promise that there won’t ever be queues, we can promise you that we are taking this matter seriously and constantly reviewing them to make sure that they are manageable and reasonable."[/indent]



Thous guys failed bigtime. 4 hours queue and no graze time if you get DC.

Could you please ask them what they where thinking doing this? And why that this is a "good" way to do things in their eyes?


What they say is the exact opposite of what they have done.

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The game's not reached it's actual release date yet, and it took quite some time for Blizzard to fix their connection, actually about two years I believe.


If you would want this game to succed and you enjoy the gameplay give them some time to fix the connection and other issues, it's their first MMO and there's obviously going to be some issues upon the release.


And Bw didnt learn anything from a 7 years old game ? ıts 2011 and they earn 60million $ from pre orders, cant they buy some high end server that handle this much ppl?


Even korean free games hande tons of ppl.. what a shame

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The game's not reached it's actual release date yet, and it took quite some time for Blizzard to fix their connection, actually about two years I believe.


If you would want this game to succed and you enjoy the gameplay give them some time to fix the connection and other issues, it's their first MMO and there's obviously going to be some issues upon the release.


I really cant understand how can you defend them...

They are one of the biggest SoftCO in the planet...bheind them there is EA.....EA....let me write another time EA !!


And you defend them saying "it's their first MMO" ? Ohhh poor guys....it's their frist time.....


Oh please...the MMO is good i love it....the service is **** = loose players......3 hours of que is unaccptable at all...no excuse...no words... just not acceptable on Xmas 2011..

Edited by Ederyn
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I absolutly love this game. However, it is bittersweet. I play on Freedon Nadd - EU. The queue there is unaccepable. 1 to 5 hour queues. I really want to enjoy the game, but having to wait for that long, then getting disconnected for an instant, and then having to wait again is disheartening. Many of my fellow guild mates experience the same issue. Others have resulted to extremes to be able to play (Never sleep, or log on at 3:00 in the morning to play). Most people will not be able to do that regularly.


I get that this is Early Access. People will want to play more often and many have taken off from day to day life to grind and explore, but that doesn´t make it ''ok'' or ''understandable'' like it is some sort of beta flaw. This is the game.


I dread launch day. I certainly hope that changes will be implemented to rectify the issue before launch and players patience runs dry. I for one, have hope.


I am sure smarter people than me, have discussed ways to handle the queues. I thought that giving a free transfer for guilds to another server would do the trick.

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Would be great to hear what the strategy is for release, will server caps be increased? will servers be closed to new joiners? will there be free character or guild transfers if servers are still over-subscribed?


Good to hear it's a priority, but give us some info so we can put our guilds at ease before people get majorly disgruntled and give up.


The current queues on some servers (ToFN-EU for example) will not be seen as acceptable after the release date.

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Would be great to hear what the strategy is for release, will server caps be increased? will servers be closed to new joiners? will there be free character or guild transfers if servers are still over-subscribed?


Good to hear it's a priority, but give us some info so we can put our guilds at ease before people get majorly disgruntled and give up.


The current queues on some servers (ToFN-EU for example) will not be seen as acceptable after the release date.


Theyre not acceptable right now. Just don't do any prelaunch. You would have lost less ppl and less trust.

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With the budget BW had, these server's easily have enough space to carry more players... Otherwise these Q's are permanent, There aren't enough servers to hold the onslaught of players that are about to join the game on the 20th, that is a fact.


This also means, ofcourse, that they are going to open new servers correct? then what is the point of staggering only a select few servers with the excuse of "creating a better enviroment for launch" when these new servers will just be screwed by thousands of only new players with no staggeredyness? (new word)


so let me get this straight, by this logic purely, this means they would not introduce new servers correct? why stagger some and not the others? no point in staggering any...


This means that we can expect 8 hour Q's on launch, or the servers DO have a much, much higher capacity than what it is currently restricted too.


This means the people in charge of that specific control, need to let people know why they have NOT done that as of yet, when the majority of servers NEED that to happen? I mean.. NEED it, we have Q's now.... what are they waiting for?:mad: <- mad face. this is the second time I cannot play, as Q'ing is too long, I will get about 10 mins play before work.


TELL US WHAT YOU ARE PLANNING, or we will just assume you are not telling us because you have nothing.... What am I paying for If I will never be able to play the game?


I expect a solution IS in the pipeline, that isn't the issue, Its the piss poor communication from the people running this show

Edited by Wizarddinosaur
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I don´t read all the posts... today i am so lazy XD.


But i have to say something. In my case... i started in ToFN server. And see 5h of queues sucks.


But the issue is not only for Bioware, is for the players too.


The one of the most importants issues is: That Bioware didn´t do anything about no-english comunitys. Bioware didn´t recomended a specific servers for the diferents comunitys. They only give mor priority the guilds.


So, if the non-english comunitys didn´t know a server to go, the have to decide democraticaly a server to go. In that mode, they can make a very big Spanish or Italian or another comunity on the same server. That happens on ToFN, the spanish and italian comunity choose this servers to play the most spanish and italian players.


So a big part of the issue was, because Bioware didn´t say any servers to localizate teh Russian, Spanish, Italian, Portugues... comunitys.


I hope you understand my post, i know... my english is so bad.


Greetings Gnowall.

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And Bw didnt learn anything from a 7 years old game ? ıts 2011 and they earn 60million $ from pre orders, cant they buy some high end server that handle this much ppl?


Even korean free games hande tons of ppl.. what a shame



It's 2011 and WoW's graphics have barely been updated since the release, sun, water, new content and new races have been improved.


The questing is still the same as games that were released way before WoW, text, kill, grind, level up and grind more.

While questing is great fun in SWTOR, PvPing thus far seems fairly balanced, crew skills allow you to do something else than farm mats or stay in a capital city to be able to level crew skills instead of gaining levels or something else.


The game's got some minor issues, plus the connection problem (which they will HAVE to fix as soon as they can), but other than that it's a great game. As I've previously said Bioware should get some slack, sure they've done a bunch of games, but no game is completely perfect at launch, and the game's not reached it's actual release date yet.

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While we can’t promise that there won’t ever be queues, we can promise you that we are taking this matter seriously and constantly reviewing them to make sure that they are manageable and reasonable."[/indent]


You really are NOT telling us anything here other than you know there are queues. More than a few servers are getting hit with 2 HOUR queues at peak time.


Can we get a repsonse that doesnt sound like its from a politician that actually says something about OUR concerns or if YOU think such a wait time is "manageable and reasonable"?

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Posting because these queues are ridiculous to begin with, but also we need a damn grace period to get past the queue in case we get a random disconnect or our game crashes. It is unreal to wait 4 hours in a queue after a random DC.


Currently 1354th in queue for Legions of Lettow. It was over 1500 an hour ago.

So estimated time to play, 5-6 hours or so. FUN.

Edited by godmode
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I really cant understand how can you defend them...

They are one of the biggest SoftCO in the planet...bheind them there is EA.....EA....let me write another time EA !!


And you defend them saying "it's their first MMO" ? Ohhh poor guys....it's their frist time.....


Oh please...the MMO is good i love it....the service is **** = loose players......3 hours of que is unaccptable at all...no excuse...no words... just not acceptable on Xmas 2011..


As I said the game's not reached it's actual release date yet, that's not an excuse however they will have to fix this issue as soon as they can, and I'm sure they will.


They've put a ton of work, money and time on this game, and I doubt they will allow this game to lose players because of an issue such as connecting to servers.


I'm not protecting them but merely saying that no game's completely perfect upon launch and an issue such as this one will have to be fixed quickly.

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I don´t read all the posts... today i am so lazy XD.


But i have to say something. In my case... i started in ToFN server. And see 5h of queues sucks.


But the issue is not only for Bioware, is for the players too.


The one of the most importants issues is: That Bioware didn´t do anything about no-english comunitys. Bioware didn´t recomended a specific servers for the diferents comunitys. They only give mor priority the guilds.


So, if the non-english comunitys didn´t know a server to go, the have to decide democraticaly a server to go. In that mode, they can make a very big Spanish or Italian or another comunity on the same server. That happens on ToFN, the spanish and italian comunity choose this servers to play the most spanish and italian players.


So a big part of the issue was, because Bioware didn´t say any servers to localizate teh Russian, Spanish, Italian, Portugues... comunitys.


I hope you understand my post, i know... my english is so bad.


Greetings Gnowall.



+1000 point for you

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