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Regarding server queues


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I will not be rolling on another server, unless transfers are available. I have already spent a lot of time in game. To do it all over again because of something that shoulda been thought ahead of, and was supposed too with early access and guild launch programs will not be happening.


I just hope the issue gets resolved by launch, or it will be a mess. I understand a lot goes into the game, and you guys are doing everything you can. But all of this shoulda and was supposed to be tested during Beta's and with all the launch progression you had set up.

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Th hours waiting to get into the server are a bit much... I think that the game is awesome so far... It would be much better if you were allowed to play when you could. From the look of things it looks like you are using multiple instances even in open worlds... Could you not lock servers or create more load balancing or the like?


I will keep trying to play but these waits will kill any traffic that you might be stealing from other games.

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and I agree. These are still pre-orders, its going to be hell at launch. Fortunately I haven't paid for my pre-order yet and I won't unless they make the queues disappear before the 20th.


All right, say BioWare doubles the amount of servers, eliminating all existing queues. Fast-forward 3 months, and every server has half the population. Many are sparse at best, and a few are ghost towns. What does BioWare do?

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I have to believe that you guys have a plan here. I know that you have brought in some great talent to put this game together. Please learn from previous MMO failures and successes guys.


Whatever the situation, if you communicate with your fans, your followers, and your customers, you empower them to make informed decisions. When you tell them everything they already know in response to a situation that looks bleak, with worse on the horizon it does nothing to help things.


You've put together a great product... its a solid game. But if people have to make a choice between waiting for hours to play a game, or getting instant gratification which do you think they will chose? Yes you will hold onto the hardcore players that don't want to let go of that dream of being a jedi or sith or a blue skinned twi'lek with big.... eyes, but you risk alienating the rest of your customer base.


Again, I want to believe you have a plan to fix this guys... but we want to hear more than excuses. Let those of us on Swiftsure, Harbinger and all the other queued servers know what things will be like on the 20th. I'll talk my guild into relocating if you aren't going to adjust anything, but I don't want to pickup shop for nothing.



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They are not reasonable. Also when you are in que and you DC you get the error code 1002. Have to wait for your account to log out. That plus waiting 40 minutes every night to play, sucks.


The thought of rerolling on a new server now that my character is a decent level due to population is discouraging.

Edited by Regurgitate
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All right, say BioWare doubles the amount of servers, eliminating all existing queues. Fast-forward 3 months, and every server has half the population. Many are sparse at best, and a few are ghost towns. What does BioWare do?


Merge servers like other MMOs have done. Having too many servers is a problem that is much easier to correct than having too few.


You could argue that Bioware is losing money if there are so many servers and not enough players but they should make the investment to guarantee a smooth experience or else players are going to leave and they won't be getting money either way.

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Update. 4th "connection issue" boot in the last 4 hours. Queue time is still only 20-30 minutes, but multiply that by 5x, you get 2.5 hours of waiting to play a game that booted me and didn't give me a grace period to get back in. This needs to be addressed in an patch ASAP.
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All right, say BioWare doubles the amount of servers, eliminating all existing queues. Fast-forward 3 months, and every server has half the population. Many are sparse at best, and a few are ghost towns. What does BioWare do?


Mmhh I really don't care what they do, but I am not paying to spend my money and my time in a queue.

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Hello wonderful Bioware team. Yes, us gamers understand your quest for immersion, but I have never seen such ques. I am an avid mmo player and if you truly wish to be the best you must accommodate for the mass amount of players who have been drawn to your game. As it stands other games are doing this far better. Yes, you would like to see a populated Coruscant, we all do. And it is populated, so no my experience has not come up short at all, in fact great game. Regardless, those enlightened of us would prefer short ques and less players getting in their way (honestly other players can be an annoyance at times, especially too many of them lagging things up.) An hour in que is an hour wasted not playing. Edited by DragoRuun
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I honestly cant believe they would make a statement like they made. Really, you cant promise que's will go away? Even if you couldn't promise that its like basically saying no matter what we are screwed. We dont pay money to not play. Not only are the que's horrible. You guys caused them by placing so many large guilds on the same server, and then NOT locking new character creation on the server when things started to get bad.


I don't care either if every other mmo has had a bad launch of if WoW had server ques 6 FREAKN years ago. That was 6 years ago, this is now. These server que's are








This needs to be fixed ASAP.

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Early access should have never occurred for the simple reason that it gives everyone more to grumble about. Realize that the beta weekends should have been the stress test not EA. This is like pre-game, not pre-pre game (the weekend of the 25th). Bioware implement whole guild transfers, open up 5 new servers for each type, and create new mobs so no problems with questing (or simply faster re-spawn times). It is easy and better than dealing with people, like me, that will complain for waiting. This isn't like going to the airport, even they are trying to streamline things, this is a game-that everyone has technically all payed for. You have tons of developers, IT gurus, and other programmers. Like Nike, just do it!
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Im an aussie on The Swiftsure server (west coast usa)


I tried logging in yesterday at 1PM AESDT (Australian Eastern Standard Time) or 6PM USA West Coast time and was put in a queue that lasted 4 hours and 40 mins.


I logged in this morning at 7AM AESDT or midday USA West Coast time and i was able to get in without any queue.


My internet droppped out somehow while i was in game and it kicked me out. Now 1PM AESDT again and im in a queue that seems will take me 4 hours again.


I understand the aussie and usa populations and their timings. I just hope things improve or i can see it seriously impacting sales on this game.

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your quest for immersion is a fail in my opinion. you need to kill the q to get in game simple as that. when your population dies off significantly which it will you merge servers. The hour to two hour wait to get into a game we are paying for is well simple no acceptable and honestly is a major fail no matter how grand your gaming experience is.
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I agree with everything that has been said here before.


This is only the pre-launch events. They knew the amount of people that would be ready to get into the game.


Imagine when the actual launch date arrives and everyone else joins in.

Adding servers helps, but it's the whole queue system that's at fault here.


I think alot of people will not extend their gametime if the server queues are not fixed soon.


The game is good, I would even say great. Because it actually feels you're playing a RPG unlike other mmoRPGs where the story is just something thrown in to keep us busy with.

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