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Regarding server queues


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While we can’t promise that there won’t ever be queues, we can promise you that we are taking this matter seriously and constantly reviewing them to make sure that they are manageable and reasonable.


...I'd like to be another voice to reiterate, the current queues are NOT reasonable. Anything over 15 minutes is bad (i.e., borderline unreasonable) and anything over 30 is clearly unreasonable.


Suggesting that 90 minute+ queues are acceptable is absurd. Try coming to work 90 minutes late every day (but still leaving on time) and see how long it takes your boss to tell you you're consistently being unreasonably late.

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i can still cancel the whole preorder thing as its not the 20th,,,,,,,,and i gaurantee...if its not noticably better by then...ill be doing just that.


whoever mishandled the guild placement...sir seek other employment..less demanding and ovbviously away from gaming....usually you get a thaNK YOU NOT NOTE AFTER the screwing were getting


I agree. I WILL NOT pay for agame I have to wait to play. You want us to have fun? This is about as far from fun as I can describe.

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Unless you are on The Swiftsure or The Harninger. STOP WHINING!


Swifsure and Harbinger have 3hr queues minimum, and over 6hrs in the evening. If you want to play on the weekend, you basically need to get out of bed at crack of dawn, login, go back to be and sleep while hoping you don't get a DC in queue.

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Oh, and fix your estimated wait times. I understand that estimating is not an exact science, but 2 hours ago when I logged in there were 931 people ahead of me, and the server was showing an estimate of 1 hr.


I can't really see how they can estimate at all, really. if you have 931 people ahead of you in the queue, and everyone that's currently logged on stays on for the next 6 hours, then you'd still be at position 932 6 hours later (unless they know how many people DC per hour.........)

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Had about 4 hours to spend progressing in the game yesterday. Sat in a queue for 3h 15m on Swiftsure. Played for 30m, this is completely unacceptable. When I created my characters days ago, the load of the realm was Light.


Today, I am in another queue at 1450, yesterday was 1585 so I am expecting the same 3 hour + queue....

Edited by SaltAU
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I have to agree, I'm on The Swiftsure as well and knowing that the only way I can possibly get on to play is if I wait 3-4 hours or try to login at 4am is just insane. I mean I am cool with some wait within reason but clearly this is leaps and bounds beyond anything reasonable.


Please Bioware at least do something about this servers issues since they are so very bad at this point.

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I really do not like this at all. Specially when we are looking into the future where more copies of the game will be bought because it gets better and better reviews.


So just to start up, lets say X of the current population pre ordered the game. And in the coming months, Y of the future population will buy the game. If with only Pre Orders we filled every server, how are you going to manage the servers when more copies are bought?


This is a major problem that will turn into a HUGE damn problem in the future.

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Bioware, if your servers can only comfotably hold 1000 players, DON'T assign 2000 players to them.


The guild assigning should have been worked out with server occupancy caps in mind.


You've blown it big style.


I'm on "Swiftsure", the home of the epic Queues.

Edited by Arll
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I'm glad you're taking steps to make it better. I'm not gonna complain too much about queues cause even in WOW I played on high pop servers and had to deal with queues. The wait on Anchorhead (which seems to be one of the biggest) is settled at around 30mins which isn't unbearable but still pretty bad. Hopefully after you add more servers and what not it'll be down to around 15mins which would be a reasonable cap.
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I'll add my voice to this debate. I'm on The Swiftsure. 1200 person queue 1 hour ago. I'm only 750th in line. No one is logging off b/c of the queue.


Dead horse is dead, but we're all really hoping you guys do something about this sooner than later.

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My gaming night:


Log on to 600 person queue.


Timer "guesstimates" 35 minute wait.


Wait 35 minutes.


400 in queue.


Give up.


Log off.


Come here to write this before going to watch "Big Bang Theory" reruns while ruminating on the epic amount of fail this pre-launch has been.

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I agree on the idea of being able to move characters/guild to a lesser populated server, at least during this initial launch phase.


Once the 20th rolls around here in a few days, and after the 25th when everyone gets the game for Christmas, I strongly believe that there's going to be such a huge rush in players and spike in populations across all servers that wait times are going to possibly triple.


If we were granted the ability to change servers for free (possibly once every 72 hours per account), I think that it would decrease wait times significantly.


Of course, a decent amount of servers are going to be needed to be added very soon regardless.

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hey bioware, how about you start offering free transfers for players off Q time servers to low population new servers. Offer this to guilds as well. Pretty simple solution.


Terrible way to launch your game. Having to plan an hour + ahead and start the log in process just to get in game is plain stupid. I guarantee you bioware I wont be paying for this game at launch if this isnt fixed. Both my pre-orders were canceled pending how this issue is resolve. And I am not starting over on some other server just to have the same thing happen when the game goes public.


Your service and handling of this issue has been pathetic and it is going to come back to bite you pretty hard in the subs department. These forums are full of people who feel just like I do.

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My feelings on the matter are fairly simple. I don't pay cash to wait to play.

While I realize it is not possible for you to predict which servers will fill to the point that a queue is required, it IS reasonable to expect that if we are getting them now in pre-order phase, the problem will only get worse once the actual start hits. We need many more servers right away, or restrictions for new users on the current overloaded servers.

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The queues are such a buzz kill. They make coordinating in-game play with others in RL quite a logistics challenge.


But then again, I see the technical problem in all of this, and it's not one thatis easily solved.


Have to agree that a solid and easy to use character migration system should be estabilished that allowed free transfere or load balancing of some sort if the "primary" server is full, and wait time is in the "hours" range.

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-Spend $150 on CE


-Get home from work to play SWTOR


-Wait in que for 5 hours


-Go to bed because I have work next day


-Get home from work to play SWTOR


-Wait in que for 5 hours


-Go to bed because I have work next day



I know some people say "well just never log off" and to that I say, pay my electricity bill, and I will gladly do that.

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-Spend $150 on CE


-Get home from work to play SWTOR


-Wait in que for 5 hours


-Go to bed because I have work next day


-Get home from work to play SWTOR


-Wait in que for 5 hours


-Go to bed because I have work next day



I know some people say "well just never log off" and to that I say, pay my electricity bill, and I will gladly do that.


And for all other things getting bent over by a video game. PRICELESS.



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I know some people say "well just never log off" and to that I say, pay my electricity bill, and I will gladly do that.


Hmm, would that be the portion covered by your increased computer usage, or the entirety?


If it's the entirety, I'll offer to install a Solar or Wind power generator, which will benefit you more, but for the portion, howabout I cut your bill some other way, such as with insulation or replacing incandescent lights or maybe sealing some windows?


It's really not that much more, monetary-wise.


But it's not a solution anyway, I'm just bored.

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