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Regarding server queues


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here is the reason why our que times are high...






Those are not bots.. That is a 4 boxer.. He is playing all 4 accounts at once.. Or it is the dumbest boter in the world.. I would bet on boxer though.

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:mad::mad: With all the people who pre-ordered, I can assume you raked in tons of money. Would be nice if you applied it to your servers. Any wait above 5 minutes is unacceptable. Seems that this is about being cheap and trying to get by with the minimum while feeding a line of BS about doing this to create a fun environment for the players. If this continues after launch, I will not be playing so consider the 80 bucks a donation. I will not pump money into a system that provides this type of poor service. :mad::mad:


You knew in advanced the extent of your clientele :eek: and anyone in this type of business should have had the foresight to determine the server loads and capacity in order to provide the appropriate service. :mad:


I understand that some do not mind the wait, but for those who have lives outside of a game would love to be able to log in when they find time to get some gaming in and not have to wait 30 minutes to an hour just to get in. I play in random spurts as I get time, and this wait really will not fit into my lifestyle. Therefor, if this truly is going to be the norm then I will not subscribe to play.


Any way to get reimbursed for my purchase????????????????? :confused::confused::confused:

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I'm typically not one to complain, but these queue times are outrageous. It isn't likely people will wait around for queues like these over the long run - they may not even wait a few weeks or days. Hopefully you have something planned to alleviate the queue times.
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The Swiftsure needs to be handled, its the longest by far of all servers. Every single PvP West coast server has a queue time. It says 1hour ish, but its gonna be 2-3.


I have never waited for any game in a queue longer then 30mins. Please get on this issue ASAP. Allow guild transfers or extend server load. Whole reason for guild placement and early access was to avoid all of this.


The game is great, best launch MMO with fewest bugs, that I have played. But people dont have all day to play and sitting in queues for half if not more of your playtime is unacceptable.


I got disconnected, logged back in. was 855 queue. Was waiting about 20mins lost connection, then when reconnected had to start over at 1255.

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How is a 2 and a half hour queue reasonable or fun?


Put my guild together in August and did everything possible to make sure Bioware was aware of what was happening (by signing up and pre ordering along with my guild on day one of pre orders). I did my part in making sure Bioware knew the size on my guild.


We began playing as a group on the first day. We have vested characters and guild structures in place. Then was dumped onto the "Oceanic" server through no fault of our own. I want to know what will be done to fix this.


Would gladly accept a GUILD TRANSFER to another server. Anything less is unacceptable.

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The wait times are normal for a huge launch like this.

Seriously some people need to relax.


They wouldn't be normal even if it was a launch but you probably did not notice that we are still 2 days away from launch! Now is that normal for you?

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Server queues are pretty much par for the course and hence expected at launch. Even World of Warcraft had some queues when launching a new expansion, but usually only for the first day. If Blizzard found a way to eliminate these queues, then it stands to reason that Bioware can as well. I am not upset about these queues now as it's launch, Bioware needs time to do some calculating and planning in order to find the right balance. However, if there is still queues a few weeks after launch, then I'm going to be upset.


I do sincerely hope that the official statement was not suggesting that queues will be a regular thing, because there's no real excuse for them being a permanent fixture. I don't think it's reasonable for anyone to leave the game due to queues at this early stage. Hopefully most people have a little patience and give Bioware a chance to adjust to live launch and make the server issue right. I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt at this point.



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People do in fact Pay to Play, not wait in a queue line.

That is just a hard simple fact.


And after seeing all these queues, how many people are going to drop the game all together, and not bother with sticking around and paying $15 a month?


This isn't the message you want to send to your recurring customers. You want them to be encouraged to stay and spend money, not leave. Business fail is fail.

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And after seeing all these queues, how many people are going to drop the game all together, and not bother with sticking around and paying $15 a month?


This isn't the message you want to send to your recurring customers. You want them to be encouraged to stay and spend money, not leave. Business fail is fail.


If this isn't fixed by the 20th I'm not buying the game I might end up going back to wow and i hate that game.

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My average wait is 2 hours.


Since i wanted to play this game to relax as i felt the need I cancelled my pre-order.


Its not to say its the end for me as a SWTOR player, but untill such time as i can move my char to another server or the long server wait period is sorted then I have to decline to pay to queue for in a game.


best of luck with the launch!


Great game which Im sure will succeed.

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You dropped the ball on this one Bioware, I mean seriously. If it wasn't for the fact that I have leveled pretty high on my character and that my guild is on the Jang Ma server, i would just reroll. That is not the case though. I am extremely upset about this. I was one of the first in to get into Jang Ma and now I can't even queue up to wait, I just receive an internal server error. Really!? Ridiculous and unacceptable. Thank God for the grace period, cuz if this doesn't change by Thursday, I will request a total refund on the CE and forget about this game. There are others, do not forget that...
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My guild was put on Fatman. I thought that the 2 1/2 hours of queue time was part of the game! You mean I wasn't getting XP and lvling up? Damn I was having fun watching the ships fly around.


Please fix this. I don't care how, but when you work 50+ hours a week, you only get a limited amount of time to play the game each day. If that is wasted on queue times, then what's the point of having the game?


This. I have maybe 2 hours every other day to play (full time student/work/husband/father of three) and its not practical for me to spend more than half of that time in que. Its also not an option to call my wife and tell her to put me in que before I get home. I've been to five launches, EQ, WoW, SWG, GW, and Rift so I'm aware of what can happen. This game, how ever, had a great stress test and is now falling on its face. The only thing I can think of is that they are keeping a low pop cap on the current servers to allow for growth during launch. It has to be fixed though. You also have to think of the friends we will try to recruit into the game. They probablywill want to play on the same server...


Warning: My thoughts are a bit disjointed, I've slept 6 hours in the past three days.

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It's pretty terrible. The wait time for my server is only 20 minutes, but I've been booted from the server because of a communication error THREE TIMES this evening. I've played about 1 hour of actual time since around 5PM. The rest is spent here waiting for the server to allow me back on.


This has to change before release.

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i can still cancel the whole preorder thing as its not the 20th,,,,,,,,and i gaurantee...if its not noticably better by then...ill be doing just that.


whoever mishandled the guild placement...sir seek other employment..less demanding and ovbviously away from gaming....usually you get a thaNK YOU NOT NOTE AFTER the screwing were getting

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