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Regarding server queues


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The issue with Friends playing on servers with friends.


There would be mass QQing.


They just need to increase the cap, and offer Free Transfers.


But if your not playing,


for say a week,


you really aren't playing with your friends anyway.


But I agree,


offer a transfer first then,


if not accepted and the account is still unused,


then a forced transfer.


How many people do you think,


ran through every server first day just to "SAVE" a name they might want to use?

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There is no emotion; there is only the queue.

There is no ignorance, there is only the queue.

There is no passion, there is only the queue.

There is no death, there is only the queue.


Peace is a lie, there is only the queue.

Through passion, I gain the queue.

Through strength, I gain the queue.

Through power, I gain the queue.

Through victory, my chains are the queue.

The queue shall free me.

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The reason we cant get in is becuase people are begining to use clicker mods.


A program or ability to move while afk, I know as about 50% of my friends use.


So the reason we cant get in is because people are AFK and just staying online. Maybe I should too... :s


Why? If you go afk it just logs you out and but not off the server. I was gone an hour and still got in without a queue

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I believe the queue times are unreasonable - especially for those of us who were auto-assigned to a server when signing up for a guild. Please give this your utmost attention...the queues are increasing everyday. By actual launch day it will be well past unreasonable.


How about a mini-game that we could play while waiting in the queue? Certain scores in the game could qualify us for credits or "special" items - which might help to placate some of us who are starting to get a bit salty about queue times.

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1h 15m later still 410 in the line front of me.

So far 4h 15m in queue.


5h 25m and I'm finally in.


I personally think 30m queues are not cool either but I can live with that.

5h+ queues if this stays like this I'm going to cancel my subscription.


Ps.: My guild was placed on Tomb of Freedon Nadd by Bioware

Edited by qKaC
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try waiting for tomb of freedon nadd, says 2hrs when its actually 4-6 hrs, depending on whos afking with macros.


You've got to be really sad if you wnna wait 4-6hrs to play a game. ffs, if i dont get in within 5 mins, then i wont be shelling out £120 for the game.


After 7 yrs of playing SWG, and 2 years waiting for this game, think i will just give up and go back to BF3.

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I was having some freezing issues on Taris, restarted the game... 30 minutes queue. And I consider myself lucky. It's 5pm in the afternoon.


I'm sorry but this is absolutely not reasonable. I really hope you do something about this, because if it's a huge headache every time I have to log off for 20 minutes (you get kicked from the server too), or get disconnected... I'm just not going to have fun. Same if I want to play in the evening and can only play 30 minutes because of a 1.5 hour queue, like last night...


I guess the good thing is that people who can't play at all because of the queue will end up quitting, but yeah... pretty sad.

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Queues aren't the problem. The problem is the lack of grace period when getting disconnected. After waiting a few hours to connect, disconnecting after a few minutes and having to wait hours AGAIN is not a nice thing.


This is absolutely a huge issue.


Currently the service being provided to the paying customers is best summed up as pathetic.


Not only do you allow a situation like this to occur by completely mismanaging the early guild deployment system (which is clearly horrible, 5+ hour queue on Freedon Nadd), but then fail to have the foresight to create a larger buffer (if there is one) in the face of disconnects and crashes.


A service that requires you to wait in line for 5 hours with no guarantee you won't be randomly thrown out at anytime, with no option but to endure the horrendous queue again, is a pretty bad service.


As an example, our internet connection dropped for about a minute - the game sent me immedietly back at the end of a 2000+ person queue after an hour in game following the previous 5 hour queue. Think about that as a service.


You seriously need to consider upping the quality of your service, and clearly need to make it a priority as it's obviously a huge problem for a large number of people. Whether that's through guild server transfers, character transfers or an acceptable increase to the population cap, something clearly needs to be done.


I realise some younger fans are sticking up for you as a company as they have a poor concept of how businesses actually sustain and function, but for those of us that are aware that we're dealing with a publicly traded business that wants our custom and not some lofty rock and roll gods that can do no wrong and are fully untouchable, provide a better service if you expect return custom.

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I believe the queue times are unreasonable - especially for those of us who were auto-assigned to a server when signing up for a guild. Please give this your utmost attention...the queues are increasing everyday. By actual launch day it will be well past unreasonable.


How about a mini-game that we could play while waiting in the queue? Certain scores in the game could qualify us for credits or "special" items - which might help to placate some of us who are starting to get a bit salty about queue times.


Dont want any queues...no friggin mini games or card games or any other bloody game. You are paying to play this not another. geeze.

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I joined the queue on my server at 19.30. Avg waiting time 1 hour and 10 minutes. Its now 23.00, Im currently 240th in the queue (having started at 1600). Which means im probably 30mins to another hour away from joining, at which time Ill probably head off to bed. Having spend FOUR AND A HALF HOURS in the queue.


I'd like to add that I was assigned to this server through the guild program and that when we started playing here there was no queue yet.


The fail is incredibly strong here. This is not acceptable by any standard.

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I guess YOU never played one at launch. I was there with WoW, AD&D, LOTRO and AoC and NEVER,EVER had to wait 2-3 hours in que. Not at pre-launch or post-launch.


Then they were never as popular, or had as many games presold as this, this IP has a hell of allot more fans than any of those IP's. This is just proof of the Star Wars fan base, I would have to say a damn BIG chunk of the fanbase has a preorder, and most of them are on playing at the moment, truthfully by the end of the pre-order I suspect over 60% of the player starting base will have already logged on.

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I am racking my brain to find a reason WHY they would not offer server transfer?


They probably don't even know how to do this; figuring they could code something like how to move people sometime in the future. Therefor making some bucks from people who wants it and don't want to re-roll when they developed a char for countless hours. Because why on earth would they need it before the game is even launched...


Nice to know though that they are watching it and wants us to have fun sitting in the forums for hours while queing.

I got myself one solid work day now in que just today. Awesome Bioware, keep watching and making icons we can have "fun" with. :d_confused: Please go home now and get some rest, and pat yourself on the back for this great release. Especially regarding how you have handled this problem that you done absolutely nothing about today.

Edited by Dhariq
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I'm sorry, I'm not impressed by the opening platitudes. I didn't choose the server I wanted to play on, EA/Bioware did that when they did the guild allocations. I got on to Frostclaw easily earlier today and I've had a great time playing, but now I've been kicked out, in the middle of combat, by a brief server disconnection.


If I want to get back in I've got to endure at least a 2-3 hour wait, based of last night's experience and the current queue length. I'm not prepared to put up with waiting that long. Being cynical I notice this problem comes to a head as soon as they have taken our money for the game, that being the 16th December, and now seem to be doing nothing to rectify the problem. Well all I can say is that they will not get any subscription income from me if this issue continues much longer.

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idk enough about development to really throw out ideas, but is there even a solution that is easy enough to accomplish before launch? wouldn't setting up a system for free transfers or disconnection queue cutters take time out of solving the server issues? Don't get me wrong i hate waiting in the queue, never experienced anything like it in other games, but is bioware sittin on their couches watchin the qq and drinking the tears?


i say.... maybe

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This is absolutely a huge issue.


Currently the service being provided to the paying customers is best summed up as pathetic.


Not only do you allow a situation like this to occur by completely mismanaging the early guild deployment system (which is clearly horrible, 5+ hour queue on Freedon Nadd), but then fail to have the foresight to create a larger buffer (if there is one) in the face of disconnects and crashes.


A service that requires you to wait in line for 5 hours with no guarantee you won't be randomly thrown out at anytime, with no option but to endure the horrendous queue again, is a pretty bad service.


As an example, our internet connection dropped for about a minute - the game sent me immedietly back at the end of a 2000+ person queue after an hour in game following the previous 5 hour queue. Think about that as a service.


You seriously need to consider upping the quality of your service, and clearly need to make it a priority as it's obviously a huge problem for a large number of people. Whether that's through guild server transfers, character transfers or an acceptable increase to the population cap, something clearly needs to be done.


I realise some younger fans are sticking up for you as a company as they have a poor concept of how businesses actually sustain and function, but for those of us that are aware that we're dealing with a publicly traded business that wants our custom and not some lofty rock and roll gods that can do no wrong and are fully untouchable, provide a better service if you expect return custom.



Very very well said , but lets be honest no dev is going to actualy read what you wrote , they will just see a thread of 200 replys and black ball it as " its people complainign." Your commnets are realy true just hope they dont get missed.

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This is a proper mess. How you can organize any group events with your friends if you do not know for how long you will wait in the queue?. I hope EA guys will do something about it soon, because I think it could be a main reason why ppl will stop playing. Message to EA guys: Do not be an ....sss, bring up more servers, then decrease their numbers. If you want to do it opposite way, it will not work. By the time when you get these queues shorter you will loose thousands of players. By the way, this diplomatic lie, about you trying to keep us having fun with right amount of players is unbelievable. You just want to spend as less as possible on servers. This is a disadvantage of games developed my massive corporations. Thay just care about profit ....
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