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Regarding server queues


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They can easily fix this problem but they want us to move lighter servers before realase..


İ dont want to move or free migration, just let more ppl to servers. 30 Min que ok but 3+ hours???

if u try to make servers alive for future just wake up from your sleep because lot of ppl wont subscribe while this problem exist

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Long queues are a major PITA no getting around it.

But I kind of think early access had nothing to do with rewarding players that pre-ordered. And more to do with looking for weakness that need to be addressed. Sucks? Big time, but hopefully it means all these issues will be sorted for lunch.

Lucky us eh?

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Do it simple:


1. Shut down the server at a point for 10 min so all people that stay in game will log out and those that are playing will login right away. Those that stay in game with a g15 keyboard or what ever means get kicked more place for people that are playing.

2. guild and char transfer free till servers are stable.


Cant expect to do nothing or let nothing be heared other then reroll to a different server while it is not our fault that server is picked by YOU.

People in here have paid for the game to my say not the cheapest mmo i bought.

At least let something heared now and then see what the progress is.

Edited by Kritterr
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At the very least, if we crash or disconnect, we should get 5-10 mins to log back in without being put back in the queue, my client crashed last night, and when i got back in, i had to wait 3 hours to play again, this is even worse if your in the middle of an instance. Since you group has to go on without you


I understand queues, most mmo's have them, but they also save your place for 10 mins or so if you crash or disconnect, your system is flawed.

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It's good to see an some kind of "news" after 3 solid horrid days of us reporting the problem over and over...


I love this game but now that I pay for it I do NOT intend to sit in a q to play. as of now i'm doing an average of 2~ hour in q per night before i can play when I get home from work. being that my play time in general is around 3-4 hour i spend more in the q then on the actually game :( ..


We have already supplied you with easy to implement solutions to manage this problem (see the last 3 official threads on this issue started last night, the night before and the the night before that). There is no excuse for them not to have been applied 2 days ago. They will not take much programming at ALL.


Further why did you not let us in on your plan to compensate all the recent frustration and loss game time?

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The queues are tedious but i'd just like to say that anyone who has played the popular MMOGs has seen the same thing every launch. i've read some people have posted that they play lots of MMOGs and haven't seen queues. Really? I think that is total BS.


WoW had massive queues when it launched. I remember Blackrock server was a nightmare to get on.


More recently, Star Trek Online had big queues for a while, although smaller than this.


It had become passe by the time Rift launched, so I don't even remember if it had queues.


The bottom line is lots of people want to try a new game when it comes out, but many of them are gone in 2 months when they move on to the next new game. It's actually pretty tough for the game company to fork out a ton of money for a lot of servers that in 2 months might be empty. Personally, I think this game has legs, and it will develop the largest, loyal game community since WoW, but the numbers we see today will probably drop off over time.


I know I have a 2-4 hour queue ahead of me, so I log on well ahead of when I need it.


As far as end game raiding, the population will have stabilised by then and it won't be a problem.


So basically, it is frustrating, but there is absolutely nothing new or unpredictable about what is going on now. Probably the only thing the company should do is allow free transfers off the worst affected servers (speaking as someone who has racked up big hours queueing for Swiftsure)


PS for bioware. Please fix the memory leaks.

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The queues moves really slow since people are afking. Some servers shut down til they realize aking doesnt work and will be better for us all.


Players who are playing wont have any problem entering fast. And at this point when we are leveling up, i dont think is much of a problem if you announce a server shutdown 15 mins before. Players will stay alert and enter very fast, afkers will find a queue. They would deserve it.

Edited by Nyaara
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Sorry to interrupt you .. but I played EQ1, EVE, WoW and Rift and "waiting for 5 Minutes" is already too long a wait for me. So please don't tell me whats a long wait. I have never ever seen any queues aside from the most frequented WoW Servers.


ahem.. let me refresh your memory bro http://www.leagueofpirates.com/sirvival/queuedance.html So please dont tell me you know anything about games or queues

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i hope that on game release that the server size will be increased as i feel like many people that this could kill the game because no one wants to get home from work excited to play and have to sit for 2 hours plus just to get on line, i know its a fine art of blanacing but most servers are full by lunchtime so surely the balance needs to improve. please please please try to fix this as soon as possible there are alot of upset people out there including myself and all we want is to be able to play this amazing game. thankyou :)
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I can live with queues (patient,like the Jedi I am)..I cant however not accept false "estimated wait time"

..or totally loosing my spot because of a 1 sec hick-up on my router after 4 hours of being queued + the unnecessary wall of error messages..(Does a static IP fix this?)

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The queues are tedious but i'd just like to say that anyone who has played the popular MMOGs has seen the same thing every launch. i've read some people have posted that they play lots of MMOGs and haven't seen queues. Really? I think that is total BS.


WoW had massive queues when it launched. I remember Blackrock server was a nightmare to get on.



I disagree. WoW had queues, but they were minutes, not hours like it happens here. Yesterday I waited 6 hours to play, then I got disconnected after 40 minutes. As you may expect, I didn't want to play again.


I may try for a few days more, but if this is going to be the pattern, I won't give this game a chance. I am paying for this game, I am not a tester, so I expect that when I pay money for a product, the product is ready. Bioware has 1 month to get servers working properly. They better hurry...

Edited by Jhava
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I had to wait an estimated 30mins in a que yesterday which turned into an hour as i watched a full episode of NCIS while waiting, drank 3 coffees and turned into a chain smoker lol.

I'm hoping the wait times either go completely or are no longer than 15 minutes max or there is going to be a lot of sub cancellations within the first 2 months of launch. A lot of people work and due to limited time only get an hour or 2 to relax in a game and wait times will just send them packing. This game was said to be casual friendly, able to jump in as and when time permitted so it catered for all kinds of players, please don't take that away. Your playerbase consists of BioWare fans such as myself as well as those who have come from other company run MMOs, if you keep your word of what was said all along then you'll be the first MMO makers to do so EVER. This alone will be the major boost in getting your sub fees and a healthy and happy population.

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i dont understand !!!!

Every day same problem.waitting in queue 3 hours is not a problem anymore, but i cant play if every time i lose connection i m back to queue line, this happened 2 times in one day.

so 3 hours to enter +1.45 first time in queue to enter again + about 2 hours now=6.45 hours queue .in the meanwhile play time was about 3 hours.

This is upsurd...........................

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I had to wait an estimated 30mins in a que yesterday which turned into an hour as i watched a full episode of NCIS while waiting, drank 3 coffees and turned into a chain smoker lol.

I'm hoping the wait times either go completely or are no longer than 15 minutes max or there is going to be a lot of sub cancellations within the first 2 months of launch. A lot of people work and due to limited time only get an hour or 2 to relax in a game and wait times will just send them packing. This game was said to be casual friendly, able to jump in as and when time permitted so it catered for all kinds of players, please don't take that away. Your playerbase consists of BioWare fans such as myself as well as those who have come from other company run MMOs, if you keep your word of what was said all along then you'll be the first MMO makers to do so EVER. This alone will be the major boost in getting your sub fees and a healthy and happy population.


Agree 100% with your view. You have perfectly explained my own case.

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PRE-ORDER=EARLY ACCESS=QUEUE/QUEUE/QUEUE/QUEUE (1 HOUR LATE)=QUEUE/QUEUE/QUEUE. (2 HOUR LATE)=QUEUE/QUEUE/QUEUE/QUEUE.(4 HOUR LATE)=MORE QUEUE AND MORE QUEUE AND MORE QUEUE AND MORE QUEUE..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................8 hours later = Q U E U E!!!!!!!!! ***???????
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The queues moves really slow since people are afking. Some servers shut down til they realize afking doesnt work and will be better for us all.


Players who are playing wont have any problem entering fast. And at this point when we are leveling up, i dont think is much of a problem if you announce a server shutdown 15 mins before. Players will stay alert and enter very fast, afkers will find a queue. They would deserve it.


The problem is not the AFKers, theres some very very legitimate afks, say nature runs? or if you have a young child in the house you might need to check on them for 5 minutes, that should not then cause you then have to re'q for hours no?


The fixes we already spoke about in the other official topics on this issue don't requite to punish players but just handle the problems.



since i notice not many people are finding the old topic I'll relist them:


1. Shut down any NEW char creation on all over populated servers (over populated servers are servers which at peek time cause more then 10-15 minute q).


2. Bring the server capacity up of ALL existing servers which had been "locked" from step 1 to bring about a 5~ min q at peak.


3. Create new servers and allow for free char transfers immediately


4. Allow step 1 to be automatic and modular based on peek time statistics


5. Implement a dc/crash priority for people whom had already been in the game so if they are in the middle of something they don't need to even do the 5-10~ min q


6. compensate properly all affected players based on peak server time in the last 3 days.


7. Implement overtly long AFK to be kicked.


-- Voila problem solved, i gather step 1 and 2 can be done in a day with one maintenance. Server transfers might need much more programming to be put in place. but step 1 and 2 will FIX the problem.

Edited by Neijek
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You should really do something about the queues, get some friggin bigger servers that can support more players online and yeah, a grace period of 5 minutes would be nice in case of a disconnect. "Much to learn you still have, Bioware" about MMO's Edited by clemdox
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I feel the pain of the Working class. Yesterday got home from work at 20.00, logging and had 1400 server queue on LoL. it said 1h30


Ok. so i waited, at 22.40, the client crashed (2h40 later) and booted me to last on queue again...


well guess what? i can't wait another 2 hours to play, cause i have rl commitements, so i ended up not playing at all yesterday.


Is this fair? Atleast i allready "trained" my wife to log me in 2 hours before i reach from work... but i don't like having to do this, now i have to dish wash problably for the whole month. Thanks alot Bioware! :mad:

Edited by Raxwars
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The problem is not the AFKers, theres some very very legitimate afks, say nature runs? or if you have a young child in the house you might need to check on them for 5 minutes, that should not then cause you then have to re'q for hours no?


The fixes we already spoke about in the other official topics on this issue don't requite to punish players but just handle the problems.



since i notice not many people are finding the old topic I'll relist them:


1. Shut down any NEW char creation on all over populated servers (over populated servers are servers which at peek time cause more then 10-15 minute q).


2. Bring the server capacity up of ALL existing servers which had been "locked" from step 1 to bring about a 5~ min q at peak.


3. Create new servers and allow for free char transfers immediately


4. Allow step 1 to be automatic and modular based on peek time statistics


5. Implement a dc/crash priority for people whom had already been in the game so if they are in the middle of something they don't need to even do the 5-10~ min q


6. compensate properly all affected players based on peak server time in the last 3 days.


7. Implement overtly long AFK to be kicked.


-- Voila problem solved, i gather step 1 and 2 can be done in a day with one maintenance. Server transfers might need much more programming to be put in place. but step 1 and 2 will FIX the problem.


You are like reading my mind;)

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