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Regarding server queues


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no you know what this is not acceptable ok i know 2 and 1/2 just to get DC and start all over again is madness did they not know there would be so many players ? the guild was placed on this server, west coast so what all of us should get up at 5:00am eastern time to play ? .. i have a just a small suggestion why can't we transfer characters i have finally made it to level 15 i am not going to start another character on another server .. fix this and soon
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The problem is that I don't want more servers, I want there to be one that my friends who haven't even received the game yet will be able to join and play on. It alarms me that we've got these sorts of loads before the game's even released.


they didnt think what theyw ere doing through, they NEED to fix Swiftsure server like very fast or its GG

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Im seeing people with 2 hour ques. This isnt "fun or reasonable"


I have been overall impressed with beta and live since they seem to be the same thing not sure what to think about that.


If this goes live the 20th like this as much as i love this game i can see people not bothering or cancelling and coming back month or 2 later


2 hour que's is not reasonable

1 hour ques is not reasonable

1/2 hour que understandable but still not reasonable or acceptable.


Ive heard "we want the customer to have a pleasant experience and good launch"


So far my experience has been "understandable" wouldnt say good or fun but "understandable" with the amount of people playing.


I stand by my previous post about the "australia" situation all the aussies had do the same as lotro all agree on a server to go to since no oceanic one


Come on guys i love bioware but this not "fun" or "reasonable"


Im here for the long haul and im doing my best to bleed my lotro server dry from thier incompetence and get whoever i can here.


A loyal bioware fan regardless of this anoyance i love the game i have to say the game itself is fun and enjoyable when im on lol...

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Adding more heat to the already hot topic of Server ques, just open up more server's already I for one am getting tired of 2 hour waits due to a disconnect



Edit, Atm over 3/4's of the servers are full so come on already people just open the servers you're planning on opening up at launch anyway

Edited by Duelistgio
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The Harbinger ... Queued 6:02 pm at 1192 in the queue ... 8:40 pm now #181 in the queue


3 hour queues will not make a success game.


My Guild was assigned to this server with 2 ally Guilds


Complicated problem.


whoever thought of idea to assign guilds early to servers with all the other aspects game has, should really be fired no joke, its a fireable offense, perhaps rined launch and at least 100k$ from future supscriptions (me inlcluded)

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Server transfer to a new server the ones with ques


OK, EA/BW has 100% control of who was placed on which server initially, and also launched small amounts of players in several waves per day, and we see the cluster fsck that resulted. Imagine if you take them out of the loop, and toss in an extra 100-300% new players come Dec. 20 - how is this going to lead to a better situation that we have now?


Nobody is seriously asking for miracles here, just asking for:


1) a statement from EA/BW that there is a problem with queues, and what a reasonable queue time is, and what a reasonable percent of times we should expect any queue when we login. A time frame for seeing a fix in place would be nice, as well as their plans for the Dec. 20 increase in customer base - ie how they are going to prevent this getting worse.


2) open customer service up - you have a ticket system and a phone system, both of which are non-functional. Please tell us when these will be available, as some of us have account issues that prevent us from even getting to the queues.


Communication is the only thing that will fix this, and I'm certainly not talking about the empty fluff that started this huge thread - hope you learned from that mistake. Opening a thread with several paragraphs of nothingness is better than saying nothing at all, but only slightly better.

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well, at least americans are lucky u have 400 other servers to chose from if worst comes to worst. Aussie's have three, one pvp and two pve and the lowest Q of the three is 45 min =| we dont even want a tab like europe has, just a (oceanic prefferd) would be cool. so its not like we can jump servers, pretty obvious they dont care outside of usa :p


What the hell ever. All the American servers are in the same location in Texes. You can pick anyone of em. Only picking one is your guys fault and the reason why those 2 PvE servers are packed. Cause you guys didn't spread out.

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Ok just wondering though, when the game releases are u going to allow players to move their character to a different server???? Because I'm on Swiftsure which seems to be the most que times waiting so i dont think its right for my only option is to wait or go to a different server and start over again. Edited by Jinroe
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I like how the server status page on SWTOR.COM doesn't show wait times, just says VERY HEAVY or FULL.


I also wonder what a person who is wondering "Hmm should i get SWTOR?, might check the forums and see if people like the game or what." then BAM! Server QQ about QUEUE and potential customer thinks.....F^#(K that, back to anything BUT swtor.


(As i was writing this i was dropped form the queue for the 4 the time)


hahahhahahaha such a fail attempt at entering the MMO world, they are the BETA MAX version for the game industry. Better than VHS (WOW) but bad marketing (this case end user experience) caused the failure.

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What i did during my que time vacation: Ate some ice cream, took a shower, watched three episodes of It's Always Sunny and finally got my toon into the game


How i spent my in-game time: Flew to Hutta to help a friend find datacrons...... Game decided i had played to much and crashed.


How i spent my second que time: Skyrim.

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The following is a brief statement from Jeff Hickman, Executive Producer, Live Services:


"We know there have been questions about the queues on the servers, so we wanted to take a moment to give you some insight.


In order to ensure that the service would be smooth and stable, we staged how we brought people into the Early Game Access program, adding people in waves. As you know, there are a lot of folks who want to play the game right now and we want to make sure they have lots of people to play with. Balancing this with figuring out when to bring new servers online to help alleviate the size of the queues is part art and part science. On one hand, you do not want people to wait too long – on the other hand, you want to make sure that people have a dynamic, engaging community to play with for long after launch. Either way, we have one clear objective – to make sure folks have fun.


While we can’t promise that there won’t ever be queues, we can promise you that we are taking this matter seriously and constantly reviewing them to make sure that they are manageable and reasonable."


I wish my queue times were brief... #533 and waiting.

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I like how the server status page on SWTOR.COM doesn't show wait times, just says VERY HEAVY or FULL.


I also wonder what a person who is wondering "Hmm should i get SWTOR?, might check the forums and see if people like the game or what." then BAM! Server QQ about QUEUE and potential customer thinks.....F^#(K that, back to anything BUT swtor.


(As i was writing this i was dropped form the queue for the 4 the time)


hahahhahahaha such a fail attempt at entering the MMO world, they are the BETA MAX version for the game industry. Better than VHS (WOW) but bad marketing (this case end user experience) caused the failure.


game will be biggest failure ever seen in gaming world if this is not addressed soon (72 hours). amazingly they would have shot themselve in foot even tho they have such a good product :(

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Apparently the game disconnected me, so I tried to log back in as I was in a group doing heroics and now I am stuck in a long queue. This just doesn't seem right as I was just in game and nothing happened with my connection to cause me to disconnect and yet I am bumped to the end of this long queue. It took me a couple hours finally get this group with a healer and we were doing well and now this.
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