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Who designed Taris?


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:eek: ! .. You are the first person who doesn't hate Taris! Personally I don't mind Taris but General channel usually filled with complains about Taris and people can't wait to get out of Taris. (5 toons in beta and 5 on live server. =__=)
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I agree completely. I think they did a very good job designing it.


My disdain towards the planet initially was because it was such a large planet, you didn't have your speeder while leveling, so you're left with having to run everywhere. But after leveling a few nineties, I've come to enjoy the landscape. Overall, one of the better planets.

Edited by Pirana
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:eek: ! .. You are the first person who doesn't hate Taris! Personally I don't mind Taris but General channel usually filled with complains about Taris and people can't wait to get out of Taris. (5 toons in beta and 5 on live server. =__=)


What this guy said. Never met anyone who liked Taris. The layout with all the dead ends that make you go in circles around the map is just annoying.

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I love Taris. One of the better planets. At first you just can't comprehed the full scale of the devastation. It's when you zoom out and look around when you truly notice the toppled skyscrapers and crashed ships. It's a very dark place. Nice work, indeed.
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I also love Taris, on both Republic and Empire (though slightly more on Republic cause you get to go into the Endar Spire, without being a BH. That music... and because it looks better in the light than the dark IMO). Edited by Jules
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Did a great job designing it

Just a pain leveling up a Republic toon on it


I agree. It's a pain to get around without a speeder - the debris gets in the way of some paths.


Plus I just hate the quests. I hate rakghouls. They seem completely out of place in the game and in a sci-fi MMO. They belong to a fantasy or horror genre.

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Hmm. I like Taris. I like the atmosphere and the ambiance of both the Empire and republic versions. I like to see the same things being used in a totally different way by the Empire. I think that's a cool feature.


In my opinion the people who have a problem with Taris are those that do the missions randomly. If you take the missions you are given, complete them first and then hand in, 99 times out of 100 they lead onto the next ones. For me the design has been logical and very intuitive.




There are too many rakghouls though. Far too many.

Edited by Rekkx
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I enjoyed Taris as well. It also has my favorite quest chain in the game. Or at least so far that I've found. The Republic side " Chasing History " Quest. The writing is superb. Kudo's to whoever wrote it. The final Holorecording is the best spoken lines in the game. Well worth going back for if you skipped it.
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The ambiance of the planet, artwork, and music are all very well done. It can certainly strike a mood. Questing there, however, made me want to gouge out my eyes with an angry cat. Rivalry with Thana Vesh was the only redeeming quality of the questing on Taris.
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The soundtrack of Taris affects me emotionally. It makes me feel sad, especially when in a good vantage point to view the scale of the destruction and reminding myself, this place used to be like Coruscant. :(


When I first went to Coruscant I liked it quite a bit, but... most of it is spent in some utilitarian looking underworld -_-


I guess I really don't like the idea of city planets in the end but rather sleeker, cleaner, and airier futuristic stuff.

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I enjoyed Taris as well. It also has my favorite quest chain in the game. Or at least so far that I've found. The Republic side " Chasing History " Quest. The writing is superb. Kudo's to whoever wrote it. The final Holorecording is the best spoken lines in the game. Well worth going back for if you skipped it.


After hearing that Holorecording, I shouted in general chat "Get me off this planet!" I wanted to eat my lightsaber I was so depressed, lol. Yes. The writing is suberb, mind you. The same way Catcher In The Rye is a superb, though thoroughly depressing, book.


The second time I went through the planet was with my Smuggler. The humor built into that class offset the sadness of the planet, and so it was bearable the second time through.


Having said that, I wouldn't CHANGE much about Taris. Not all stories or moods should be unicorns and rainbows. A game that can inspire these sorts of real emotions is doing something right.

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For me, the planet is designed too well. The devs did such a good job capturing the feeling of a destroyed, shattered world that it is thoroughly depressing to me. That's why I want to leave it.


This, plus rakghouls, too many.

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I laugh at this because my guildies know my response by heart to complaints about Taris. I love the planet and hope they add MORE content there so I have a good reason to go back at higher level.:D


Most complaints I see are either about how big it is, which is only because you don't have a speeder yet, or that all you fight are Rakghouls. Somehow those same people don't mind farming Kaon or the Rakghoul event. I think most people hate Taris because it's what all of the cool kids are doing.:rolleyes:


Devs have my vote for a return to Taris.:D

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I love Taris too... But the quests kind of ruin it for me. It's very hard for me to rememebr where to go for a few objectives for the two sith class lines that go through there (specifically, where the warrior goes into ruins, and the inquisitor has to meet with ashara). I get confused by the maps, to be honest.


Also, I hated that there's this one completely skippable corner with about 3 quests, tucked into some nook. The quests themselves were rather satisfying, but I only encountered them once across three characters. That was a shame. And I hated what's-her-goddamn-face apprentice lady. Even on my lightside kiddie, I let her rot.


but overall, I really had the feel the the Empire was there to solely eradicate the republic, the cathar were a force to be reckoned with, and rakghouls were a BAD THING. The best part of the entire planet, I think, was the quest where the PC had to stop a jedi who was training intelligent rakghouls... and then you can coerce them to kill him. I was like YAY RAKGHOULS! <3

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Another thumbs up for Taris. (why is there not a thumbs up icon!?)


The ambience, the artwork, the scale. It is one of those zones which on the face of it can look and feel boring or frustrating but when you actually stop to take a lot around it's quite amazing. Just a pity that the whole time on the planet seemed to be about the rakghouls.

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