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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Commandos! Do NOT reroll!


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I went on a hiatus with SWTOR because life started to get a little too busy to keep playing, now I'm back and I'm really sad. My only 50 was my beloved Trooper and they've nerfed him straight to hell.


Until they give us a much needed buff I'm just going to level some alts.

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I'm kind of getting sick of seeing the crybaby posts on this forum. It's hard to actually come here looking for information on the class anymore since there are so many kids on here throughout the day whining about everything under the sun.


Commandos are still fine. We're still near the top of every WZ I've been in, and we're still near the top of dmg in every raid (thanks to the combat role I can prove that one). Learn to play and stop relying on your previous knowledge of everything MMO.


BTW, you either have a horrible memory or are lying to everyone...because I worked for Blizzard from launch of WoW until around 4 years ago as a GM/QA and I played a Druid, Pally, and Necro. Saying that WoW was more balanced, fair, or nearly as good as this game is now is ludicrous. The game was horribly buggy and unbalanced for the first few years. Take off your rose-colored-history-glasses.


Basically, what you're crying about is that you can no longer jump into a fight without thinking ahead. This is honestly your criticism? What are you 12? A *VAST* majority of people actually prefer a game where some amount of strategy is necessary. Just because you want an idiot-game doesn't mean everyone else does. I couldn't be more happy with 1.2...since now if I plan ahead for a second or two I can mop up.

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ICommandos are still fine. We're still near the top of every WZ I've been in, and we're still near the top of dmg in every raid (thanks to the combat role I can prove that one). Learn to play and stop relying on your previous knowledge of everything MMO.


Go ahead and prove it then.


Because my columi geared shadow can easily out DPS my rakata geared commando. A half-way decent sentinel will destroy a commando. And commandos are now a good bit behind gunslingers (even before this most recent patch) and sages as well.

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I'm kind of getting sick of seeing the crybaby posts on this forum. It's hard to actually come here looking for information on the class anymore since there are so many kids on here throughout the day whining about everything under the sun.


Commandos are still fine. We're still near the top of every WZ I've been in, and we're still near the top of dmg in every raid (thanks to the combat role I can prove that one). Learn to play and stop relying on your previous knowledge of everything MMO.


BTW, you either have a horrible memory or are lying to everyone...because I worked for Blizzard from launch of WoW until around 4 years ago as a GM/QA and I played a Druid, Pally, and Necro. Saying that WoW was more balanced, fair, or nearly as good as this game is now is ludicrous. The game was horribly buggy and unbalanced for the first few years. Take off your rose-colored-history-glasses.


Basically, what you're crying about is that you can no longer jump into a fight without thinking ahead. This is honestly your criticism? What are you 12? A *VAST* majority of people actually prefer a game where some amount of strategy is necessary. Just because you want an idiot-game doesn't mean everyone else does. I couldn't be more happy with 1.2...since now if I plan ahead for a second or two I can mop up.


Agreed. :D

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I'm kind of getting sick of seeing the crybaby posts on this forum. It's hard to actually come here looking for information on the class anymore since there are so many kids on here throughout the day whining about everything under the sun.


Commandos are still fine. We're still near the top of every WZ I've been in, and we're still near the top of dmg in every raid (thanks to the combat role I can prove that one). Learn to play and stop relying on your previous knowledge of everything MMO.


BTW, you either have a horrible memory or are lying to everyone...because I worked for Blizzard from launch of WoW until around 4 years ago as a GM/QA and I played a Druid, Pally, and Necro. Saying that WoW was more balanced, fair, or nearly as good as this game is now is ludicrous. The game was horribly buggy and unbalanced for the first few years. Take off your rose-colored-history-glasses.


Basically, what you're crying about is that you can no longer jump into a fight without thinking ahead. This is honestly your criticism? What are you 12? A *VAST* majority of people actually prefer a game where some amount of strategy is necessary. Just because you want an idiot-game doesn't mean everyone else does. I couldn't be more happy with 1.2...since now if I plan ahead for a second or two I can mop up.



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I'm kind of getting sick of seeing the crybaby posts on this forum. It's hard to actually come here looking for information on the class anymore since there are so many kids on here throughout the day whining about everything under the sun.


Commandos are still fine. We're still near the top of every WZ I've been in, and we're still near the top of dmg in every raid (thanks to the combat role I can prove that one). Learn to play and stop relying on your previous knowledge of everything MMO.


BTW, you either have a horrible memory or are lying to everyone...because I worked for Blizzard from launch of WoW until around 4 years ago as a GM/QA and I played a Druid, Pally, and Necro. Saying that WoW was more balanced, fair, or nearly as good as this game is now is ludicrous. The game was horribly buggy and unbalanced for the first few years. Take off your rose-colored-history-glasses.


Basically, what you're crying about is that you can no longer jump into a fight without thinking ahead. This is honestly your criticism? What are you 12? A *VAST* majority of people actually prefer a game where some amount of strategy is necessary. Just because you want an idiot-game doesn't mean everyone else does. I couldn't be more happy with 1.2...since now if I plan ahead for a second or two I can mop up.


Yup agreed..I stated that about WoW back when and was told I was over my head and didnt know what I was talkin about /shrug

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I think he was just comparing shadow dps to commando dps not heals


I think that is part of the point. Shadows can only DPS (and up close). Commandos can deal damage at a range, (better AOE?) AND heal. On a pure DPS situation then, well drat, the Commando might be lower (and probably SHOULD be) in damage dealing due to their advantages (healing and range). I dont think anyone here is going to get to the criers, they're rolling too much (

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Don't worry OP. I've canceled, but I'm playing out the free month for lack of something better to play. In the meantime I re rolled rather than play the most poorly designed class in mmo history. My Marauder in Recruit gear does more damage and has more survivability. Its really sad. BW used to have such a good reputation.
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One wz tonite and I had to throw in the towel. The number of times i got killed in 2 shots was just silly. My "heavy" armor is tissue paper, I get interupted if anyone as much as glances my way and when I do hit its as if Im using a BB gun. If anyone thinks the Trooper class hasn't been tossed on the scrap heap its becasue they get so much enjoyment out of what easy kills we are. I have other classes but who has the time to realy develope several different classes? It's insulting when people post that we need to play our broken class because if we wait a couple years Bioware might get it fixed eventually.
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Way over my head? I never nade any statements about WoW vs Swtor at all learn to read..I carried on to another post that disagreed with you and yes WoW was literally unplayable those first 4-5 months with all of the problems and crashes i know because I along with many others were there.


Does this game have issues? Yes but give it time.. Im not selling garbage as you say I disagree with you if you dont like the game then quit.


If you think the game was "literally unplayable" then you should have upgraded your computer, it played perfectly fine for me and thousands of others. Any MMO created since needs up their game; SWTOR had promise but it is falling way short. And yes, those of us that liked this game are quitting, so you'll get your wish and all of you that love the game and prefer to keep your heads in the sand will all be on one server and it will be FTP. Have fun with that.

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I'm kind of getting sick of seeing the crybaby posts on this forum. It's hard to actually come here looking for information on the class anymore since there are so many kids on here throughout the day whining about everything under the sun.


Commandos are still fine. We're still near the top of every WZ I've been in, and we're still near the top of dmg in every raid (thanks to the combat role I can prove that one). Learn to play and stop relying on your previous knowledge of everything MMO.


BTW, you either have a horrible memory or are lying to everyone...because I worked for Blizzard from launch of WoW until around 4 years ago as a GM/QA and I played a Druid, Pally, and Necro. Saying that WoW was more balanced, fair, or nearly as good as this game is now is ludicrous. The game was horribly buggy and unbalanced for the first few years. Take off your rose-colored-history-glasses.


Basically, what you're crying about is that you can no longer jump into a fight without thinking ahead. This is honestly your criticism? What are you 12? A *VAST* majority of people actually prefer a game where some amount of strategy is necessary. Just because you want an idiot-game doesn't mean everyone else does. I couldn't be more happy with 1.2...since now if I plan ahead for a second or two I can mop up.


Well, greetings traveler! So tell us, what spec was your Necro? Okay, please stop the lies and BS. We're not buying it. And you're not "mopping" anything up with your Commando because if you were you wouldn't need to come here looking for any information. And, if people are complaining it's for a reason. Stroll over to the Marauder forums, how many people are complaining about that class post 1.2? We're not stupid Mr. GameMaster and with your vast MMO knowledge you should know when a developer has made a mistake. Let's just say that this game is perfectly fine as far as stability and even end game content, that doesn't change the fact that those of us that play our Commandos in a PvP environment every day are seeing issues with the class post 1.2 in both healing and damage. If you think you're the greatest because you can sit there, WZ after WZ and never get interrupted or drilled by wave after wave of melee, then more power to you and please, send some of those bad players you play against our way.


Okay, I need to go level my Horde Bright Wizard...lol, really, Necro...okay GAMEMASTER!!

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You need to re-learn to play the class. Commando Gunnery are not meant for PVP anymore, you need to respec to Assault Spec, yes they need to rework the tree for commmandos in AS. But with AS your more mobile and have more instant cast. You will have the same DPS as you did pre 1.2.


But Gunnery has now become more viable in PVE due to the higher dps because you are not getting hit or interrupted in raiding. Yes Gunnery is a turret thats why you get interrupted in PVP, maybe thats why your QQing. Maybe also why you guys are QQ about gunnery commando is that you are unwilling to try Assault Spec. Try it, learn the new rotation. You will enjoy it.


Please Im just trying to get the word out, gunnery is better for PVE>>PVP, assault spec is better for PVP>>PVE.


Re-learn the class and also learn play a new role, wait and target other peoples target and burn them down. Remember your range so let the front melee take the first wave of attack and you sneak in with your cannon and blow them up.



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Assassins and Shadows don't heal.. Why does everyone think we do?


Give us some credit, we are stuck in dang light armor.

Actually they do heal themselves with telekinetic throw / force lightning if they're tank (and very few aren't) and with the tank stance procs.

Edited by AzKnc
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When you choose a class in this game is it because of a fluffy star wars fan reason for fun or just to be whatever the flavour of the month class is?


Why do people sacrifice fun to be an elitist that can only feel validated if they are the be all and end all


There is much to be enjoyed from this game, not just winning and losing.


Posts like this one contribute more to subscription losses than actual gameplay faults. The negativity that it spreads is like poison to the people reading it. Then others will join the flavor of the month club because there is something Apparently wrong with their character.


There needs to be a separate forum for griping because this cancer killing the population HAS TO STOP!!!

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You need to re-learn to play the class. Commando Gunnery are not meant for PVP anymore, you need to respec to Assault Spec, yes they need to rework the tree for commmandos in AS. But with AS your more mobile and have more instant cast. You will have the same DPS as you did pre 1.2.


But Gunnery has now become more viable in PVE due to the higher dps because you are not getting hit or interrupted in raiding. Yes Gunnery is a turret thats why you get interrupted in PVP, maybe thats why your QQing. Maybe also why you guys are QQ about gunnery commando is that you are unwilling to try Assault Spec. Try it, learn the new rotation. You will enjoy it.


Please Im just trying to get the word out, gunnery is better for PVE>>PVP, assault spec is better for PVP>>PVE.


Re-learn the class and also learn play a new role, wait and target other peoples target and burn them down. Remember your range so let the front melee take the first wave of attack and you sneak in with your cannon and blow them up.




It has always been that assault is better for PVP, and gunnery is better for PVE. Gunnery USE to be doable in PVP but most commando's I knew who where primarily PVP players were assault spec. Nothing has changed there.


Gunnery has not become more viable in PVE, it has taken quite a hit and if anything assault has become more viable since the DPS difference between assault and gunnery has shrunk quite a bit.


There is not "relearning" of gunnery that needs to be done. Any half-way competent gunnery commando is going to do exactly the same thing they did before...they just don't do anywhere near the damage they did before and are not close to really any of the other DPS classes.

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If you think the game was "literally unplayable" then you should have upgraded your computer, it played perfectly fine for me and thousands of others. Any MMO created since needs up their game; SWTOR had promise but it is falling way short. And yes, those of us that liked this game are quitting, so you'll get your wish and all of you that love the game and prefer to keep your heads in the sand will all be on one server and it will be FTP. Have fun with that.


No my pc was fine back then and still is now. The servers would crash and go down quite a bit and thats been said by many of people as well as me even in these forums that remember that time period...Yes blizzard got it together and the rest is history..


You have to remember complainers (not just whiners some have valid complaints) are going to seem to overwhelm the other posters and only a small percentage actually post anyways. You are unhappy about the changes to class and I dont blame you..It happens in every mmo (yes definetly in WoW) and will happen again. My head isnt in the sand just because I enjoy this game..If you dont and want to leave thats cool but just as many leave this game many will still play it...


Actually to be honest I only see you blaming bioware but what about the whiners who kicked and screamed about grav round and CM being unkillable in pvp. Those same whiners pay their fee and feel as though they shoild be heard as well.

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couldnt have said better myself, merc/commando is a trash class right now, its a fodder to any class in the game right now. weak survivability combined with weak dmg. yes weak dmg like a marauder/juggernaught/assassin they can all do far more burst dmg, then we can... and we cant have escape to do anything.
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after all these comments. i ll tell with numbers and gona ask things to BW and u!


before pacth my Grav Round was hitting 1950-2100 and critting 3200-3800!

after pacth my Grav Round hits 1450-1650 and crits 2200-2600!


i am on in same gear before patch. with( 2006 aim+ 100,01% accuracy+ 37,42 %crit+ 76,42%surge) with my rakata stim+consular buff(which i got with legacy all the time now from my lvl50 shadow tank)


so where is the nerf aproximately 10%? is this difference on numbers are just 10% really?


Before pacth my Demolution round was hitting 2200-2600 and critting 5200-7800(i always seen 7666 most of its crit, i dont know the reason)

After pacth my Demolution roun hit 1900-2200 and crits 4100-4900!


so where is the upgrade on it like approximately 10%? did u really upgrade it or nerfed it hard?


what is the point being a commando now? but i am still kicking asses as Dps (as MoX parser says ) in Explosive Conflict HM runs. i played most of classes have 4 of 50 lvl char. my legacy at 43 lvl.but i didnt get the point how they balanced classes! they just nerfed commando and that commando is still on top in raged dps classes.

most of ppl was whining about commando dps is so owerpowered. so tell me what is the Guardians+shadows dps now?(especially in shared talent trees, are you kidding me?)


and i am so sorry to hear that Yakito uninstalled game! i respect him much!

/loves Otisabi (Lord Calypho RP-PvP EU -- Core )


they nerfed 10% in the dmg formula, which is what they forgot to mention... which is idd more then 10% either that or its bugged

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