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Commandos! Do NOT reroll!


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after all these comments. i ll tell with numbers and gona ask things to BW and u!


before pacth my Grav Round was hitting 1950-2100 and critting 3200-3800!

after pacth my Grav Round hits 1450-1650 and crits 2200-2600!


i am on in same gear before patch. with( 2006 aim+ 100,01% accuracy+ 37,42 %crit+ 76,42%surge) with my rakata stim+consular buff(which i got with legacy all the time now from my lvl50 shadow tank)


so where is the nerf aproximately 10%? is this difference on numbers are just 10% really?


Before pacth my Demolution round was hitting 2200-2600 and critting 5200-7800(i always seen 7666 most of its crit, i dont know the reason)

After pacth my Demolution roun hit 1900-2200 and crits 4100-4900!


so where is the upgrade on it like approximately 10%? did u really upgrade it or nerfed it hard?


what is the point being a commando now? but i am still kicking asses as Dps (as MoX parser says ) in Explosive Conflict HM runs. i played most of classes have 4 of 50 lvl char. my legacy at 43 lvl.but i didnt get the point how they balanced classes! they just nerfed commando and that commando is still on top in raged dps classes.

most of ppl was whining about commando dps is so owerpowered. so tell me what is the Guardians+shadows dps now?(especially in shared talent trees, are you kidding me?)


and i am so sorry to hear that Yakito uninstalled game! i respect him much!

/loves Otisabi (Lord Calypho RP-PvP EU -- Core )

Edited by okshilato
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I need you to teach me your ways.




Your fellow DPS in your OPS group really suck.



Open to both


+1 (leaning towards #2 since I highly doubt I can pull an extra 20% damage by changing my rotation).

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I played a combat sword rogue in WoW before there were even any decent weapon options, and I had to wait until TBC and even then suffer through patches worth of *****cleaves and absurdly OP feral druids until it became truly viable at end game, but I loved my swashbuckling dorf.


I love my Commando (and my Merc) too, I will not re-roll in the face of adversity, I will soldier on and hope my abilities as a player can compensate for some of my classes shortcomings until such times as it is our turn once again to be flavour of the month.


And on that day brother and sisters, I shall be able to say to the faithless fair weather friends 'I played a Trooper before it was cool'

Edited by jedip_enguin
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as far as pvp goes i can no longer kill anyone 1v1 on my commando. First off i relied on the damage to kill people as i was always focus fired. Am I still focus fired yes but more in the way you focus a gnat to get it out of your face. Pve wise i still pull off the tanks with crit strings in ops. Great so because everyone's dps was nerfed and we now have problems completing things before enrage timers i now have to hold up on my subpar dps to compensate for others. So why should I pay for a game beyond when the next game is released to raid once maybe twice a week? Diablo 3 is already installed on my computer i'm one of those people who paid for a year of wow and got his free. may 15th at midnight i'm logging in and playing and this game will likely fall to the wayside like every other overly nerfed badly programmed game i've played. I played diablo 2 since it was released till wow released and lost my discs or i'd simply reintall that cancel this game now and move on to something way less frustrating. as is they got a month or i wont even keep my sub going i'll just be gone. Period
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We've been nerfed to the point where you cant get into ops because ops leaders know better and would rather take viable dps classes into concideration. Gunslingers are the best ranged dps on the republic side now by far, heck last night in EC we had a guardian tank respec for the last boss and he was pushing more dps then our two commandos were.


Its disgusting, after my free month im bouncing to either GW2 or Tera or Secret World or maybe dropping the pay 2 play for a while until something comes along that wont make me feel betrayed after every patch.


Good luck commandos, altho I doubt anything good will come in the next useless patch.

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I stopped reading at ..



This assuming since you were talking about a PvP Point of View...Pom Pyro Mages. I bet that you were one of 'em, else you wouldn't think that it wasn't this bad..


I honestly am quite pleased PvP wise. For a game that never advertised it to be the main goal, and obviously ignoring some balancing issues that are bound to happen in a new MMO (which hopefully will get sorted with time), I'd say we have quite a pretty solid "balance".


Did he honestly say( Kushtaka) that WoW in the first five month's wasnt this bad and tha ToR is an avg MMO? Whaaat??? Youve got to be kidding me..WoW was literally unplayable period in its firsy 4-5 months absolutely horrible but then the fixed it and got it rolling...


This game is fine and will get better as it grows..

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We've been nerfed to the point where you cant get into ops because ops leaders know better and would rather take viable dps classes into concideration. Gunslingers are the best ranged dps on the republic side now by far, heck last night in EC we had a guardian tank respec for the last boss and he was pushing more dps then our two commandos were.


Its disgusting, after my free month im bouncing to either GW2 or Tera or Secret World or maybe dropping the pay 2 play for a while until something comes along that wont make me feel betrayed after every patch.


Good luck commandos, altho I doubt anything good will come in the next useless patch.


Uselss patch? Betrayed every patch? Lemme tell you the same nerf bat A.bombs dropped in WoW, in Rift, in Eq2 and will also happen in Tera and in GW2 you cannot escape it...As long as there are whinerz who cry for nerfs low and behold there will be nerf bombs dropped. Just relax...if healing is that bad adjust it.

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If you think swtor is half the game WoW was from day one you never played WoW. PVP in WoW was great. As soon as you hit the pvp zones at say level 20 atleast in hillsbrad it was mass world pvp. You couldnt do a quest anywhere without being jumped and forced to pvp.
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Anyway, back on topic. I unsubbed today....got a res scroll from WoW...BW has a very very short time to fix a great deal of things they broke in 1.2...namely pvp balance. Anyway, GL to those staying I hope BW extracts their collective heads from their butts soon.


Edit - wanted to elaborate a little.


So when the healer nerf hit I was a little upset and my first reaction was to be :mad: and work to help BW realize they were making a mistake. When I found out the nerfs were only based on PVE raiding data I was even more :mad: and wanted to roll some heads :wea_03: . So after the patch hit and I realized that my healing was now a joke I respecced gunnery and continued to level my scoundrel to heal. After all any idiot could see the changes would make them amazing in PVP...got to about 34...but I was semi enjoying gunnery in pvp so I started playing that. After all I beleived the stacking issues with grav round and demo were fixed with 1.2 testing (I mean really every moron that plays knows about these issues how could the devs not?). The specced sucked for 1v1 but I usually Q with 2 others so they can semi peel and protect me to blow people up. Now...another change but with this change the previous nerfs were tested with these numbers being used...now the class is laughable since the previous nerfs were based on metrics including the stacking issues....now we have a readjustment on inflated numbers and a nerf to fix those inflated numbers. Amazed at the poor class development from BW....troopers are underperforming and getting nerfed while marauders/sents run around blowing people up in full balltemaster in 4-6 seconds. Whomever is doing the PVP balancing should be fired and replaced ASAP.

Edited by Aaoogaa
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Did he honestly say( Kushtaka) that WoW in the first five month's wasnt this bad and tha ToR is an avg MMO? Whaaat??? Youve got to be kidding me..WoW was literally unplayable period in its firsy 4-5 months absolutely horrible but then the fixed it and got it rolling...


This game is fine and will get better as it grows..


Please, if you insist on selling garbage, at least make it smell a little better. WoW was not "literally unplayable" for the first 5 months. 5 months into WoW (remember, WoW was released at the end of November, 2004), serious guilds had already cleared Molten Core, Retribution did it on Arthas before May of 2005 and my guild did it about a month or so later; other guilds had done it before that. World of Roguecraft came out in summer of 2005 and that video proved that WoW was and had been just fine for many months. WoW had bugs, sure all games do, but it was good to go. WoW was just fine and in MY OPINION it was put together much better than SWTOR.


Either way, it's irrelevant since I am no longer a WoW fanboi, I was one of the masses hoping that SWTOR would deliver us from the evil that is WoW. You have proven that this topic is way, way over your head. Please, don't come here spewing your BS unless it's at least entertaining. This is not a "WoW is better than SWTOR" thread, it's not even a thread where we focus on comparing the 2 games. I made a statement referencing why SWTOR just is not as relevant as WoW and quite honestly why I just will not be shedding any tears over not playing a game that cannot measure up to another game that is 8 years it's senior. Draw whatever conclusions you will from that, I don't care.


Oh, I have been warned not to advise anyone to cancel their accounts, so I apologize. Commandos are perfect the way they are, they have not been nerfed. Their damage is extremely high and their survivability is like herpes: you cannot kill them. Period. ;)

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Oh, I have been warned not to advise anyone to cancel their accounts, so I apologize. Commandos are perfect the way they are, they have not been nerfed. Their damage is extremely high and their survivability is like herpes: you cannot kill them. Period. ;)


This statement is wrong on so many levels.


Mainly that Commando survivability is ****. 1v1 we are still the weakest class and we melt like butter against marauders, especially annihilation spec'd ones. I'm going to assume you mean only for your PvE dailies and the occasional raiding you do with a decent tank who can hold aggro then yes, commandos are hard to kill. In PvP, we may as well modded social gear.

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This statement is wrong on so many levels.


Mainly that Commando survivability is ****. 1v1 we are still the weakest class and we melt like butter against marauders, especially annihilation spec'd ones. I'm going to assume you mean only for your PvE dailies and the occasional raiding you do with a decent tank who can hold aggro then yes, commandos are hard to kill. In PvP, we may as well modded social gear.


Sarcasm is lost on some...

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Guys, let's not turn on each other here. Keep the resentment aimed at those who refuse to acknowledge their paying customers that play the Commando class. :cool:


Oh, and yes I was being sarcastic when I said we had great survivability in PvP.

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Please, if you insist on selling garbage, at least make it smell a little better. WoW was not "literally unplayable" for the first 5 months. 5 months into WoW (remember, WoW was released at the end of November, 2004), serious guilds had already cleared Molten Core, Retribution did it on Arthas before May of 2005 and my guild did it about a month or so later; other guilds had done it before that. World of Roguecraft came out in summer of 2005 and that video proved that WoW was and had been just fine for many months. WoW had bugs, sure all games do, but it was good to go. WoW was just fine and in MY OPINION it was put together much better than SWTOR.


Either way, it's irrelevant since I am no longer a WoW fanboi, I was one of the masses hoping that SWTOR would deliver us from the evil that is WoW. You have proven that this topic is way, way over your head. Please, don't come here spewing your BS unless it's at least entertaining. This is not a "WoW is better than SWTOR" thread, it's not even a thread where we focus on comparing the 2 games. I made a statement referencing why SWTOR just is not as relevant as WoW and quite honestly why I just will not be shedding any tears over not playing a game that cannot measure up to another game that is 8 years it's senior. Draw whatever conclusions you will from that, I don't care.


Oh, I have been warned not to advise anyone to cancel their accounts, so I apologize. Commandos are perfect the way they are, they have not been nerfed. Their damage is extremely high and their survivability is like herpes: you cannot kill them. Period. ;)


Since you asked for it. The hunter class, a disfunctional class, in pvp they where considered free kills. Not suprising they removed the original design 2 days before release and added an napkin design into the game instead, except the class still had their offtank dps, but not the utility nor survivability.

It took them 10 months to actually make that class viable in the 1.7 patch which was released 10ish months after the game was released on September 13 2005.


Then lets look at something else.. The hunter death zone, this was introduced into the game because hunters actually lost the abbility to attack period, when a target forced the hunter to switch from ranged to melee attacks or from melee to ranged. In order to fix that issue (after months) they added an small gab betwine where the player would switch betwine melee and range attack, unfortunately their poor planning led to the gab being large enough for an actual player ( or npc for that matter) to root the hunter and completely lock out their ability to fight back.



Im sorry to tell you, even though it is absolutely no excuse for Bioware, WoW was in certain aspects (especially class ballance and functionality, swtor doesnt have completely disfunctional classes) WoW no better in alot of aspects compared to this game.


Now I can understand some of the griped PVP wise, but PVE wise a well played commando still rocks the charts.

Edited by Panthian
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Gunny Commando here, and I am top DPS in my Ops group. Gunny Comms are still very viable in PvE content, so not sure what the OP is complaining about.


Show mox parser numbers or i do not believe it. peeps in your ops might deliver low dps but really??? average dps 700-750 as an average.


then compare to sage 1k+ easily.

then vanguard 1.1k+

and the list keeps going until you see the sentinel laying at 1.3 and maxes at 1550. im not asking for that much but really having an average of half another players dps is just not ok.

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I'm an arsenal merc, well was an arsenal merc. I just unsubed and removed SWTOR off of my computer today. 1.2c was the nail in the coffin for me. Have fun paying money every month just to get destroyed in PVP! fun fun fun!!!!
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Commandos! KEEP PLAYING OR REROLL! Honestly, if you don't like the Commando advanced class, quit your qqing and play a different class. Its pointless to ***** and moan about one class. Edited by Osul
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Commandos! KEEP PLAYING OR REROLL! Honestly, if you don't like the Commando advanced class, quit your qqing and play a different class. Its pointless to ***** and moan about one class.


I really like the commando advanced class...or at least what it use it be.


Not really a fan of handicapping my group with pathetically low damage compared to every other dps class. I'll be playing my shadow for the most part until they get this classes damage back to a reasonable level.

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Please, if you insist on selling garbage, at least make it smell a little better. WoW was not "literally unplayable" for the first 5 months. 5 months into WoW (remember, WoW was released at the end of November, 2004), serious guilds had already cleared Molten Core, Retribution did it on Arthas before May of 2005 and my guild did it about a month or so later; other guilds had done it before that. World of Roguecraft came out in summer of 2005 and that video proved that WoW was and had been just fine for many months. WoW had bugs, sure all games do, but it was good to go. WoW was just fine and in MY OPINION it was put together much better than SWTOR.


Either way, it's irrelevant since I am no longer a WoW fanboi, I was one of the masses hoping that SWTOR would deliver us from the evil that is WoW. You have proven that this topic is way, way over your head. Please, don't come here spewing your BS unless it's at least entertaining. This is not a "WoW is better than SWTOR" thread, it's not even a thread where we focus on comparing the 2 games. I made a statement referencing why SWTOR just is not as relevant as WoW and quite honestly why I just will not be shedding any tears over not playing a game that cannot measure up to another game that is 8 years it's senior. Draw whatever conclusions you will from that, I don't care.


Oh, I have been warned not to advise anyone to cancel their accounts, so I apologize. Commandos are perfect the way they are, they have not been nerfed. Their damage is extremely high and their survivability is like herpes: you cannot kill them. Period. ;)


Way over my head? I never nade any statements about WoW vs Swtor at all learn to read..I carried on to another post that disagreed with you and yes WoW was literally unplayable those first 4-5 months with all of the problems and crashes i know because I along with many others were there.


Does this game have issues? Yes but give it time.. Im not selling garbage as you say I disagree with you if you dont like the game then quit.

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Guys, let's not turn on each other here. Keep the resentment aimed at those who refuse to acknowledge their paying customers that play the Commando class. :cool:


Oh, and yes I was being sarcastic when I said we had great survivability in PvP.


I didnt have resentment toward u or anyone else who doesnt like the game or its changes I just disagreed with you on certain points..I do think bioware nerfed healing a tad too much though but they will fix it always happens with the revolving door of class changes

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