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Do You Really Want Nerfs?


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I've read through numerous threads on this or that class being overpowered, but ultimately the suggested or requested changes look like a desire for dumbing down classes until none stand out in any way and all story flavor is lost.


When I am playing a smuggler and I look across the room and see a light saber wielding Sith I want to feel fear. What kind of script would have people snorting at Darth Maul, "Heh, Han Solo could take you, ******." ? In the spirit of full disclosure I'd also like my smuggler to be able to smuggle a metric ton more weapons/supplies/spice/whatever more than the said Sith, who should be dirt poor because he/she doesn't care about riches.


Where does it say that weak Sentinels or Marauders should even exist? Doesn't that violate the premise of the Sith story? Weaklings should be killed in training, right?



Smugglers: In for the creds and charming the leg-gear off the target of choice.

Troopers: Fight alone, die alone, fight together, live forever.

Others: each to their own


I could go on but I think the picture is clear. If there is a significant percentage of population that want the pink slime game design, and a server or two won't hold them, then I'll give up but what is the point of levels and world bosses if everyone has to be the same?


Caveat: I play Open World and PVP in my PVE gear as the opportunity arises while PVEing. My smuggler has fought with Imperial forces many times but my Valor is zero and I get no gear or commendations for any of it. I have no interest in canned PVP MREs ("Meals-Ready-to-Eat").

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It's gonna take for a few more months before the bad PvP-ers finaly leave for an other MMO, meantime they just gonna keep crying on the forum, it's the same in every game.


The bad PvPers will indeed leave...too bad that's 90% of the population...the good/competitive ones are already leaving since this game has nothing to look forward to PvP wise.

Edited by nschlan
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