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PvP specs?


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At the moment I am really enjoying this spec for both pvp and pve surely its not ideal for either tank or dps but i like this spec with my BM/WH stalker gear on, the damage is quite substantial and more consistent damage instead of the traditional burst, I enjoy the very useful utility that this spec has in warzones. like force pull lower cooldown on speed and shroud, and AOE slow. self healing and a lot more tankiness. I just find it to be the all round best class in terms of usefulness in pvp and then if u want to fill a tank role in PVE just swap your gear out for survivor and your good to go.




Hope this helps and what im saying is i like this one because it fits my play style perfectly. if u prefer the massive burst and stealth style then this really is not the build for you. however if u prefer the tank and gaurd your allies and spam taunts and slows and self heals and being super hard to kill in a 1v1 or even 1v2 fight then this build certainly fills that role

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If you want to try madness..


Thats what im running.. This is a pure pvp spec though. With full Bm gear i avarage about 220k to 300k dmg Ive maxed at 415k before.

Wtih madness though you have to watch or dots and procs allot so if you just want to kill **** fast this isnt the spec for you

Edited by Treisababe
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Also there is no better spec then the rest for our class. Its pretty much find a spec that you like. Darkness is our tank spec, Probably the best tanking class in the game right now... Deception pretty much imo is a pvp spec only. I do know that allot of people use it in pve but they are complaining that its not doing enough Dps. Madness some say is our pve spec only but i feel like its the best spec for both. I can rip through people like butter ( as long as my rotation is right). And in pve im the highest dps we have. Just fool around wtih what specs are out tehre and see which one you like.

Hope this helps ya gl to ya

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The best PvP spec right now is 31/0/10. You have the most utility and the most survivability and my damage is always close to the top. You still use Stalker set which 4 set bonus makes the build even better. Use the stalker weapon also. For offhand, ring, belt, implant use the Force Mystic for better stats. You will also want to remove the accuracy enhancements and replace them with crit/surge or if you can get them crit/power.


Some people will say use the shield with this spec, I highly suggest not to. The amount of added survivability (which isnt much because you have stalker gear on (3%)) doesnt come close to the added damage a power generator will bring,


The rotation is simple, I start with Wither to slow them as well as debuffing thier damage. Then shock, discharge, Sabre Strike, then pop all CDs including Shroud then Shock (3k), Force Lightning (4 ticks of 1.5-2k) then Shock (3k). As you can see that is a ton of burst.


Some people use a variant of this spec which includes a ton of Thrash spam but for me it isnt good because you are always Force starved. Keep it simple which allows you to more easily use Spike, Shock, Interupt, Shroud, and other key CD at the best possible moments.


There isnt a class that can beat me 1v1 in this spec, only a Marauder comes close. To beat them you really have to know thier CDs and how to react.


Here is the link to the build http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#200bIMR0rskrsZZf0cM.1

Edited by Haphaman
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The rotation is simple, I start with Wither to slow them as well as debuffing thier damage. Then shock, discharge, Sabre Strike, then pop all CDs including Shroud then Shock (3k), Force Lightning (4 ticks of 1.5-2k) then Shock (3k). As you can see that is a ton of burst.


Shock, Wither, Discharge order will have Shock up faster.

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The best PvP spec right now is 31/0/10. You have the most utility and the most survivability and my damage is always close to the top. You still use Stalker set which 4 set bonus makes the build even better. Use the stalker weapon also. For offhand, ring, belt, implant use the Force Mystic for better stats. You will also want to remove the accuracy enhancements and replace them with crit/surge or if you can get them crit/power.


Some people will say use the shield with this spec, I highly suggest not to. The amount of added survivability (which isnt much because you have stalker gear on (3%)) doesnt come close to the added damage a power generator will bring,


The rotation is simple, I start with Wither to slow them as well as debuffing thier damage. Then shock, discharge, Sabre Strike, then pop all CDs including Shroud then Shock (3k), Force Lightning (4 ticks of 1.5-2k) then Shock (3k). As you can see that is a ton of burst.


Some people use a variant of this spec which includes a ton of Thrash spam but for me it isnt good because you are always Force starved. Keep it simple which allows you to more easily use Spike, Shock, Interupt, Shroud, and other key CD at the best possible moments.


There isnt a class that can beat me 1v1 in this spec, only a Marauder comes close. To beat them you really have to know thier CDs and how to react.


Here is the link to the build http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#200bIMR0rskrsZZf0cM.1


The thing i disagree with you saying that its the best pvp spec. Sorry IMO you are wrong. The best pvp spec is the best you like to play. And darkness isnt the best 1v1 to me. I beat them all the time as madness. As long as you have the 2 piece Force master for the healing and the rest stalker gear the healing and dmg you do is pretty insane. Darkness relays way to much force lighting to heal and dmg that its easy to combat it 1v1. Force Shroud or knock back easy way to pretty much say FU to them.


To anyone really looking for THE BEST SPEC. Find out what your playing style is and then go for it. Darkness , Deception, Or madness either way your going to be in the best class in the game. Have fun with it

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I agree with almost everything you said, but this spec is garbage for one simple reason. You didnt put 1 point into Energize. PLEASE ANYBODY WHO IS READING THIS, DONT GO OFF THIS SPEC! Put 1 of the points into Energize!


http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#200bIrokrskbsZZf0cM.1 is a good spec. The fillers to choose out of are Electric Execution, Shroud of Darkness, Dark Ward, and Nerve Wracking. Go with what your want your playstyle to be, but all the other talents are highly recommended.

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I agree with almost everything you said, but this spec is garbage for one simple reason. You didnt put 1 point into Energize. PLEASE ANYBODY WHO IS READING THIS, DONT GO OFF THIS SPEC! Put 1 of the points into Energize!


http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#200bIrokrskbsZZf0cM.1 is a good spec. The fillers to choose out of are Electric Execution, Shroud of Darkness, Dark Ward, and Nerve Wracking. Go with what your want your playstyle to be, but all the other talents are highly recommended.


1 point is not put into energize because as I said in the post that I dont use Thrash as I am typically rage starved as it is and my goal is to Force Lightning as many times as possible. Thrash does not fit into what I am trying to accomplish. If you want a Thrash Based spec then go 27/0/14

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Hapaman, I understand you want to be a beautiful snowflake with your playstyle and spec, but honestly, your doing it wrong. I dont care what numbers you say you put up, you would still do better changing your spec and your playstyle.


Try Shock -> Wither -> Discharge -> Shock -> FL, then next rotation, Shock -> Wither -> Thrash -> Shock -> FL. Mix in Saber when getting force starved during this rotation. Not to mention, when the target is almost dead and Assassnate and Shock is on CD, Thrash usually finishes them off. Opening up on the next target with an energized shock is a bonus. Also, Swelling Shadows >> Electric Execution. Getting the heal/debuff is much more important then the very small damage increase.

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Hapaman, I understand you want to be a beautiful snowflake with your playstyle and spec, but honestly, your doing it wrong. I dont care what numbers you say you put up, you would still do better changing your spec and your playstyle.


Try Shock -> Wither -> Discharge -> Shock -> FL, then next rotation, Shock -> Wither -> Thrash -> Shock -> FL. Mix in Saber when getting force starved during this rotation. Not to mention, when the target is almost dead and Assassnate and Shock is on CD, Thrash usually finishes them off. Opening up on the next target with an energized shock is a bonus. Also, Swelling Shadows >> Electric Execution. Getting the heal/debuff is much more important then the very small damage increase.


Must be a nice rotation for those that have infinite force to be able to throw around Thrash, maybe you have more force because that Healer you opened on with Shock is now kiting you because you didn't Wither first.


In the real world the rest of us play in, you are force limited so Sabre Strike will be used as a gap filler so you have the force to burst someone down when needed. Therefor if you aren't using Thrash then no need for Energize.


Furthermore, Dark Charge procs have an internal CD so upping the % chance for it to proc when it is always on CD isnt right.

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The thing i disagree with you saying that its the best pvp spec. Sorry IMO you are wrong. The best pvp spec is the best you like to play. And darkness isnt the best 1v1 to me. I beat them all the time as madness. As long as you have the 2 piece Force master for the healing and the rest stalker gear the healing and dmg you do is pretty insane. Darkness relays way to much force lighting to heal and dmg that its easy to combat it 1v1. Force Shroud or knock back easy way to pretty much say FU to them.


To anyone really looking for THE BEST SPEC. Find out what your playing style is and then go for it. Darkness , Deception, Or madness either way your going to be in the best class in the game. Have fun with it


^ this, the force master bonus makes a difference, I've come across darkness sins that are hard to kill but getting those damage and procs off kills them.


That 31/0/10 is pretty much what every sin/shadow and their dogs are flocking to; it's a cookie cutter build and easiest to play, not particularly the best.


Madness takes lots of paying attention to since you get several procs to keep an eye on and is among one of the hardest specs to play in this game.

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^ this, the force master bonus makes a difference, I've come across darkness sins that are hard to kill but getting those damage and procs off kills them.


That 31/0/10 is pretty much what every sin/shadow and their dogs are flocking to; it's a cookie cutter build and easiest to play, not particularly the best.


Madness takes lots of paying attention to since you get several procs to keep an eye on and is among one of the hardest specs to play in this game.


I wont disagree Madness is harder to play, but without solid healing you die so fast you cant put the slightly better DPS to good use. Dead people dont DPS.

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If anyone want to pvp madness i was working on my spec alittle more. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#200Mc0cZZfMfRrMkrfz.1 seem to hit really hard wtih really good survival rate. Wtih the gear i have i was criting DF for 3.5 to 4k and dots Non crit 500+ to crit 1.5k per tick.


For gear im using full stalker right now to see if surge helps more and right now it seems so BUT im switching back to my Force-Masters 2 set to see if i can live longer

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Furthermore, Dark Charge procs have an internal CD so upping the % chance for it to proc when it is always on CD isnt right.


"Charges your lightsaber with dark energy, giving your attacks a 50% chance to drain life force from the target, dealing 229 internal damage and healing you for 464. This effect cannot occur more than once every 4.5 seconds"


So instead of your attacks having a 50% chance to proc a heal every 4.5 secs, you now have a 65% chance to proc. The internal CD (4.5 secs) has nothing to do with the chance for it to proc. Everytime you attack after that 4.5secs there is a roll of the die. You will either have a 50% chance to proc or at 65% to proc with talent for each attack until it procs.


6% more damage to Discharge every 15secs. Off of memory, discharge hits for about 1800 which is 108 more damage per target.


Now we have to figure which is more important. 15% better chance to proc a heal AND internal damage every 4.5 secs or 100-125 more damage every 15secs? Keep in mind, that internal damage hit does more damage then your 6% of discharge, and it can proc 3.35 times at max within that 15secs of discharge. Napkin math tells me, if your at 50% then of those- your attacks would proc 1.68 in 15secs and I would proc 2.18 in 15secs. Which means I would almost always get 2 procs and you would be lucky to get 2 procs.


Also, my shocks hardly ever have to wait for my force to build. SO yes, there is enough spare force during a fight to use thrash to proc energize.

Edited by Skorpeo
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I wont disagree Madness is harder to play, but without solid healing you die so fast you cant put the slightly better DPS to good use. Dead people dont DPS.


This is only true when you are focus fired - and it is true for everyone, because nobody lives up to sustained focus fire for very long. Less true for DOT builds overall since your DOTs keep ticking while you're out of the action, they don't disappear on death but continue to soften their targets.


Survivability in Madness comes down to playstyle and tactics. There's no armor boost from Dark Charge to rely on so you need to be (more) careful in engaging and choosing targets. As an example, I die less than 5 times per WZ on average. I don't say this to blow my own horn, but simply to illustrate that as someone who is DPSing their *** off and playing Objectives as much as possible - the lack of survivability outside of Dark Charge is, quite simply, vastly over exaggerated. It has nothing to do with a best spec or a worst spec. It has nothing to do with underpowered mechanics. It's all in playing to your strengths and minimizing your weakness. Sun Tzu. Playstyle, that's all it is.

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Still amazed with how ppl keep trying.


31/0/10 is the most effective specc for pvp atm - its not even a contest.


5/5/31 or whatever variation of madness you might run is not hard. Madness is easy just as all the other speccs.


x/31/x is not good . It can be fun, and you can enjoy yourself with it, but thats it - comparede to the two other speccs its subpar.


Dont get me wrong I frequently switch to keep to keep up with the different playstyles etc. And I perform well with all of them, but 31/0/10 is the specc who provides most for your team, and have the most utility, writing 10 pages while arguing otherwise does not make it right.

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