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Does anyone group in this game anymore?


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Bingo! The heroic quests are pretty much useless anyway. They offer nothing for the headache of dealing with others.


Plus most can be soloed anyway. Even 4 man ones if you are a stealth class. I agree overall the drops in them and the rewards apart from the level 50 ones for the daily commendations are pretty weak.

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I just tried to get an ops group for the Rakghoul World boss together. Three hours of twisting arms and it turned out it wasn't enough (managed 5 50s 2 high 40s and 3 lower 40s). We were soundly beaten. I find it strange that an event would limit who could do all of it. I lucked out on a group for the Bantha the other day and finding a group for Trapjaw isn't hard, but in 4 days I have not been able to kill that Rakghoul. It seems rather poor to make most of the event quests scale (and trapjaw is level appropriate for the world), but those two level 50s are out of place in my opinion.


I wanted to vent my frustrations, because I feel the event really highlights the problems discussed in this thread. The game does little to encourage grouping and when it becomes necessary it's almost impossible. Even members of the Op that were in guilds couldn't get their guildmates to join up.


A good example of where a nice cross server LFG feature for large grps would have been nice. :cool:

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What I'm curious about is why people besides IRL freinds as you put it. Or Raiding guilds. Don't even try to find groups for raids and FP's.


Am I naive? I sure hope not. No. I think there is something more sinister at bay here. I just can't put my finger on it ...


It's strictly a time management issue. Someone logs in for 2-3 hours. They run the numbers in their head about what they have time to do. 'Do I go to Fleet to find a group for that FP I wanted to do?' Maybe they do go to fleet and throw out a couple LFG spams. Nobody answers, maybe a couple do. They still need a healer but now the player only has 2 hours of game time left. Another 20 minutes go by, no bites. Maybe one of the players decides to leave because it's taking too long. In fact that player has been looking for a group longer than the others. Now the player only has 1 1/2 hours of game time. 'How long is this FP gonna take if we do find a group?' The player is now up against the clock. Another 20 minutes go by and the player, eager not to waste anymore of their gametime, finally quits and logs on his other toon for a hour of real play.


Too many players have had this experience^. When players log in they don't want to waste that potential gametime anymore - they learned their lesson. So now when they log in they go straight to their dailies or alts without even bothering to go to Fleet. Maybe, once in a while, they do go to fleet, but only to spam for 5 or 10 minutes before leaving. Again, lesson learned. Too many players have been burned spamming the fleet, wasting precious hours of gametime.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I'd rather not pay a monthly sub, but find me TOR without the monthly sub, all the updates on the same timetable, and as much support as the MMO TOR has and I'll be on my way. The game you speak of doesn't exist.


You got Knights of the Old republic, still i can install it and play it... for free. Anyway, in swtor you got to REPEAT endlessly same missions. At least Knights of the old republic was (and forever will be) free.


KOTOR needed no support, because it was well done and had no problems. Like ANY game if there are problems you got a patch. For free too.



Today every game has a "part two" that basically is the same game with expanded features.

And you can pay for downloadable content, of course it is not 12$ a month, it is cheaper.

You like assassin's creed? Buy it, but then you don't pay to play it.

You can play against other people, or even group with them to do cooperative missions. For free. And even has a tool that allow people to find a group inmediately.

You can have downloadable content every couple of weeks. Pay for what you want, if not, you can keep playing as is.

You wait a year and got another better assassin's creed. Then pay 70 $ and can keep playing for six months. FREE.

And of course we are talking about a WHOLE NEW GAME with every "update"


And here you can insert: Call of Duty, Red Dead Redemption, Shogun 2, Motor Storm, Starcraft 2... in fact every title today has online options for free.


So you finally got a similar experience to an MMO, but without paying the server. What are our servers for???????

To keep there your house? your changes made to your starship?? NO, this things don't exist. The server are only there to keep your ACCOUNT and make people play toghether, as EVERY OTHER GAME. So without real interaction with the universe we play (not ONLY other players), and no possibilities to CHANGE the world we play, we PAY for nothing.

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i think part of the problem with the group quests, is that for a lot of them you dont have to group to complete them or you can avoid them all together and still level to the appropriate level on that planet before moving on (there are some exceptions). So when you get to the higher levels you have this whole solo mentality make it less likely for people to group for the stuff you need to group for.
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Bioware, you need to go through the game and change all the group quests to solo quests while leveling up. Because at this point nobody groups anymore for leveling content period and you are just forcing me to skip all kinds of quests because of it. Every night and morning when I get off of work and log in to play, I try to get people together to run group quests to no avail. The couple times I am even lucky to get a response in chat to form a group, we can never find enough to finish the group and actually run the quest. I don't even know how you guys call this a mmo at this point. This is very frustrating.


I started playing mmos back in the Ultima Online and Everquest days, people grouped all the time to play even in the middle of the night. Now I can understand people not wanting to group up to actually level but it seems we have come to a point where people don't want to group up for anything period. Just finish what you guys have started and change all the quests to soloable quests.


Signed.......A frustrated player. :(


Everytime I log in and do FPs and on weekends when we clear all the OPs, so yeah, people still group

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Bioware, you need to go through the game and change all the group quests to solo quests while leveling up. Because at this point nobody groups anymore for leveling content period and you are just forcing me to skip all kinds of quests because of it. Every night and morning when I get off of work and log in to play, I try to get people together to run group quests to no avail. The couple times I am even lucky to get a response in chat to form a group, we can never find enough to finish the group and actually run the quest. I don't even know how you guys call this a mmo at this point. This is very frustrating.


I started playing mmos back in the Ultima Online and Everquest days, people grouped all the time to play even in the middle of the night. Now I can understand people not wanting to group up to actually level but it seems we have come to a point where people don't want to group up for anything period. Just finish what you guys have started and change all the quests to soloable quests.


Signed.......A frustrated player. :(


Having also played UO and EQ, along with several other MMO's, I would also concur that grouping in this game is rare.


Nobody groups because:


1) They don't have to group. The game is ridiculously easy. Completing quests in sequence will result in you out-levelling the quests, making the game even easier.


2) Classes are too generic. Whiney consumers beg and plead for "class balance" and the result is anyone can solo at any time.


Making the few "group" quests easier is not the right way to go. Making everything harder is. Forcing people to group is, and always has been, the only way to encourage grouping.

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Can anybody explain why this is any different in any other MMO? Guess what, I rarely group up in WoW and I am not forced to. Why should this game be any different?


It is up to the community, not Bioware. If I do not want to group even in WoW, I should not have to. I have played solo from 1 to 85 and I ONLY see people in Org/Storm. I am actually still seeing people in this game.


Oh and please can people STOP saying that this is just a single player game with co-op? It is just 100% false, as I have said, I played from 1-85 in WoW Solo a few times (and really only seeing people just sit in Org/Storm).


WoW must be a single player game with co op too right?

Edited by Nighthawked
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I play on one of the most heavily populated servers and there were 50 people on Alderan last night. It took the better part of an hour to get a team together and do one of the Heroic 4's. And it is a short one. It takes 10 minutes to complete. I wish there was more incentive to do these so people would be more apt to team. Maybe double the XP?? Triple it?


I love that you don't have to team to make your way from 1-50, but I really wish there was a good reason to team on your way from 1-50, if that makes sense.


I also wish that you didn't need specific roles on your team. You should be able to gather any 4 players of an appropriate level and have a good chance to succeed. That is a rant for another thread though, I suppose.

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Depends on the server. But I am in the same situation and therefore agree with this sentiment.


There are several ways to do this.


Add a bolster system to heroics and make them them all lvl 50, but offer rewards differently.


Make heroics for lvl 50s give daily rewards, and possibly lvl 50 items.


Make the heroics give people of a lower lvl appropriate tokens for the lvl range for a planetary comms, and expected rewards for their lvl.


Problem solved. People at lower lvls are playing all different kinds of heroics, and the same with lvl 50s, and there are more people grouping up, and visiting different planets to do them. Then there should be a tool to invite people or find people like a lfg tool but for the whole server.

Edited by VegaPhone
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Having also played UO and EQ, along with several other MMO's, I would also concur that grouping in this game is rare.


Nobody groups because:


1) They don't have to group. The game is ridiculously easy. Completing quests in sequence will result in you out-levelling the quests, making the game even easier.


2) Classes are too generic. Whiney consumers beg and plead for "class balance" and the result is anyone can solo at any time.


Making the few "group" quests easier is not the right way to go. Making everything harder is. Forcing people to group is, and always has been, the only way to encourage grouping.


They can add raid only abilities and therefore the balance does not have to exist as much, and the classes are not as generic. While pvp have their own balanced abilities. Problem solved?

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I've never had a problem grouping.


And I'm a noob, who doesn't really know what he's doing most of the time (in terms of MMO lingo/etiquette etc)


...Then again, I'm on the Asia-Pacific 'constantly heavy' servers.. so I guess I'm lucky.


Loving it - Light Saber Sexytime, Tequila & Lime. ;P

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Can anybody explain why this is any different in any other MMO? Guess what, I rarely group up in WoW and I am not forced to. Why should this game be any different?


It is up to the community, not Bioware. If I do not want to group even in WoW, I should not have to. I have played solo from 1 to 85 and I ONLY see people in Org/Storm. I am actually still seeing people in this game.


Oh and please can people STOP saying that this is just a single player game with co-op? It is just 100% false, as I have said, I played from 1-85 in WoW Solo a few times (and really only seeing people just sit in Org/Storm).


WoW must be a single player game with co op too right?


Yes, WoW is a single player game masquerading as an MMO. It lets them sell you a solo game and charge you monthly for the right to play it. Brilliant marketing.


There's nothing particularly wrong about the WoW game model, but it isn't the only market out there.


There's nothing wrong with McDonald's either, but just because it was a success doesn't mean every restaurant that comes after it has to serve you a McPinkSlime in 2 minutes or less.

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Every time I play & without fail. Sometimes all it takes to reach out and ask ... is to open up, reach out and ask. Last night I played a lvl 21 Commando alt (Semtex - my solo toon) on a server that's listed as Light (Lord Ieldis.) There were only 21 players max on Taris at any one time, but H2 and H4 LFGs were common. I grouped twice with good people and completed all of the H4s. Added to the ol' friends list in the process. :)




Oh, anyone claiming they can level-appropriate solo H4s needs their credentials checked.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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I think an overlooked point is this is not the only MMO out there.


When I want to PUG, then I do it it WoW. They have much better tools for that.

If I want to level alts mostly solo, I play TOR.


A friend in I did both DW LFR raids last night on two toons each all the while talking in Mumble we wish we were leveling lowbies.

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