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Does anyone group in this game anymore?


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Even with guilds, it doesnt guarantee you will get groups. People are often different levels and doing different things. Most are busy trying to complete their own content so getting them to come out to group is less likely to happen.


Then you obviously joined the wrong guild. Joining guilds that recruit anybody and everybody is the wrong thing to do. Make friends, and join or start a guild with them. I've never had an issue with being able to find a guildie that could help me if I really needed help.

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Does anyone group in this game any more?


I try to, but it's difficult to get teams for the heroics in the later planets, due to low population.


Really hoping for a LFG tool in the next update.

Edited by llesna
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Even with guilds, it doesnt guarantee you will get groups. People are often different levels and doing different things. Most are busy trying to complete their own content so getting them to come out to group is less likely to happen. Just like a couple other posters said, they are just plain not interested in grouping for various reasons. If you happen to play during prime time on a populated server and have no problems getting groups, thats friggen great but as usual you guys dismiss the people who are having issues.



What is with this mentality.....not an issue with me so it's not an issue in game.


I don't dismiss the other persons issue. By definition most of the issues discussed on these boards are subjective not objective. The title of the thread asked if people group. My answer and many others answered that question, and offered potential strategies which may or may not work....

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Even with guilds, it doesnt guarantee you will get groups. People are often different levels and doing different things. Most are busy trying to complete their own content so getting them to come out to group is less likely to happen. Just like a couple other posters said, they are just plain not interested in grouping for various reasons. If you happen to play during prime time on a populated server and have no problems getting groups, thats friggen great but as usual you guys dismiss the people who are having issues.



What is with this mentality.....not an issue with me so it's not an issue in game.


NOTHING will guarantee getting groups. And I'm sorry if my suggestion irritated you. I was trying to help,.



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On my first playthrough i tried to do all the heroics. I usually just waited until i had done all other quests on the planet and then i started looking for groups or joined others looking for help with heroics.

Usually didnt take too long, but once i got to Voss and Corellia, i didnt want to do the extra missions since i had already reached level cap.


But with my other characters, im mostly skipping the heroics for now... i might go back and solo them later just to get the orange gear you get from some of them, but for now, theyre just not that important to me. And i think this is the main problem. Most have already played through the game once, and now theyre skipping the hassle of putting a group together, so theyre just not doing the heroics.

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Well perhaps a more populated server would help but I am not going to reroll and just toss out all the work I have done so far at this point. Now if they ever put transfers into the game, that can change.


I was faced with that too. I gave it a deal of thought and decided that starting over would probably end up being more fun on a server with a population. Took me two tries to find a good one and it's a whole new game. Well worth the move and starting over. When xfers come along you can always bring whichever character(s) you left behind.

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Even with guilds, it doesnt guarantee you will get groups. People are often different levels and doing different things. Most are busy trying to complete their own content so getting them to come out to group is less likely to happen. Just like a couple other posters said, they are just plain not interested in grouping for various reasons. If you happen to play during prime time on a populated server and have no problems getting groups, thats friggen great but as usual you guys dismiss the people who are having issues.



What is with this mentality.....not an issue with me so it's not an issue in game.


Dude... the heroics are solo-able... just outlevel them a couple of levels (or 10 or so if youre doing the 4 man ones) and you'll be fine...

Besides, you dont HAVE to do ALL the heroics you know...

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NOTHING will guarantee getting groups. And I'm sorry if my suggestion irritated you. I was trying to help,.




I'm not trying to directly attack you. The issue when you get right down to it is just the way the whole game was designed. Most of the content is set up to be solo. It's almost as if the group quests where thrown in at the last min to call it a mmo and allow that option. People tend to want to solo as they level up then start grouping for the end game content. Gone are the days are grouping up to just for general gameplay and I don't see any mmo heading back to that point.

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Forming groups requires other players which apparently are rare. *cough* server merge *cough*



Okay it is Saturday morning all the kidies should be on and playing and the majority of servers are at "light"


My server which used to reach heavy is at light 80% of the time between 8PM-1AM the server actually has players during the week the rest of the time to bad.


Can we get this server merge going all ready? It isn't death to an MMO it's how MMO's should start with one CLOUD "server" it's 2012 people we don't need servers and "community" is obviously overrated as there is hardly any to speak of.


Do you developers even realize how many problems you create by holding on to the this ancient idea of servers? I'm a developer and I can surely see all the problems that would be solved and make gameplay more fun. Like hmm having people to play, trade, argue, chat, PvP, etc with instead of NO ONE

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You can lead a horse to water...


Times have changed and many MMO players for numerous reasons just aren't interested in grouping. Gone are the days when it was imperative for "survival". So, now it seems best to find a good guild of like-minded people and group up with them.


This is pretty much it in a nutshell. All the LFG tools, server transfers, and server merges won't help if people simply are not interested in grouping. All they do is improve the chances of finding those that do want to do group content.

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I'm not trying to directly attack you. The issue when you get right down to it is just the way the whole game was designed. Most of the content is set up to be solo. It's almost as if the group quests where thrown in at the last min to call it a mmo and allow that option. People tend to want to solo as they level up then start grouping for the end game content. Gone are the days are grouping up to just for general gameplay and I don't see any mmo heading back to that point.


And to that...I say good. I'm sorry but I got well and truly sick of the games that pretty much required grouping. If you weren't spec'd right or didn't have just-the-right armor or weapon, sucks to be you. If you didn't do exactly the right thing at the right time...again, sucks to be you. People brought a lot of the "solo" mentality on themselves by taking GAMES too bleddin' seriously. This is where finding a good guild makes a huge difference. Guildies tend to be more patient, willing to teach, help equip, run quests etc. It can make all the difference.


This game offers content for solo/groups/large-groups/raids. This is pretty much standard fare. Yes, it is a casual game, never was floated as anything else.


Look, I am sorry for you and any others who are upset by this but it is what it is.

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Still doesn't solve the fact that people are skipping group quests while leveling and are not grouping to complete these quests.


There's nothing to SOLVE. It's not a problem, it's the way most of us like to play. I skip the group quests because I do not want to do them. I got this game because it's the closest to KOTOR3 there is. I don't give a flying flop of bantha poodoo about the "MMO" aspect. If they'd sold it as a solo RPG that I could somehow network with my wife's computer so the two of us could play together, I'd be delighted.

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On my first playthrough i tried to do all the heroics. I usually just waited until i had done all other quests on the planet and then i started looking for groups or joined others looking for help with heroics.

Usually didnt take too long, but once i got to Voss and Corellia, i didnt want to do the extra missions since i had already reached level cap.


But with my other characters, im mostly skipping the heroics for now... i might go back and solo them later just to get the orange gear you get from some of them, but for now, theyre just not that important to me. And i think this is the main problem. Most have already played through the game once, and now theyre skipping the hassle of putting a group together, so theyre just not doing the heroics.


Wich only hurts the new ppl or ppl like me that havent the time to play much, i've been playing since day one EA and still dont have a 50...( i had a lvl 46 mara on a server that was heavy during EA then dead 3 weeks later wich i deleted )...This will end with the horrid LFD tool wich while servers a need, also groups you with the worst players or the biggest a-holes the playerbase has to offer. There really is something about qeueing randomly across servers that turns ppl into raving idiots and jagoffs.

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I'm not trying to directly attack you. The issue when you get right down to it is just the way the whole game was designed. Most of the content is set up to be solo. It's almost as if the group quests where thrown in at the last min to call it a mmo and allow that option. People tend to want to solo as they level up then start grouping for the end game content. Gone are the days are grouping up to just for general gameplay and I don't see any mmo heading back to that point.


Bad game design is bad; I agree, but it goes beyond that to the fact that they just made a game like all the other games instead of even looking into the problems people have with existing MMO games. I swear this was the design meeting.


"STAR WARS is awesome and people buy it like it is going out of style"

"People like WoW and pay stupid amounts of money to play it"


"Hey guys lets make a STAR WARS MMORPG and rake in the money; we can use our story telling style and say it's ground breaking even though it has been around for years and barely changes anything to do with game play"


Then Charlie Sheen walked in and said "WINNING" meeting was over.

Edited by solnar_xan
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I don't like grouping in MMOs, or any game that I don't already have real life friends playing with me.


This is why I never do endgame content in any MMO. I don't like content that forces me to rely on the skills of others rather than just my own skills.

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I never group, too many headaches. I'm not desperately in need of friends and I hate having to rely on other people to play a game. Frankly, I think that the whole notion of bonuses and perks for grouping is ***-backwards. If anything, a soloer works harder than any cog in a group and for less reward! It's a pity that developers can't seem to work scaling encounters into more of their systems.


The problem is that I'm not alone. There are a lot of people who don't want to be joined at the hip with strangers. Trying to coerce these people into groups and guilds will only have one result - cancellation. Bioware already seems to be leaning towards this tack and I'm pretty certain that this is one factor in declining server populations.


I always hate to see threads like this where groupers try to come up with ways to coerce the soloers. It's simple. People who like to group will. People who don't won't and they will leave once they determine that a game is not designed for them. No one's going to pay $15 a month to do something they don't like doing.

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People will only group if it is advantageous to do so. None of the Heroic quests yield unique rewards, so people just skip them while leveling if they can't get a group together by the time they are finished with the planet. People solo their Heroic Dailies because it is faster and yields the same results. Social Points don't matter whatsoever, especially since they removed items like the Galactic Party Bomb. Furthermore, low populations across servers on every planet mean it is really impossible and impractical to group. It is faster to just move on instead of spamming general chat for hours. Also, the lack of a Flashpoint finder means that LFG is decentralized, and players are split between the planets and the fleet, and nobody uses the LFG feature in /who.


My main, which I leveled during the launch rush, had no problems getting groups for quests. However, my alt, which I leveled between Patch 1.1 and 1.2 rarely did any heroic quests due to the fact that there were only 4-6 people on the planet at a given time.

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You ppl understand the acronym MMO stand for MASSIVLEY MULTIPLAYER ONLINE right?


Might surprise you to know that means simply the ability to have large amounts of people online simultaneously. This, at one point, was a HUGE deal, a triumph of technology (back then). It never meant "grouping". The whole "gotta group" thing was fostered by EQ. You pretty much (with the exception of 2 classes) HAD to group in EQ in order to get anywhere.

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I started playing mmos back in the Ultima Online and Everquest days, people grouped all the time to play even in the middle of the night. Now I can understand people not wanting to group up to actually level but it seems we have come to a point where people don't want to group up for anything period. Just finish what you guys have started and change all the quests to soloable quests.


Signed.......A frustrated player. :(

I never played EQ before but the people I do know that have played it said that it was damn near a must to group up for some classes in EQ. WoW pretty much got rid of the need to group. I remember people in vanilla talk about how good it felt to just go and do your own thing.


Maybe they can come up with a way to phase each planets heroics so you can choose between it being a solo quests, 2, or 4 man like quest.

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I never played EQ before but the people I do know that have played it said that it was damn near a must to group up for some classes in EQ. WoW pretty much got rid of the need to group. I remember people in vanilla talk about how good it felt to just go and do your own thing.


It was a huge change. It brought in a lot of disenfranchised people (be it work schedules, family, whatever) who were not able to really play a game like EQ. WoW provided the ability for people to, as you put it, do their own thing. This, I have always thought, played a big part in the success of WoW. It made MMOs accessible to many more people because you didn't have to group.


Maybe they can come up with a way to phase each planets heroics so you can choose between it being a solo quests, 2, or 4 man like quest.


That sounds a good idea!

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