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Does anyone group in this game anymore?


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Bioware, you need to go through the game and change all the group quests to solo quests while leveling up. Because at this point nobody groups anymore for leveling content period and you are just forcing me to skip all kinds of quests because of it. Every night and morning when I get off of work and log in to play, I try to get people together to run group quests to no avail. The couple times I am even lucky to get a response in chat to form a group, we can never find enough to finish the group and actually run the quest. I don't even know how you guys call this a mmo at this point. This is very frustrating.


I started playing mmos back in the Ultima Online and Everquest days, people grouped all the time to play even in the middle of the night. Now I can understand people not wanting to group up to actually level but it seems we have come to a point where people don't want to group up for anything period. Just finish what you guys have started and change all the quests to soloable quests.


Signed.......A frustrated player. :(

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Bioware, you need to go through the game and change all the group quests to solo quests while leveling up. Because at this point nobody groups anymore for leveling content period and you are just forcing me to skip all kinds of quests because of it. Every night and morning when I get off of work and log in to play, I try to get people together to run group quests to no avail. The couple times I am even lucky to get a response in chat to form a group, we can never find enough to finish the group and actually run the quest. I don't even know how you guys call this a mmo at this point. This is very frustrating.


I started playing mmos back in the Ultima Online and Everquest days, people grouped all the time to play even in the middle of the night. Now I can understand people not wanting to group up to actually level but it seems we have come to a point where people don't want to group up for anything period. Just finish what you guys have started and change all the quests to soloable quests.


Signed.......A frustrated player. :(


I group everytime I play.

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Well, my brother solo the new heroic 4 mans in Black Hole, so if everyone does that, no.


I only group for HMs and PvP, I prefer to solo while I level, unless I have friends online in the same level range as myself.


Random PUGS, while they can be fun, just doesnt fit my RL atm, as I sometimes I have to go afk for extended periods of time (two small kids and 24/7 on call duty), my friends understand this, but randoms; not so much.

Edited by Tigalo
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Ya I'm even on a populated server and people don't want to group. Thi game is dying. Bioware really screwed up and also I have 3 lvl 50s on a dead server. Thi game keeps failing people.


If you're in the EU or want to be, c'mon over to Frostclaw. We're not anywhere near close to "dying" and there's plenty of folk to have fun with and I can aim you at at least 2 great guilds.

Edited by DieAlteHexe
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Every once in a while I try to group up to help someone who cant solo a certain quest that I can solo.


Then it never fails.....


They break my CC, pull extra mobs something... and I end up dead.

When if I would have just did it myself I would have been fine.


Back to never grouping for a month or so before I make the mistake of inviting someone again...

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Every once in a while I try to group up to help someone who cant solo a certain quest that I can solo.


Then it never fails.....


They break my CC, pull extra mobs something... and I end up dead.

When if I would have just did it myself I would have been fine.


Back to never grouping for a month or so before I make the mistake of inviting someone again...



Everyone isn't like that. Should everyone be punished for the crime of one?

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Ya I'm even on a populated server and people don't want to group. Thi game is dying. Bioware really screwed up and also I have 3 lvl 50s on a dead server. Thi game keeps failing people.


gameis far from dying. they need to fix servers because they were stupid and listened to players who whined about wait times at the begining of the game... had they not added new servers the problem wouldnt be here now..


lessons learned now. but its far from dying

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gameis far from dying. they need to fix servers because they were stupid and listened to players who whined about wait times at the begining of the game... had they not added new servers the problem wouldnt be here now..


lessons learned now. but its far from dying


Still doesn't solve the fact that people are skipping group quests while leveling and are not grouping to complete these quests.

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Still doesn't solve the fact that people are skipping group quests while leveling and are not grouping to complete these quests.


You can lead a horse to water...


Times have changed and many MMO players for numerous reasons just aren't interested in grouping. Gone are the days when it was imperative for "survival". So, now it seems best to find a good guild of like-minded people and group up with them.

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I abandon the Heroic quests when I unintentionally get them. I haven't refused an invitation to group when asked because I like to help out, BUT I have no desire to group myself as I prefer to play single player quests.


I'm sure a lot of people think the same way but why is that? Most of the quests are fairly fast, simple, and the rewards are nice. Why skip that?

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I really don't think this is a bioware problem for once. People in general just don't seem to like to group these days and I'm also one of them. I'll group with my real friends that play online or a guild member. But I'll never respond to a random lfg request just don't like strangers :p
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I find groups for heroic quests easily enough, it probably depends on your server. Generally people have skipped H4's ever since launch because there's simply too many of them. So I agree they should downgrade a few of them on each planet.


The funny thing is that people whine when there's not enough MMO/group content, saying a game isn't really an MMO at that point, but then you've got everyone else who doesn't really feel like LFG for anything except dungeons (usually me, until this game). But nobody can claim this game isn't an MMO with how much group content there really is.

Edited by Jesira
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Im in the same boat, im in game now on Hoth trying to get a heroics group, 25 ppl on the planet and the only response i've gotten so far is "Quit Spamming noob". Been trying to get the Hoth heroics done for 6 days now with not one single response from a player. Edited by TKMaster
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Remove companions from the game and instantly half of the population not being able to solo quests will get intrested in grouping. Not fair? Who ever said that life is fair?


Remove comps and tbh we'd have a hard time doing mundane side quests.

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Remove companions from the game and instantly half of the population not being able to solo quests will get intrested in grouping. Not fair? Who ever said that life is fair?


You're probably right but then there would be another problem...a lot of people would leave. Many of us enjoy the companions. In fact, that's a major selling issue to me, not so much their combat abilities but their stories and the fact that they don't give me any crap when I'm playing. :)

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Even with guilds, it doesnt guarantee you will get groups. People are often different levels and doing different things. Most are busy trying to complete their own content so getting them to come out to group is less likely to happen. Just like a couple other posters said, they are just plain not interested in grouping for various reasons. If you happen to play during prime time on a populated server and have no problems getting groups, thats friggen great but as usual you guys dismiss the people who are having issues.



What is with this mentality.....not an issue with me so it's not an issue in game.

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I group all the time and rarely have any trouble finding a group when I want to. I'm on a great server so that my help, however to me....this is definitely an mmo and for me the balance of group and solo is great.....perhaps a different server would help.
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