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Dammit, Talos...


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Stop attacking CC'd enemies and enemies who aren't aggroed on me that I'm trying to sneak past.


Seriously, BW, fix his AI. This is ridiculous. I've turned off his offensive powers and he still uses basic attacks on them. I'm trying to solo above-level content and he keeps attacking everything in sight.

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Just turn on passive mode. Problem solved.


Then he stops healing me.


I don't want him passive, I want him to stop aggroing everything in sight.


I'll pop a group, CC a couple with Whirlwind, then start attacking the others... Talos will break my CC by attacking, then he'll run over and aggro a completely different group, so now I'm fighting 6+ enemies that are 2-4 levels above me, getting me killed.


What's the point of running with a healer companion when he's causing me to take way more damage than he heals?

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Stop attacking CC'd enemies and enemies who aren't aggroed on me that I'm trying to sneak past.


Seriously, BW, fix his AI. This is ridiculous. I've turned off his offensive powers and he still uses basic attacks on them. I'm trying to solo above-level content and he keeps attacking everything in sight.


you really need to keep an eye on his cc ability! for whatever reason it likes to turn itself back on.


but yeah, talos is my best bud except when he want's to go off on his own little stungun adventures...

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This could be your problem. Enemies that are 3+ levels above you have a fairly high chance to do bigger crits than usual.


Re-read what he wrote. He said Talos is breaking CC in some instances, and in other instances he is attacking mobs that initially were not aggroed. Talos is, according to the OP, attacking a mob that hasn't been aggroed and isn't part of the mob group that was initially aggroed. For example, if there are two groups of three mobs, neither of which are supposed to pull together and I aggro one, the OP is saying Talos goes and attacks the other group randomly pulling that group as well doubling the number of mobs which can have deadly effect when dealing with strong/elites and/or mobs that are a few levels higher than your character is.


Mob AI and Companion AI act weird sometimes. Like, I'd just finished killing a group of three mobs, and Khem Val decided to attack some mobs that were well out of aggro range for no apparent reason.

Edited by terminova
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Putting him on passive should put him into Healing only mode. It's a pain in the *** to micro manage heals without mouse-overs and losing targets in the process.


Are you sure about this? I have Mako, Tharan, Doc and Elara and I have never seen them heal me in passive mode. In fact I died on several occasions because I left my healer on passive mode.

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